Showing all the possible values of a field in App Maker dropdown - google-app-maker

I need to create a filter which gets all the possible values for a concrete field, but I'm only getting the values which appears in the current page.
What can I do to get all the values?

It looks like you want to filter table basing on value in the dropdown. In order to do this you need to bind your dropdown's value to datasource's filter:
then you need to reload your datasource every time when user changes dropdown's value
// onValueEdit
You can play with this sample app to learn more:


GSuite Appmaker - how to set default value in table using button

I am trying to put together a mock up for a data collection app for a local nonprofit using GSuite's AppMaker. So far I really like the tool.
One thing I need to be able to do is streamline the data entry for the site representatives. In my app, I display a list of students in a table, where one of the columns is a boolean value which represents attendance. The desired result is for the teachers to be able to input the date field one time using the date input button at the bottom of the page. Then they can quickly point and click down the Present column to log attendance.
My question is: how would I link the date selector dropdown so that the date field pre-populates with the selected date from the input field? I don't want them to have to enter the field over an over again since its the same for each row and I don't want the user experience to feel clunky.
Screenshot of the App for reference:
Using client script, you can add the following to the onValueEdit event handler of the date widget at the bottom.
var items = widget.root.descendants.<YourTable>.datasource.items;
item.<DateField> = newValue;
The only thing to take into account is that when using client scripting, you will only update the records loaded in the table at the moment; i.e, if your table has paging, it will only update the current page. If you are using paging, then you will need to add the following code to the onPreviousClick and the onNextClick event handlers of the pager widget:
var selectedDate = widget.root.descendants.<YourDatePicker>.value;
var items = widget.root.descendants.<YourTable>.datasource.items;
item.<DateField> = selectedDate;

In App Maker, can you fake valueIsRecord with a dropdown field?

In App Maker, what is the simplest way to achieve the same result with a dropdown box that you can with a suggest box, which can return the whole record when you make a selection giving you the ability to assign associated record values to other fields on the page?
Consider a data model with three fields, (Code, Description, and Severity). Add a dropdown box to select the Code. Have the selection, (probably using onValueChange or onValueEdit), write the selected Code's Description to a label field beside the dropdown box. The Code's Severity will also be used to affect the style in some way like background color or something, but for this answer, merely assigning the value to a scripting variable will be good enough. It's the record value access and assignment mechanism I am after.
Clarification: This data model will not be the page's datasource. It is a secondary reference table used for assigning a code to a ticket. You can also assume that a record value will be written to a field in the page's datasource as well.
I would appreciate the simplest low code solution as we will have non-programmers attempting this. Thanks.
As long as you leave your value binding on the dropdown blank the following should work:
Set the options binding to:
You may want to consider changing the 'Names' binding to be the projection of a particular field in this datasource otherwise the values showing in your dropdown will only be the 'keys' from this datasource.
Then in your onValueEdit event you will gain access to individual fields like this:
var item = widget.datasource.item;
item.YourFieldToEdit1 = newValue.YourOtherDatasourceField1;
item.YourFieldToEdit2 = newValue.YourOtherDatasourceField2;
That would probably be the simplest way.

Return value of another field within model

I have a model with two fields, Name and Token. In my app, the user will select a record from a Dropdown populated with the Name field of all records. When this happens, I need to assign the record's corresponding Token value to a variable in a server script, but am not sure how to accomplish this.
There are two options that are suitable. As a first option you could implement a server script that returns the token of the field when you edit the widget.
function checkToken(widgetValue) {
var query = app.models.YourModel.newQuery();
query.filters.Field._equals = widgetValue;
var records =;
return records[0].Token;
You can add the script caller checkToken(widget.value) to the onValueEdit event of widget, so that it runs every time you select another dropdown item. If you want to use another event, please look at
As a second option you could add a secondary label to your form which you bind to the dropdown item selection. The binding would look something like this:
When you configure Dropdown you need to set three important properties:
An array of string representations of options that makes up the content of the dropdown
An array of strings to be displayed in place of options' default strings. The array must be the same length as options.
The value assigned to the databound property, based on the user's dropdown selection
// Assuming that dropdown is added to form
// or any other container bound to proper datasource.
double dot .. syntax is used for projections

Move to record and not filter to record

Currently my dropdownlist returns a value that I use in a SQL WHERE clause to return a result set. I would like to be able to just move to the selected record as oppose to filtering the whole set. When I filter I am no longer able to page through the records (I can only choose another search selection from the dropdownlist because there are no other records to page through - I would like to use both). What is the best way to achieve this?

Checkboxes and View Based Table View

I am having some difficulty trying to use checkboxes as the selectedIndex in a view based table.
There is good documentation on view based table here:
[View Based Tables ]
However, I after searching and looking on Stackoverflow I can't seem to get my implementation for doing the following.
My view is a table that makes a callout to Yahoo Finance. The table is view based constructed with bindings.
When the table is populated I want to have a check box against each row so that when the user clicks the check box, that row will be updated from Yahoo. Currently this works using multi or single selection using the table view and an observer.. I want to do this with the checkboxes and a button that gets all the checked rows.
The IB setup is as follows:
What is the best way to get the rows where the checkbox is selected? Should I use the array controller or do I need to do something with the table?
Assuming that you use a NSArray of NSDictionaries as your data model, why not add a key/value pair to each "stock" dictionary as a flag? Then in your button action method, just iterate through the data model and trigger an update when the flag is set. Bindings do the rest!
