map + pmap, cannot find variables - r

I am trying to collate results from a simulation study using dplyr and purrr. My results are saved as a list of data frames with the results from several different classification algorithms, and I'm trying to use purrr and dplyr to summarize these results.
I'm trying to calculate
- number of objects assigned to each cluster
- number of objects in the cluster that actually belong to the cluster
- number of true positives, false positives, false negatives, and true negatives using 3 different algorithms (KEEP1 - KEEP3)
- for 2 of the algorithms, I have access to a probability of being in the cluster, so I can compare this to alternate choices of alpha - and so I can calculate true positives etc. using a different choice of alpha.
I found this:, which I used successfully on a single element of the list to get exactly what I wanted:
f <- function(.x, .y) {
sum(.x & .y)
actions <- list(
.vars = lst(
c('KEEP1', 'KEEP2', 'KEEP3'),
c('pval1', 'pval2')
.funs = lst(
funs(Nk = length, N_correct = sum),
TP1 = f(., .y = correct),
FN1 = f(!(.), .y = correct),
TN1 = f(!(.), .y = !(correct)),
FP1 = f(., .y = !(correct))
TP2 = f((. < alpha0) , .y = correct),
FN2 = f(!(. < alpha0), .y = correct),
TN2 = f(!(. < alpha0), .y = !(correct)),
FP2 = f((. < alpha0), .y = !(correct))
reproducible_data <- replicate(2,
k = factor(rep(1:10, each = 20)), # group/category
correct = sample(x = c(TRUE, FALSE), 10 * 20, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.8, .2)),
pval1 = rbeta(10 * 20, 1, 10),
pval2 = rbeta(10 * 20, 1, 10),
KEEP1 = pval1 < 0.05,
KEEP2 = pval2 < 0.05,
KEEP3 = runif(10 * 20) > .2,
alpha0 = 0.05,
alpha = 0.05 / 20 # divided by no. of objects in each group (k)
simplify = FALSE)
# works
df1 <- reproducible_data[[1]]
pmap(actions, ~df1 %>% group_by(k) %>% summarize_at(.x, .y)) %>%
reduce(inner_join,by = 'k')
Now, I want to use map to do this to the entire list. However, I can no longer access the variable "correct" (it hasn't gotten far enough to not see alpha or alpha0, but presumably the same issue will occur). I'm still learning dplyr/purrr, but my experimenting hasn't proved useful.
# does not work
out_summary <- map(
pmap(actions, ~ as_tibble(.) %>% group_by("k") %>% summarize_at(.x, .y)) %>%
reduce(inner_join,by = 'k')
# this doesn't either
out_summary <- map(
pmap(actions, ~ as_tibble(.) %>% group_by("k") %>% summarize_at(.x, .y, alpha = alpha, alpha0 = alpha0, correct = correct)) %>%
reduce(inner_join,by = 'k')
Within map, I don't see the variable 'k' in $group_by(k)$ unless it is quoted $group_by('k')$, but I do not need to quote it when I just used pmap. I've tried various ways to pass the correct variables to these functions, but I'm still learning dplyr and purrr, and haven't succeeded yet.
One more note - the actual data is stored as a regular data frame, so I need $as_tibble()$ in the pmap function. I was running into some different errors when I removed it in this example, so I opted to add it back so I would get the same issues. Thanks!

Try this
function(df1) {
pmap(actions, ~ df1 %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(k) %>%
summarize_at(.x, .y)) %>%
reduce(inner_join, by = "k")
I think your arguments might get mixed up when using map and pmap at the same time. I used the function syntax for map to define df1 to try to fix that. The rest of it looks ok (although I switched to pmap_df to return a dataframe (the structure of the list was ugly without it and pmap_df was the easiest way to make it pretty. Lmk if it's not the expected output. 👍
Also the problem with group_by("k") vs. group_by(k)
Also: writing group_by("k") actually creates a variable "k" and fills it with characters "k", then uses that to group. That will get your code to run, but it won't do what you like. Sometimes that kind of problem is really because of an error that occurs a line or two before (or, with dplyr, a pipe or two before). In this case, map wasn't passing df1 where you needed it.


R sometimes fails to evaluate expressions parsed from strings

I have a massive dataframe where I need to create "lagged" variables and compare them with former time points. As this process needs to be variable, I've chosen to write my own functions which create these lagged variables (not included here).
As I use GLM's, I want to use the stepAIC function and before I start writing tenth of "lag01 + lag02..." I wanted to create another function (modelfiller) which creates these strings according to my parameters and then I use string2lang to make them expressions.
This mostly works but there is one issue which I cannot get my head around.
As you can see in the reprex full.model can be created when I only use y~x+lag01+lag02. If I use modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag") at location 1 and 3 it also works. But the moment I put modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag") at location 2 in the code (within the stepAIC glm) it creates the following error message:
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `GLM_AIC`.
x object '.x' not found
i Input `GLM_AIC` is `purrr::map(...)`.
i The error occurred in group 1: group = "a".
I have also tried as.formula with & without eval, but it caused the same issue.
group <- c(rep("a", 10), rep("b", 10), rep("c", 10))
order <- c(seq(1:10), seq(1:10), seq(1:10))
x <- c(runif(30))
y <- c(runif(30))
df <- data.frame(group, order, x, y)
df <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::arrange(group, order) %>%
dplyr::mutate(lag01 = dplyr::lag(x, n=1),
lag02 = dplyr::lag(x, n=2)) %>%
modelfiller = function(depPar, maxlag, indepPar, str) {
varnames = list()
for (i in seq(1:maxlag)) {
varnames[i] = paste0(str, stringr::str_pad(i, width = 2, pad = "0"))
varnames = paste0(varnames, collapse="+")
varnames = paste(indepPar, varnames, sep = "+")
return(paste(depPar, varnames, sep = "~"))
full.model <- df %>%
tidyr::nest(- group) %>%
# Perform GLM calculation on each group and then a step-wise model selection based on AIC
GLM = purrr::map(
data, ~ lm(data = .x,
# Location 1 - Working
str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag"))
GLM_AIC = purrr::map(
data, ~ MASS::stepAIC(glm(data = .x,
# Location 2 - NOT Working
str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag"))
,direction = "both", trace = FALSE, k = 2,
scope = list(
lower = lm(data = .x,
y ~ 1),
upper = glm(data = .x,
# Location 3 - Working
str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag"))
The issue is that glm stores the name of the variable used to reference the data, and stepAIC then attempts to retrieve this name and evaluate it to access the data, but gets confused about which environment the variable was defined in. To demonstrate, I'm going to simplify your code to
mdl <- str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag")) # This is your y~x+lag01+lag02
dfn <- df %>% tidyr::nest( data = c(-group) ) # First step of your %>% chain
glms <- purrr::map( dfn$data, ~glm(data = .x, mdl) ) # Construct the models
# Examine glms to observe that
# Call: glm(formula = mdl, data = .x) <--- glm() remembers that the data is in .x
# but stepAIC is not properly aware of where .x
# is defined and behaves effectively as
MASS::stepAIC( glms[[1]] ) # Error: object '.x' not found
Option 1
One workaround is to manually construct the expression that contains the data and then evaluate it:
glm2 <- function(.df, ...) {
eval(rlang::expr(glm(!!rlang::enexpr(.df),!!!list(...)))) }
glms2 <- purrr::map( dfn$data, ~glm2(data = .x, mdl) ) # Same as above, but with glm2
MASS::stepAIC( glms2[[1]] ) # Now works
Changing glm to glm2 in your problematic spot makes your code work too. The down side is that the Call: then remembers the entire data frame, which can be problematic if they are very large.
Option 2
Another alternative is to replace the purrr call with a for loop, which helps maintain the calling frames assumed by stepAIC, thus guiding it to where the data is defined
# This fails with Error: object '.x' not found
purrr::map( dfn$data, ~MASS::stepAIC(glm(data=.x, mdl), direction="both") )
# This works
for( mydata in dfn$data )
MASS::stepAIC(glm(data=mydata, mdl), direction="both")
The advantage here is not needing to store the entire data frame inside the call. The disadvantage is that you effectively lose access to what purrr does to streamline the code.

Why am I receiving "invalid 'right' arguement" when using cut()

I created a function in R that creates deciles (or any n-tile) based on a volume metric as opposed to observation counts.
User_Decile <- function(x,n,Output = " "){
df <- data_frame(index = seq_along(x),value = x)
x_sum <- sum(df$value)
x_ranges <- x_sum/n
df <- df %>% arrange(value)
df$cumsum <- cumsum(df$value)
df$bins <- cut(df$cumsum, breaks = floor(seq(0, x_sum, x_ranges)),
right = T,
include.lowest = T,
labels = as.integer(seq(1,n,1)))
if(Output == "Summary"){
df <- df %>% group_by(bins)
return(df %>% summarise(Lower_Bound = min(value),
Upper_Bound = max(value) - 1,
Value_sum = sum(value)))}
else {
df <- df %>% arrange(index)
(x is a vector of numbers, n is the number of bins/-tiles to group the data into, Output= specifies if you want a summary of the bounds/data or the actual data itself.)
It previous worked well within a program I created to segment some data, but I just tried to use the function again for the first time in a couple months and I'm getting:
Error in .bincode(x, breaks, right, included.lowest) :
invalid 'right' argument
According to the error, the issue is with the 'right' argument in the cut() function. As far as I know, the right= argument is boolean and only takes T or F values. I've tried both, but neither seems to work.
Does anyone have a workaround for this issue, or can recommend another function in place of cut()?
?TRUE states that:
TRUE and FALSE are reserved words denoting logical constants in the R
language, whereas T and F are global variables whose initial values
set to these.
It appears that T is being interpreted as something else here. You should always use TRUE to be on the safe side.

Fast list generation from the narrow data.frame

I have a data.frame in the narrow format like that:
value=sample(letters,10000,T), stringsAsFactors = F)
I want to get a list containing lists for each id with each variable as a vector inside (something like simple JSON format):
list("1"=list(A=c("a","b"), B=character(), C="v" ...
My code:
return_data <-
sapply(unique(test_data$id), function (r)
sapply(LETTERS, function(q)
test_data[test_data$id == r & test_data$variable == q, "value"],
USE.NAMES = T,simplify = F),
USE.NAMES = T,simplify = F)
It works, but it is too slow with large samples. I've rewritten it with data. table, but it is still slow. I've got some improvement with parSapply, but I believe there should be more effective algorithm...
You can use split with variable being a factor, thanks to the drop = FALSE behavior (on by default but passed explicitly here for readability). With magrittr:
res = test_data %>%
transform(variable = factor(variable)) %>%
split(.["id"]) %>%
lapply(function(x) split(x$value, x["variable"], drop = FALSE))
all.equal(unname(res), return_data) # TRUE
The same without magrittr:
new_test_data = transform(test_data, variable = factor(variable))
sp_id = split(new_test_data , new_test_data["id"])
res2 = lapply(sp_id, function(x) split(x$value, x["variable"], drop = FALSE))
all.equal(unname(res2), return_data) # TRUE

Am I using NSE and rlang correctly/reasonably?

I've been reading through programming with dplyr and trying to apply the ideas it describes in my work. I have something that works, but it's unclear to me whether I've done it in the "right" way. Is there something more elegant or concise I could be doing?
I have a tibble where rows are scenarios and columns relate to tests that were run in that scenario. There are two types of columns, those that store a test statistic that was computed in that scenario and those that store the degrees of freedom of that test.
So, here's a small, toy example of the type of data I have:
my_tbl <- data_frame(test1_stat = rnorm(12), test1_df = rep(x = c(1, 2, 3), times = 4),
test2_stat = rnorm(12), test2_df = rep(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4), times = 3))
I want to compute a summary of each test that will be based on both its stat and its df. My example here is that I want to compute the median stat for each group, where groups are defined by df. The groupings are not guaranteed to be the same across tests, nor are the number of groups even guaranteed to be the same.
So, here's what I've done:
get_test_median = function(df, test_name) {
stat_col_name <- paste0(test_name, '_stat')
df_col_name <- paste0(test_name, '_df')
median_col_name <- paste0(test_name, '_median')
df %>%
dplyr::group_by(rlang::UQ(rlang::sym(df_col_name))) %>%
dplyr::summarise(rlang::UQ(median_col_name) := median(x = rlang::UQ(rlang::sym(stat_col_name)), na.rm = TRUE))
my_tbl %>% get_test_median(test_name = 'test1')
my_tbl %>% get_test_median(test_name = 'test2')
This works. But is it how an experienced rlang user would do it? I am new to NSE, and a bit surprised to be using two nested rlang functions repeatedly (UQ(sym(.))).
I am happy using UQ rather than !!, just because I'm more comfortable with traditional function notation.
Based on the comments, I got rid of the namespace::function notation and now my function doesn't look so verbose:
get_test_median = function(df, test_name) {
stat_col_name <- paste0(test_name, '_stat')
df_col_name <- paste0(test_name, '_df')
median_col_name <- paste0(test_name, '_median')
df %>%
dplyr::group_by(UQ(sym(df_col_name))) %>%
dplyr::summarise(UQ(median_col_name) := median(x = UQ(sym(stat_col_name)), na.rm = TRUE))

dplyr mutate use standard evaluation [duplicate]

Trying to get my head around Non-Standard Evaluation as used by dplyr but without success. I'd like a short function that returns summary statistics (N, mean, sd, median, IQR, min, max) for a specified set of variables.
Simplified version of my function...
my_summarise <- function(df = temp,
to.sum = 'eg1',
## Summarise
results <- summarise_(df,
n = ~n(),
mean = mean(~to.sum, na.rm = TRUE))
And running it with some dummy data...
temp <- cbind(rnorm(n = 100, mean = 2, sd = 4),
rnorm(n = 100, mean = 3, sd = 6)) %>%
names(temp) <- c('eg1', 'eg2')
[1] 1.881721
[1] 3.575819
my_summarise(df = temp, to.sum = 'eg1')
n mean
1 100 NA
N is calculated, but the mean is not, can't figure out why.
Ultimately I'd like my function to be more general, along the lines of...
my_summarise <- function(df = temp, = 'group'
to.sum = c('eg1', 'eg2'),
results <- list()
## Select columns
df <- dplyr::select_(df, .dots = c(, to.sum))
## Summarise overall
results$all <- summarise_each(df,
funs(n = ~n(),
mean = mean(~to.sum, na.rm = TRUE)))
## Summarise by specified group
results$ <- group_by_(df, %>%
funs(n = ~n(),
mean = mean(~to.sum, na.rm = TRUE)))
...but before I move onto this more complex version (which I was using this example for guidance) I need to get the evaluation working in the simple version first as thats the stumbling block, the call to dplyr::select() works ok.
Appreciate any advice as to where I'm going wrong.
Thanks in advance
The basic idea is that you have to actually build the appropriate call yourself, most easily done with the lazyeval package.
In this case you want to programmatically create a call that looks like ~mean(eg1, na.rm = TRUE). This is how:
my_summarise <- function(df = temp,
to.sum = 'eg1',
## Summarise
results <- summarise_(df,
n = ~n(),
mean = lazyeval::interp(~mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
x =
Here is what I do when I struggle to get things working:
Remember that, just like the ~n() you already have, the call will have to start with a ~.
Write the correct call with the actual variable and see if it works (~mean(eg1, na.rm = TRUE)).
Use lazyeval::interp to recreate that call, and check this by running only the interp to visually see what it is doing.
In this case I would probably often write interp(~mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), x = to.sum). But running that will give us ~mean("eg1", na.rm = TRUE) which is treating eg1 as a character instead of a variable name. So we use, as is taught to us in vignette("nse").
