ASP Best Practices involving saving device information for two factor authentication -

Currently i'm trying to implement a device two factor authentication in which every time a user logs in, if that device wasn't recognized with the user the user will have to perform some sort of two factor authentication.
Currently i'm using System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities however, this is becoming a huge inconvenience because of automatic browser upgrades. I'm curious if someone has a better method or any suggestions.

Use a device cookie
It says "this user has successfully authenticated on this user agent in the past"
You probably want to include their username (or user id), a timestamp, and a random value (a nonce), and an HMAC of this info
Make sure this cookie is marked "secure" (HTTPS only) and "HttpOnly" (cannot be read by JavaScript)


Not handling authentication, but need claims and cookie

I am creating a new MVC 5 application. Authentication is handled by a third party using smart cards. Once a user is authenticated by the third party, I am sent the user's unique ID (inside the http header) which I match up against my database in order to find relevant information about said user (roles, display name, etc.).
Currently, on every page request, the sent user ID is compared against the database, and checks are performed to ensure the user has the proper permissions to view the requested page. While this works, it sure seems like a bunch of needless database hits when all the user information could just be stored in a cookie.
If I was using Individual User Accounts for authentication, what I am looking to do would simply be built in using Identity and OWIN. But since I am not handling the authentication, but merely the authorization, is there a way to use all the nice features of Identity and OWIN (claims and cookies specifically)? If not, how might one go about this?
Also, of particular interest to me is when a role is added or removed. Using OWIN with Individual User Accounts, updating the cookie is as simple as logging the user out, and then back in immediately in the background. That functionality would also be desired for any solution presented.
Any insight would be extremely helpful. Thanks for reading!
You could do what you're asking by directly storing values in a custom cookie, but for your purposes it sounds to me like you might be more interested in utilizing sessions to track that info. This will keep all of your actual data stored server-side, which is more secure as it isn't vulnerable to cookie modification and it allows you more freedom to control the state (for your role example, you wouldn't have to "update" the cookie at all, just update the session variable on the server side to add or remove the role as needed).
Figured it out. Found a great article that really helped:

How to detect the misuse of a valid password

I'm starting to size up a project where I feel security needs strike a little closer to home. What tools and techniques could I look at to attempt to raise an alarm when a valid login is used, but the owner of the login has given it away or had it stolen. I would prefer ASP.NET, then MVC 3, oriented stuff.
This is not a silver bullet, but perhaps you should consider employing some kind of two-factor authentication. For example: when a user creates an account with you, you require that she provide you with a phone number where she can receive text messages as part of the registration process. Then, when she attempts to log in, you text her a temporary authentication code to be used in combination with her username and password.
This ads an extra layer of security to the system, because an attacker would have to both know her username and password and have physical access to her cell phone in order to compromise her account.
I hope that's helpful.
Seems like you would get a lot of false positives... but you might try checking what IP address the login is coming from. Most people will log in from the same IP address most of the time, so when that changes, it's at least a warning sign. If you want to be very strict about security, you could maintain a whitelist (for each account) and require that they get their IP address added to the whitelist before logging in.
My bank (Chase) does this by checking a secure cookie during my username/password login. If the cookie is missing or corrupted, they require a second form of authentication, which is either a code sent via text to my phone number on file or via email to my email address on file. Once the second form of authentication is complete, they set the secure cookie and then I can login from that browser with only username and password.
Implement your own Membership provider and add field locked to model,
check for user being locked on login and do some actions
It might be useful to think of the factors of the Authentication process, so that you can be sure that you are sufficiently covering things. You can easily get ridiculous with the layers of assurances, but I happen to find that most banks now have a variation on a simple model. All of this is, of course, over SSL
User submits account name. Additionally, you can require a secondary piece of information, last 4 of account number or year part of date of birth.
Optional, but a good idea: present the user with a counter sign, that is something that verifies the identity of the server. The user selects this at registration and should be looking for this every time they attempt to log in. This aids in preventing phishing.
System checks to see if the current system using IP lookup or cookie is associated with the account. If not, presents challenge question along with password input. Otherwise, presents just the password input.
Complicated, but can actually be done in 2 pages and more secure than is usually required.
I've presented this workflow to a few bank clients and they usually remove one or two of the checks for a balance of user friendliness.
With phones with text capabilities being so common, the idea of SMS verification code as mentioned by others is also a good idea, though I haven't implemented this in a system yet, personally.

Authorization security of ASP.NET Forms authentication

I'm using Forms authentication in ASP.NET MVC website and I store user account login name in AuthCookie like this:
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(account.Login, false);
I want to ask if there is a possibility that user on client side will somehow manage to change his login name in AuthCookie and thus he will be for example impersonated as someone with higher privileges and authorized to do more actions than he is normally supposed to have. Also is it better to save in this cookie user account login name or user account ID number?
The cookie will be encrypted and decrypted on the server side, so unless the user can crack the encryption key, he or she won't be able to do this.
As long as the information you store uniquely identifies your user, the choice as to what that information is is entirely down to the requirements of the particular application.
No it is not possible (well, in theory maybe but it's not feasible in practice). The value of the authentication cookie is encrypted so the user can not tamper with it. It is a good idea to store the (unique) login name in the authentication cookie, because when the IIdentity object (HttpContext.Current.User) is restored, the value that you passed to SetAuthCookie is used for the Name property of the IIdentity. The Name property will be shown if you use the LoginStatusControl, for example, so it's a good idea that the value of the Name property makes sense to the user.
Cookies are encrypted so chances for that a quite slim. But still.
More than one property approach
If you'd like to make your security even tighter you could save username as well as user ID or some other data that can't be guessed from the username. The combination of these makes it safer because if you can guess one it harder to guess others and use the correct combination of them. Ie. If you guess other user's email/username it's a bit harder to guess the same user's ID, because they're not related. So the more unrelated properties you combine the more steps it takes to get the right combination.
Logon security token approach
You could use an alternative approach described in this scenario:
User logs in.
Generate a random security logon token that can be of random length with some minimum length defined and save it against user in the data store. This is probably not a problem while it's quite common that other data is stored at logons as well like LastLogonDate info.
Use this token and save it in the cookie instead of usernames or other info.
If user logs-out, clear logon security token from the data store
User logs in again... go back to 1 and create a new token again and use it in this session.
This way it will make it safer on the long run, because this information will change on each login and if user does manually logout you can always clear that token from the store, so it won't at all be possible to inject someone else's identity. This does make it a but more complicated to use permanent cookies though but it can still be done.
This approach is not bullet proof but it provides additional security level that prevents the same attack over and over again when one account has been compromised. And also when one account is compromised it doesn't mean that others can be as well. If your security tokens are long enough it would be much harder to start a brute force attack on your site and while this kind of attack would be executed security tokens will change so it is definitely safer.

Login Page security?

I have designed login page for one of our website where I have used following resources
Login Name and Passowrd lable and textboxes
Combo box for multilingual support
Submit button.
Now to make this page more secure I am planning to use following extra points.
Number of Retry: block after 3 unsuccessfull login attempt.
I have seen these extra things by visiting other sites. I would like to know
Whether these extar point makes somediffrence for security?
How should we implement number of retry? When should we again unblock user account.
What is right approach?
You could use ASP.NET's login control and the default SQL membership provider. If you do this, implementing the number of retries before a user is locked out is as easy as setting a config value.
Take a look at MSDN here, and scroll down to "Using the SQLMemberShipProvider" section.
Look at the NoBot control from the AjaxControlToolkit ( That provides some "bot protection" without the user needing to decipher a captcha.
General - Require a strong password and limit the login tries/user (not IP/cookie). If you add a five minute lock-down for a user name after three fails a bruit force attack would take more years than you site will live (dictionary attacks are not possible since you require strong passwords)*.
Protect your users - In your form, don't post the password in clear text, post a hashed version eg.
md5([your domain] + [password])
The reason you add your domain is to protect the hash of the password from the server owner (you), so if your user DB get hacked the hashed passwords you stored are useless even if your users use the same password on multiple sites. If you like stronger hash you could look for some SHA version. Make a js script that replaces the password with the hashed one before sending. Remember to have this hash calculated on the registration page, never let the password be sent from the browser in clear text. You don't want to know it!, also have your server sign the cookie values to make cookie forgery harder.
Encryption - Either use TSL/SSL or get a RSA script and encrypt your form data with your severs public_key.
Man-in-the-middle - The hardest threat to guard against, I guess that https is the easiest way but a trusted certificate costs money. If you self sign users today don't bather to look if it's the right cert or not, this requires too much form the users. Buy a cert or hope you don't have a man-in-the-middle.
I would never use re-captcha for login since a lock-down of user name is more effective and less disturbing for a user. Though re-captcha is good for account registration so you don't end up having a lot of scripted accounts.
Limiting login tries/username could be used to block a user to log in. Bruit force attacks are still available since they can attack a lot of usernames and not only one, thus keeping the attack under the limit/username block. But for a site with few (less than 10.000?) user accounts you should be quite safe.
If you are updating an existing site that has had security issues, captcha can't hurt. If it is a new site, is it public or for internal use? You can always add this later if you run into issues. If there are sensitive materials, you'll get more mileage out of enforcing strong passwords from users (though this can be annoying to them) than you'll get out of captcha (also annoying).
Several options here. You can record IP address on each attempted login and record failed attempts. 3rd fail from same IP inside of 15 minutes blocks further attempts (every attempt fails with locked account message). Additional attempts reset the 15-minute "timer." Really, there is no timer, but with each attempted login, the log it checked to see whether it has been locked within the last 15 minutes.
The login attempt log can be stored in many ways -- often a database table. There may be value in keeping a record of every login (in case there is ever a breach), or maybe you only want failed logins. Optionally, you could remove failed logins from the log when the user successfully logs in. You could have a database routine that cleans up the table from time to time of failed login records that have exceeded the waiting period (15 minutes, or whatever).
Obviously, 15 minutes is arbitrary -- this can be 1 minute or 24 hours or until the user calls your customer support line to get it reset.

ASP.NET User Profile vs using Cookies

I think, in almost all cases user preference data may be stored in a cookie with (almost) equally good results as when the User Profile API is used. Disadvantages of using cookies (for authenticated users) seem to be that a cookie can be deleted or time-out, in which case the user preference data will be lost. For anonymous users, if the preferences data needs to be persisted across sessions then a cookie will have to be used even when User Profiles are used.
So what are some of the biggest advantages/disadvanges of using either User Profiles or cookies for storing user preferences?
One of the benefits of registering on a site is that it remembers my preferences - if you're storing that information in a cookie on my machine instead of on your server then when I log into your site from another computer, I've got to set all my preferences up again - from a usability point of view, this is fairly bad.
For an anonymous user, storing the prefs in a cookie may seem fairly sensible - you don't know who they are, or whether they will comeback, and as you state, you can't work out from one session to the next who they are - however you'd probably be better off storing some sort of token in the cookie and mapping that to a preferences store on the server.
Also, I've noticed different browsers have different implementations for cookies - for example IE can now receive 50 cookies from one domain (up from the original 20), but it is still limited to a total of 4096 bytes for the entire cookie collection (and previous) - other browsers will support 4KB per cookie, rather than per domain.
Another disadvantage to holding all the preference data in cookies is that all of that data will have to be sent in every request from the client and in any response from the server whenever a change to the data is made. Whilst this may seem like a minor point in the age of broadband it is still an additional overhead. Using the Profiles API meands that the data is held at the server and only a session identification cookie needs to be sent by the browser.
Also, as you stated, for anonymous users if cookies are deleted then the user preferences held in the Profiles DB will no longer be accessible. However this will not be the case with registered users of your website. If they remove their cookies the server will still be able to retrieve their user preferences the next time they log in.
Cookies are limited in maximum length and they are using an implementation beyond of your control (after all, they are a feature of your visitors browser). Personally, I dislike relying on unknown third-party implementations I don't have any control over and if I have to, I'm trying to use it in the simplest way possible.
So from where I'm coming from, I would always store the user data on the server and just pass around a cookie pointing to that information.
Aside of not trusting the browser with a potentially big chunk of data (which may be lost, incorrectly stored or not stored at all depending on not only the browser but also, say, some antivirus application or whatever), this has various other advantages:
You are hiding your implementation from the user: If you store the data in the cookie, it's visible for anybody and can be analyzed or modified at will. This can even lead to users changing cookies to there liking and thus force you into keeping stuff around you probably want to get rid of just because some users are depending on your particular implementation at any time.
As cookies are stored in plain text, on shared machines, everybody can no longer easily see all the settings the previous user made, nor change them at will.
But the most important point remains the disconnect from not-quite-working browser implementations (just storing small tokens is the common, tested use-case)
Don't forget that one of the biggest disadvantages of using cookies is that they can be copied, so its dangerous to store authentication info on them.
I'm not familiar with User Profile API but I'm guessing it stores the information on the server(?). If thats the case then you could have a problem if you have to many users.
Overall maybe the best solution is to use User Profile if it guarantees the persistence of the information.
Keep in mind that its possible to write a ProfileProvider that persists user data in a cookie, so you can have the best of both worlds if you determine the state you want to persist is appropriate for cookies (size, security, etc).
Actually, you do not need to persist preference data in cookies for anonymous users when using the ASP.NET Profile Provider. Simply store the current UserID (which is some horrible looking session-related string) in a cookie. This becomes the previous UserID on subsequent visits, and then you can just grab the old Profile information and migrate it to the current Profile, or even authenticate them as that old anonymous Profile.
