Every command heroku fails with 'ENOENT': spawn tasklist ENOENT - heroku-cli

I am aware one question exists already but he had a different issue as he answered himself. I am running on windows 32 bit and trying to run heroku. It stopped somehow after I restart the terminal one time. Now literally anything I enter using the heroku cli, I get this error:
'ENOENT': spawn tasklist ENOENT
I tried running heroku version but still the same. In my path I have linked it to C:\. . .\Heroku\bin. It worked but even after reinstalling it does not work.
P.S. Does this have anything to do with my node installation? I have node installed too. Is it clashing?

On Windows, you need to locate tasklist.exe on your PC.
Typically, it is found in Windows/system32/
If it is there, put the basepath to it in PATH Environmental variable.
Then open new cmd.exe as Administrator.
Now, you should NOT see the 'ENOENT': spawn tasklist ENOENT error message.

I had the same issue, while I was not operating as Administrator. When running heroku commands as admin in shell, it started working. I found this discussion to be helpful: https://github.com/heroku/heroku-pg-extras/issues/129.
Hope that helps.

I also had same issues but i resolved mine by running cmd as adminstrator. and login back into heroku by using these command
heroku auth:login
and wala! you can bounce back to your project.
i recommend looking at these
helpful link


Having an Npx issue while executing npx firestore-algolia-search

I want to sync my old firestore data of a collection to algolia. I have followed the documentation provided and face issues with npx. If anyone could help me would mean a lot.
Here's the output I get if I use a PowerShell terminal
/bin/bash: C:/Program Files/nodejs/npx: No such file or directory
I receive this error when using bash in wsl even when providing the full path to npx and the script file.
Any help would mean a lot
I have tried and tested all the solutions I could find on the internet from using git bash to execute the script to using wsl to execute the bash script without any luck
Use npx firestore-algolia-search#0.5.14. Something is broken in 0.5.15.
EDIT: I created a github ticket for this issue.

Cannot Run GNATStudio - WSL

I've checked the other questions and this case doesn't seem to be covered. I'm running Ubuntu in WSL on my windows machine and I'm trying to run GNATStudio, any time I attempt to run the program either via Alire or by calling it I receive the following error.
error while loading shared libraries: libxcb-shm.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I've already done the basics, and verified I have the correct file installed. Calling apt-file find produces the following.
root#DESKTOP-F319G5G:/opt# apt-file find libxcb-shm.so.0
libxcb-shm0: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxcb-shm.so.0
libxcb-shm0: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxcb-shm.so.0.0.0
I've confirmed the location is in my path, as well and have restarted a few times. I'm really not too sure what my next steps should be. Any help is much appreciated!
The comment by #Bib solves this question: "install the libxcb-shm0-dev package."

Running any meteor command gives error "hasStacks = !!e.stack; RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"

So I am having this issue for the past 8-9 hours. I have been trying to resolve it by googling around.
This is what I have tried so far.
1) Totally uninstalled node and npm.
2) Totally uninstalled meteor. Deleted all the local/.meteor data. Searched for meteor in entire C drive and deleted it. Restarted the PC.
3) Reinstalled node, npm and meteor js again. (Did steps 1-3 in safe mode also and tried 3 times.)
4) Ran command and got this error again. "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.4.4_2\mt-os.window
hasStacks = !!e.stack;
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded".
Note: The same code works for me in another system, so apparently code is fine the issue is with meteor and my pc.
Then I found that creating new windows account and installing meteor there can make it work. So I tried to do that as well but no luck.
I need help to resolve this as I don't have any clue what to do next.
Meteor version is: 1.4
Node version is: 6.10.3
NPM version is: 3.10.10
Apologies for late response, just had the same problem and was eventually able to solve it. The problem is that windows doesn't like long file paths. Unfortunately, meteor is full of them so the installer seems to miss those files.
Try this:
Install meteor if its not already.
navigate to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local and delete the
.Meteor folder.
Download the installation archive:
use 7-zip to extract the .Meteor folder somewhere with a shorter
path; ie: C drive root directory. Make sure you are running 7-Zip as
admin, and extract it using 7-Zips interface. Don't drag and drop as
this will extract to the temp folder first.
Go to your Environment Variables (in Control Panel/Advanced System
Settings), edit Path, and change the .Meteor directory to where you extracted the folder.
Open up CMD, cross your fingers, and enter meteor --version
Hope this helps any desperate souls out there.

Meteor stuck at Extracting meteor-tool#1.4.0-1

I am having an issue where I do meteor run in my project, and it begins to install meteor-tool#1.4.0-1, once it is 100%, it says
Extracting meteor-tool#1.4.0-1...
but it never finishes. I uninstalled meteor and reinstalled it but I am having the same issue.
United State.
Windows 10.
This is a problem caused by the tar extractor provided by Git.
Find where is located the tar tool used by your system, running:
$ where tar
In my case, it is located in C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\tar.exe
Then locate the file and rename it to tar.exe.old
Its done... try running Meteor again! >> $ meteor
Thank you for your response, Vasil. I actually was able to find a solution and I am no longer experiencing this problem.
Turned out there was a problem with the tar.exe file in Git, and by uninstalling Git, and reinstalling it the latest version, 2.10.0.windows.1, the problem has seemed to go away.
It seemed that no matter how long I left it, it stayed stuck at "Extracting meteor-tools . . ." but now that I updated Git the problem has gone away.
Try adding the following to your local hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts): warehouse.meteor.com
Then run a meteor reset in your app directory (warning - will wipe your local DB), then try starting your app again.
This works for me.
Link: https://forums.meteor.com/t/downloading-meteor-tool-1-4-0-1/27269/19?u=lucianopestana

Meteor command not found

I installed the same version from Official Windows Meteor Support on one computer and the command "meteor" runs normally, now I tried to install in another computer but is giving me the issue that the "meteor command was not found". I tried to add the path to the system variables, but it doesn't seem to work.
Any ideas? Thank you
I have just discovered in Windows (I am using Windows 8.1) that you have to type meteor.bat to invoke meteor. e.g. meteor.bat create myapp
The answers already listed were only half the answer for me.
The following steps, resolved the issue.
Set the SYSTEM Environment Variable to:
Or if you prefer, change to your username explicitly
Then as per the accepted answer on this question.
Create a file named meteor in the directory where the meteor.bat is. E.g. the path above.
Hint, you can use
touch meteor
Copy these lines into the file and save
cmd //c "$0.bat" "$#"
For others that might come across this issue.
I'm on Windows 10 and installed Meteor 1.4. Was getting meteor command not found when trying to run meteor from command prompt.
I checked my users PATH variables and found this entry:
I removed the last backslash, saved the PATH variables, and then opened a new command prompt. The meteor command was now recognized.
My PATH variable entry now looks like this with the last backslash removed:
Note: You can replace %username% with your actual windows username. The entry should work fine as the system will resolve it to your username.
If path variable is not present in environment variables,
You can execute the command only from the directory where meteor is present. i.e., "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local.meteor\" directory.
To use the meteor from any directory inside the command prompt,
Add path variable to the environment settings.
Restart command prompt if already open.
This will enable meteor command to work everywhere.
The question is old but it might help others who face similar issue.
I just installed meteor and had the same issue. It looks like it installed successfully and added C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local.meteor to the User variable (not system variable).
I am using Windows 10 and I might have to re-login or reboot for that to start working properly.
So, to use without re-login or reboot, use complete path in the directory where you want to create the project:
C:\Projects> C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local.meteor\meteor my_project
Hope it helps.
Using the Node Command prompt instead of Terminal worked for me. Search for Node Command Prompt in the Start Menu.
On Linux,
If the problem comes from systemd service (systemclt) configuration, the PATH is not recognized properly, then:
Here is the error log:
Feb 3 00:13:43 localhost metassa-org[65870]: > meteor run --port=9999
Feb 3 00:13:43 localhost metassa-org[65881]: sh: 1: meteor: not found
Feb 3 00:13:43 localhost metassa-org[65870]: npm ERR! code 127
Feb 3 00:13:43 localhost metassa-org[65870]: npm ERR! path /var/www/domain.org/meteor/simple-todos-react
Feb 3 00:13:43 localhost metassa-org[65870]: npm ERR! command failed
Edit your service configuration file:
Replace /home/ubuntu with your user folder containing meteor install.
You may replace all with your current $PATH value instead.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm run start --prefix /var/www/meteor/simple-todos-react
Modify /var/www/meteor/simple-todos-react with your meteor project
Finally, restart your service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
