I have installed Visual Studio Community 2015 (DreamSpark program) on my Windows 10 N 64 bit machine.
But when I want to create a new web project, I can't see anything related to this.
So I launched the setup and watched if the "Web development tools" was checked or not and it was.
I unchecked it, then clicked next so VS Setup uninstalled these tools.
Then I re-launched the setup and checked it to install the "Web development tools" but it does not solve my problem.
I tried uninstalling, clearing all caches, install VS 2015 with another ISO re-downloaded in case that a file was corrupted or whatever, but I still have got this issue.
I tried to install manually Web Application templates using devenv /installVSTemplates -> does not work neither.
I tried to follow this article : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/heaths/archive/2015/07/17/removing-visual-studio-components-left-behind-after-an-uninstall.aspx
in order to remove all components related to VS left after a classic uninstallation but the setup encounters a fatal error..
I really need to work for my studies and I don't know what to do to make it work. I tried everything I've found on the web, tried to clean with CCleaner + manually delete cache folder ect..
But I still can't create a new web project because it just does not appear.
In Nugget Package Manager (inside VS), I can see that the ASP.NET package is installed (forgot the exact name but, this is the package related to what I am looking for) and I can't uninstall it to try a re-installation.
I'm trying to solve my probleme since 2 weeks ago but I still have got this issue.
Sorry for english mistakes.
Best regards,
Just to double check
Go to control panel "Add / remove programs" -> "Visual 2015" -> "Modify" , check that "Web developer tools" checked.
After reinstalling everything should reappear.
If you have already done this try..
(1) Please make sure that it is the latest windows 10 run windows update
(2) Run the command line:
Please check this folder in your system:
You will find projecttemplate and itemtemplate, and you will also find projecttemplatecache and itemtemplatecache which are related to this templates issue, maybe you could remove them, and then run the following commands and see whether it can help you create the item/project templates.
devenv /installvstemplates.
devenv /ResetSettings.
Hopefully this fixes the issues
You can download this tutorial at http://blogs.msdn.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/communityserver-blogs-components-weblogfiles/00-00-01-44-28-Documents/8420.Quick_5F00_Start_5F00_Azure_5F00_Webapp.pdf
Please also make sure that you are trying to add this item under a directory which can hold this type of file.
Go to Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE. Rename ProjectTemplatesCache folder and restart Visual Studio
I've downloaded a website and in VS express open it through file => open website. When I press F5 to debug I get build errors:
The type or namespace name 'AspNet' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft'
I guess I'm missing a reference but how come it works on the server? References for these projects can be found in the bin directory right?
Under website => start options => build I've set the following: "Build web site" and target framework ".net framework 4" this is the same as the server.
I guess it's looking for a dll that contains Microsoft.aspNet which probably is in totallyUnrelatedName.dll in the folder scratchYourHeadAndLookSomeMore
Could someone help me out and give me a clue as to why Microsoft.aspNet would be missing from my computer?
I'm tempted to quit this job since all projects are web projects without any documentation that won't run locally but do need major changes. Client has no problem to implement changes on the live site but I do.
Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
Click on the Online Tab.
Search for Microsoft ASP.NET Identity Framework.
Install this package.
Rebuild Solution.
I guess I'm missing a reference but how come it works on the server? References for these projects can be found in the bin directory right?
Not if the used libraries are installed on the server. You might want to install them on your workstation too, or add the proper references (for example via NuGet) and do a bin-deploy.
On how to find out which libraries you're missing: find class names, not namespace names.
I had this error message too so I reinstalled all of my nuget packages again via the package manager console. Unfortunately this did not sort my issue and after loading up a completely separate project within a different solution to the one in which I was experencing: The type or namespace name 'AspNet' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' error, I noticed that it was occurring there too. This meant that there was an issue with my Visual Studio rather than a problem with individual packages or projects.
It turns out that my MEF Component Cache was corrupted - to fix this I deleted my Visual Studio's component model cache folder which can be found here:
Mads Kristensen has created a Clear MEF Component Cache Visual Studio extention which you may find useful:
Clear MEF Component Cache
i have the same issue, on mac vs 2019,
reinstall all Associated nuget of the error you get,
you caמ find them on simpale search on google "nuget + " for example "nuget AddNewtonsoftJson",
then go to "project > manage nuget packages" ...
I try all above solution but It did not resolve my issue.
If still you cannot resolve this following solution might help you
NuGet Installation:
Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet
I'm trying to add ParseKit to a new command line project in Xcode, but the framework shows as red in the Project Navigator. When I try to build, I get this error
error: /Users/acdlite/Xcode/Chemistry Parser/../parsekit-trunk/build/Debug/ParseKit.framework: No such file or directory
I've followed the directions given by the developer in this answer: How to embed ParseKit as a private framework in a Mac App bundle.
To my knowledge, red indicates that the file is not at the specified location. The file inspector says it should be located at /parsekit-trunk/build/Debug/ParseKit.framework, which actually doesn't exist if I try to navigate there in the Finder. So then where is it located? I have no idea.
I've followed all the steps from scratch like a dozen times now, including checking out the code via SVN. It's driving me crazy, and I feel like an idiot. I wish I could be more specific but I am truly lost as to where to go from here.
Alright, after at least 20 attempts I eventually got it working. Mostly, I followed the steps given by the developer in this answer: How to embed ParseKit as a private framework in a Mac App bundle
However, following the steps exactly didn't work. For the life of me, I couldn't get the ParseKit framework to show up as an option when I attempted to add it as a dependency of my Target. Xcode would just say "No filter results found." So I skipped that step. I also did not add a "Copy Files" build phase. Doing so resulted in a dependency error.
This was way harder than it should have been, and I don't know if that's because I'm stupid or Xcode is poorly designed. Probably a combination of both.
By the way, I'm using Xcode version 4.6.1 (4H512).
First of all i want to say that I'm still a beginner in ASP.NET development. I think this is a simple question but I cant find an answer anywhere. The following is my problem:
I have a big ASP.NET project develped in .NET 2.0 . Now I have to update thisProject to .NET 4.0. I think it worked quite well when I loaded and converted it to .NET 4.0 with VS2010 but there is this missing reference.
The missing reference is MSutil.dll and I don't have any clue what that reference is for an I cant find the dll anywhere either. In the cs code its used like this:
using LogQuery = MSUtil.LogQueryClassClass;
using IisW3cLogInputClass = MSUtil.COMIISW3CInputContextClassClass;
using LogRecordSet = MSUtil.ILogRecordset;
using LogRecord = MSUtil.ILogRecord;
Can anyone tell me...
what this reference is for?
where I can find/download it?
how I can include/install it in my solution?
This is used to read the IIS log files and parse them.
To get that DLL follow those steps:
Download the Log Parser package, here. (free download, small .msi file)
Install the Log Parser on the machine with the your project and Visual Studio.
Browse to the location of the installed program and you will see file called "LogParser.dll" in there. Copy the file to some easy location e.g. "C:\Temp" see below why.
Go to All Programs --> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 --> Visual Studio Tools and right click "Visual Studio Command Prompt" then choose Run as administrator.
From within the console type:
tlbimp "C:\temp\LogParser.dll" /out:"C:\temp\Interop.MSUtil.dll"
That's it - after this you will have the lost Interop.MSUtil.dll back on your machine, copy it to your project location and add reference to it like you add to any other external DLL file.
Interop.MSutil.dll is a .NET interface to LogParser.dll, primarily used to parse IIS logs.
To use it, you will need LogParser 2.2 installed and LogParser.dll registered on your machine.
Interop.MSUtil is now available via nuget so you no longer have to create it yourself, but after installation you will have to manually add a reference to the DLL in your solution's packages folder.
After adding the reference, right-click it and set Embed Interop Types to false to avoid receiving an error that the classes cannot be embedded.
It seems is an Interop object.
An Interop object is a bridge between a .Net dll and a COM object
Perhaps this link helps you
When using Visual Studio 2008, when I "Publish Web Site", the application builds correctly, but then I get a "Publish failed" message:
What possible reasons are there for this, and how can I prevent it?
I had the same issue. Nightmare to identify the problem, because the logs and outputs show no errors or failures. I simply get "Build: 39 succeeded" and "Publish: 1 failed".
I resolved the problem by systematically removing all NuGet packages one at a time (and removing code that references it) until I identified the offending one.
This takes a LONG time!
However, the answer for me was Microsoft.Net.Compilers.
No idea how I ended up with that in my project, but as soon as I removed that package, everything publishes fine again.
Edit - For what it's worth, this problem occurs on VS 2008, 2012 and 2015 but does not occur on 2017.
You can try this:
Perform precompilation against the web application.
Clear the target directory(virtual directory in IIS or physical file
folder) and deploy all the files (of the web application) into the target
In the output window you can check at which stage does the publish website
operation fail. For example, at the first stage, if there are some error
which will only occur at precompilation, that will cause the stage 1 fail.
Or some times if the target directory has something configured incorrectly.
Such as the IIS virtual dir is not set to the correct ASP.NET version or
some old files are locked and prevent them from being cleared. Mostly,
publish failed will be caused by IIS side configuration issue such as
authentication setting....
Source link
You can open the output window by pressing Ctrl+W, O.
Sometimes it's because you need to be running VS as Administrator to be able to write to the target directory.
Check the Output messages, they should help you solve the problem
I had to copy project to C:\a\ and than publish. I suspect problems with long path. Strange, but worked for me.
The conclusion is: Try another VS edition and see if that does it.
Here is what did it for me.
I have VS 2013 Pro and Visual Studio 2015 Community. I sort of use one or another to work on my MVC project and all was fine. Then all of the sudden VS 2013 could not publish though it would build just fine. There was no erros other than some silly ...code is not returned from all paths...
So when I open it in VS 2017 - it published the same project just fine. I am suspecting a compiling issue - because that was the stage it would fail at.
Hope that helps you save a bit of time.
Not sure if this happens in different versions of Visual Studio, but at least in 2015 Professional Edition, the problem arises when we try to update all Nuget packages from the solution using the Packages Manager.
As pointed out by #SimonGoldstone the issue is caused by the package "Microsoft.Net.Compilers". By default, the package gets added to the solution while creating a new web application. The default version 1.0.0 does not introduce any problems. I was able to keep testing with latest versions until 2.4.0 and everything works fine, but from 2.6.0 henceforth is when it all starts. If an update is strictly required, I would recommend updating the aforementioned package until version 2.4.0. After doing some research, seems that some bugs on later versions than 2.4.0 are introduced and not fixed on the long term. What is curious though, is how this problem gets included on Nuget with no basic quality control checkpoint.
There are many proposed solutions for this. I think they are overcomplicating the issue.
I found the following worked for me:
Locate the obj(Release or Debug) folder in your solution
Inside the Release or Debug folder delete the CONTENTS of the 'AspnetCompileMerge' folder
Now try and publish.
Make sure you empty the target folder (manually) before publishing. Sometimes vs cant delete a file which will result in a failed publish
After trying a Rebuild, having other Projects in my Solution able to publish correctly, and changing my publish location to the C: drive (locally attached) instead of pushing to a mapped network drive, I was still having an issue where the only error output said:
========== Build: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Publish: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
My solution is targeting x86, but I think during a Git Merge, this project had it's profile switched to Any CPU. After creating an x86 profile for the project and having it match the target of the publish goal and of the active solution configuration, I was able to successfully publish again.
Check Project BIn directory. there must be a DLL of your page or control. which has to be recreated during publish. So exclude it or remove it
I ran into this same problem today and it was due to the Thumbs.db file that was created when I opened my images folder to look for an image. I deleted the file and the project deployed successfully. Hope this helps someone else in the same situation.
Delete publish profile and create another one . Worked for me
In my case, I was publishing to a directory in a mapped network drive, but the Output panel/window was indicating that the location didn't exist. The path was correct, and the drive was fully accessible. The problem resolved itself when I re-set the path to publish to in Visual Studio by using the ... button.
With me it was simple - the dist folder was locked. I unlocked it by an unlocker and the publishing resumed.
I have several user controls that are registered in the web.config, and have a ClassName in the .ascx file header. For normal builds everything works fine, but with a publish those class names were not recognized anymore. At some point I found out that the errors were not in my regular code files, but in copies in a temp directory for publishing.
I had "Precompile during publishing" turned on (to be found under Settings > File Publish Options). Turning that option off worked for me.
I had the same issue with VS2017 with a website project. Build worked, but publish gave me an error:
Error CS0012: The type 'System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
All my projects already had a reference to System.Net.Http so it was really confusing.
To fix it, I had to copy System.Net.Http.dll into my website project / bin folder so publish could find it and copy it to my web host. I found System.Net.Http.dll by looking at another project's references (a class library), then System.Net.Http.dll Properties, and seeing the path (C:\Program Files(x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NetFramework\v4.6\System.Net.Http.dll).
i know iam late but i think it should use for someone whos searching for this query.
just uninstall all your nuget pakages , then clean and rebuilt solution ,
now click on publish , sure it works and u will see publishing starts and works correctly now
If any one had changed the version of the project file and related framework. then this type of issue happened.
please go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v16.0\Web" location for visual studio published and build setting -> edit -> comment the force copy of all file section.
I had one file that was not found. I had copied in a png file to replace a jpg in the content folder , same name except filetype extension.
Project built fine, but refused to build and publish . changed extension of file so it could find that file name and it worked - no errors amazing 1 thing wrong and everything else is an error.
The case for me was that Visual Studio was not signed in to Azure, but provided no indication of that. I edited the publish profile, clicked "Validate Connection" then clicked "Save" and then it worked.
I was working on a feature branch, which was failing. Switched to Master Branch, deleted the feature one and created another one. It worked.
What caused my issue was a little different, but has similarities to some of the reasons stated above.
I managed to trash my local copy of a given application and did a GIT hard reset to get the most recent from the repository in question. This in turn, wiped out the web.config file (which was not stored in the GIT repository for various reasons).
This cause configuration information for various NuGet packages to be "lost" (since it was stored in web.config).
Fortunately, I had "backed up" the web.config, so once I figured out it was not out there (a migration failed because I was unable to connect to the database), I was able to replace it.
Tried the publish again, after fixing the web.config, and everything worked perfectly.
If you are opting for the "Delete all existing files prior to publish" in the publish web dialog box, then make sure that the Visual Studio is started with Admin rights. Right click the Visual Studio and click Run as Administrator. Hope this helps.