WebSphere 9.0 , EJB Deployment Error - ejb

While deploying EAR via HUDSON to Websphere 9.0
WebSphere throws following error
ADMA0205E: A validation error occurred in task Binding enterprise Bean to JNDI names. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) names for the bean and its local/remote home are both specified for enterprise bean XXXXX in module XXXX. You can provide either JNDI name for the bean or JNDI names for its local/remote home. But you cannot provide both.
can you please let me know if am doing anything wrong.

This normally indicates that the application has a problem in the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml file. Specifically, for the bean XXXXX in module XXXX, there is a binding configuration that specifies both the simple-binding-name attribute and one of the following : local-home-binding-name or remote-home-binding-name attributes, or the <interface> element. simple-binding-name is not compatible with these other attributes/element.
Information about the format of the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml file is available here:


Global module with ejbs

I deployed a global module with remote ejbs defined, but I can't access them from deployed applications.
Here is the interface:
public interface ICryptoAPI..
and bean definition:
public class CryptoAPI implements ICryptoAPI ...
How can I find jndi name of the ejbs deployed, since default #Ejb cannot find bean? Just to mention, /subsystem=naming:jndi-view() from jboss-cli doesn't print anything about deployed module and there are no errors in wildfly log.
Maybe, it is not possible to define injectable ejbs in global modules?
The portable JNDI name, an EJB is bound to, depends on how beans are deployed and some configurations (e.g. deployment descriptors).
In addition to the portable JNDI name, JBoss provides access from a remote VM within the java:jboss/exported namespace.
For your convenience, JBoss' default logging shows the JNDI names, an EJB is bound to, on console and in the server logfile upon deployment. The logger is org.jboss.as.ejb3.deployment on INFO level.
12:00:00,000 INFO [org.jboss.as.ejb3.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYEJB0473: JNDI bindings for session bean named 'MyBean' in deployment unit 'subdeployment "my-beans.jar" of deployment "my-app.ear"' are as follows:
For accesing the EJB, you can do a manual JNDI lookup or use the #EJB annotations lookup method for injection.

websphere liberty remote ejb lookup fails

I have created two liberty instances on my local machine. I deployed a war module which contains a remote ejb in server X and deployed another war in server Y which has to remote lookup the ejb from server X.
Below is the code to lookup the ejb from a restful webservice.
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", "corbaname:iiop:localhost:2809");
InitialContext context = new InitialContext (p);
When I try to call the web service I get below exception
DII operation not supported by local object
I have enabled ejbRemote feature on both the servers with different port numbers.
I changed my lookup string to "corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2809/NameService#ejb/global/caching/CachingServiceBean!com%5c.ejb%5c.CachingService" and then I get the below error
Then I changed my lookup string to "corbaname:iiop:localhost:2809/NameService#ejb/global/caching/CachingServiceBean!com%5c.ejb%5c.CachingService" and then I got the below error
After checking apache geronimo-yoko implementation on GitHub, I understood that I have to use corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2809. But still I am getting exceptions caused by
org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: unable to dispatch - servant or POA not found
I used the following urls with no luck:
I think the problem is with the packaging. I packed my ejb in a war module.
I followed the steps described in the PDF mentioned in this page http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpieces/abstracts/sg248076.html and everything is working now.
I used corbaname::host:port syntax to lookup the remote ejb instead of corbaloc:iiop:host:port
After packing my ejb in an ear then it started working.

Same stateless bean in two ears

I have the same EJB module with a bean inside an EAR that is server side and an EAR that is the client side.
Can I have this situation?
Because I'm getting this error http://justpaste.it/gfs3
without understand how to fix it.
You have answer in the stack trace:
The short-form default binding 'com.demo.view.RitornaPersonaRemote'
is ambiguous because multiple beans implement the interface :
Provide an interface specific binding or use the long-form default binding on lookup.]
If you are asking whether you may have same EJB jar in multiple project - the answer is yes you can. However during deployment you have to use long-form JNDI, provide different JNDI name for beans in other module or disable short names. You cannot register two beans under same name.
Long name would be in the form RitornaPersonaSenzaClientEAR#RitornaPersonaSenzaClient.jar#com.demo.view.RitornaPersonaRemote
See detailed info here - EJB 3.0 and EJB 3.1 application bindings overview
To disable short names perform the following steps:
Go to Application servers > server1 > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom properties
Define new custom property com.ibm.websphere.ejbcontainer.disableShortDefaultBindings with value * to disable short bindings for all apps or AppName1|AppName2 to just disable short bindings in selected apps.
Example default bindings are shown in SystemOut.log:
The binding location is: ejblocal:JPADepEar/JPADepEJB.jar/TableTester#ejb.TableTester
The binding location is: ejblocal:ejb.TableTester
The binding location is: java:global/JPADepEar/JPADepEJB/TableTester!ejb.TableTester
And with disableShortDefaultBindings property set there is no short form:
The binding location is: ejblocal:JPADepEar/JPADepEJB.jar/TableTester#ejb.TableTester
The binding location is: java:global/JPADepEar/JPADepEJB/TableTester!ejb.TableTester
There is a bug in the documentation and the correct property is com.ibm.websphere.ejbcontainer.disableShortDefaultBindings not com.ibm.websphere.ejbcontainer.disableShortFormBinding
In my case:- i did install abc.ear and xyz.ear both ear was independent do dependency with each other.
I was calling abc.ear using client-lookup but that was giving me
com.ibm.websphere.naming.CannotInstantiateObjectException: Exception occurred while the JNDI NamingManager was processing a javax.naming.Reference object.
[Root exception is com.ibm.websphere.ejbcontainer.AmbiguousEJBReferenceException: The short-form default binding
'com.ejb.abc' is ambiguous because multiple beans implement the interface :
[xyz-ear#rabc-ejb-1.0.jar#abcInrerfaceImpl, rabc-ear#rabc-ejb-1.0.jar
abcInrerfaceImpl]. Provide an interface specific binding or use the long-form default binding on lookup.]
my Solution was:-
i removed the abc.jar that was inside another application(xyz.ear)
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\wstemp\92668751\workspace\cells\mypc00Node01Cell\applications\xyz-ear.ear
Then solution client-lookup works fine.
To avoid this in future this is better practice to create separate node on your IBM-WAS server and install both application on different node.
So both application component will not mess up.

ejb jndi lookup throws ClassCastexception only when invoked from IBM Message Broker

When i try to make a remote ejb jndi look up, IBM message Broker throws ClassCastexception for the factory object.
But the same code works fine for a normal local java application and junit.Why this problem occurs when called only from IBM WMB
Context context = new InitialContext(ejbJndiProperties);
Object factoryObj = context.lookup("SampleBeanTAFJ/remote");
return (SampleBeanRemote) factoryObj;
This is often called by loading parts of the interface in a different classloader to the implementation classes.
I would use the env var:
Then restart the broker, this will dump classloading trace to stdout / console.txt which might give you some clues.
What are the exact classes involved in the error and what jars are they stored in? Deployed to the EG or referenced via a SHARED-CLASSES? The exact details determine which classloaders should be in use here.

Error while publishing to Weblogic Server 11gR1

I am receiving the following error. What does this mean and how to fix it?
Unable to deploy EJB : xxxEJB from xx.JAR
Error deployin gthe EJB 'xxxEJB, the JNDI name 'xxxEJB' is already in use.
You must set a different JNDI name in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation for this EJB before it can be deployed.
Thanks for the help.
