I'm currently running a geocoding function (using the google_places function in the googleway package). The function will run for a while (I have almost 3k locations), then throw the following error:
Error in open.connection(con, "rb") :
schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is received (e.g. handshake failed). More detail may be available in the Windows System event log.
Having consulted the system event log, I found the following information:
The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
I'm not really sure what to do with this information. From my limited knowledge, it appears this is some sort of security/firewall issue. How should I go about giving R the permissions needed to run this function?
I am running Windows 10 with Windows Defender as antivirus/firewall. For reference, this is the function I am using for geocoding:
metro.locater <- function(lat, lon){
#putting latitude and longitude into the same vector
latlon <- c(lat, lon)
#getting places result
res <- google_places(location = latlon,
place_type = "subway_station", radius = 50000,
key = "myKey")
#condition handling
if(res$status == 'OK'){
closest <- res$results[1:3, ]
return(closest)} else {
I was able to fix the issue by using an adverb I'd used with another geocoding function that attempts to run the function 5 times when it fails to provide results. Given that this worked, it seems likely that this was just a transient error rather than a systemic issue.
The adverb I used:
safely <- function(fn, ..., max_attempts = 5) {
function(...) {
this_env <- environment()
for(i in seq_len(max_attempts)) {
ok <- tryCatch({
assign("result", fn(...), envir = this_env)
error = function(e) {
if(ok) {
msg <- sprintf(
"%s failed after %d tries; returning NULL.",
Taken from Repeating values in loop until error disappears.
I am using the spotifyr library where I want to find audio features for multiple tracks. For example I can do this in order to find the audio features of a specific song using it's id.
analysis2 <- get_track_audio_features("2xLMifQCjDGFmkHkpNLD9h",
authorization = get_spotify_access_token())
Yesterday, I wrote this function below that takes all the tracks in a dataframe and finds the audio features for all of them and stores them in a list and it was working fine.
get_analysis <- function(track_id)
analysis <- get_track_audio_features(track_id,
authorization = get_spotify_access_token())
tracks_list <- lapply(all_tracks$track.id, get_analysis)
Now I am getting an error saying Request failed [503] and Error in get_track_audio_features(track_id, authorization = get_spotify_access_token()) : Service Unavailable (HTTP 503).
I am still able to find the audio features of a specific song so I am not sure which service is unavailable.
I suspect you are reaching a song in your data for which the response is denied from spotify. You could try adding an error-catching mechanism to see which one it is:
get_analysis <- function(track_id){
expr = {
get_track_audio_features(track_id, authorization = get_spotify_access_token())
error = function(e){
}) -> analysis
tracks_list <- lapply(all_tracks$track.id, get_analysis)
I looked at the source code for the package and didn't see any sneaky rate-limiting issues and the Web API page shows error 503 as a generic error that needs waiting to be resolved (https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/). Thus you could also try just adding a 10 minute wait (I couldn't find how long exactly it is on Spotify's website):
get_analysis <- function(track_id){
expr = {
get_track_audio_features(track_id, authorization = get_spotify_access_token()) -> output
error = function(e){
}) -> output
wait.function <- funciton(){
get_analysis_master <- function(all_tracks){
k <- 1
tracks_list <- list()
for(track.id in all_tracks$track.id){
get_analysis(track.id) -> output
if(!inherits(output, "error")){
tracks_list[[k]] <- output
k <- k + 1
} else {
get_analysis_master(all_tracks) -> tracks_list
I have a shiny app where I call a function from a different package. So when I call this function if the values are not in a certain range that function throws an error and the app stops.
Eg function :
data <- callFunction(cost,input1,input2)
So when the callFunction throws an error it stops the app. I dont want the app to stop and just throw a message on the app saying your inputs are incorrect please modify it. How can I do this in a shiny app.Thank you.
For error handling, R implements tryCatch
Test <- list(5,4,"foo","bar")
res <- sapply(Test,function(el)
#Expression that might throw an error
el + 5
}, warning = function(w) {
print("Warning. Minor Problems!") #warning handling
}, error = function(e) {
print("Error!. Major Problems!") #error handling
}, finally = {
#possible clean-up code.
[1] "10" "9" "Error!. Major Problems!" "Error!. Major Problems!
I'm new to stackoverflow, so please correct me if I make any major mistakes.
As a part of a bigger project I have a function that requests routes from Google and calculates the driving time, I do this with the package ggmap. This worked perfectly fine until I tried to speed things up on other parts of the project and needed to call the driving time function within a foreach loop. In the loop, when I use %dopar% it throws this error:
unable to connect to 'maps.googleapis.com' on port 80.
Does anyone know, where this error comes from and how it can be fixed?
I managed to produce a small example that shows the behaviour:
# necessary packages
# some lines to test the function in a for and a foreach loop
Origins <- c("Bern","Biel","Thun","Spiez")
Destinations <- c("Biel","Thun","Spiez","Bern")
numRoutes = length(Origins)
# numCores = detectCores()
# I use only 1 core in testing to make sure that the debug-file is readable
cl <- snow::makeCluster(1, outfile = "debug.txt")
timesDoPar <-foreach(idx=1:numRoutes,
.packages = c("ggmap")) %dopar% {
getDrivingTime(Origins[idx], Destinations[idx])
timesDo <-foreach(idx=1:numRoutes,
.packages = c("ggmap")) %do% {
getDrivingTime(Origins[idx], Destinations[idx])
The function (with some extra for debugging):
getDrivingTime <- function(from, to){
if (from == to){
drivingTimeMin = 0
} else{
route_simple <- tryCatch({
message("Trying to get route from Google")
route(from, to, structure = "route", mode = "driving", output = "simple")
error=function(cond) {
message("Route throws an error:\nHere's the original error message:")
warning=function(cond) {
message("Route throws a warning:\nHere's the original warning message:")
message(paste0("\nProcessed route: ", from, "; ", to, "\n\n"))
drivingTimeMin = sum(route_simple$minutes, na.rm = TRUE)
I'm aware that in this example it would make absolutely no sense to use parallel programming - especially with using only one core - but in the scope of the full project it is needed.
I couldn't find any useful information related to this except for this question, where the person asking suggests that the problem might be with the network in their company. I don't think that this is the case for me, since it works with %do%. I couldn't test it in another network yet, though.
(I'm working on Windows 7, using a portable version of R (R version 3.1.0) and R Studio (Version 0.98.501))
How can I test if a RJDBC connection is working? With time limit?
Here is a toy code:
testConnection <- function(){
conn <- RJDBC::dbConnect(JDBC("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "driverPath"), "connString", "user", "password")
return("Connection: OK")
, error = function(e) {
return("Connection: Failed")
But if there is no network connection, I have to wait for 30 seconds to have the result.
I need to test many connections, so I would like to change the test limit to 2 seconds.
How can I set a evaluation time limit?
I tried setTimeLimit without success.
For a web scraping project I am making frequent requests on a particular site. Sometimes the connection times out with an error and I would like for it to retry instead of erroring out. I've written out the code below for it to keep trying, but I don't think it works because I still error out.
url = "www.google.com"
sourcecode <- getForm(urls[n]),
finally = Sys.sleep(2),
abort = function(){})
Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : couldn't connect to
Got it after experimenting:
while(length(sourcecode.ad) == 0){
sourcecode <- getForm(urls[n])
Try() will allow a continuation after an error occurs. Combined with the loop, it will keep retrying.