Importing a JAR into SceneBuilder not working - javafx

I am using SceneBuilder-9.0.1 and trying to use JFoenix. While trying to import the jfoenix-9.0.1.jar with the JAR/FXML Manager (Library Managger), the following error appears:
I have no problems with importing FXML files though. The same error occurs if I try to import other JARs, e.g. controlsfx.
I think it's strange that the Scene Builder wants to copy the file into \Roaming\Scene Builder/Library because that's no valid file path, isn't it? Is there any way of coyping the file manually without using the Library Manager? And if yes, where do I need to copy the JAR file to? And is this a problem of SceneBuilder or of my PC?
Thanks in advance!


Where can i get .setTestViewChartLocation since its not present inside ExtentReport 4.0.9

I have added code in Eclipse for a Selenium project in class. I imported all the packages except htmlReporter.config().setTestViewChartLocation(ChartLocation.TOP) It's throwing an error.. I cannot find this file inside extent reports 4.0.9. Where can I find this file?

JavaFX jar file throwing exception

I've just finished my JavaFX project.
In the src file I've got some folders that each includes different files: FXML, CSS, Class, Files, Controllers.
After I build Artifacts in the IntelliJ, when I run it on cmd, the Jar file throws an exception because it can not find the FXML files!
I've copied the FXML folders next to the Jar file and a folder before it but it doesn't work
I've made packages to be clean but it has made some trouble for me!
here is a screenshot of my code
And I've made a fatherController that each controller extends from that and it has a method called load page that's how I load my FXML files
Try calling the FXMLs like this
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/ContactList/FXML/"+fxmlFileName+".fxml"));
I found the problem! I shouldn't Address the FXML files like the picture.
instead of "../FXML/example.fxml", Is should use "/FXML/example.fxml".

Adding ControlFX.jar file to build path

I am trying to install ControlFx for creating dialogs in my application. I have put controlsfx-8.x.x.jar file in the appropriate folder (lib/ext). It is the same folder where jfxrt.jar is present.
I am unable to add this jar to build path. The only option available is configure build path.
Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong?
Controlsfx should not be put in lib/ext but simply added to your projects build path!

Package does not exist - error

I am trying to compile a .java file ( that uses several import statements. These statements import .class files present in five external JAR files: dataextract.jar, jna.jar, JRI.jar, JRIEngine.jar and REngine.jar. I have read documentation on how to deal with these import statements while trying to compile your .java file from the command line. However, I do not seem to succeed.
I set up the directory in the command line to be the folder in which my .java file resides. In that same folder, I have put the JAR files. When I try to compile the code using java -cp dataextract.jar jna.jar JRI.jar JRIEngine.jar REngine.jar, I get a package does not exist error. I have set up the class path to include the folder in which all my .java and .jar files reside.
I have searched for hours on this without success. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I forgot to mention I also get an error related to annotation processing.
Picture can be found here:

file or directory not found for "UIConstants.js"

In Hamattan Application Project in Qt Creator. when I'm trying to import:
import "UIConstants.js" as UIConstants
I always get file or directory not found error after building. It tried to copy the file into my project, the same error pops out.
What could have gone wrong? Please Help, Thank you.
It's either of these two:
forgot to add it in res.qrc
it was located at a different directory(but is included in the project)
