Peoplesoft Component Interface - peoplesoft

Im working on Component Interface in Psoft using AE and Pcode.
Upon create() method for keys an error shows
Invalid value for key with Prompt table in Search Edit. (91,78)
Does anyone have a big knowledge in peoplesoft specially in component interface.
Please help thanks.

Upon create() method for keys an error shows
ERROR : Invalid value for key with Prompt table in Search Edit. (91,78)
Identify the component used by your Component Interface (can be seen in PeopleTools Application Designer by opening the Component Interface. It will be in the top left position of the left Component Interface pane.) see PeopleBooks
Identify the Search Record used by your Component (can be seen in PeopleTools Application Designer by opening the Component, opening Definition Properties, and opening the "Use" tab to see the Search Record see PeopleBooks "Use Properties" on "Setting Component Properties")
Identify the keys on the Search Record by opening the Record in Application Designer and using the Record Toolbar to see the Record in "Use Display" mode. see PeopleBooks on Record Definitions
On same search record from #3 above, switch to "Edits Display" mode to see the prompt table for each key.
Using information gleaned from steps #3 and #4, double-check the values you are passing in to your create statement to make sure they conform the the field definitions (length, data type) and prompts (list of acceptable values)


How to manipulate or clear the undo-redo chain of a TextInputControl?

I'm implementing a custom embeddable command line console control in javafx8, based upon the stock TextArea control.
I'd like to be able control what does and does not go into the internal undo/redo stack: user edits on the command line (yes) but application responses to those edits and subsequent output to the readonly portion of the text area I am maintaining (no).
The TextInputControl includes a nicely designed UndoRedo linked list, but everything to do with it seems to be private.
How do i manipulate the TextInputControl undo stack either directly or indirectly to e.g. pop a link off it after appending output text?

How do I find out a field's type information for a 'record' in appmaker in Server script?

I'm trying to create a re-usable script for capturing record changes onSave with Server-side scripting. To do that, I need the model information for a given table, including what type each field is.
I have figured out how to get the model for my table and details for the fields:
var table = "Clients";
var myObject = app.models[table];
// Dump the properties of the 2nd field in the model
console.log("Field 2 properties: " + JSON.stringify(myObject["L"]["fields"]["1"]));
I see this:
"description":"Short name for client (must be unique)",
"type" looks like an empty property here and I can't seem to figure out how to get any reference to it to tell me what I need.
How do I get usable type information for a given field in a model?
Right now, App Maker doesn't expose an API to access the model metadata.
You snippet is actually accessing App Maker's internal state and might break in future releases (the "L" property is actually obfuscated by a JS compiler and not designed to be accessed from user land).
We know this kind of meta-programming is handy and this is something we might add in the future based on user feedback. Please feel free to submit a request feature in our issue tracker (

Why does the error occurs then I try to utilize pzRDExportWrapper in Pega 7.1.8?

I have a task to export a repeat grid's content to Excel. I have read an
article, but I still can't realize how to properly use it. I tried to repeat article's steps to provide pzRDExportWrapper, but after I click "Save" button I get the error:
Method: Rule-Obj-Activity instance not found:
Sb-FW-CTrackFW-Work.pzRDExportWrapper. Details: Invalid value for
Activity name passed to ActivityAssembler.
Could anybody give me any suggestions? Thank you.
You invoke activity from another activity which applies to class Sb-FW-CTrackFW-Work. Rule Resolution use primary context Sb-FW-CTrackFW-Work class and try invoke activity pzRDExportWrapper from it and you get error (because rule resolution can't found invoked activity in this class).
Activity pzRDExportWrapper applies to Rule-Obj-Report-Definition class. Try invoke from it.
Try activity step as below:
Call Rule-Obj-Report-Definition.pzRDExportWrapper
Or use step page for this step which defined as applies to Rule-Obj-Report-Definition class(you can declare it on Pages&Classes tab)
Okay. I have resolved the issue (thank you njc). I have two sections on a lone web page.
A context of the first section is my custom data page Co-Name-FW-Data-Search. The Search page has some single value properties which are initialized by an user via an UI.
The second section is a repeat grid section, a report definition as a source. My Search page pointed out in a Pages and Classes tab. Also there is a Page, which is created by report definition and contains results. The report definition takes Search’s values as parameters.
So, I have created an activity and passed the Search page and a Cods-Pega-List MyResultList as parameters. There are some steps in the activity:
Check if Search is null. If true- skip step; else - transfer Search properties into Params props with Data Transform.
Set Param.exportmode = "excel"
Call pzRDExportWrapper with Step Page MyResultList.pyReportDefinition. Pass current parameter page.
P.S.: If it doesn’t work try to play with report definition’s settings.
P.P.S.: An only minus of pzExportWrapper is that it invokes report definition again.

Set highlighted record on a list page through code on called object

On the CustListPage I have added functionality on the ribbon which opens a popup/dialog form from where you can see related Customers.
How do I, on selection of one of the related customers on my dialog, jump to that customer on the listpage?
What I’ve tried so far:
I’ve added a method (lets call it setActiveRecord) on the CustTableListPageInteraction class that should set the activeRecord on the listpage to the record I’m passing to this method. I’m passing the CustTableListPageInteraction class to the dialog form, using a parm method. Now on my dialog form I can see that I receive the CustTableListPageInteraction class. However, I’m unable to execute my method setActiveRecord on the CustTableListPageInteraction, because I get a “object not initialized”.
What is the best route to follow to update a ListPage from a called object? Because the listpage is driven by the class, I find it very difficult to pass parameters back.

Entity Framework table updates not working due to trigger calling CLR

I have a table with a trigger that points to an assembly:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[triggername] ON [dbo].[tablename]
AS EXTERNAL NAME [Namofassembly].[blahblah].[blahblah]
We also using code first EF in .net 4.
When I use delete everything works fine but the trigger does not get called.
When I use update I get a permissions error. This is either when I try it through the object model or a dataRepo.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(updateSql)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The context transaction which was active before entering user defined routine, trigger or aggregate "name" has been ended inside of it, which is not allowed. Change application logic to enforce strict transaction nesting.
Everything works fine when I run the queries via the sql management studio.
I also am not able to change this configuration so while I don't care for this design I am not able to change it.
My questions are:
1> Why would the delete not get logged but work?
2> Do I need to add something extra to my repo configuration object that will allow this to work? Do I need to add some transaction like unitofwork before I start this since it has a trigger maybe?
I have figured out the causes of this issue.
It relates to having a composite primary key (station,user) and trying to update one of the values.
I could not update any column of the primary key, ie change the user assigned to a station.
The trigger failure masked the issue of not being able to update a value inside the key.
My experiments show the following for the compositekey/pk update:
Method History Trigger Result
EF.SaveChanges Enabled Fail at trigger
EF.SaveChanges Disabled Fail at trigger
EF.ExecuteSQLCommand(sql) Enabled Fail at trigger
EF.ExecuteSQLCommand(sql) Disabled Works
Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to change to a surrogate with a unique index which would work. Also, the trigger CLR prevents me from using DataBase.ExecuteSQLCommand(sql) also which I believe is actually a problem with the CLR of which I have not ability to modify.
So my advise (that I can't take) is if you get this use a surrogate key and a unique index instead of combining the 2.
If anyone knows any way to allow EF to allow you to change a value inside a composite/primary key please comment.
