Open pdf from server path in Symfony3 - symfony

I would like to open the pdf file in the window browser but I have "The file "\\servername\20\2016080.pdf" does not exist"
If I copy this path in a browser, it's work.
Edit: I have found in the logs
CRITICAL - Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception\FileNotFoundException: "The file "\\servername\20\2016080.pdf" does not exist" at C:\wamp64\www\his\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File.php line 37
Thank you.
$response = new BinaryFileResponse($result = $ServerModel->getDocument($request-> get('id'));
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
return $response;

If you're using symfony 3.2 or later (which you should be), you can use the new file helper to serve binary files.
from the symfony docs
$pdfPath = $this->getParameter('dir.downloads').'/sample.pdf';
return $this->file($pdfPath);
how you go about getting the path of the file may differ depending on your implementation. But if its a straight SplFileInfo:: object php docs then you can just use:
The file helper will automagically do much of heavy lifting for you.
Make sure the file is accessible, either by a route or by an un-firewalled path.

* #Route("/show-pdf", name="show-pdf")
public function showPdf(Request $request) {
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
$pdf = file_get_contents('path/to/file.pdf');
return new Response($pdf, 200, [
'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="file.pdf"'


Virtual Filesystem for PHPUnit tests in Laravel 5.4

i'm having a bit of a problem with my PHPUnit integration tests, i have a method which handles a form upload for a video file as well as a preview image for that video.
public function store($request)
/** #var Video $resource */
$resource = new $this->model;
// Create a new Content before creating the related Photo
$contentRepo = new ContentRepository();
$content = $contentRepo->store($request);
if($content->isValid()) {
$resource->content_id = $content->id;
$directory = 'frontend/videos/assets/'.date("Y").'/'.date('m').'/'.time();
\File::makeDirectory($directory, 0755, true);
$request->video->move($directory.'/', $request->video->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->video = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->video->getClientOriginalName();
$request->preview_image->move($directory.'/', $request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->preview_image = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName();
$resource->highlighted = intval($request->input('highlighted') == 'on');
return $resource;
else {
return $content;
The important part to keep is the $request->video->move() call which i probably need to replace in order to use Virtual Filesystem.
and then the test
public function testVideoUpload(){
File::put(__DIR__.'/frontend/videos/assets/image.mp4', 'test');
$file = new UploadedFile(__DIR__.'/frontend/videos/assets/image.mp4', 'foofile.mp4', 'video/mp4', 100023, null, $test=true);
File::put(__DIR__.'/frontend/images/assets/image.jpg', 'test');
$preview = new UploadedFile(__DIR__.'/frontend/images/assets/image.jpg', 'foofile.jpg', 'image/jpeg', 100023, null, $test=true);
$this->post('/admin/videos', [
'title' => 'My Video #12',
'description' => 'This is a description',
'actors' => [$this->actor->id, $this->actor2->id],
'scenes' => [$this->scene->id, $this->scene2->id],
'payment_methods' => [$this->paymentMethod->id],
'video' => $file,
'preview_image' => $preview
])->seeInDatabase('contents', [
'title' => 'My Video #12',
'description' => 'This is a description'
As you can see, i need to create a dummy file in some local directory and then use that in the HTTP request to the form's endpoint, then after that, that file would be moved and i need to delete the created folder and the new moved file... it's an authentic mess.
As such i want to use Virtual Filesystem instead, but i have no idea how to set it up in this particular case, i've already downloaded a package and set it up, but the questions are, first, which package have you used/recommend and how would you tweak the class and the test to support the Virtual Filesystem? Would i need to switch over to using the Storage facade instead of the $request->video->move() call? If so how would that be done exactly?
Thank you in advance for your help
I couldn't figure out the VFS system, however i do have somewhat of an alternative that's still kinda messy but gets the job done.
Basically i set up two methods on my PHPUnit base class to setup and teardown the temp folders i need on any test that requires them, because i'm using Database Transactions the files get deleted on every test run and i need to create new dummy files every time i run the test.
So i have two methods setupTempDirectories and teardownTempDirectories which i will call at the beginning and at the end of each test that requires those temporary directories.
I put my temp files in the Storage directory because sometimes i run my tests individually through PHPStorm and the __DIR__ command gets messed up and points to different directories when i do that, i also tried __FILE__ with the same result, so i just resorted to using Laravel's storage_path instead and that works fine.
Then that leaves the problem of my concrete class which tries to move files around and create directories in the public folder for them... so in order to fix that i changed the code to use the Storage facade, then i Mock the Storage facade in my tests
So in my concrete class
$directory = 'frontend/videos/assets/'.date("Y").'/'.date('m').'/'.time();
Storage::makeDirectory($directory, 0755, true);
Storage::move($request->video, $directory . '/' . $request->video->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->video = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->video->getClientOriginalName();
Storage::move($request->preview_image, $directory . '/' . $request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->preview_image = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName();
And then in my test i mock both the makeDirectory and the move methods like such
// Override the Storage facade with a Mock version so that we don't actually try to move files around...
That makes my tests work and does not actually leave files behind after it's done...i hope someone has a better solution but for the time being this is what i came up with.
I was actually trying to use VFS but it never worked out... i keep getting errors that the original file in the storage directory is not found even though it's right there...
I'm not even sure the Storage facade was using VFS in the background to begin with even though it should...

Must manually load PHP ActiveRecord models

I'm drawing a blank. I have code working locally (which is MAMP). When moving to a nginx ubuntu box (running php-fpm), for some reason, phpactiverecord is acting up.
I finally traced it down to this - All of my model classes, I have to load manually. If I add a require_once() underneath my code, then it works fine. If I don't, then I get errors like:
PHP Fatal Error: Class not found ... on the models I've created..
Does anyone have ANY idea what direction I could troubleshoot this in? I checked permissions to the models folder (which is not in the public root), echo'd out the path that is sent over to cfg->set_model_directory is correct, etc..
This sound like a nginx or php thing? I'm guessing nginx since this works on my MAMP?
Doesn't work:
function ($cfg) {
$cfg->set_model_directory(BASE_PATH . '/models');
'development' => 'mysql://blah:removed#localhost/com_dbname'
function ($cfg) {
$cfg->set_model_directory(BASE_PATH . '/models');
'development' => 'mysql://blah:removed#localhost/com_dbname'
require_once(BASE_PATH . '/models/model1.php');
require_once(BASE_PATH . '/models/model2.php');
Adding in actual code to help identify issue:
require_once ('../lib/php-activerecord/ActiveRecord.php');
function ($cfg) {
'development' => 'mysql://test_usr:test_pwd#localhost/test_db'
require_once ('/var/www/uc1/models/ucurls.php'); //Name of model file. Must manually include to get this to work on my nginx server.
$_record = UCUrls::find_by_urlkey('');
echo "urlkey=" . $_record->urlkey;
I solved this issue in windows adding a line in the file ActiveRecord.php,
in the function activerecord_autoload($class_name)
at the line 39 or 40
$file = "$root/$class_name.php";
//add this line
$file = strtolower($file);
Set trace in ActiveRecord.php too look where are ActiveRecord is searching for models.
But I think your issue is in filesystem - Mac OS X by default uses Case Insensitive filesystem, while Ubuntu's Case Sensitive filesystem.
So your model UCUrls should be in file /var/www/uc1/models/UCUrls.php, not in /var/www/uc1/models/ucurls.php

Symfony2 : how to force download

I am trying to make a link to download a file with symfony2. It does download a file, but it's useless as it is zero octect. I don't know how to make it work. Does anybody know how to do?
The file is in web/uploads/documents/.
Here is the code in the controller:
// here I get the name of the file
$response = new Response();
$response->headers->set('Content-type', 'application/octet-stream');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', $filename));
return $response;
I tried to write the whole path instead of $filename but it changes all the slashes in underscore.
You forgot to set the content:

Serve a download of an uploaded file in Symfony2

My Symfony2 app allows users to upload files. I'd like to users to also be able to download their files.
If I were doing straight PHP, I'd just output the appropriate headers, then output the contents of the file. How would I do this within a Symfony2 controller?
(If you use a hard-coded filename in your answer, that's good enough for me.)
I ended up doing this:
* Serves an uploaded file.
* #Route("/{id}/file", name="event_file")
* #Template()
public function fileAction($id)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$entity = $em->getRepository('VNNPressboxBundle:Event')->find($id);
if (!$entity) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find Event entity.');
$headers = array(
'Content-Type' => $entity->getDocument()->getMimeType(),
'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="'.$entity->getDocument()->getName().'"'
$filename = $entity->getDocument()->getUploadRootDir().'/'.$entity->getDocument()->getName();
return new Response(file_get_contents($filename), 200, $headers);
Any reason why you do not want to bypass Symfony entirely and just serve the file via your HTTP server (Apache, Nginx, etc)?
Just have the uploaded files dropped somewhere in the document root and let your HTTP server do what it does best.
Update: While the Symfony2 code posted by #Jason Swett will work for 99% of cases - I just wanted to make sure to document the alternative(s). Another way of securing downloads would be to use the mod_secdownload module of Lighttpd. This would be the ideal solution for larger files or files that need to be served quickly with little-as-possible memory usage.
Have a look at the VichUploaderBundle
It will allow you to do this:
* #param integer $assetId
* #return Response
public function downloadAssetAction($assetId)
if (!$courseAsset = $this->get('crmpicco.repository.course_asset')->findOneById($assetId)) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException('Requested asset (' . $assetId . ') does not exist.');
$downloadHandler = $this->get('vich_uploader.download_handler');
return $downloadHandler->downloadObject($courseAsset->getFile(), 'assetFile', null, $courseAsset->getName());

Testing File uploads in Symfony2

In the Symfony2 documentation it gives the simple example of:
$client->request('POST', '/submit', array('name' => 'Fabien'), array('photo' => '/path/to/photo'));
To simulate a file upload.
However in all my tests I am getting nothing in the $request object in the app and nothing in the $_FILES array.
Here is a simple WebTestCase which is failing. It is self contained and tests the request that the $client constructs based on the parameters you pass in. It's not testing the app.
class UploadTest extends WebTestCase {
public function testNewPhotos() {
$client = $this->createClient();
array('name' => 'Fabien'),
array('photo' => __FILE__)
$this->assertEquals(1, count($client->getRequest()->files->all()));
Just to be clear. This is not a question about how to do file uploads, that I can do. It is about how to test them in Symfony2.
I'm convinced I'm doing it right. So I've created a test for the Framework and made a pull request.
This was an error in the documentation.
Fixed here:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;
$photo = new UploadedFile('/path/to/photo.jpg', 'photo.jpg', 'image/jpeg', 123);
// or
$photo = array('tmp_name' => '/path/to/photo.jpg', 'name' => 'photo.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'size' => 123, 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK);
$client = static::createClient();
$client->request('POST', '/submit', array('name' => 'Fabien'), array('photo' => $photo));
Documentation here
Here is a code which works with Symfony 2.3 (I didn't tried with another version):
I created an photo.jpg image file and put it in Acme\Bundle\Tests\uploads.
Here is an excerpt from Acme\Bundle\Tests\Controller\AcmeTest.php:
function testUpload()
// Open the page
// Select the file from the filesystem
$image = new UploadedFile(
// Path to the file to send
// Name of the sent file
// MIME type
// Size of the file
// Select the form (adapt it for your needs)
$form = $crawler->filter('input[type=submit]...')->form();
// Put the file in the upload field
$form['... name of your field ....']->upload($image);
// Send it
$crawler = $this->client->submit($form);
// Check that the file has been successfully sent
// (in my case the filename is displayed in a <a> link so I check
// that it appears on the page)
Even if the question is related to Symfony2, it appears in the top results when searching for Symfony4 in Google.
Instancing an UploadedFile works, but the shortest way I found was also actually in the official documentation:
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/post/hello-world');
$buttonCrawlerNode = $crawler->selectButton('submit');
$form = $buttonCrawlerNode->form();
I found this article,, and works perfect.
if you want to mock a UploadedFile without a client request, you can use:
$path = 'path/to/file.test';
$originalName = 'original_name.test';
$file = new UploadedFile($path, $originalName, null, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, true);
