ZF3 - adding a view fragment to ViewModel - zend-framework3

I am curious to know if it is possible to add a fragment to a view model:
return new ViewModel([]);
Returns my view to https://example.com/view
However is it possible to set this dynamically to add a fragment?
return new ViewModel("#fragment")
To return to https://example.com/view#fragment
The use case, have a js login/register view that is either https://example.com/view#login or https://example.com/view#register and want to return to the correct view...
Obviously, this can be done using a re-direct, however, in the case of returning form errors, ViewModel needs to be used...

Not sure if this is possible to apply param to router, but you can alwas return redirectToRegister = true, and then write and execute JavaScript in view which will change view if True.

A fragment is a same document reference i.e. if the URL specification is used correctly #register and #login will refer to different elements in the same document.
The view model therefore should be returning the same html in both cases, and the fragment will be handled by the browser. To distinguish register and login pages instead use different paths in the URL.


Validation while rendering multiple partial views

I have multiple views/models that are being looped into the main view. I load them via #Html.Partial()...These views/models are basically form elements with certain properties...Unfortunately I soon found out that only the first of each type of view/model is validated. I tried moving the fields around and only the first of each kind would validate.
My partial views look something like this:
#Html.DropDownListFor(model=>model.dropdownVal,Model.SelectItems,new { id=Model.FieldID, Name = Model.FieldID })
I looked at the HTML rendered, and it seems that the validation tags like "data-val" are not applied...
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Add the following at the top of your partials to trick ASP.NET MVC into thinking that the helpers are used inside a form and generate the proper data-val attributes:
this.ViewContext.FormContext = new FormContext();
Basically the Html.* helpers are generating data-val clients side validation attributes only if they are placed inside an Html.BeginForm. Except that in your case I guess that this Html.BeginForm is in your parent view and not inside the partial, so the #Html.DropDownListFor doesn't emit any validation attributes. By setting the current FormContext to a new instance in the partial as shown previously, the helper will generate the proper client side validation attributes on the corresponding input field.

SSRS and Interactive Sorting work in MVC4

I have implemented a reporting engine in mvc using html rendering. I had to create custom paging functionality based on the metadata returned via the render method. I am now looking at implementing interactive sorting in the same fashion which is looking like a more daunting task. It seems there is a setting in the HTML Device Information Settings header for html rendering called ActionScript.
Specifies the name of the JavaScript function to use when an action event occurs, such as a drillthrough or bookmark click. If this parameter is specified, an action event will trigger the named JavaScript function instead of a postback to the server.
My question is has anyone used this feature? Since I lose authentication after the report is rendered I will have to somehow make authenticated callbacks in the controller. It seems to me it may be easier just to add parameters for sorting in the report, however I would like to keep the interactive sorting in the report.
--Edit Solution1---
It turns out that the * next to script name above means the ActionScript parameter is being depreciated after ssrs 2012. Thus, I decided not to pursue it. If anyone else stumbles upon this then the best way I thought of to simulate interactive sorting without post backs is detailed below:
On the Report
1. Add a parameter to the report SortField1
2. Add a Sort condition to the Tablix or group you wish to sort. Tablix-Sort Expressions
3. Set the expression of the sort to Fields(Paremeters!SortField1.Value).Value
4. Set the default value of parameter SortField1 to the default sort field
5. Set Allow Nulls of the parameter to true.
6. Add a image or label for each column you would like to sort by
7. Create a action for the element created in step 7 with code similar to
NOTE: Your view or view descendant will have need to have an identical function defined to accept the action
In the View
Implement the function reportSortRequest(fieldName). This should set
Model.SortField1 and invoke the post back to the controller to
re-render the report.
In the Controller (This is for Ajax post backs that sends a model that will have a field SortField1)
Call the render with report information including SortField1.
Updated with client script that works to access the report markup wrapper.
The report element generated by the ssrs markup can be accessed in your view by its tags. I have that found the following will work using the predetermined ssrs wrapper element #oReportCell":
Loaded in iframe :
var frameContent = $("#myIFrame").contents();
var ssrsContentElement = frameContent.find("#oReportCell");
Loaded in div:
var ssrsContentElement = $("#myDiv").find("#oReportCell");
Function to load html blob into either a frame or a div. Depending how the report was configured, the content is either a url of a temp file or the html markup.
function setReportContent(content, isUrl, renderInIFrame) {
if (isUrl) {
if (renderInIFrame) {
$("#reportContent").html("<iframe id='reportFrame' sandbox='allow-same-origin allow-scripts' width='100%' height='300' scrolling='yes' onload='onReportFrameLoad();'\></iframe>");
$('#reportFrame').attr('src', content);
else {
if (renderInIFrame) {
$("#reportContent").html("<iframe id='reportFrame' sandbox='allow-same-origin allow-scripts' width='100%' height='300' scrolling='yes' onload='onReportFrameLoad();'\></iframe>");
Notice that if you want report images with auto-resize property set to be rendered correctly you have to turn on allow-scripts so that the ssrs resize js functions can fire, be careful.

How to get the current view name in asp.net MVC 3?

How can I get the current view name regarding to current URL, in asp.net MVC 3 using Razor engine?
No idea why you would need to get the current view name but you could use the VirtualPath property inside a view. Normally it's more useful to know the current action or controller. But anyway, here's how to get the current view name:
and if you wanted to get only the filename:
and without the extension:
I've also tested this code, and I could do something with it.
But, I'm not sure if is this a good solution or not.
For example, I need to detect the Contacts view located in Home directory. So I wrote:
if (#Request.RawUrl == "/Home/Contacts")
// do something
You can get it from RequestContext.RouteData
specifically, its Values collection contains "controller" and "action" keys
ASP.NET Core's equivalent:
Output is like this:
The rendering of a view may involve one or more files (e.g. _ViewStart, Layouts etc).
This property contains the path of the file currently being rendered.
ViewContext.ExecutingFilePath Property

returnedObject property

I'm programming in Flex Builder Burrito for an mobile application.
I'm trying to get a variable from navigator.PopView()
and i found the following site: adobe View and ViewNavigator
On that page is written that you can get to an returnedObject:
The ViewNavigator will save this object internally, and the new view can access it from with the navigator.returnedObject property.
The problem is when I want to acces the returnedObject flash builder doesn't seem to find that even the package isn't found.
I've found my problem on an other site.
There it's plain simple explained.
Do the override public function createReturnObject():Object.
On the page where it needs to be send back.
Then on the popped view, you can acces it by returnedObject.
On same page next lines are
The property is a ViewReturnObject
which contains the object that was
and the context in which the removed view was pushed (See Setting
the View Context).
is guaranteed to be set by the time
the new view
receives the add event and will be destroyed after the view receives its
and also a NOTE
Note, the return object is only stored when a view is popped of
the navigation stack
or replaced through the use of the pop and replace navigation
operations (e.g.,
replaceView, popView, etc...). It will be cleared after the new view
receives its
ViewNavigatorEvent.VIEW_ACTIVATE event.
I think should try function to get popuped view poppedViewReturnedObject of ViewNavigator
Its description is also on same page
public function get poppedViewReturnedObject():ViewReturnObject
Hopes that help

Cannot access custom properties on nested user control

Ok, please understand the architecture here first.
OurMasterPage.aspx has user control Header.ascx
Header.ascx has a user control in it called LandingPageTopNav
LandingPageTopNav.ascx has a public property named "LandingPage" that is there to be able to set by the user using this control.
And I have a Third.aspx page in which I need to set the LandingPageTopNav property to a LandingPage object
The problem is that I can't get this to work in my ThirdPage.aspx.cs:
Master.LandingPageTopNav.LandingPage = this.landingPage;
Master.LandingPageTopNav.Visible = true;
And that is, I can't get the first line to work where I'm trying to reference the LandingPage property. The second line is fine. My Third.aspx definitely can reference my master page objects otherwise from code-behind.
I'd venture to guess that the LandingPageTopNav property of OurMasterPage doesn't return a value typed as LandingPageTopNav. It probably returns the correct control typed as something more generic (e.g. Control); which is why setting the Visible property works but not the LandingPage property.
