How to compile SASS .scss files in most basic method (without framework) - css

I installed Bootstrap CSS with SASS from the following repo:
I ran the command "bower install bootstrap-sass" on the command line and this successfully installed the folder bower_components on my project folder. (Incidentally - I have nothing else present yet, I want to learn to bootstrap the CSS compiling first).
OK, here's what I want to accomplish:
I want to be able to add .scss files to the folder I create called resources/assets/sass/
I want to provision/manage so that .scss files I add to this directory are in turn compiled to public/build/css/that_file_name.css
More practically, I would like to compile all of the .scss files into one large .css file.
My question(s) are:
What does the compiling?
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?

What does the compiling?
Compiling Sass files transforms stylesheets with Sass-specific syntax like selector nesting and mixins into normal CSS that can be parsed by browsers.
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Since you're already using Bower which is a Node.js package, I assume that you have no problem using the Node.js package node-sass instead of the original Ruby version.
First, install the package using npm i -D node-sass. Then, create a new script inside your project's package.json:
"compile-sass": "node-sass resources/assets/sass/main.scss public/build/css/main.css"
main.scss is now your entry point where you import Bootstrap and your other stylesheets.
// I don't know whether this path is correct
// Just find out the location of "_bootstrap.scss" and then create the relative path
#import "../../../bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";
/* Your custom SCSS */
Finally, to actually run the compilation, execute npm run compile-sass in your terminal.
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Since you never tell node-sass to "compile everything inside this folder" and instead use an entry point file (main.js), when you want to include a new file you simply add an #import directive with a relative path to it.
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?
To minify the resulting main.css file, I recommend csso. You can install its CLI package using npm i -D csso-cli and then add another script to your package.json:
"minify-css": "csso public/build/css/main.css public/build/css/main.min.css"
You can then run that script using npm run minify-css. The minified file will be outputted as main.min.css.

For all the question asked, the answer can be found above. But if you are just looking to compile .scss file to .css using command line, use below,
sass source/stylesheets/index.scss build/stylesheets/index.css
Make sure you have "node JS/npm" and Sass compiler installed.
If not, use this to install Node.js and npm -
And use this to install Sass -
Enjoy ;)


How to compile file sass to file css in one the main file css on the vuejs project

I am setup the project of the vuejs on of the my goals in the end of the project is to compile files scss which is the main file with name style.scss- from input to output in the file main file style.css to Load in the vuejs.
Also all files .scss should include with #importfor examples: #import "variables";and so on
in the main file style.scss.
I read about it.enter link description here
My project is as in the picture below.
Any idea how to sole it?
My dear friend, if I have understood your meaning correctly, I would like to try to offer you some solutions.
In order to use SCSS in a project and compile it automatically in the background, we can do the following steps:
1. Install node-sass
To get the compiler, we’re going to install the node-sass package.
Go to your terminal, navigate to the project folder and type in the following:
npm i node-sass
2. Create an SCSS folder
Create a new folder called scss in your project. After doing so, copy and paste all the CSS files from your css (or stylesheets) folder to your new scss folder.
Rename the extensions on all the newly pasted css files with .scss
You should end up with a scss folder which looks exactly like your css folder but with the files ending with .scss.
3. Add a script in package.json
In your package.json file, locate scripts and add the following piece of code inside it:
"scss": "node-sass --watch scss -o css"
If your css folder is named something other than css, then replace the word css with the folder name.
Similarly, if your scss folder is named something other scss, then replace scss with the correct folder name.
Setting context in the overall package.json file, the script will be placed like this:
“name”: “example-project”,
“version”: “0.4.2”,
“scripts”: {
“start”: “node ./bin/www”,
“scss”: “node-sass — watch scss -o css”
"dependencies": {
"express": "~4.16.0",
"express-favicon": "^2.0.1",
4. Run the compiler
Get back into terminal and run the following commandL
npm run scss
Now you’ll notice any changes you make in your scss files will automatically be reflected in the css files.
if you have any new idea about Compile SASS to CSS you can check another steps with this link.

NPM many SCSS files in many directories into one css file

I have a "static" directory with SCSS files. I have application components that live in another directory, each of which has an SCSS file.
I'd like to compile all of these files into one .css file in an output directory. One of the "static" SCSS files is a variables file that should be imported into all of the other files. I'd also like to not have to maintain the import paths in each of the components, and more may be added later.
This is the script I've tried, which seems to only find the "static" directory and outputs them as individual css files in output/styles. The documented node-sass commands are pretty light on explanation.
"scss": "node-sass --watch ./my/static/styles ./my/components -o ./output/styles --output-style compressed"
I am going to assume this is not for a React project. If it is for React than there is a really good article here and it is relatively straight fwd.
Assuming a blank project in vanilla javascript this is what I do after running npm init and all that.
create and index.html file
create a css folder and scss/sass folder
inside the css folder create a style.css file
install node-sass as dev dependency
inside package.json file write a script like:
"scripts": {"compile:sass": "node-sass sass/main.scss css/style.css -w"}
run the script inside your terminal using npm run compile:sass
install live server if you have not already done so, npm i live-server -g
you can import all your scss files ie. _header.scss _nav.scss, _variables.scss into one main.scss file create above.
You might also need to have a non-empty style.css file before you compiling. This will be overridden once your run npm run compile:sass

modifications to main.css were lost after executing gulp install in jhipser

I am new to jhipster. I added another css property in main.css file and called it in the home.html. But after running gulp install command that modification was disappeared from the main.css. So how to save that modification even after run that command?
When using the SASS option in JHipster, you should make all of your CSS or SCSS changes in main.scss.
During the build process, gulp (AngularJS) or webpack (Angular) will compile main.scss into main.css, replacing the contents of that file. This is also why main.css is included in .gitignore.

Q&A - Angular CLI: Using CSS preprocessors globally

How can I use preprocessors in my ng2 app? I'm using angular-cli and the original docs are not clear enough for me. Besides, I want to use the styles globally, not only component-wide.
Install your CSS compiler: Search npm for your preffered extension language.
Tested and recommended for SASS: npm install node-sass --save-dev
Add your "to be processed" file to src/assets/css (with the normal file extension, e.g. .sass)
Add the style ref to the index.html file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/whatever.css"> - note the .css file extension.
Update your build file (angular-cli-build.js) with the folder of your "to be processed" files. This object HAS to be placed before the vendorNpmFiles-array.:
sassCompiler: { //(lessCompiler or stylusCompiler)
includePaths: [
'app/assets/css' //Only the folder, not your file!
Bonus answer: Why don't I use direct paths to files instead of the includePath? Because you may want to use variable files, so it could get really messy with absolute paths!
The Angular CLI has built in support for Sass/SCSS, Less, and Stylus. See here.
As of the Webpack update to the CLI, there are no extra steps other than renaming your stylesheets with the appropriate extension.
For the previous System.js/Broccoli versions, it was also necessary to install the preprocessor packages to your app, like so: npm install node-sass --save-dev.
It will automatically process the stylesheets within and under the src folder.

Sass not compiling in textmate

I'm trying to use SASS for the first time with textmate. I seem to have installed it correctly by following the instructions on the git page -
but I can't find any information on how I can now use it.
When I make a .sass file the new Sass syntax is highlighted but when I save it is not compiled. Am I missing something?
Make sure to open up Terminal and in the command line, navigate to your project folder and run this command:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
Name your working file style.scss, and it will compile and generate and update the style.css file that you reference in your document head.
Also make sure you have installed the Sass gem within your project directory :)
gem install sass
The bundle is only for installing syntax highlighting in Textmate. Sass is a precompiler for CSS, so it generates CSS from what you write in Sass. This is done through the sass --watch command above in the command line.
Read more on how to use and install Sass.
