i am trying to make a script that will open a a link in browser and click few positions.
I am new to AutoIt so please don't judge me, just try to help.
So far I've got this as a test and i have no idea how to specify a browser.
I want to open one link in Opera and another in Chrome
$hwnd=WinActivate("UCP Receive Bonus")
MouseClick("left", 1410,205, 1, 5)
Depends on your system-configuration, but normally this should work
ShellExecute('safari.exe', 'www.google.com')
ShellExecute('firefox.exe', 'www.google.com')
ShellExecute('chrome.exe', 'www.google.com')
It is possible to return to the previous page using the selenium IDE editor, I have already tried 2 options
Sending the key combination to go back a page in Google Chrome
and the other use the Chrome console to force it to return to the previous page
but none of them work for me.
I appreciate the help
Try with this to go back in browser:
execute script | history.back()
You can also use this to go to forward:
execute script | history.forward()
Currently the run script command is changed at execute script
Use it with window.history.go(-1) and it will work
A coworker and I were having a discussion about what is and isn't possible within the browser.
Then a question came up that neither of us could answer with certainty.
Can you create a webpage such that when you navigate to it, it engages the client-side printer and attempts to print a document. For instance, whenever you visit my personal website, you'll be treated to a print out of a picture of me, smiling.
Now, this is a hideous idea. I'm aware. But the discussion intrigued me as to if it could be done, and how. My friend insisted that the best you could do was pop up the print dialog for the user, they would have to click print themselves.
Would it be possible to bypass this step? Or just some fancy script to move the mouse over the print button and click on it? Or use an activeX control to interface with a Printer API directly?
You have to prompt the user to print the current page, there's no way to bypass this step (possibly in activeX for IE). That said, there's two different ways you could prompt the user to print images of you smiling when the page is loaded.
Here's how to do it in JavaScript.
window.onload = function() {
var img = window.open("me-smiling.png");
And here's how to do it in css/javascript/html (assuming your picture has the id 'me-smiling'):
#media print {
* {
img#me-smiling {
window.onload = function() { window.print() }
The only solution to avoid print dialog that I found was creating a variable on Mozilla Firefox to set auto-print. Maybe is not the best solution if you need to use other browser, but in my case, I only need to print a report automatically and it works:
1- Open Firefox and type "about:config" in the address bar
2- Right click on any preference and select "New" > "Boolean"
3- Add a variable called "print.always_print_silent" with "true" value
4- Restart Firefox.
Hope help you!
AttendStar created a free add-on that suppresses the dialog box and removes all headers and footers for most versions of Firefox.
With that feature on you can use $('img').jqprint(); and jqprint for jquery will only print that image automatically called from your web application.
As far as I know, there is no way to print a document directly, without some client intervention, like setting browser flags.
In our current project we need to print directly to the default printer, but at least with Chrome you can do it easily with additional startup arguments.
To print directly to the OS default printer you can use:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir=c:\tmp --kiosk-printing http://www.contoso.com
Another option, which may also be useful, is tos use the native print dialog instead of chromes print preview.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir=c:\tmp --disable-print-preview http://www.contoso.com
Note, that window.print() and/or Ctrl-P behave accordingly the mentioned settings.
I know, that this does not exactly answers the OPs question, but I think it somewhat related, and for web based enterprise applications this is a quite common use case. Maybe someone find it useful.
For Firefox I recommend Seamless Print Addon
You can't bypass the print dialog, as far as I know. That would be a pretty obvious security flaw if the browser allowed that. But you can bring up the print dialog with "window.print()".
I think at best you would need an ActiveX component using base windows API to obtain a device context for the default printer and try and print an embedded image using assumed values for the printer settings.
To print to the default printer automatically without seeing a print dialog prompt, I've shared some code in the following question that works in IE7, IE8 and IE9:
Bypass Printdialog in IE9
From lot of search from last few days,
I've found a best possible solution.
Till date Chrome do not support direct printing from javascript.
It has launched USB and serial API which might help.
But currently I'm using a JavaApplet solution which is open source.
https://github.com/qzind/qz-print - build
While I'm getting error in building it. I preferred a Prebuilt - QZ Print Plugin 1.9.3
desktop app, which works great.
Download it from here: https://qz.io/download/
Code Example:
* Prototype function for printing an HTML screenshot of the existing page
* Usage: (identical to appendImage(), but uses html2canvas for png rendering)
* qz.setPaperSize("8.5in", "11.0in"); // US Letter
* qz.setAutoSize(true);
* qz.appendImage($("canvas")[0].toDataURL('image/png'));
function printHTML5Page() {
canvas: hidden_screenshot,
onrendered: function() {
if (notReady()) { return; }
// Optional, set up custom page size. These only work for PostScript printing.
// setPaperSize() must be called before setAutoSize(), setOrientation(), etc.
qz.setPaperSize("8.5in", "11.0in"); // US Letter
// Automatically gets called when "qz.appendFile()" is finished.
window['qzDoneAppending'] = function() {
// Tell the applet to print.
// Remove reference to this function
window['qzDoneAppending'] = null;
Complete example can be found here:
This is the best solution that I have found for firefox:
There is this awesome add-on Seamless Print.
It works like charm.
It seems OpenX (2.8.7) doesn't take into account the attribute "target".
I tried using "_self" and "_top" but when clicking on the banner it always opens a new (_blank) window.
I found nothing interesting on their forum.
Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Setting target to '_top' should open in current window/tab.
When I make any changes to my CSS file, the changes are not reflected in the browser. How can I fix this?
The fix is called "hard refresh"
In most Windows and Linux browsers: Hold down Ctrl and press F5.
In Apple Safari:
Hold down ⇧ Shift and click the Reload toolbar button.
In Chrome and Firefox for Mac:
Hold down both ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift and press R.
Try opening the style sheet itself (by entering its address into the browser's address bar) and pressing F5. If it still doesn't refresh, your problem lies elsewhere.
If you update a style sheet and want to make sure it gets refreshed in every visitor's cache, a very popular method to do that is to add a version number as a GET parameter. That way, the style sheet gets refreshed when necessary, but not more often than that.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?version=51">
A good way to force your CSS to reload is to:
<link href='styles.css?version=1' rel='stylesheet'></link>
And then just increment the version number as you change your CSS. The browser will then obey. I believe Stack Overflow uses this technique.
I always use Ctrl+Shift+F5 out of habit, it should force a full-refresh including by-passing any http proxies you may be going through.
I had this issue. Turns out I completely forgot I had CloudFlare setup on the domain I was live testing on.
CloudFlare caches your JavaScript and CSS. Turned on development mode and BAM!
Do Shift+F5 in Windows. The cache really frustrates in this kind of stuff
This sounds like your browser is caching your css. If you are using Firefox, try loading your page using Shift-Reload.
Having this problem before I found out my own lazy solution (based on other people suggestions). It should be helpful if your <head> contents go through php interpreter.
To force downloading file every time you make changes to it, you could add file byte size of this file after question mark sign at the end.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?<?=filesize('styles.css');?>">
EDIT: As suggested in comments, filemtime() is actually a better solution as long as your files have properly updated modify time (I, myself, have experienced such issues in the past, while working with remote files):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?<?=filemtime('styles.css');?>">
The Ctrl + F5 solusion didn't work for me in Chrome.
But I found How to Clear Chrome Cache for Specific Website Only (3 Steps):
As the page is loaded, open Chrome Developer Tools (Right-Click > Inspect) or (Menu > More Tools > Developer Tools)
Next, go to the Refresh button in Chrome browser, and Right-Click the Refresh button.
Select "Empty Cache and Hard Refresh".
Since I found this thread having the same problem, 10 YEARS later, I'll add my own solution too. I use PHP most of the time, and rather than requiring the user to press unusual buttons to refresh the page, or myself to remember to bump a version number embedded in a link, I used the filemtime() function to get the modification time of the css file (as a unix timestamp), and then use THAT number as the parameter.
$FILE_TIME = filemtime("main.css");
$CSS_LINK = "main.css?version=$FILE_TIME";
While results in a URL like:
This entirely disables caching, since every time the page is refreshed, it will believe it needs to grab the CSS file again, changed or not... but that's far less frustrating than forgetting to manually update this trick and wasting time wondering why it isn't right. You can always remove it from a production server.
If you are using plain HTML, you could probably engineer a javascript wrapper or some such, but that's probably more trouble than it's worth.
Have you tried renaming the new version of your CSS to CSSv2.css and then directing your page to use that? If that solves the stale-file issue, then you're just experiencing non-refreshing files. If not, you've got bigger issues.
If you're using ASP.NET web forms, make sure that you are using the right theme:
I just spent about an hour trying to solve this!
Is this a local custom CSS file? Is this your website? Maybe you should clear your cache.
Also the last CSS declaration takes precedence.
I faced the same problem. Renaming the file worked for me.
The reason this occurs is because the file is stored in the "cache" of the browser – so there is no need for the browser to request the sheet again. This occurs for most files that your HTML links to – whether they're CDNs or on your server, for example, a stylesheet. A hard refresh will reload the page and send new GET requests to the server (and to external b if needed).
You can also empty the caches in most browsers with the following keyboard shortcuts.
Safari: Cmd+Alt+e
Chrome and Edge: Shift+Cmd+Delete (Mac) and Ctrl+Shift+Del (Windows)
I use Firebug and IE Developer Toolbar all the time to debug tricky CSS problems. But occasionally, a tricky bug comes up that only appears when you go to print the page.
What techniques/tools do you use to diagnose problems like this? Is there a way to get more use out of traditional CSS debugging tools in print view?
Updated: I already use a PDF printer to avoid wasting paper; my problem is that I can't right-click on the printed DOM. Some of the other answers below are quite helpful, thanks. :-)
Just found a comment by lee-penkman about a new feature in Firefox here: Press Shift-F2 in Firefox to open the browser console (not the javascript console), then enter media emulate print. Works absolutely great!
Update Sept. 2018: Starting with Firefox 62, the developer console has disappeared. There doesn't seem to be a way to activate print style emulation now.
Update Nov. 2019: It seems that in Firefox 69, there is again a new button for print style emulation. See the other answer on this page: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58015662/195476
In Chrome 51:
Open devtools (CTRL + F12 or CTRL + SHIFT + I) and click on the ... menu, click More Tools > Rendering settings to open the Rendering tab of the developer console (alternatively, if the console is open just navigate to this tab).
In that tab, select and check the box for Emulate Media: print.
I use the WebDeveloper plugin and the CSS --> Display CSS by Media Type --> Print to view the CSS as it would when printed. Firebug's inspection utilities work with the CSS as filtered by the plugin.
In Firefox 69, I found a button to simulate print media. Just open the Developer Tools (F12) and click on Inspector. The toggle button is the leftmost icon that's in the highlighted section in the screenshot below, the one that looks like a sheet of paper.
I use Firefox and the developer toolbar.
I use the real time css edit tool in the task bar, it's pretty usefull to modify your css on the fly on see the results in real time.
I also use the outline feature, which the div and stuff like that on mouse over, on your website. Really helpful to find div.
For the print problem, go to CSS -> Display CSS style by media -> print
There are a lot of other tool available in this one, I probably use about 10% of it.
Try maybe you find something usefull.
In chrome developer tools (F12 \ Ctrl(cmd on mac) + Shift + C):
In the emulation tab (From Chrome 32 onward IMHO), there is a tab for 'Media'.
There you can check the media emulation checkbox and select the media you would like to emulate ('print', 'screen' etc.)
How about just listing your print CSS last, and removing the "print" condition from your CSS link or import statement? Then you're debugging the print CSS in the browser window.
I use the Adobe PDF virtual printer, because it's the closest thing to a real printer you'd get, without wasting ink and paper.
Anyway, it's recommended to have a separate CSS for prints, with much simpler graphics and less of the images you use just for design purposes.
I always used web developer toolbar (as described in the other answers), but Firebug seems to miss some styles from time to time. So I added a Bookmark to my browser and added the following Javascript as URL of the bookmark. Now I can simply switch to print style by clicking the bookmark:
The code above finds all stylesheet links, tests if it is media=print and if so it changes it to media=all (and hides all media=screen by replacing it with media=dontshow) and reloads the stylesheets by adding a time token to the URL. The basic reload script is from someone else, I added media part.
This works great for me!
This would be the more readable version of the JavaScript URL above for explanation:
javascript: (function() {
var h, a, f;
a = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
for (h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
f = a[h];
if (f.rel.toLowerCase().match(/stylesheet/) && f.href && (f.media == 'print' || f.media == 'screen')) {
var g = f.href.replace(/(&|\?)forceReload=\d /, '');
if (f.media.toLowerCase().match(/screen/)) f.media = "dontshow";
if (f.media.toLowerCase().match(/print/)) f.media = "all";
f.href = g(g.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?')
'forceReload=' (new Date().valueOf());
Print to Microsoft XPS Document Writer if you don't want to pay money. Or use SnagIt if you've got the funds (free trial on site).