Can it possible to send push notification in Android TV through FCM?
If it is possible then how can we send push notification through FCM and how to show it in Android TV?
Yes, you can send notifications to Android TV, they will arrive to your service.
Now that since there is no system tray, there is no default UI got them, so you need to do that yourself, you can't use the default behavior and you can't use notification manager.
I think notification will appear just as recommendations and not as "notification".
One option will be using toasts or even a notification-android-tv
I asking this question for clarification about push notification in xamarin. I have a xamarin.forms app which will display certain items in list view.The back-end of my app is in .Net. The items which shows in list view inside app is added from back-end.What I am trying to achieve is whenever items add in back-end, I want to receive notification in my app.
For the notification part I found two options.
FirebasePlugin Link
Azure push notification
I need some clarifications about
Which way should I follow? Is there any other cost effective way to implement push notifications in ios and android in cross platform way(Xamarin.forms)?
For implementing push notifications in ios ,is APN certificate is mandatory? Currently I don't have apple developer account.So for testing notification in ios seems difficult.
Any help or guidance is appreciated
Which way should I follow? Is there any other cost effective way to implement push notifications in ios and android in cross platform way(Xamarin.forms)?
From my experience the easiest way for me was to use firebase console to manage notifications both for Android and iOS. I have similar platform that uses push notifications to users whenever webapp database is updated, by certain users. To my disappointment Azure Push were more complicated to manage.
For implementing push notifications in ios ,is APN certificate is mandatory? Currently I don't have apple developer account.So for testing notification in ios seems difficult. Any help or guidance is appreciated
Yes. Apple developer account is mandatory. Moreover you cannot test your push notifications on iOS emulator. You must use physical device.
App Center Push is what I've started using now. Push services are free (which is great) and they have Xamarin SDKs which handle most of the platform specific config so it's really quick to get push working.
As the other answer has stated, you will still need an apple developer account and physical device to test on iOS.
It's part of the the Microsoft App Center offering which provides many other useful services for mobile development.
#groveale App Center Push feature is being retired( so I would suggest using firebase or the implementation provided by xamarin docs.
I have completed an e-commerce app in ionic3. The problem is I want user to be notified when new offers or deals are added in our inventory. This should be a backend process, whether or not the app is open or close.
Note: There is no firebase involved.
If you want to use to get notification in same device then you can try Local notification native plugin for notification and if you want to send notification to other device then you have to use Push or FCM or Onesignal and yes this all required firebase to send push notification to generate device id/key.
I am sending push notifications using Flutter's firebase_messaging package and I send them in the firebase console. When the app is in the background or when it is closed, I am receiving the notifications, however, when the app is in the foreground it is not working. Please tell me if I need to integrate Javascript to make this feature work, and please reference a resource that I can use in order to figure out how I can integrate Javascript with fcm as I haven't found a way to do this with flutter.
I figured out that someone can use the flutter local notifications plugin so that when the push notification is sent and the app is on the foreground, normally no notification would be delivered to the system tray, but using the flutter local notifications plugin, it would be possible to send a local notification when the app is on the foreground.
To Understand better.
Have a look into this table.
It states that when your Android or iOS Application is in foreground, OnMessage callback is called if you are sending notification payload or data payload as notification body.
You are receiving notifications when your app is in background because, when an app is in background notification is send to system tray and OS (Android or iOS) handle it for you. And your app is launched when you click on notification from system tray.
When your app is in foreground you have to catch notification payload in onMessage and handle it explicitly, you can create local notification in this case.
I unity developer, I used "" to send push notification to my active users. Now please guide me is there any way to send messages to those who have un-installed my app ?
the answer is no and another thing this is not logical to send push notification after the app is uninstalled.
I'm using Firebase for push notification. Problem is i want to send push notification for some mobile phones but when i'm sending push notification it will send notification to all installed mobile app
You would need to get the mobile token and then store it somewhere on your server.
Then you can send to specific devices using the mobile token.
Just in case, i actually wrote a full guide on how to implement push notifications to your ionic app here