I have created a zsh completion script. It works as expected if I hardcode the options list, but if I try to generate that same hardcoded value using a bash command, my results are unexpected. For the purposes of this question, I have combined both methods into the same completion script. "silly" is the strange one. "silly2" behaves as expected.
#compdef silly
_silly() {
local -a options
options=($(cat in_file.txt))
_describe 'silly command' options && ret=0
return ret
_silly2() {
local -a options
options=("one:Does the 1 thing" "two:Does the 2 thing")
_describe 'silly2 command' options && ret=0
return ret
compdef _silly silly
compdef _silly2 silly2
#contents of in_file.txt
#"one:Does the 1 thing" "two:Does the 2 thing"
As you can see, the second method (hardcoded) takes the input string "one:Does..." while the first method (dynamic) generates the exact same output via a cat call to the file in_file.txt, which has identical text.
Ideally, the result looks like this:
one -- Does the 1 thing
two -- Does the 2 thing
The second one does indeed produce this result. The first one, however, produces a result like so:
"two "one -- Does
1 2 the thing"
I cannot for the life of me figure out what the difference is here!
And here I am answering my own question. The answer comes from a related question: How to pass the contents of a file using `cat` to `_values` (zsh completion)
Basically, the spaces are treated differently if they come from the result of a bash command rather than a string literal. The solution is to change the bash internal field separator for the duration of the command, then change it back.
options=($(cat in_file.txt))
_describe 'silly command' options && ret=0
This makes the two command behave the same way.
If I use the zsh shell and execute the following command I get
$echo '$_GET["test"]'
preexec: bad math expression: operand expected at `"test"'
$echo '$_GET[]'
preexec: invalid subscript
In bash I get what I expect:
$echo '$_GET["test"]'
I assume that zsh is trying to expand the $_GET variable. How can I avoid this? I always expected this to only happen within double quotes anyhow.
I found the following three lines in the .zshrc:
# Display last command interminal
echo -en "\e]2;Parrot Terminal\a"
preexec () { print -Pn "\e]0;$1 - Parrot Terminal\a" }
After commenting them out everything seems to work as expected.
What I understand is that preexec is executed after a command in the terminal has been submitted but before it is executed. The $1 is the command that one submitted.
I still do not understand the purpose of the two lines but is it because of the double quotes in the preexec print statement that the variables are expanded?
The combination of print -P together with the expansion of $1 is killing you. With this, you first get a "normal" expansion of $1, yielding something like "\e]0;echo '$_GET["test"]'...". Now -P causes print to do a prompt expansion on this string, which means that it has to expand $_GET["test"] as well. This causes the error.
I suggest to remove the -P, in particular since you don't have any characters in your string which would benefit from prompt expansion.
I'm facing a problem while trying to pass a variable value to a grep command.
In essence, I want to grep out the lines which match my pattern and the pattern is stored in a variable. I take in the input from the user, and parse through myfile and see if the pattern exists(no problem here).
If it exists I want to display the lines which have the pattern i.e grep it out.
My code:
if {$a==1} {
puts "serial number exists"
exec grep $sn myfile } else {
puts "serial number does not exist"}
My input: SN02
My result when I run grep in Shell terminal( grep "SN02" myfile):
serial number exists
SN02 xyz rtw 345
SN02 gfs rew 786
My result when I try to execute grep in Tcl script:
serial number exists
The lines which match the pattern are not displayed.
Your (horrible IMO) indentation is not actually the problem. The problem is that exec does not automatically print the output of the exec'ed command*.
You want puts [exec grep $sn myfile]
This is because the exec command is designed to allow the output to be captured in a variable (like set output [exec some command])
* in an interactive tclsh session, as a convenience, the result of commands is printed. Not so in a non-interactive script.
To follow up on the "horrible" comment, your original code has no visual cues about where the "true" block ends and where the "else" block begins. Due to Tcl's word-oriented nature, it pretty well mandates the one true brace style indentation style.
I'm trying to figure out how to get file completion to work at any word position on the command line after a set of characters. As listed in a shell these characters would be [ =+-\'\"()] (the whitespace is tab and space). Zsh will do this, but only after the backtick character, '`', or $(. mksh does this except not after the characters [+-].
By word position on the command line, I'm talking about each set of characters you type out which are delimited by space and a few other characters. For example,
print Hello World,
has three words at positions 1-3. At position 1, when you're first typing stuff in, completion is pretty much perfect. File completion works after all of the characters I mentioned. After the first word, the completion system gets more limited since it's smart. This is useful for commands, but limiting where you can do file completion isn't particularly helpful.
Here are some examples of where file completion doesn't work for me but should in my opinion:
: ${a:=/...}
echo "${a:-/...}"
make LDFLAGS+='-nostdlib /.../crt1.o /.../crti.o ...'
env a=/... b=/... ...
I've looked at rebinding '^I' (tab) with the handful of different completion widgets Zsh comes with and changing my zstyle ':completion:*' lines. Nothing has worked so far to change this default Zsh behaviour. I'm thinking I need to create a completion function that I can add to the end of my zstyle ':completion:*' completer ... line as a last resort completion.
In the completion function, one route would be to cut out the current word I want to complete, complete it, and then re-insert the completion back into the line if that's possible. It could also be more like _precommand which shifts the second word to the first word so that normal command completion works.
I was able to modify _precommand so that you can complete commands at any word position. This is the new file, I named it _commando and added its directory to my fpath:
#compdef -
# precommands is made local in _main_complete
precommands+=($words[1,$(( CURRENT -1 ))])
shift words
To use it I added it to the end of my ':completion:*' completer ... line in my zshrc so it works with every program in $path. Basically whatever word you're typing in is considered the first word, so command completion works at every word position on the command line.
I'm trying to figure out a way to do the same thing for file completion, but it looks a little more complicated at first glace. I'm not really sure where to go with this, so I'm looking to get some help on this.
I took a closer look at some of Zsh's builtin functions and noticed a few that have special completion behaviour. They belong to the typeset group, which has a function _typeset in the default fpath. I only needed to extract a few lines for what I wanted to do. These are the lines I extracted:
elif [[ "$PREFIX" = *\=* ]]; then
compset -P 1 '*='
These few lines allow typeset completion after each slash in a command like this:
typeset file1=/... file2=~/... file3=/...
I extrapolated from this to create the following function. You can modify it to put in your fpath. I just defined it in my zshrc like this:
_reallyforcefilecompletion() {
local prefix_char
for prefix_char in ' ' $'\t' '=' '+' '-' "'" '"' ')' ':'; do
if [[ "$PREFIX" = *${prefix_char}* ]]; then
if [[ "$PREFIX" = *[\'\"]* ]]; then
compset -q -P "*${prefix_char}"
compset -P "*${prefix_char}"
You can use this by adding it to a zstyle line like this:
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _reallyforcefilecompletion
This way, it's only used as a last resort so that smarter completions can try before it. Here's a little explanation of the function starting with the few variables and the command involved:
prefix_char: This gets set to each prefix character we want to complete after. For example, env a=123 has the prefix character =.
PREFIX: Initially this will be set to the part of the current word from the beginning of the word up to the position of the cursor; it may be altered to give a common prefix for all matches.
IPREFIX (not shown in code): compset moves string matches from PREFIX to IPREFIX so that the rest of PREFIX can be completed.
compset: This command simplifies modification of the special parameters, while its return status allows tests on them to be carried out.
_value: Not really sure about this one. The documentation states it plays some sort of role in completion.
Documentation for the completion system
The function: In the second line, we declare prefix_char local to avoid variable pollution. In line three, we start a for loop selecting each prefix_char we want to complete after. In the next if block, we check if the variable PREFIX ends with one of the prefix_chars we want to complete after and if PREFIX contains any quotes. Since PREFIX contains quotes, we use compset -q to basically allow quotes to be ignored so we can complete in them. compset -P strips PREFIX and moves it to IPREFIX, basically so it gets ignored and completion can work.
The next elif statement is for a PREFIX ending with prefix_char but not containing quotes, so we only use compset -P. I added the return 0 to break the loop. A more correct way to make this function would be in a case statement, but we're not using the compset return value, so this works. You don't see anything about file completion besides _value. For the most part we just told the system to ignore part of the word.
Basically this is what the function does. We have a line that looks like:
env TERM=linux PATH=/<---cursor here
The cursor is at the end of that slash. This function allows PREFIX, which is PATH=, to be ignored, so we have:
env TERM=linux /<---cursor here
You can complete a file there with PATH= removed. The function doesn't actually remove the PATH= though, it just recategorizes it as something to ignore.
With this function, you can now complete in all of the examples I listed in the question and a lot more.
One last thing to mention, adding this force-list line in your zshrc cripples this function somehow. It still works but seems to choke. This new force-list function is way better anyway.
zstyle ':completion:*' force-list always
EDIT: There were a couple lines I forgot to copy into the function. Probably should have checked before posting. I think it's good now.
zsh is great but its completion system is very diverse. And the documentation lacks good examples. Is there a template for completing for a specific application. The completion would get its match data from a file, separated by newlines?
I tried modifying an older example of mine that takes match data "live":
~ % cat .zsh/completers/_jazzup
#compdef jazz_up
_arguments "2: :(`mpc lsplaylists|sed -e 's# #\\\\ #g'`)"
I could supply cat my_file there instead of mpc invocation and so on but would there be a more elegant way to do this simple task? And that completion there is placement-specific: can you provide an example where zsh would attempt to complete at any point after the program name is recognized?
The match data will have whitespaces and so on, the completion should escape the WS. Example of that:
Foo bar
Get it (42)
Now if that completion would be configured for a command Say, we should get this kind of behaviour out of zsh:
$ Say Fo<TAB>
$ Say Foo\ bar
$ Say Ge<TAB>
$ Say Get\ it\ \(42\)
Simple completion needs are better addressed with _describe, it pairs an array holding completion options and a description for them (you can use multiple array/description pairs, check the manual).
(_arguments is great but too complex.)
First create a file
echo "foo\nbar\nbaz\nwith spac e s\noh:noes\noh\:yes" >! ~/simple-complete
Then create a file _simple somewhere in your $fpath:
#compdef simple
# you may wish to modify the expansion options here
# PS: 'f' is the flag making one entry per line
cmds=( ${(uf)"$(< ~/simple-complete)"} )
# main advantage here is that it is easy to understand, see alternative below
_describe 'a description of the completion options' cmds
# this is the equivalent _arguments command... too complex for what it does
## _arguments '*:foo:(${cmds})'
function simple() { echo $* }
autoload _simple # do not forget BEFORE the next cmd!
compdef _simple simple # binds the completion function to a command
simple [TAB]
it works. Just make sure the completion file _simple is placed somewhere in your fpath.
Notice that : in the option list is supposed to be used for separating an option from their (individual) description (oh:noes). So that won't work with _describe unless you quote it (oh\:yes). The commented out _arguments example will not use the : as a separator.
Without changing anything further in .zshrc (I already have autoload -Uz compinit
compinit) I added the following as /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_drush
#compdef drush
_arguments "1: :($(/usr/local/bin/aliases-drush.php))"
Where /usr/local/bin/aliases-drush.php just prints a list of strings, each string being a potential first argument for the command drush. You could use ($(< filename)) to complete from filename.
I based this on https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/458850/9452 -- it's surprising how simple this is at the end of the day.
I was wondering if there is a way to comment out a set of lines in a shell script.
How could I do that? We can use /* */ in other programming languages.
This is most useful when I am converting/using/modifying another script
and I want to keep the original lines instead of deleting.
It seems a cumbersome job to find and prefix # for all the lines which are not used.
Lets say there are 100 lines in the script in consequent lines which are not to used.
I want to comment them all out in one go. Is that possible?
The most versatile and safe method is putting the comment into a void quoted
here-document, like this:
This long comment text includes ${parameter:=expansion}
`command substitution` and $((arithmetic++ + --expansion)).
Quoting the COMMENT delimiter above is necessary to prevent parameter
expansion, command substitution and arithmetic expansion, which would happen
otherwise, as Bash manual states and POSIX shell standard specifies.
In the case above, not quoting COMMENT would result in variable parameter
being assigned text expansion, if it was empty or unset, executing command
command substitution, incrementing variable arithmetic and decrementing
variable expansion.
Comparing other solutions to this:
Using if false; then comment text fi requires the comment text to be
syntactically correct Bash code whereas natural comments are often not, if
only for possible unbalanced apostrophes. The same goes for : || { comment text }
Putting comments into a single-quoted void command argument, as in :'comment
text', has the drawback of inability to include apostrophes. Double-quoted
arguments, as in :"comment text", are still subject to parameter expansion,
command substitution and arithmetic expansion, the same as unquoted
here-document contents and can lead to the side-effects described above.
Using scripts and editor facilities to automatically prefix each line in a
block with '#' has some merit, but doesn't exactly answer the question.
if false
false always returns false so this will always skip the code.
You can also put multi-line comments using:
: '
As per the Bash Reference for Bourne Shell builtins
: (a colon)
: [arguments]
Do nothing beyond expanding arguments and performing redirections. The return status is zero.
Thanks to Ikram for pointing this out in the post Shell script put multiple line comment
You can use a 'here' document with no command to send it to.
echo "Say Something"
your comment 1
comment 2
echo "Do something else"
Wikipedia Reference
Text editors have an amazing feature called search and replace. You don't say what editor you use, but since shell scripts tend to be *nix, and I use VI, here's the command to comment lines 20 to 50 of some shell script:
: || {
your code here
your code here
your code here
your code here
What if you just wrap your code into function?
So this:
cd ~/documents
mkdir test
echo "useless script" > about.txt
Becomes this:
CommentedOutBlock() {
cd ~/documents
mkdir test
echo "useless script" > about.txt
As per this site:
: '
This is a test comment
Author foo bar
Released under GNU
echo "Init..."
# rest of script
Depending of the editor that you're using there are some shortcuts to comment a block of lines.
Another workaround would be to put your code in an "if (0)" conditional block ;)
This Perl one-liner comments out lines 1 to 3 of the file orig.sh inclusive (where the first line is numbered 0), and writes the commented version to cmt.sh.
perl -n -e '$s=1;$e=3; $_="#$_" if $i>=$s&&$i<=$e;print;$i++' orig.sh > cmt.sh
Obviously you can change the boundary numbers as required.
If you want to edit the file in place, it's even shorter:
perl -in -e '$s=1;$e=3; $_="#$_" if $i>=$s&&$i<=$e;print;$i++' orig.sh
$ cat orig.sh
$ perl -n -e '$s=1;$e=3; $_="#$_" if $i>=$s&&$i<=$e;print;$i++' orig.sh > cmt.sh
$ cat cmt.sh