ASP.NET Web Forms website build error -

As I try to build this project, I keep coming up with an error.
Description, where the eight '*' are always something different with every build:
An error occurred when merging assemblies: ILMerge.Merge: ERROR!!: Duplicate type 'myTypeName' found in assembly 'App_Web_********'.
and the file is
What do I need to do in order to resolve this (annoying) error?

A couple of things you can try is after right clicking on your project, select Publish Web App. Then under settings (settings for me, might be different for you), find your File Publish Options and click Configure. You'll see the dialog below.
Try the first or second option, Do not merge OR Do not merge. Create a separate assembly for each page and control
I know this is something that has plagued me in the past so good luck. Update us if you find any better or if something better works for you.


What is causing intermittent "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" at compile time in VS 2010?

I am sorry if this is not really a coding question (it depends on if its my code causing the problem I suppose).
I have seen this question: Tracking down intermittent 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error on build
However, it has not been of much help (although if you read the comments, you will see that I thought it did help for a while there).
When I try publish my website, occasionally, I will get an error with no file or line reference:
Pre-compiling Web Site
Building directory '/App_Code/'.
Building directory '/'.: Publication (web): Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Pre-compilation Complete
------ Skipped Publish: Project X:\, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
I know the usual causes of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" but this seems a bit different, isn't it supposed to be a runtime error? Not a build error?
What is weird is that it happens, seemingly at random (about 25%-33% of the time). I can try to publish it and have it fail. Then try again straight after, without changing anything and it works fine.
I started getting this error after moving some of my functions ( btw) to a new file in the App_Code folder so they can be accessed by all pages of the site.
If you need any more info, please let me know.
EDIT: After further investigation, it seems to only happen if I try to publish the website within a few seconds of saving changes to any file within it. What could cause this?
The same error occurred for me to, I deleted the dlls of the custom controls in the web site that are already in the bin, then i published the web site, and succeeded
IF you have any custom/usercontrols in your project, they are actually running at design time and can give object ref errors. This can occur during builds too. In that case, a property is being referenced that is NOTHING and throws the error.
I had a similar problem with a Windows Form project.
Wherever I try to move a custom control on the windows form, and then try to save the form, VS2010 comes back with "Object not set to an instance of an object".
I suspected the error was deep down in the layers of abstraction in my inherited code, but couldn't work out how deep to go, without reviewing every line of code.
My solution to this problem is this.
Open up another instance of Visual Studio 2010
Menu: Debug | Attach to Process..
Search for "devenv.exe xxx YourApplicationName..." and select it
Click "Attach"
Menu: Debug | Exceptions..
Tick all the boxes in the thrown column, then "OK"
Your second instance of VS2010 is not debugging your first instance, including all the custom controls.
Return to the first instance of VS2010, and repeat the actions that caused the error in the first place, the second instance of VS2010 will break at the line of code that has the error.
You may want to look at this link there is a bug in vs2012

Configuring Multiple Web Sites to run under one Web Role

I'm trying to configure my Solution to publish multiple web sites to Azure using the 1.3 SDK and I want them to run under one Web Role. I've added the entry to the Sites element as per the CHM file and when I deploy to Azure the Instance starts up. Now for the symptoms:
Browsing to the "Primary" (first site added to the solution) everything works fine.
Browsing to the "Secondary" site throws the following error:
Exception type: ConfigurationErrorsException
Exception message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (E:\approot_WASR_\1\web.config line 28)
What have I tried so far without success (sigh):
1. I noticed that by default VStudio (2010 Ultimate) did not include the "Secondary" project output in the cspkg file. Setting a project dependency seems to have fixed that problem (or at least I now see it in the output window during the build process).
2. I've set "Copy Local=true" for the System.Web.Mvc on the "Secondary" project still nothing.
3. I have a CName setup for the "Secondary" project and use the hostHeader parameter on the Binding element so I haven't found a good way of testing this local so I'm limited in diagnostic info.
One thought that I had was that both projects now contain a WebRole.cs file, should that be the case in this configuration? As both of those handle startup events could that be the issue?
I'm not really sure what may be helpful to provide in this scenario so will be happy to fill in the blanks if someone could please direct me a bit. Am I doing this all wrong?
Thanks in advance!
One thing you'll want to make sure is that the second website is built before packaging. It sounds like setting the project dependency probably took care of that.
You can test locally by adding an entry to your hosts file (edit %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts as admin, and add "" at the bottom). This might help you get to the bottom of it.
After you run locally, you should be able to find the .csx directory and check what's in there... make sure the second site (under "_wasr_\1", I believe) looks like you expect it to.
Oh, the second webrole.cs is probably not an issue. (It should be safely ignored.)

Runtime error but project compiles fine - Imports/using missing

I am very confused right now. I have VS2008 at my job right now and I have a weird behavior that I have been searching for a while now.
When I compile the project, it works fine, but in runtime I have an error saying object not defined or something like that. The problem is that the imports/using is missing in my class but why does it compile?
In fact, I want to be able to see that error when compiling not when running the webapp.
REEDITED: Here is an example. Lets say i want to use a typed list, I am declaring my object list(of int) for example without having added my imports (system.collection.generic) in the class. then I compile, it works and then I run it, it fails because of the imports missing. is this normal behavior or not?
REREEDITED: I just noticed that the DLL of all my references were not copied in my bin folders even though all of them are set to "Copy local = true". Is it possible that it has to do with our shared directory (all external dlls) being on a network drive (\server\shared). I am really out of ideas on this issue....
problem was because we were having the classes in the app_data folder
The answer to the current question - why you are getting this error - is that ASP.NET does not show many errors at compile-time. You will need to manually go through the application to verify that all pages work correctly. This is very common with ASP.NET development, due to the nature of the environment.
If you post the real errors (probably should be as another SO question), we can perhaps help you with them.
Remove all the dll, etc from bin...
rebuild the whole solution then run
It should run fine...

ELMAH with multiple applications

Just got ELMAH running, and so far it seems great. I am wondering two things:
I am using ELMAH from multiple applications, all logging to the same table in MSSQL. Will I be able to drop the .axd file in any project to browse all the logs, or will I need a custom solution? (The latter seems more likely, so I can have filtering options, but I'm just trying to verify.)
Is elmah.axd somehow customizeable? I'd rather modify it than write my own, so that I could add the ApplicationName column to its listing.
We just released our ELMAH based exception reporting solution on codeplex:
One of the features is that it logs errors of multiple web sites to a central location. The project includes a web site to view and search through the errors.
ELMAH, by default, is set up to figure out under which application it is running and will filter the displayed errors based on that application. So, as for your question 1, no, you won't be able to call the .axd from an app and see the errors for all apps. At least not without some extra work. See also this related question.
As for question 2, the default viewer is not designed to be "customized". By that, I mean there aren't any markup parameters you can give it to change the columns it displays. ELMAH itself is open source, though, so you can easily download the source and build a customized version. I would start by having a look at ErrorLogPage.cs, which is the class that "Renders an HTML page displaying a page of errors from the error log."

Tracking down intermittent 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error on build

I could use some help trying to track down an intermittent error that I've been having with our ASP.Net project for quite some time.
Intermittently when building the solution, the build will fail with the error "/: Build (web): Object reference not set to an instance of an object." The error has no associated file, line, column or project information. The weird thing about the error is that it will go away on successive rebuilds and doesn't seem to result in any run-time errors that we've come across once the build is successful. Sometimes the error will pop only once, sometimes 3-4 times, but eventually the build will finish successfully and then seems to build just fine each time after. I haven't been able to nail down a pattern as to why and when the error will happen, and since it always eventually builds it hasn't been a critical problem for us. Just an annoyance. But one that I want gone for obvious reasons.
I guess I should add that this is an application that was originally developed in 1.1 and converted to 2.0 and I inherited it somewhere down the line after that, so I don't know when the problem originally surfaced. As far as everyone here is concerned, it's always been there.
Obviously I'm not expecting someone to pick out the cause of my problem as that would require them to look at our entire solution to pick out potential problems. Just hoping someone can give me a couple fresh ideas as to how to go about tracking down the actual source of the error in code. It has to be coming from somewhere, right? How would you go about finding out where?
I've seen this when you have a web control in a page where there is invalid HTML. If your codebehind is trying to do something with the control, it won't be able to find it and will give you Object Reference... error at compile time. In my experience, it doesn't create a runtime error, and the project will build if the file in question is closed at the time of build. HTH, Good Luck!
Run this command at the command line and see if you get some more detailed information
%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\msbuild.exe YourSolution.sln /v:n
To follow up on this problem, we never did track down the origin of the error but it disappeared when we upgraded to Visual Studio 2008 and converted the project to a Web Application.
The first thing I'd try would be to increase the compiler verbosity. This can be set in the Visual Studio options - e.g. "Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions-Build and Run->MSBuild project build output verbosity" for VS2005. If you set it to diagnostic then it should tell you what it's doing at the time the exception is raised at the very least.
I had this problem for a long time and finally found a solution that work fine for me.
It doesn't make sense to me... but altering my web.config file with the following gets definitively rid of this intermittent build error :
<add extension=".rdlc" type="Microsoft.Reporting.RdlBuildProvider, Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
<!-- add this line below -->
<remove extension=".rdlc"/>
Hope this help !
I had this at build time when my project contained custom datasources (my own objects returning collections) with compile errors (that is, my objects had errors).
You'll also get this error if you try and add a datasource and your project doesn't have any datasources in the project's root (e.g. if you've put all your datasource classes in a subfolder). The only solution I found was to create a datasource in the project's root.
Sorry not to be more precise, but there seems to be several things that can go wrong with datasources/objects at compile-time.
An "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" is clearly a run-time error, not a compile-time error. So what that says to me is that Visual Studio is choking on something, which may not necessarily be in your code, or which something in your code is only indirectly causing.
Next question I'd ask: Does this happen only in Visual Studio, or does the same thing show up when you build using MSBuild or CSC?
What's really odd is that it's a run-time error. You shouldn't see that at compile time. Do you have any pre- or post- build steps attached to the solution? Any unit tests you're including with your 'build' process?
Where does this error show up?
Check the Application Log of your Event Viewer - It should tell you where the exception is being thrown.
Just to clarify, is it the compiler itself that is choking? Are you doing anything weird with #define and #if directives in your code? Maybe something is being done out of order at some point... Just a thought...
See if there are any post-build events that could be failing. These can be found on each project's property page.
Try using Rebuild Solution instead of Build Solution. You may need to add Rebuild Solution from Tools > Customize. If your web app installs or registers any windows services, and those services are started, Rebuilding plows through those types of problems.
