Add custom vertical line joyplots ggridges - r

I would like to add a vertical line by row to joy plots using ggridges.
# toy example
ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Species, fill=..x..)) +
geom_density_ridges_gradient(jittered_points = FALSE, quantile_lines =
FALSE, quantiles = 2, scale=0.9, color='white') +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
theme_ridges(grid = FALSE, center = TRUE)
I want to add a vertical line at 7 for virginica, 4 for versicolor, and 5 for setosa. Any ideas on how to do it?

Since your densities don't overlap, it may be easiest to just add additional segments.
iris_lines <- data.frame(Species = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),
x0 = c(5, 4, 7))
ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Species, fill=..x..)) +
geom_density_ridges_gradient(jittered_points = FALSE, quantile_lines =
FALSE, quantiles = 2, scale=0.9, color='white') +
geom_segment(data = iris_lines, aes(x = x0, xend = x0, y = as.numeric(Species),
yend = as.numeric(Species) + .9),
color = "red") +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
theme_ridges(grid = FALSE, center = TRUE)


R: How to set full transparency in a quantile line in geom_density_ridges

First of all, some data similar to what I am working with.
rawdata <- data.frame(Score = rnorm(1000, seq(1, 0, length.out = 10), sd = 1),
Group = rep(LETTERS[1:3], 10000))
rawdata$Score <- ifelse(rawdata$Group == "A", rawdata$Score+2,rawdata$Score)
rawdata$Score <- ifelse(rawdata$Group == "C", rawdata$Score-2,rawdata$Score)
stdev <- c(10.78,10.51,9.42)
col <- c("#004d8d", "#cc2701", "#e5b400")
Now, the code of my geom_density_ridges with quantile lines, which in this case they will be white.
p <- ggplot(rawdata, aes(x = Score, y = Group)) +
scale_y_discrete() +
geom_rect(inherit.aes = FALSE, mapping = aes(ymin = 0, ymax = Inf, xmin = -0.1 * min(stdev), xmax = 0.1 * max(stdev)),
fill = "grey", alpha = 0.5) +
geom_density_ridges(scale = -0.5, size = 1, alpha=0.5, show.legend = FALSE,
quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975),
vline_color = "white", aes(fill = Group)) +
scale_color_manual(values = col) +
scale_fill_manual(values = col) +
labs(title="Toy Graph", y="Group", x="Value") +
coord_flip(xlim = c(-8, 8), ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE, clip = "on")
An we obtain the following plot, which is perfectly adjusted to expectation.
Now I was wondering if there was a way to make only this little white quantile line transparent to the background. I tried first to set the vline_color = "transparent" and leaving the aes(fill = Group) at the end of geom_density_ridges at the logic that options where drew in order but it gets transparent not to the different shades of grey background but to the density fill (so the quantile line disappears), which is not what I am trying to achieve.
Thanks in advance for your ideas!
Colors can be modified with scales::alpha. This can be passed to your color argument.
rawdata <- data.frame(Score = rnorm(1000, seq(1, 0, length.out = 10), sd = 1),
Group = rep(LETTERS[1:3], 10000))
rawdata$Score <- ifelse(rawdata$Group == "A", rawdata$Score+2,rawdata$Score)
rawdata$Score <- ifelse(rawdata$Group == "C", rawdata$Score-2,rawdata$Score)
stdev <- c(10.78,10.51,9.42)
col <- c("#004d8d", "#cc2701", "#e5b400")
ggplot(rawdata, aes(x = Score, y = Group)) +
scale_y_discrete() +
geom_rect(inherit.aes = FALSE, mapping = aes(ymin = 0, ymax = Inf, xmin = -0.1 * min(stdev), xmax = 0.1 * max(stdev)),
fill = "grey", alpha = 0.5) +
geom_density_ridges(scale = -0.5, size = 1, alpha=0.5, show.legend = FALSE,
quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975),
### The only change is here
vline_color = alpha("white", .5), aes(fill = Group)) +
scale_color_manual(values = col) +
scale_fill_manual(values = col) +
labs(title="Toy Graph", y="Group", x="Value") +
coord_flip(xlim = c(-8, 8), ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE, clip = "on")
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.148
#> Warning: Using the `size` aesthietic with geom_segment was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#> ℹ Please use the `linewidth` aesthetic instead.
Created on 2022-11-14 with reprex v2.0.2
No, if you make something transparent you will see what's underneath, which is the density plot.
However, you can replicate the visual effect of "seeing through to the background" by simply setting the line colour to the same as the background.
Your grey rectangle is currently plotted underneath the density plots, therefore the "background" doesn't have a single colour. This can be solved by plotting it on top instead. Instead of a 50% grey with 50% alpha, you can replicate the same effect with a 0% grey (aka black) with a 25% alpha. Move the geom_rect later than the density plots and it will be layered on top.
Finally, your geom_rect is being called once for each row of raw_data, since it inherits the same data as the main plot. You probably don't want that, so specify a (dummy) data source instead.
ggplot(rawdata, aes(x = Score, y = Group)) +
scale_y_discrete() +
geom_density_ridges(scale = -0.5, size = 1, alpha=0.5, show.legend = FALSE,
quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975),
vline_color = "grey90", aes(fill = Group)) +
scale_color_manual(values = col) +
scale_fill_manual(values = col) +
labs(title="Toy Graph", y="Group", x="Value") +
geom_rect(data=data.frame(), inherit.aes = FALSE, mapping = aes(
ymin = 0, ymax = Inf, xmin = -0.1 * min(stdev), xmax = 0.1 * max(stdev)
), fill = "black", alpha = 0.25) +
coord_flip(xlim = c(-8, 8), ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE, clip = "on")
Note: I'm not sure the background colour is really "grey90", I've eyeballed it. You may want to specify it explicitly with theme if you want to be exact.
If you want literal see-through portions of your density curves, you will need to make the gaps yourself:
rawdata %>%
mutate(GroupNum = as.numeric(as.factor(Group))) %>%
group_by(GroupNum, Group) %>%
summarise(yval = first(GroupNum) - density(Score)$y,
xval = density(Score)$x,
q025 = quantile(Score, 0.025),
q975 = quantile(Score, 0.975)) %>%
mutate(Q = ifelse(xval < q025, 'low', ifelse(xval > q975, 'hi', 'mid'))) %>%
ggplot(aes(xval, yval, group = interaction(Group, Q))) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = GroupNum, ymin = yval, fill = Group),
color = NA, alpha = 0.5, outline.type = 'full',
data = . %>% filter(abs(q025 - xval) > 0.03 &
abs(q975 - xval) > 0.03)) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual(values = col) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = 1:3, labels = levels(factor(rawdata$Group)),
name = 'Group') +
labs(x = 'Score')

How to add geom_segment to geom_density_ridges_gradient?

I would like to add vertical segments to a ridgeline plot whose histograms show customized quantiles.
I managed to get the vertical segments if I map fill color with ..x... But I would like to show quantiles in the density plots. I wrote the following code:
iris_lines <- data.frame(Species = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),
x0 = c(5, 5.9, 6.5))
Figure1 <- ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Species, fill=(..quantile..))) +
geom_density_ridges_gradient(jittered_points = FALSE, calc_ecdf = TRUE, quantile_lines = c(TRUE), quantiles =c(0.1,0.25,0.75,0.9),scale=0.9, color='white')+
geom_segment(data = iris_lines, aes(x = x0, xend = x0, y = as.numeric(Species), yend = as.numeric(Species) + c(.9,.5,.5)), color = "red") + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0))
The code works if I map fill color as fill = ..x.. I get three vertical lines representing the mean of each density plot; however, if I map fill color as fill = ..quantile.. I get the following error:
Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 3
Nice chart!
Add inherit.aes = F to the second geom so it doesn't try to match your data with the fill calculation in the ggplot(aes() call.
Figure1 <- ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Species, fill=(..quantile..))) +
geom_density_ridges_gradient(jittered_points = FALSE,
calc_ecdf = TRUE,
quantile_lines = c(TRUE),
quantiles =c(0.1,0.25,0.75,0.9),
scale=0.9, color='white') +
geom_segment(data = iris_lines,
aes(x = x0, xend = x0,
y = as.numeric(Species), yend = as.numeric(Species) + c(.9,.5,.5)),
color = "red", inherit.aes = F) + #### HERE ####
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0))
OP asked in comment about selectively labeling some elements and adding a label for the median line. Here's an approach, probably not the pithiest.
Figure1 <- ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Species,
fill = (..quantile..),
color = (..quantile..))) +
geom_density_ridges_gradient(jittered_points = FALSE,
calc_ecdf = TRUE,
quantile_lines = c(TRUE),
quantiles =c(0.1,0.25,0.75,0.9),
scale=0.9, color='white') +
geom_segment(data = iris_lines,
aes(x = x0, xend = x0, fill = "median",
y = as.numeric(Species),
yend = as.numeric(Species) + c(.9,.5,.5),
color = "median")) + #### HERE ####
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
scale_color_manual(name = "quantile",
limits = c(1:3, "median"),
values = alpha("firebrick1", c(0, 0, 0, 1)),
labels = c("<10%", "10-25%", "IQR", "median")) +
scale_fill_manual(name = "quantile",
limits = c(1:3, "median"),
values = c("cadetblue", "coral", "orange", "white"),
na.value = "gray30",
labels = c("<10%", "10-25%", "IQR", "median"))

How to add common line and text as second x-axis label

I want to plot a graph. Several of my x-axis labels have a common label. So I want to add common text as label instead of several separate labels on x-axis as shown in the attached images. How can this be done?
df <- data.frame(conc = c(0, 10, 50, 100, "Positive Control"),
values = c(3, 3, 4, 5, 10),
name = c("TiO2 NP", "TiO2 NP", "TiO2 NP", "TiO2 NP", "Cyclophosamide"))
df$conc <- as.factor(df$conc)
labels2 <- paste0(df$conc, "\n", df$name)
df %>%
mutate(conc = fct_reorder(conc, values)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = conc, y=values, fill = conc))+
geom_bar(stat = "identity",show.legend = FALSE, width = 0.6)+
scale_x_discrete(labels = labels2)+
labs(x = "\n Dose (mg/kg BW)")
I don't think there's a simple way. You have to play with ggplot2 for some time to make something really custom. Here's my example:
df %>%
conc = fct_reorder(conc, values),
labels2 = if_else(
name == 'TiO2 NP',
paste0(conc, '\n', name)
) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=conc, y=values, fill = conc)) +
stat = "identity",
show.legend = FALSE,
width = 0.6
) +
xmin = .4,
xmax = 5.6,
ymin = -Inf,
ymax = 0
fill = 'white'
) +
y = -.4,
label = labels2
vjust = 1,
size = 3.4,
color = rgb(.3, .3, .3)
) +
geom_line(data = tibble(
x = c(.9, 4.1),
y = c(-1.2, -1.2)
x = x,
y = y
color = rgb(.3, .3, .3),
inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
geom_curve(data = tibble(
x1 = c(.8, 4.1),
x2 = c(.9, 4.2),
y1 = c(-.8, -1.2),
y2 = c(-1.2, -.8)
x = x1,
y = y1,
xend = x2,
yend = y2
color = rgb(.3, .3, .3),
inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
x = 2.5,
y = -1.7,
label = 'TiO2 NP'
size = 3.4,
color = rgb(.3, .3, .3),
check_overlap = TRUE
) +
x = 3,
y = -2.4,
label = '\n Dose (mg/kg BW)'
show.legend = FALSE,
check_overlap = TRUE
) +
theme_minimal() +
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank()
) +
breaks = seq(0, 10, 2.5),
limits = c(-2.5, 10)
For a more automated approach, you can try placing the common variable in facet_grid with scales = "free", space = "free", to simulate a 2nd x-axis line. The rest of the code below are for aesthetic tweaks:
df %>%
mutate(conc = fct_reorder(conc, values)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = conc, y = values, fill = conc)) +
geom_col(show.legend = F, width = 0.6) + #geom_col() is equivalent to geom_bar(stat = "identity")
facet_grid(~ fct_rev(name),
scales = "free", space = "free",
switch = "x") + #brings the facet label positions from top (default) to bottom
scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0.5)) + #adjusts the horizontal space at the ends of each facet
labs(x = "\n Dose (mg/kg BW)") +
theme(axis.line.x = element_line(arrow = arrow(ends = "both")), #show line (with arrow ends) to
#indicate facet label's extent
panel.spacing = unit(0, "cm"), #adjusts space between the facets
strip.placement = "outside", #positions facet labels below x-axis labels
strip.background = element_blank()) #transparent background for facet labels

Drawing elements (arrows & circle) in ggplot (R) to show the difference between two bars

I am trying to create a plot in R using ggplot that shows the difference between my two bars in a nice way.
I found an example that did part of what I wanted, but I have two major problems:
It is based on comparing groups of bars, but I only have two, so I added one group with both of them.
I would like to draw the arrow in nicer shape. I attached an image.
transactions <- c(5000000, 1000000)
time <- c("Q1","Q2")
group <- c("A", "A")
data <- data.frame(transactions, time, group)
library(ggplot2) <- function(x){
return(data.frame(y = max(x) + 1,
label = paste0(round(diff(x), 2), "cm")))
ylab <- c(2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10)
gg <- ggplot(data, aes(x = time, y = transactions, fill = colors_hc[1], label = round(transactions, 0))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_text(position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
vjust = 1.1) +
geom_line(aes(group = group), position = position_nudge(0.1),
arrow = arrow()) +
stat_summary(aes(x = group, y = transactions),
geom = "label", =,
fontface = "bold", fill = "lightgrey",
inherit.aes = FALSE) +
expand_limits(x = c(0, NA), y = c(0, NA)) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = paste0(ylab, "M"),
breaks = 10 ^ 6 * ylab)
The arrows I am aiming for:
Where I am (ignore the ugliness, didn't style it yet):
This works, but you still need to play around a bit with the axes (or rather beautify them)
transactions <- c(5000000, 1000000)
time <- c("Q1","Q2")
group <- c("A", "A")
my_data <- data.frame(transactions, time, group) <- function(x){
return(data.frame(y = max(x) + 1,
label = as.integer(diff(x))))
my_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = group, y = transactions, fill = time)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
geom_text(aes(label = as.integer(transactions)),
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
vjust = 1.5) +
geom_line(aes(group = group), position = position_nudge(0.1),
arrow = arrow()) +
stat_summary(aes(x = group, y = transactions),
geom = "label",
size = 5,
position = position_nudge(0.05), =,
fontface = "bold", fill = "lightgrey",
inherit.aes = FALSE)
y_limit <- 6000000
my_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = transactions)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity',
fill = 'steelblue') +
geom_text(aes(label = as.integer(transactions)),
vjust = 2) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, y_limit)) +
geom_segment(aes(x = 'Q1', y = max(my_data$transactions),
xend = 'Q1', yend = y_limit)) +
geom_segment(aes(x = 'Q2', y = y_limit,
xend = 'Q2', yend = min(my_data$transactions)),
arrow = arrow()) +
geom_segment(aes(x = 'Q1', y = y_limit,
xend = 'Q2', yend = y_limit)) +
geom_label(aes(x = 'Q2',
y = y_limit,
label = as.integer(min(my_data$transactions)- max(my_data$transactions))),
size = 10,
position = position_nudge(-0.5),
fontface = "bold", fill = "lightgrey")

Making a specific quantile plot in R

I am very intrigued by the following visulization (Decile term)
And I wonder how it would be possible to do it in R.
There is of course histograms and density plots, but they do not make such a nice visualization. Especially, I would like to know if it possible to do it with ggplot/tidyverse.
edit in response to the comment
someData <- data_frame(x = rnorm(1000))
ggplot(someData, aes(x = x)) +
this produces a histogram (see
But how I can get the coloful bars? How to implement the small rectangles? (The arrows are less relevant).
You have to define a number of breaks, and use approximate deciles that match those histogram breaks. Otherwise, two deciles will end up in one bar.
d <- data_frame(x = rnorm(1000))
breaks <- seq(min(d$x), max(d$x), length.out = 50)
quantiles <- quantile(d$x, seq(0, 1, 0.1))
quantiles2 <- sapply(quantiles, function(x) breaks[which.min(abs(x - breaks))])
d$bar <- as.numeric(as.character(cut(d$x, breaks, na.omit((breaks + dplyr::lag(breaks)) / 2))))
d$fill <- cut(d$x, quantiles2, na.omit((quantiles2 + dplyr::lag(quantiles2)) / 2))
ggplot(d, aes(bar, y = 1, fill = fill)) +
geom_col(position = 'stack', col = 1, show.legend = FALSE, width = diff(breaks)[1])
Or with more distinct colors:
ggplot(d, aes(bar, y = 1, fill = fill)) +
geom_col(position = 'stack', col = 1, show.legend = FALSE, width = diff(breaks)[1]) +
scale_fill_brewer(type = 'qual', palette = 3) # The only qual pallete with enough colors
Add some styling and increase the breaks to 100:
ggplot(d, aes(bar, y = 1, fill = fill)) +
geom_col(position = 'stack', col = 1, show.legend = FALSE, width = diff(breaks)[1], size = 0.3) +
scale_fill_brewer(type = 'qual', palette = 3) +
theme_classic() +
coord_fixed(diff(breaks)[1], expand = FALSE) + # makes square blocks
labs(x = 'x', y = 'count')
And here is a function to make that last one:
decile_histogram <- function(data, var, n_breaks = 100) {
breaks <- seq(min(data[[var]]), max(data[[var]]), length.out = n_breaks)
quantiles <- quantile(data[[var]], seq(0, 1, 0.1))
quantiles2 <- sapply(quantiles, function(x) breaks[which.min(abs(x - breaks))])
data$bar <- as.numeric(as.character(
cut(data[[var]], breaks, na.omit((breaks + dplyr::lag(breaks)) / 2)))
data$fill <- cut(data[[var]], quantiles2, na.omit((quantiles2 + dplyr::lag(quantiles2)) / 2))
ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(bar, y = 1, fill = fill)) +
ggplot2::geom_col(position = 'stack', col = 1, show.legend = FALSE, width = diff(breaks)[1], size = 0.3) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(type = 'qual', palette = 3) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::coord_fixed(diff(breaks)[1], expand = FALSE) +
ggplot2::labs(x = 'x', y = 'count')
Use as:
d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(1000))
decile_histogram(d, 'x')
