Using code from ipython in Rstudio - r

I am trying to CLV in R using data from Big Query.
I have found an article describing how to do it, but the guide codes in iPython instead of, which I not familiar with.
(The guide I want to use:
My question is:
- Why would you run R code in iPython and not in Rstudio?
- What code do I have to change in order to run the same analysis in Rstudio instead?


IDE with LaTeX and R support: Inline output in .Rmd notebooks and weaving LaTeX document with R code

I'm trying to improve my workflow when working with R and generating documentation. I've been going between TeXStudio, JupyterLab and RStudio for a while, and I'm trying to improve my workflow. TeXStudio has limited R support, and RStudio limited support for LaTeX.
VS Code has support for multiple languages, including R and LaTeX. The fact that it can run both Jupyter notebooks, R notebooks, and LaTeX, and has plugins for other languages as well, makes it seem desirable. However, I am unable to find documentation on how to configure it to work with R and LaTeX code in the same file. In addition, I am unable to configure R notebooks to allow inline code execution output.
However, I am unable to (a) set up code execution output under the code for .Rmd notebooks, and (b) I can't figure out how to weave .Rnw (R/LaTeX) documents with Sweave/knitr.
I'm trying to find an IDE that would include features like:
Markdown, code and code execution output in the same document
Auto R and LaTeX code completion
Automatic display of R function documentation
Spell check
Simple R console access
Compile .Rnw
Syntax highlighting for both R code and LaTeX code
I am, primarily, requesting ways to configure VS Code, or, secondly, way to configure another IDE that can meet my requirements. A tutorial on this would be much appreciated.
After a bit of digging around, I found that VS Code does nearly all the things I need.
Auto R and LaTeX code completion, Display of R function documentation in a tab in VS Code, Simple R console access, and Syntax highlighting for both R code and LaTeX code:
The R and LaTeX Workshop extensions, will provide highlighting and autocompletion of code in both languages. By installing R, you can easily open a session in a terminal window in VS Code, and from there open documentation inside VS Code.
Spell check
Code Spell Checker offers spell check for multiple languages. Install the extension and any desired dictionaries, and set the langauges you want to be included in the extension settings.
Compile .Rnw files
Turns out LaTeX Workshop can actually do this by default.
Markdown, code and code execution output in the same document
This is the only thing VS Code doesn't do as far as I can tell. It can compile .Rmd files, however, but the output can only be seen in the compiled PDF. I consider this less important, since I can use Jupyter notebooks instead.

How to use inline code in markdown in Jupyter with R

How to use inline code in markdown in Jupyter with R?
n <- 8
The Number is {{n}}
What would be the correct syntax in Jupyter Markdown for R? Is it even possible?
In case you haven't done it already, you might want to give the python markdown extension a shot, that adds the markdown inline code functionality for Python to Jupyter notebooks. On their github they claim:
The Python Markdown extension allows displaying output produced by the current kernel in markdown cells. The extension is basically agnostic to the kernel language, however most testing has been done using Python.
Installation instructions are on the github page of the nbextensions. Make sure you'll enable the python markdown extension using a jupyter command or the extension configurator.
Calling variables then should work inside a markdown cell with the {{var-name}} syntax that you've already given (described in the readme of the corresponding github page (linked in the wiki)).
If this doesn't help, you might want to join the discussion of the corresponding issues in the issue trackers for ipython and jupyter.

Debugging code in R Markdown

I've been playing a little bit with R Markdown and I really like it, because after each of my analyses I need to write a (Word) report detailing the results. With R Markdown, the code and report are the same document, so it's easy to remember that I chose to perform analysis B at a certain point in the code, because of the results of analysis A before.
However, I'm not able to set breakpoints in R Markdown inside R Studio, and this limits severely the possibility of performing efficient debugging. This implies that in the end I can only use Markdown for very trivial analyses, where the R code is so simple that either I don't have to debug it, or I can debug it manually. It this to be expected, i.e., is it well-known that R Markdown can only be used for simple analyses? Or is there a solution?
You can use browser() in your code to set breakpoints. See
I've find it more useful to write custom functions in a .R and source() it in Markdown. Then, you get the best of both worlds.
You can generate Word and other reports from normal R scripts using knitr::spin in combination with special roxygen2-style comments. Then you can run your script and use breakpoints as normal.
There's also a toolbar button in RStudio to do this.

R leaflet package inline in IPython Notebook

I'm using R in Ipython Notebook with R line and cell magics. All of my R plots print automatically inline except for the R package leaflet which opens in a new browser tab.
I've tried using %capture to capture the output. I've also tried doing different versions of --inline.
In knitr, the map is included inside the file following the code chunk. Any idea on how to get this functionality in ipython notebook using R?
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
%%capture only works with strings.
You can display interactive maps inline using rMaps.
There is a demonstration notebook here:

plotting data in R from matlab

I was wondering if it is possible to work between matlab and R to plot some data. I have a script in matlab which generates a text file. From this I was wondering if it was possible to open R from within matlab and plot the data from this text file and then return to matlab.
For example, if I save a text file called test.txt, in the path 'E:\', and then define the path of R which in my case will be:
pathR = 'C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.1\bin\R';
Is it possible to run a script already written in R saved under test1.R (saved in the same directory as test.txt) in R from matlab?
If you're working with Windows (from the path it looks like you are), you can use the MATLAB R-link from the File Exchange to pass data from Matlab to R, execute commands there, and retrieve output.
I don't use R so this is not something I have done but I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to use the system function to call R from a Matlab session. Look in the product documentation under the section Run External Commands, Scripts, and Programs for this and related approaches.
There are some platform-specific peculiarities to be aware of and you may have to wrestle a little with what is returned (though since you are planning to have R create a plot which is likely to be a side-effect rather than what is returned you may not). As ever this is covered quite well in the product's documentation
After using R(D)COM and Matlab R-link for a while, I do not recommend it. The COM interface has trouble parsing many commands and it is difficult to debug the code. I recommend using a system command from Matlab as described in the R Wiki. This also avoids having to install RAndFriends.
