amazon native shopping ads vs adblock - wordpress

On my Wordpress site which is affiliating with Amazon associate, i have many native shopping ads for products, that normally displays the products pictures with their names and the prices.
Lately, i activated ublock origin on my browser, then i realized there is only a white space in place of the products, at first i thought it was only due to slow internet, then i said maybe it is the cache so i deleted the cache, but nothing changes .... it took me a while to realize that ublock is killing all my native shopping ads.
which means this was going on for a while and i never noticed. maybe that is why the low click through, even that i have a good number of visits!
without adblock, my site look like this:
enter image description here
after adblock, it looks like this:
enter image description here
how can i fix this? is there any workaround it?
I searched in google and i found about asking visitors to disable adblock. that won't do, because it makes them suspicious of the site and usually just leave it.
I know i can put a picture of the products then write information on it with affiliate text link, but that won't give me the same design and usability as amazon's native shopping ads.
So, is there any way that i can make my amazon native shopping ads visible even with adblocking activated? some WordPress plugin or something?
Your help is highly appreciated, I really need this.
Thank you.

No, there isn't an easy way to do this. Those are ads and users with adblockers want ads blocked.
You can try building your own system that delivers the ads and hope that adblockers do not adjust their filters, but that'll probably mean playing whack-a-mole: you change things, they adapt, you change them again, they adapt again.


How do i make Wordpress Auto Republish old post to make them look new on search results

Please I need to delete and repost my old posts on WordPress so that they can be reindexed by search engines like new content. I don't want to manually do it. Please can someone help with an idea of how to?
To do this you update your posts' post_date values. There are plugins for the purpose.
But be careful. Search engines like Google are really good at detecting attempts to play games with them to boost search rankings. People have been playing those games since Yahoo ruled the search-engine world. If they detect such things on a site they down-rank it or even stop showing it altogether. Simply updating dates without changing content may trigger a game-playing filter. You don't want that.
Ask yourself the question, "how do I make my site more useful to people who search for it?" New and updated content is a good way to do that.

Track affiliate conversions with GA or FB Pixel

I have a wordpress voucher code website and working with most important affiliate platforms (Traetracker, Tradedoubles, Webgains, Beelbon, Awin).
I would like to track in real time when a commision is generated with GA and FB Pixel and im not able to do this.
Could anyone give me any clue?
You can set up facbook pixel tracking using this plugin
I've used it in the past to track FB pixel. As for GA, there are multiple plugins to do this.
We (the company i work for) used Monster Insights from Yoast. Monster Insights
There isn't much point reinventing the wheel and both work well. The only issue i ever encountered was with the FB Pixel. There was a jQuery conflict. AFAIK it has been fixed since.
#bogski87 thanks for the answer but think that plugins dont configure the affiliate callback.
I Know that, for example, in webgains you can configure a callback page where by post or get the platform sends transaction data in real time. I think this is the way but dont know how to configure that callbacks correctly.

LinkedIn Not utilizing og:image

I've got a site that has multiple share buttons on entries in a WordPress site.
We designed this so there are no individual entries to view, they're Podcasts and videos. The listing page has a minimum of 10 entries, each with share buttons.
Currently the share links and titles are working correctly. But the page is not recognizing the og:image, and instead is picking up the default logo for the site itself.
I read another post on Stack Overflow that said it might be an issue for LinkedIn if the image is utilizing SSL for the link. But I just find that hard to believe.
The other issue I'm struggling with, the docs say once an image is scraped it stays cached for approximately 7 days.
I had an issue with FaceBook and there's a debugger that allows you to rescrape the page which let's me verify my changes worked.
My two questions are, is there something other than the og:image i should be specifying? since I can't specify it per post, it's in the head of the page itself, i would think it would pick that up. No?
Second, is there a way a developer can re-check after the meta info has been changed to see if the changes worked, without having to wait the TTL on the cache?
try this:
to get around the cache.
This should trick it into thinking its a new page each time.
Can i get a link to test?
Anthony Walz posted the correct answer. Through email he also helped another problem i had which corrected a new issue i didn't realize I had until i looked.
my LinkedIn shares were not picking up the show title, they were picking up the page description instead (i have several podcasts showing on one page, we don't use individual post pages, they all play from the listing.)
he pointed me to the developer docs on formatting sharing links
Which gives a real world example - here:
Thanks a ton for assist Anthony!

Like and google +1 buttons on website

I have a website (testing) on wordpress and installed a plugin to show google +1 button for each post. And when someone press it, the number increases with one.
My Question is Where this +1 button points ? As far as i know +1 is for google plus posts on pages on profile but my website post is NOWHERE on google plus(page) it is just on my website and the same for facebook like button (where it points)
I hope you understand what i am talking about.Please help
Well, there is a "+1s" page in Google+ user profiles, you can find your own here:
Seems like it is not visible to other users from the beginning on. You can change that in the settings, but as an external user you probably don´t see other users +1s if they don´t want to. Maybe that´s your problem.
To be more clear on this: If you are not in someones circles and they have furthermore disabled to publicly share their +1s, you might not see them on Google+, although they are there. Somewhere.

Google Analytics for mobile site

Hi I tried searching for information regarding this but get bombarded with other search results, might not be putting in the right question not sure….
Anyways hopefully someone here can help, what I’m having an issue with is my site which has a mobile version that’s separate from the main site, the mobile version can be used by anyone and has a link from the main one but anyone with a mobile device gets redirected to the mobile one. The mobile site is blind to search engines using the nofollow tag on any links that lead to it and hasn’t been cached which is what I want because it would be considered duplicate content, anyone with mobile devices gets redirected to equivalent page on mobile site.
I previously forgot to remove the analytics line from one of these pages and noticed it got cached in the search results so I removed it, which is the issue, how do I know how many people were visiting here (mobile) now etc…. Is there a way to get analytics information without having it go to the search results for duplicate content?
This seems to be a problem that can be fixed with Google Webmaster Tools, or tagging the content with a rel="canonical", please take a look at:
