Converting midnight in to a date time format in R - r

I have a very specific problem. I have been trying to convert a date time character into a date time format in R. Example: "2017-05-21 00:00:00".
Whenever I try to convert it using strptime and as.POSIXct to a date time format it gives me "2017-05-21".
Thanks for any help

As #ngm says, this is only a formatting choice on the part of R. You can check to make sure it's actually midnight. Datetimes are stored as seconds past the epoch, and can actually be used in arithmetic.
t1 <- as.POSIXct("2017-05-21 00:00:00")
# [1] "2017-05-21 EDT"
# [1] 1495339200
So your time is 1,495,339,200 seconds after the epoch. Now we can look at midnight plus one second.
t2 <- as.POSIXct("2017-05-21 00:00:01")
# [1] "2017-05-21 00:00:01 EDT"
# [1] 1495339201
Which is one second higher than t1. So t1 is, in fact, midnight.


R posixct dates and times not centering on midnight

I have dates and times stored in two columns. The first has the date as "20180831." The time is stored as the number of seconds from midnight; 3am would be stored as 10,800.
I need a combined date time column and am having a hard time with something that should be simple.
I can get the dates in no problem but lubridate "hms" interprets the time field as a period, not a 'time' per se.
I tried converting the date to posix.ct format and then using that as the origin for the time field but posix.ct does not set the time for midnight, instead it sets it for either 1800 or 1900 hours depending on the date. I need it set to midnight for all rows, I don't want any daylight savings time adjustment.
Here's the code:
First I made a function because there are several date and time fields I have to do this for.
df$date<-mkdate(df$date) #applies date making function to date field
I'm sure this has to do with time zones. I'm in Central time zone and I have experimented with adding the "tz" specification into these commands in both the mkdate function and in the time code creating "datetime" column.
I've tried:
Help would be much appreciated!
Edited with example:
x<-c(20180831,20180710,20160511,20170105,20180101) #these are dates.
Above code converts dates to seconds from the Jan 1 1970. I could convert this to numeric and add my 'seconds' value to this field BUT it is not correct. This is what I see instead as the output:
[1] "2018-08-30 19:00:00 CDT" "2018-07-09 19:00:00 CDT" "2016-05-10 19:00:00 CDT" "2017-01-04 18:00:00 CST" "2017-12-31 18:00:00 CST"
Look at the first date - it should be 8/31 but instead it is 8/30. Somewhere in there there is a timezone adjustment taking place. It's moving the clock back 5 or 6 hours because I am on central time. The first entry should be 2018-08-31 00:00:00. I would then convert it to numeric and add the seconds field on and convert back to POSIXct format. I've tried including tz specification all over the place with no luck.
returns "English_United States.1252"
I believe the following does what you want.
My locale is the following, so the results are different from yours.
#[1] "Portuguese_Portugal.1252"
The difference will be due to the daylight savings time, the summer hour.
As for your problem, all you have to do is to remeber that the objects of class "POSIXct are coded as the number of seconds since an origin, and that origin is usually the midnight of 1970-01-01. So you have to add your seconds since midnight to the seconds of as.Date.
x <- "20180831"
xd <- mkdate(x)
y <- 10800
as.POSIXct(as.integer(xd) + y, origin = "1970-01-01")
#[1] "2018-08-31 04:00:00 BST"
as.POSIXct(as.integer(xd) + y, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "America/Chicago")
#[1] "2018-08-30 22:00:00 CDT"
There are very many ways to do this:
mktime = function(a, b)modifyList(strptime(a, '%Y%m%d'), list(sec = as.numeric(gsub(',', '', b))))
[1] "2018-08-31 03:00:00 PDT"
[1] "2018-03-01 03:00:00 PST"
[1] "2018-03-21 03:00:00 PDT"
Looking at the above code, it does not adjust for the daylight saving time. Irrespective of the date, the seconds still show that it Is 3 AM, including the dates when ST-->DT. This will also take into consideration, your LOCAL timezone.

How to convert from CEST to UTC?

I want to convert number of days to date with time:
> 15525.1+as.Date("1970-01-01")
[1] "2012-07-04" ## correct but no time
I tried this:
> apollo.fmt <- "%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S"
> as.POSIXct((15525.1+as.Date("1970-01-01")), format=apollo.fmt, tz="UTC")
[1] "2012-07-04 04:24:00 CEST"
but as you see the results provide in CEST. But I need it it in UTC.
Any hints on this?
For the original conversion, refer to this question: Converting numeric time to datetime POSIXct format in R and these pages: Date-times in R , Date-time conversions and Converting excel dates (number) to R date-time object. Bascially, it depends on your data source, the time origin for that data sources (Excel, Apache etc.) and the units. For example, you may have the total time elapsed in seconds, minutes, hours or days since the time origin for your data source which will be different for Excel or Apache. Once you have this information, you can use strptime or origin arguments and convert to R date-time objects.
If you are only concerned with changing the timezone, you can use attr:
> u <- Sys.time()
> u
[1] "2017-12-21 09:01:35 EST"
> attr(u, "tzone") <- "UTC"
> u
[1] "2017-12-21 14:01:35 UTC"
You may want to check up on the valid timezones for your machine though. A good way to get a time-zone that works with your machine would be googleway::google_timezone. To get the coordinates for your location (or the location from where you're importing data), you can either look those up online or use ggmap::geocode() - useful if converting time stamps in data from different time zones.
I think the problem is as.POSIXct doesn't change anything if the time is already POSIXct, so the tz option has no effect.
Use attr as explained here

How do I parse a concatinated date and time in R?

The date July, 1, 2016 1:15pm and 43 seconds is given to me as the string 160701131543.
I have an entire column in my data frame of this date time. How should I go about parsing this column into usable data.
You can use the as.POSIXct function and specify the format, in your case the format is year, month, day, hour, minute, second. Read more about formatting date and time data on the ?strptime help page.
as.POSIXct("160701131543", format = "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
[1] "2016-07-01 13:15:43 EDT"
The timezone can be changed with the 'tz' parameter.
Here is another option with lubridate. The default tz is "UTC". It can be changed by specifying tz
#[1] "2016-07-01 13:15:43 UTC"

as.POSIXct assigns different timezones [duplicate]

I am trying to convert UTC time to local standard time. I have found many functions which convert to Local Daylight Time, but I was not successful in getting the standard time. Right now, I have the following code which converts to local daylight time at my specific timezone: <- as.POSIXct(date,tz="UTC")
format(, tz="timeZone",usetz=TRUE)
I would appreciate any help.
First, POSIXct date-times are always UCT internally. The print.POSIXt and format.POSIXt methods will appropriately make the TZ shift on output from their internal representations: <- as.POSIXct(Sys.Date())
#[1] "2015-07-09"
So that was midnight of the current date in Greenwich:
format(, tz="America/Los_Angeles",usetz=TRUE)
#[1] "2015-07-08 17:00:00 PDT"
When it's midnight in Greenwich, it's 5PM Daylight Time in the previous day on the Left Coast of the US. You need to use the correct character values for your TZ (and your OS) both of which at the moment are unspecified.
The US Pacific timezone is 8 hours behind GMT (in winter months) so you can use a timezone that is Standard/Daylight-agnostic:
> format(,usetz=TRUE, tz="Etc/GMT+8")
[1] "2015-07-08 16:00:00 GMT+8"
(Notice the reversal of + with "behind" and - with "ahead".)
I know this question has an accepted answer, but in case anyone comes along and this can help. I needed a function to convert UTC times to MTN time (Server is in UTC, we operate in MTN).
Not sure why, but needed to force it to UTC/GMT first and the convert it to MTN. However it does work
mtn_ts = function(utcTime){
toTz = "us/mountain"
utcTime = force_tz(utcTime,tzone= 'GMT')
dt = as.POSIXct(format(utcTime,tz = toTz,origin ='GMT', usetz=TRUE))
dt = force_tz(dt,tzone= toTz)
mtn_ts(as.POSIXct("2021-09-27 14:48:51.000000000"))

Round an POSIXct date up to the next day

I have a question similar to Round a POSIX date (POSIXct) with base R functionality, but I'm hoping to always round the date up to midnight the next day (00:00:00).
Basically, I want a function equivalent to ceiling for POSIX-formatted dates. As with the related question, I'm writing my own package, and I already have several package dependencies so I don't want to add more. Is there a simple way to do this in base R?
trunc(x,"days") + 60*60*24
> x <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
> x
[1] "2012-08-09 18:40:08 BST"
> trunc(x,"days")+ 60*60*24
[1] "2012-08-10 BST"
A quick and dirty method is to convert to a Date (which truncates the time), add 1 (which is a day for Date) and then convert back to POSIX to be at midnight UTC on the next day. As #Joshua Ulrich points out, timezone/daylight savings issues may give results you don't expect:
[1] "2012-08-10 01:00:00 BST"
