I am very confused in how CLP works in Prolog. Not only do I find it hard to see the benefits (I do see it in specific cases but find it hard to generalise those) but more importantly, I can hardly make up how to correctly write a recursive predicate. Which of the following would be the correct form in a CLP(R) way?
factorial(0, 1).
factorial(N, F):- {
N > 0,
PrevN = N - 1,
factorial(PrevN, NewF),
F = N * NewF}.
factorial(0, 1).
factorial(N, F):- {
N > 0,
PrevN = N - 1,
F = N * NewF},
factorial(PrevN, NewF).
In other words, I am not sure when I should write code outside the constraints. To me, the first case would seem more logical, because PrevN and NewF belong to the constraints. But if that's true, I am curious to see in which cases it is useful to use predicates outside the constraints in a recursive function.
There are several overlapping questions and issues in your post, probably too many to coherently address to your complete satisfaction in a single post.
Therefore, I would like to state a few general principles first, and then—based on that—make a few specific comments about the code you posted.
First, I would like to address what I think is most important in your case:
This means simply that CLP can be regarded as a superset of logic programming (LP). Whether it is to be considered a proper superset or if, in fact, it makes even more sense to regard them as denoting the same concept is somewhat debatable. In my personal view, logic programming without constraints is much harder to understand and much less usable than with constraints. Given that also even the very first Prolog systems had a constraint like dif/2 and also that essential built-in predicates like (=)/2 perfectly fit the notion of "constraint", the boundaries, if they exist at all, seem at least somewhat artificial to me, suggesting that:
Be that as it may, the key concept when working with CLP (of any kind) is that the constraints are available as predicates, and used in Prolog programs like all other predicates.
Therefore, whether you have the goal factorial(N, F) or { N > 0 } is, at least in principle, the same concept: Both mean that something holds.
Note the syntax: The CLP(ℛ) constraints have the form { C }, which is {}(C) in prefix notation.
Note that the goal factorial(N, F) is not a CLP(ℛ) constraint! Neither is the following:
?- { factorial(N, F) }.
ERROR: Unhandled exception: type_error({factorial(_3958,_3960)},...)
Thus, { factorial(N, F) } is not a CLP(ℛ) constraint either!
Your first example therefore cannot work for this reason alone already. (In addition, you have a syntax error in the clause head: factorial (, so it also does not compile at all.)
When you learn working with a constraint solver, check out the predicates it provides. For example, CLP(ℛ) provides {}/1 and a few other predicates, and has a dedicated syntax for stating relations that hold about floating point numbers (in this case).
Other constraint solver provide their own predicates for describing the entities of their respective domains. For example, CLP(FD) provides (#=)/2 and a few other predicates to reason about integers. dif/2 lets you reason about any Prolog term. And so on.
From the programmer's perspective, this is exactly the same as using any other predicate of your Prolog system, whether it is built-in or stems from a library. In principle, it's all the same:
A goal like list_length(Ls, L) can be read as: "The length of the list Ls is L."
A goal like { X = A + B } can be read as: The number X is equal to the sum of A and B. For example, if you are using CLP(Q), it is clear that we are talking about rational numbers in this case.
In your second example, the body of the clause is a conjunction of the form (A, B), where A is a CLP(ℛ) constraint, and B is a goal of the form factorial(PrevN, NewF).
The point is: The CLP(ℛ) constraint is also a goal! Check it out:
?- write_canonical({a,b,c}).
So, you are simply using {}/1 from library(clpr), which is one of the predicates it exports.
You are right that PrevN and NewF belong to the constraints. However, factorial(PrevN, NewF) is not part of the mini-language that CLP(ℛ) implements for reasoning over floating point numbers. Therefore, you cannot pull this goal into the CLP(ℛ)-specific part.
From a programmer's perspective, a major attraction of CLP is that it blends in completely seamlessly into "normal" logic programming, to the point that it can in fact hardly be distinguished at all from it: The constraints are simply predicates, and written down like all other goals.
Whether you label a library predicate a "constraint" or not hardly makes any difference: All predicates can be regarded as constraints, since they can only constrain answers, never relax them.
Note that both examples you post are recursive! That's perfectly OK. In fact, recursive predicates will likely be the majority of situations in which you use constraints in the future.
However, for the concrete case of factorial, your Prolog system's CLP(FD) constraints are likely a better fit, since they are completely dedicated to reasoning about integers.
I've been struggling with the basics of functional programming lately. I started writing small functions in SML, so far so good. Although, there is one problem I can not solve. It's on Project Euler ( and it simply asks for the smallest natural number that is divisible from all the numbers from 1 - n (where n is the argument of the function I'm trying to build).
Searching for the solution, I've found that through prime factorization, you analyze all the numbers from 1 to 10, and then keep the numbers where the highest power on a prime number occurs (after performing the prime factorization). Then you multiply them and you have your result (eg for n = 10, that number is 2520).
Can you help me on implementing this to an SML function?
Thank you for your time!
Since coding is not a spectator sport, it wouldn't be helpful for me to give you a complete working program; you'd have no way to learn from it. Instead, I'll show you how to get started, and start breaking down the pieces a bit.
Now, Mark Dickinson is right in his comments above that your proposed approach is neither the simplest nor the most efficient; nonetheless, it's quite workable, and plenty efficient enough to solve the Project Euler problem. (I tried it; the resulting program completed instantly.) So, I'll go with it.
To start with, if we're going to be operating on the prime decompositions of positive integers (that is: the results of factorizing them), we need to figure out how we're going to represent these decompositions. This isn't difficult, but it's very helpful to lay out all the details explicitly, so that when we write the functions that use them, we know exactly what assumptions we can make, what requirements we need to satisfy, and so on. (I can't tell you how many times I've seen code-writing attempts where different parts of the program disagree about what the data should look like, because the exact easiest form for one function to work with was a bit different from the exact easiest form for a different function to work with, and it was all done in an ad hoc way without really planning.)
You seem to have in mind an approach where a prime decomposition is a product of primes to the power of exponents: for example, 12 = 22 × 31. The simplest way to represent that in Standard ML is as a list of pairs: [(2,2),(3,1)]. But we should be a bit more precise than this; for example, we don't want 12 to sometimes be [(2,2),(3,1)] and sometimes [(3,1),(2,2)] and sometimes [(3,1),(5,0),(2,2)]. So, we can say something like "The prime decomposition of a positive integer is represented as a list of prime–exponent pairs, with the primes all being positive primes (2,3,5,7,…), the exponents all being positive integers (1,2,3,…), and the primes all being distinct and arranged in increasing order." This ensures a unique, easy-to-work-with representation. (N.B. 1 is represented by the empty list, nil.)
By the way, I should mention — when I tried this out, I found that everything was a little bit simpler if instead of storing exponents explicitly, I just repeated each prime the appropriate number of times, e.g. [2,2,3] for 12 = 2 × 2 × 3. (There was no single big complication with storing exponents explicitly, it just made a lot of little things a bit more finicky.) But the below breakdown is at a high level, and applies equally to either representation.
So, the overall algorithm is as follows:
Generate a list of the integers from 1 to 10, or 1 to 20.
This part is optional; you can just write the list by hand, if you want, so as to jump into the meatier part faster. But since your goal is to learn the basics of functional programming, you might as well do this using List.tabulate [documentation].
Use this to generate a list of the prime decompositions of these integers.
Specifically: you'll want to write a factorize or decompose function that takes a positive integer and returns its prime decomposition. You can then use map, a.k.a. [documentation], to apply this function to each element of your list of integers.
Note that this decompose function will need to keep track of the "next" prime as it's factoring the integer. In some languages, you would use a mutable local variable for this; but in Standard ML, the normal approach is to write a recursive helper function with a parameter for this purpose. Specifically, you can write a function helper such that, if n and p are positive integers, p ≥ 2, where n is not divisible by any prime less than p, then helper n p is the prime decomposition of n. Then you just write
fun helper n p = ...
fun decompose n = helper n 2
Use this to generate the prime decomposition of the least common multiple of these integers.
To start with, you'll probably want to write a lcmTwoDecompositions function that takes a pair of prime decompositions, and computes the least common multiple (still in prime-decomposition form). (Writing this pairwise function is much, much easier than trying to create a multi-way least-common-multiple function from scratch.)
Using lcmTwoDecompositions, you can then use foldl or foldr, a.k.a. List.foldl or List.foldr [documentation], to create a function that takes a list of zero or more prime decompositions instead of just a pair. This makes use of the fact that the least common multiple of { n1, n2, …, nN } is lcm(n1, lcm(n2, lcm(…, lcm(nN, 1)…))). (This is a variant of what Mark Dickinson mentions above.)
Use this to compute the least common multiple of these integers.
This just requires a recompose function that takes a prime decomposition and computes the corresponding integer.
I am looking for a simple method to assign a number to a mathematical expression, say between 0 and 1, that conveys how simplified that expression is (being 1 as fully simplified). For example:
eval('x+1') should return 1.
eval('1+x+1+x+x-5') should returns some value less than 1, because it is far from being simple (i.e., it can be further simplified).
The parameter of eval() could be either a string or an abstract syntax tree (AST).
A simple idea that occurred to me was to count the number of operators (?)
EDIT: Let simplified be equivalent to how close a system is to the solution of a problem. E.g., given an algebra problem (i.e. limit, derivative, integral, etc), it should assign a number to tell how close it is to the solution.
The closest metaphor I can come up with it how a maths professor would look at an incomplete problem and mentally assess it in order to tell how close the student is to the solution. Like in a math exam, were the student didn't finished a problem worth 20 points, but the professor assigns 8 out of 20. Why would he come up with 8/20, and can we program such thing?
I'm going to break a stack-overflow rule and post this as an answer instead of a comment, because not only I'm pretty sure the answer is you can't (at least, not the way you imagine), but also because I believe it can be educational up to a certain degree.
Let's assume that a criteria of simplicity can be established (akin to a normal form). It seems to me that you are very close to trying to solve an analogous to entscheidungsproblem or the halting problem. I doubt that in a complex rule system required for typical algebra, you can find a method that gives a correct and definitive answer to the number of steps of a series of term reductions (ipso facto an arbitrary-length computation) without actually performing it. Such answer would imply knowing in advance if such computation could terminate, and so contradict the fact that automatic theorem proving is, for any sufficiently powerful logic capable of representing arithmetic, an undecidable problem.
In the given example, the teacher is actually either performing that computation mentally (going step by step, applying his own sequence of rules), or gives an estimation based on his experience. But, there's no generic algorithm that guarantees his sequence of steps are the simplest possible, nor that his resulting expression is the simplest one (except for trivial expressions), and hence any quantification of "distance" to a solution is meaningless.
Wouldn't all this be true, your problem would be simple: you know the number of steps, you know how many steps you've taken so far, you divide the latter by the former ;-)
Now, returning to the criteria of simplicity, I also advice you to take a look on Hilbert's 24th problem, that specifically looked for a "Criteria of simplicity, or proof of the greatest simplicity of certain proofs.", and the slightly related proof compression. If you are philosophically inclined to further understand these subjects, I would suggest reading the classic Gödel, Escher, Bach.
Further notes: To understand why, consider a well-known mathematical artefact called the Mandelbrot fractal set. Each pixel color is calculated by determining if the solution to the equation z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + c for any specific c is bounded, that is, "a complex number c is part of the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z(0) = 0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of z(n) remains bounded however large n gets." Despite the equation being extremely simple (you know, square a number and sum a constant), there's absolutely no way to know if it will remain bounded or not without actually performing an infinite number of iterations or until a cycle is found (disregarding complex heuristics). In this sense, every fractal out there is a rough approximation that typically usages an escape time algorithm as an heuristic to provide an educated guess whether the solution will be bounded or not.
May anyone give me an example how we can improve our code reusability using algebraic structures like groups, monoids and rings? (or how can i make use of these kind of structures in programming, knowing at least that i didn't learn all that theory in highschool for nothing).
I heard this is possible but i can't figure out a way applying them in programming and genereally applying hardcore mathematics in programming.
It is not really the mathematical stuff that helps as is the mathematical thinking. Abstraction is the key in programming. Transforming real live concepts into numbers and relations is what we do every day. Algebra is the mother of all, algebra is the set of rules that defines correctness, it is the highest level of abstraction, so, understanding algebra means you can think more clear, more faster, more efficient. Commencing from Sets theory to Category Theory, Domain Theory etc everything comes from practical challenges, abstraction and generalization requirements.
In common practice you will not need to actually know these, although if you are thinking of developing stuff like AI Agents, programming languages, fundamental concepts and tools then they are a must.
In functional programming, esp. Haskell, it's common to structure programs that transform states as monads. Doing so means you can reuse generic algorithms on monads in very different programs.
The C++ standard template library features the concept of a monoid. The idea is again that generic algorithms may require an operation to satisfies the axioms of monoids for their correctness.
E.g., if we can prove the type T we're operating on (numbers, string, whatever) is closed under the operation, we know we won't have to check for certain errors; we always get a valid T back. If we can prove that the operation is associative (x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z), then we can reuse the fork-join architecture; a simple but way of parallel programming implemented in various libraries.
Computer science seems to get a lot of milage out of category theory these days. You get monads, monoids, functors -- an entire bestiary of mathematical entities that are being used to improve code reusability, harnessing the abstraction of abstract mathematics.
Lists are free monoids with one generator, binary trees are groups. You have either the finite or infinite variant.
Starting points:
You may want to learn category theory, and the way category theory approaches algebraic structures: it is exactly the way functional programming languages approach data structures, at least shapewise.
Example: the type Tree A is
Tree A = () | Tree A | Tree A * Tree A
which reads as the existence of a isomorphism (*) (I set G = Tree A)
1 + G + G x G -> G
which is the same as a group structure
phi : 1 + G + G x G -> G
() € 1 -> e
x € G -> x^(-1)
(x, y) € G x G -> x * y
Indeed, binary trees can represent expressions, and they form an algebraic structure. An element of G reads as either the identity, an inverse of an element or the product of two elements. A binary tree is either a leaf, a single tree or a pair of trees. Note the similarity in shape.
(*) as well as a universal property, but they are two of them (finite trees or infinite lazy trees) so I won't dwelve into details.
As I had no idea this stuff existed in the computer science world, please disregard this answer ;)
I don't think the two fields (no pun intended) have any overlap. Rings/fields/groups deal with mathematical objects. Consider a part of the definition of a field:
For every a in F, there exists an element −a in F, such that a + (−a) = 0. Similarly, for any a in F other than 0, there exists an element a^−1 in F, such that a · a^−1 = 1. (The elements a + (−b) and a · b^−1 are also denoted a − b and a/b, respectively.) In other words, subtraction and division operations exist.
What the heck does this mean in terms of programming? I surely can't have an additive inverse of a list object in Python (well, I could just destroy the object, but that is like the multiplicative inverse. I guess you could get somewhere trying to define a Python-ring, but it just won't work out in the end). Don't even think about dividing lists...
As for code readability, I have absolutely no idea how this can even be applied, so this application is irrelevant.
This is my interpretation, but being a mathematics major probably makes me blind to other terminology from different fields (you know which one I'm talking about).
Monoids are ubiquitous in programming. In some programming languages, eg. Haskell, we can make monoids explicit
Most mathematicians agree that:
eπi + 1 = 0
However, most floating point implementations disagree. How well can we settle this dispute?
I'm keen to hear about different languages and implementations, and various methods to make the result as close to zero as possible. Be creative!
It's not that most floating point implementations disagree, it's just that they cannot get the accuracy necessary to get a 100% answer. And the correct answer is that they can't.
PI is an infinite series of digits that nobody has been able to denote by anything other than a symbolic representation, and e^X is the same, and thus the only way to get to 100% accuracy is to go symbolic.
Here's a short list of implementations and languages I've tried. It's sorted by closeness to zero:
Scheme: (+ 1 (make-polar 1 (atan 0 -1)))
⇒ 0.0+1.2246063538223773e-16i (Chez Scheme, MIT Scheme)
⇒ 0.0+1.22460635382238e-16i (Guile)
⇒ 0.0+1.22464679914735e-16i (Chicken with numbers egg)
⇒ 0.0+1.2246467991473532e-16i (MzScheme, SISC, Gauche, Gambit)
⇒ 0.0+1.2246467991473533e-16i (SCM)
Common Lisp: (1+ (exp (complex 0 pi)))
⇒ #C(0.0L0 -5.0165576136843360246L-20) (CLISP)
⇒ #C(0.0d0 1.2246063538223773d-16) (CMUCL)
⇒ #C(0.0d0 1.2246467991473532d-16) (SBCL)
Perl: use Math::Complex; Math::Complex->emake(1, pi) + 1
⇒ 1.22464679914735e-16i
Python: from cmath import exp, pi; exp(complex(0, pi)) + 1
⇒ 1.2246467991473532e-16j (CPython)
Ruby: require 'complex'; Complex::polar(1, Math::PI) + 1
⇒ Complex(0.0, 1.22464679914735e-16) (MRI)
⇒ Complex(0.0, 1.2246467991473532e-16) (JRuby)
R: complex(argument = pi) + 1
⇒ 0+1.224606353822377e-16i
Is it possible to settle this dispute?
My first thought is to look to a symbolic language, like Maple. I don't think that counts as floating point though.
In fact, how does one represent i (or j for the engineers) in a conventional programming language?
Perhaps a better example is sin(π) = 0? (Or have I missed the point again?)
I agree with Ryan, you would need to move to another number representation system. The solution is outside the realm of floating point math because you need pi to represented as an infinitely long decimal so any limited precision scheme just isn't going to work (at least not without employing some kind of fudge-factor to make up the lost precision).
Your question seems a little odd to me, as you seem to be suggesting that the Floating Point math is implemented by the language. That's generally not true, as the FP math is done using a floating point processor in hardware. But software or hardware, floating point will always be inaccurate. That's just how floats work.
If you need better precision you need to use a different number representation. Just like if you're doing integer math on numbers that don't fit in an int or long. Some languages have libraries for that built in (I know java has BigInteger and BigDecimal), but you'd have to explicitly use those libraries instead of native types, and the performance would be (sometimes significantly) worse than if you used floats.
#Ryan Fox In fact, how does one represent i (or j for the engineers) in a conventional programming language?
Native complex data types are far from unknown. Fortran had it by the mid-sixties, and the OP exhibits a variety of other languages that support them in hist followup.
And complex numbers can be added to other languages as libraries (with operator overloading they even look just like native types in the code).
But unless you provide a special case for this problem, the "non-agreement" is just an expression of imprecise machine arithmetic, no? It's like complaining that
float r = 2/3;
float s = 3*r;
float t = s - 2;
ends with (t != 0) (At least if you use an dumb enough compiler)...
I had looooong coffee chats with my best pal talking about Irrational numbers and the diference between other numbers. Well, both of us agree in this different point of view:
Irrational numbers are relations, as functions, in a way, what way? Well, think about "if you want a perfect circle, give me a perfect pi", but circles are diferent to the other figures (4 sides, 5, 6... 100, 200) but... How many more sides do you have, more like a circle it look like. If you followed me so far, connecting all this ideas here is the pi formula:
So, pi is a function, but one that never ends! because of the ∞ parameter, but I like to think that you can have "instance" of pi, if you change the ∞ parameter for a very big Int, you will have a very big pi instance.
Same with e, give me a huge parameter, I will give you a huge e.
Putting all the ideas together:
As we have memory limitations, the language and libs provide to us huge instance of irrational numbers, in this case, pi and e, as final result, you will have long aproach to get 0, like the examples provided by #Chris Jester-Young
In fact, how does one represent i (or j for the engineers) in a conventional programming language?
In a language that doesn't have a native representation, it is usually added using OOP to create a Complex class to represent i and j, with operator overloading to properly deal with operations involving other Complex numbers and or other number primitives native to the language.
Eg:, C++ < complex >
Numerical Analysis teaches us that you can't rely on the precise value of small differences between large numbers.
This doesn't just affect the equation in question here, but can bring instability to everything from solving a near-singular set of simultaneous equations, through finding the zeros of polynomials, to evaluating log(~1) or exp(~0) (I have even seen special functions for evaluating log(x+1) and (exp(x)-1) to get round this).
I would encourage you not to think in terms of zeroing the difference -- you can't -- but rather in doing the associated calculations in such a way as to ensure the minimum error.
I'm sorry, it's 43 years since I had this drummed into me at uni, and even if I could remember the references, I'm sure there's better stuff around now. I suggest this as a starting point.
If that sounds a bit patronising, I apologise. My "Numerical Analysis 101" was part of my Chemistry course, as there wasn't much CS in those days. I don't really have a feel for the place/importance numerical analysis has in a modern CS course.
It's a limitation of our current floating point computational architectures. Floating point arithmetic is only an approximation of numeric poles like e or pi (or anything beyond the precision your bits allow). I really enjoy these numbers because they defy classification, and appear to have greater entropy(?) than even primes, which are a canonical series. A ratio defy's numerical representation, sometimes simple things like that can blow a person's mind (I love it).
Luckily entire languages and libraries can be dedicated to precision trigonometric functions by using notational concepts (similar to those described by Lasse V. Karlsen ).
Consider a library/language that describes concepts like e and pi in a form that a machine can understand. Does a machine have any notion of what a perfect circle is? Probably not, but we can create an object - circle that satisfies all the known features we attribute to it (constant radius, relationship of radius to circumference is 2*pi*r = C). An object like pi is only described by the aforementioned ratio. r & C can be numeric objects described by whatever precision you want to give them. e can be defined "as the e is the unique real number such that the value of the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the function f(x) = ex at the point x = 0 is exactly 1" from wikipedia.
Fun question.