I'd like to scrape Amazon customer reviews and while my code works fine if there's no "missing" information, converting the scraped data to a data frame doesn't work anymore if parts of the data are missing (arguments imply differing number of rows).
This is an example code:
url <- read_html("https://www.amazon.de/product-reviews/3980710688/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_show_all_btm?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=42&sortBy=recent")
get_reviews <- function(url) {
title <- url %>%
html_nodes("#cm_cr-review_list .a-color-base") %>%
author <- url %>%
html_nodes(".author") %>%
df <- data.frame(title, author, stringsAsFactors = F)
results <- get_reviews(url)
In this case, "missing" means that there's no author information provided for multiple customer reviews (Ein Kunde simply means A customer in German).
Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
would say here is the answer for your question (link)
Each on the
and then check whether there is that value for the author or not.
Adapting an approach from the link Nardack provided, I could scrape the data with the following code:
get_reviews <- function(node){
r.title <- html_nodes(node, ".a-color-base") %>%
r.author <- html_nodes(node, ".author") %>%
df <- data.frame(
title = ifelse(length(r.title) == 0, NA, r.title),
author = ifelse(length(r.author) == 0, NA, r.author),
stringsAsFactors = F)
url <- read_html("https://www.amazon.de/product-reviews/3980710688/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_show_all_btm?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=42&sortBy=recent") %>% html_nodes("div[id*=customer_review]")
out <- lapply(url, get_reviews) %>% bind_rows()
I have a code to scrape a senate website and extract all the information about representatives in a data frame. It runs fine up until I try to scrape the part about their term information. The function I'm using just returns "NA" instead of the term assignments. Would really appreciate some help in figuring out what I'm doing wrong in the last block of code (baselink3 onwards).
#Create blank lists
member_list <- list()
photo_list <- list()
memberlink_list <- list()
cycle_list <- list()
#Scrape data
cycles <- c("2007","2009","2011","2013","2015","2017","2019","2021")
base_link <- "https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/mbrList.cfm?Body=S&SessYear="
for(cycle in cycles) {
member_list[[cycle]] <- read_html(paste(base_link, cycle, sep="")) %>%
html_nodes(".MemberInfoList-MemberBio a") %>%
memberlink_list[[cycle]] <- read_html(paste(base_link, cycle, sep="")) %>%
html_nodes(".MemberInfoList-MemberBio a") %>%
photo_list[[cycle]] <- read_html(paste(base_link, cycle, sep="")) %>%
html_nodes(".MemberInfoList-PhotoThumb img") %>%
cycle_list[[cycle]] <- rep(cycle, times = length(member_list[[cycle]]))
#Assemble data frame
member_list2 <- unlist(member_list)
cycle_list2 <- unlist(cycle_list)
photo_list2 <- unlist(photo_list)
memberlink_list2 <- unlist(memberlink_list)
senate_directory <- data.frame(cycle_list2, member_list2, photo_list2, memberlink_list2) %>%
rename(Cycle = cycle_list2,
Member = member_list2,
Photo = photo_list2,
Link = memberlink_list2)
#New Section from March 12
##Trying to use each senator's individual page
#Convert memberlink_list into dataframe
df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(memberlink_list), nrow=394, byrow=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(df) <- "Link" #rename column to link
base_link3 <- paste0("https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/", df$Link) #creating each senator's link
terminfo <- sapply(base_link2, function(x) {
val <- x %>%
read_html %>%
html_nodes('div.MemberBio-TermInfo') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_extract('(?<=Senate Term )\\d+')
if(length(val)) val else NA
terminfo <- data.frame(terminfo, df$Link)
I am not sure what exactly you are looking for, but something like this might help you. Note that the page has a crawl delay of 5 seconds. Something you did not implement or respect in your code above. See here
extract_terminfo <- function(link) {
html <- httr::GET(link)
val <- html %>%
content(as = "parsed") %>%
html_nodes('div.MemberBio-TermInfo') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_extract('(?<=Term Expires: )\\d+')
return(data.frame(terminfo = val, link = link))
} else {
return(data.frame(terminfo = "historic", link = link))
link <- base_link3[1]
term_info <- map_dfr(base_link3[1:3],extract_terminfo)
I have the following question.
I am trying to harvest data from the Booking website (for me only, in order to learn the functionality of the rvest package). Everything's good and fine, the package seems to collect what I want and to put everything in the table (dataframe).
Here's my code:
page_booking <- c("https://www.booking.com/searchresults.html?aid=397594&label=gog235jc-1FCAEoggI46AdIM1gDaDuIAQGYAQe4ARfIAQzYAQHoAQH4AQyIAgGoAgO4Atap6PoFwAIB0gIkY2RhYmM2NTUtMDRkNS00ODY1LWE3MDYtNzQ1ZmRmNjY3NWY52AIG4AIB&sid=409e05f0cfc7a9e98de21dc3e633dbd6&tmpl=searchresults&ac_click_type=b&ac_position=0&checkin_month=9&checkin_monthday=10&checkin_year=2020&checkout_month=9&checkout_monthday=17&checkout_year=2020&class_interval=1&dest_id=197&dest_type=country&from_sf=1&group_adults=2&group_children=0&label_click=undef&no_rooms=1&offset=0&raw_dest_type=country&room1=A%2CA&sb_price_type=total&search_selected=1&shw_aparth=1&slp_r_match=0&src=index&src_elem=sb&srpvid=eb0e56a23d6c0004&ss=Spanien&ss_raw=spanien&ssb=empty&top_ufis=1&selected_currency=USD&changed_currency=1&top_currency=1&nflt=") %>%
paste0(1:60) %>%
paste0(c("?ie=UTF8&pageNumber=")) %>%
paste0(1:60) %>%
so in this chunk I collect the data from the first 60 pages after first manually feeding the Booking search engine with the country of my choise (Spain), the dates I am interested in (just some arbitrary interval) and the number of people (I used defaults here).
Then, I add this code to select the properties I want:
read_hotel <- function(url){ # collecting hotel names
ho <- read_html(url)
headline <- ho %>%
html_nodes("span.sr-hotel__name") %>% # the node I want to read
html_text() %>%
hotels <- map_dfr(page_booking, read_hotel)
read_pr <- function(url){ # collecting price tags
pr <- read_html(url)
full_pr <- pr %>%
html_nodes("div.bui-price-display__value") %>% #the node I want to read
html_text() %>%
fullprice <- map_dfr(page_booking, read_pr)
... and eventually save the whole data in the dataframe:
dfr <- tibble(hotels = hotels,
price_fact = fullprice)
I collect more parameters but this doesn't matter. The final dataframe of 1500 rows and two columns is then created. But the problem is the data within the second column does not correspond to the data in the first one. Which is really strange and renders my dataframe to be useless.
I don't really understand how the package works in the background and why does it behaves that way. I also paid attention the first rows in the first column of the dataframe (hotel name) do not correspond to the first hotels I see on the website. So it seems to be a different search/sort/filter criteria the rvest package uses.
Could you please explain me the processes take place during the rvest node hoping?
I would really appreciate at least some explanation, just to better understand the tool we work with.
You shouldn't scrape hotels' name and price separately like that. What you should do is get all nodes of items (hotels), then scrape the name and price relatively of each hotel. With this method, you can't mess up the order.
page_booking <- c("https://www.booking.com/searchresults.html?aid=397594&label=gog235jc-1FCAEoggI46AdIM1gDaDuIAQGYAQe4ARfIAQzYAQHoAQH4AQyIAgGoAgO4Atap6PoFwAIB0gIkY2RhYmM2NTUtMDRkNS00ODY1LWE3MDYtNzQ1ZmRmNjY3NWY52AIG4AIB&sid=409e05f0cfc7a9e98de21dc3e633dbd6&tmpl=searchresults&ac_click_type=b&ac_position=0&checkin_month=9&checkin_monthday=10&checkin_year=2020&checkout_month=9&checkout_monthday=17&checkout_year=2020&class_interval=1&dest_id=197&dest_type=country&from_sf=1&group_adults=2&group_children=0&label_click=undef&no_rooms=1&offset=0&raw_dest_type=country&room1=A%2CA&sb_price_type=total&search_selected=1&shw_aparth=1&slp_r_match=0&src=index&src_elem=sb&srpvid=eb0e56a23d6c0004&ss=Spanien&ss_raw=spanien&ssb=empty&top_ufis=1&selected_currency=USD&changed_currency=1&top_currency=1&nflt=") %>%
paste0(1:60) %>%
paste0(c("?ie=UTF8&pageNumber=")) %>%
paste0(1:60) %>%
hotels <-
function(url) {
pg <- read_html(url)
items <- pg %>%
function(item) {
hotel = item %>% html_node(xpath = "./descendant::*[contains(#class,'sr-hotel__name')]") %>% html_text(trim = T),
price = item %>% html_node(xpath = "./descendant::*[contains(#class,'bui-price-display__value')]") %>% html_text(trim = T)
(The dots start the XPath syntaxes present the current node which is the hotel item.)
Update the code that I think faster but still does the job:
hotels <-
function(url) {
pg <- read_html(url)
items <- pg %>%
hotel = items %>% html_node(xpath = "./descendant::*[contains(#class,'sr-hotel__name')]") %>% html_text(trim = T),
price = items %>% html_node(xpath = "./descendant::*[contains(#class,'bui-price-display__value')]") %>% html_text(trim = T)
I was wondering how to store and retrieve the data from a for loop when aiming to scrape multiple websites in R.
countries <- c("au","at","de","se","gb","us")
for (i in countries) {
sides<-glue("https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/top-rated/",i,.sep = "")
html <- read_html(sides)
cont[i] <- html %>%
html_nodes("table") %>% html_table()
table_au <- cont[2] [[1]]
The idea is to get a list for each website respectively. If I ran my code, table_au will just show me NA, presumably because the loop results are not stored.
It would be awesome, if someone could help me.
We can extract all the tables in a list.
url <- "https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/top-rated/"
temp <- purrr::map(paste0(url, countries), ~{
.x %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes("table") %>%
html_table(header = TRUE) %>% .[[1]]
If you want data as different dataframes like tab_au, tab_at, we can name the list and use list2env to get data separately.
names(temp) <- paste0('tab_', countries)
list2env(temp, .GlobalEnv)
I'm trying to webscrape the government release calendar: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics and use the rvest follow_link functionality to go to each publication link and scrape text from the next page. I have this working for each single page of results (40 publications are displayed per page), but can't get a loop to work so that I can run the code over all publications listed.
This is the code I run first to get the list of publications (just from the first 10 pages of results):
#Loading the rvest package
#######PUBLISHED RELEASES################
###function to add number after 'page=' in url to loop over all pages of published releases results (only 40 publications per page)
###check the site and see how many pages you want to scrape, to cover months of interest
##titles of publications - creates a list
publishedtitles <- lapply(paste0('https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=', 1:10),
url_base %>% read_html() %>%
html_nodes('h3 a') %>%
##Dates of publications
publisheddates <- lapply(paste0('https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=', 1:10),
url_base %>% read_html() %>%
html_nodes('.public_timestamp') %>%
publishedorgs <- lapply(paste0('https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=', 1:10),
url_base %>% read_html() %>%
html_nodes('.organisations') %>%
##Links to publications
publishedpartial_links <- lapply(paste0('https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=', 1:10),
url_base %>% read_html() %>%
html_nodes('h3 a') %>%
#Check all lists are the same length - if not, have to deal with missings before next step
# length(publishedtitles)
# length(publisheddates)
# length(publishedorgs)
# length(publishedpartial_links)
#Combining all the lists to form a data frame
published <-data.frame(Title = unlist(publishedtitles), Date = unlist(publisheddates), Organisation = unlist(publishedorgs), PartLinks = unlist(publishedpartial_links))
#adding prefix to partial links, to turn into full URLs
published$Links = paste("https://www.gov.uk", published$PartLinks, sep="")
#Drop partial links column
keeps <- c("Title", "Date", "Organisation", "Links")
published <- published[keeps]
Then I want to run something like the below, but over all pages of results. I've ran this code manually changing the parameters for each page, so know it works.
session1 <- html_session("https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=1")
list1 <- list()
for(i in published$Title[1:40]){
nextpage1 <- session1 %>% follow_link(i) %>% read_html()
list1[[i]]<- nextpage1 %>%
html_nodes(".grid-row") %>% html_text()
df1 <- data.frame(text=list1)
df1 <-as.data.frame(t(df1))
So the above would need to change page=1 in the html_session, and also the publication$Title[1:40] - I'm struggling with creating a function or loop that includes both variables.
I think I should be able to do this using lapply:
df <- lapply(paste0('https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=', 1:10),
for(i in published$Title[1:40]){
nextpage1 <- url_base %>% follow_link(i) %>% read_html()
list1[[i]]<- nextpage1 %>%
html_nodes(".grid-row") %>% html_text()
But I get the error
Error in follow_link(., i) : is.session(x) is not TRUE
I've also tried other methods of looping and turning it into a function but didn't want to make this post too long!
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and guidance :)
It looks like you may have just need to start a session inside the lapply function. In the last chunk of code, url_base is simply a text string that gives the base URL. Would something like this work:
df <- lapply(paste0('https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=', 1:10),
for(i in published$Title[1:40]){
tmpSession <- html_session(url_base)
nextpage1 <- tmpSession %>% follow_link(i) %>% read_html()
list1[[i]]<- nextpage1 %>%
html_nodes(".grid-row") %>% html_text()
To change the published$Title[1:40] for each iteraction of the lapply function, you could make an object that holds the lower and upper bounds of the indices:
lowers <- cumsum(c(1, rep(40, 9)))
uppers <- cumsum(rep(40, 10))
Then, you could include those in the call to lapply
df <- lapply(1:10, function(j){
url_base <- paste0('https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics?page=', j)
for(i in published$Title[lowers[j]:uppers[j]]){
tmpSession <- html_session(url_base)
nextpage1 <- tmpSession %>% follow_link(i) %>% read_html()
list1[[i]]<- nextpage1 %>%
html_nodes(".grid-row") %>% html_text()
Not sure if this is what you want or not, I might have misunderstood the things that are supposed to be changing.
I'm trying to scrape game logs of every MLB player dating back to 2000 from baseball-reference.com using R. I've read a ton of stuff that is helpful, but not exactly extensive enough for my purposes. The URL for say, Curtis Granderson's 2016 game logs is https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/gl.fcgi?id=grandcu01&t=b&year=2016.
If I have a list of player IDs and years I know I should be able to loop through them somehow with a function similar to this one that grabs attendance by year:
fetch_attendance <- function(year) {
url <- paste0("http://www.baseball-reference.com/leagues/MLB/", year,
data <- readHTMLTable(url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data <- data[[1]]
data$year <- year
But, again, I'm struggling to create a more extensive function that does the job. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
To generate a list of player_id, you can do something like below:
scraping_MLB <- read_html("https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/");
player_name1 <- scraping_MLB %>% html_nodes(xpath = '//*[#id="content"]/ul') %>% html_nodes("div")%>% html_nodes("a") %>% html_text()
player_name2 <- lapply(player_name1,function(x)strsplit(x,split = ","))
player_name<- setNames(do.call(rbind.data.frame, player_name2), "Players_Name")
player_id1 <- scraping_MLB %>% html_nodes(xpath = '//*[#id="content"]/ul')%>% html_nodes("div") %>% html_nodes("a") %>% html_attr("href")
player_id <- setNames(as.data.frame(player_id1),"Players_ID")
player_id$Players_ID <- sub("(\\/.*\\/.*\\/)(\\w+)(..*)","\\2",player_id$Players_ID)
player_df <- cbind(player_name,player_id)
Once you have the list of all player's id then you can easily loop through by generalizing this url https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/gl.fcgi?id=grandcu01&t=b&year=2016.
(Edit note: added this code snippet after a clarification from OP)
You can start with below sample code and optimize it using mapply or something:
#it fetches the data of first four players from player_df for the duration 2000-16
players_stat = list()
for (i in 1:nrow(player_df[c(1:4),])){
for (year in 2000:2016){
scrapped_page <- read_html(paste0("https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/gl.fcgi?id=",
if (length(html_nodes(scrapped_page, "table")) >=1){
#scrapped_data <- html_table(html_nodes(scrapped_page, "table")[[1]])
tab <-html_attrs(html_nodes(scrapped_page, "table"))
batting_gamelogs<-which(sapply(tab, function(x){x[2]})=="batting_gamelogs")
scrapped_data <- html_table(html_nodes(scrapped_page, "table")[[batting_gamelogs]], fill=TRUE)
scrapped_data$Year <- year
scrapped_data$Players_Name <- player_df$Players_Name[i]
players_stat[[j]] <- scrapped_data
names(players_stat)[j] <- as.character(paste0(player_df$Players_ID[i],"_",year))
j <- j+1
Hope this helps!