How to recreate Android's Pull to Refresh icon in QML? - qt

This is the pull to refresh icon used to refresh views in Android.
I've been trying to bring that to qml but it is not so easy.
There are so many transitions that it quickly becomes very complex.
How difficult this should be to recreated in QML?
Is using canvas the better solution?
As i have first seen, the swipe brings down the arrow in a different pace of the swipe, while the arrow rotates. If this arrow comes from a canvas how can it relate to outside events, that is the swipe?

I used something like this:
// Slot called when the flick has started
onFlickStarted: {
refreshFlik = atYBeginning
// Slot called when the flick has finished
onFlickEnded: {
if ( atYBeginning && refreshFlik )
It seems to work as expected and it is easy to implement

The problem is that Flickable and the derived ListView don't really provide any over-drag or over-shoot information in the cases where the visual behavior is disabled.
If dragging the visual over the beginning is not a problem for you, you can simply use the negated value of contentY which goes into the negative if the view is dragged before its beginning.
The only solution I can think of to not have any visual over-dragging but still get the over-drag information in order to drive your refresher is to set the view interactive property to false, and put another mouse area on top of that, and redirect drags and flicks manually to the now non-interactive view.
That last part might sound complex, but it isn't that complex, and I happen to know for a fact that it works well, because I have already used this approach and the source code is already here on SO.
So once you have access to the mouse area that controls the view, you can track how much you are in the negative, and use that information to drive the logic and animation of the refresher.
The notable difference between the implementation in the linked answer and what you need is that the linked answer has the mouse area in each delegate, due to the requirements of the specific problem I wanted to solve. You don't need that, you only need one single mouse area that covers the view.

I did like this recently.
Basically I use the position of a ScrollBar and if it goes negative I show a spinner and refresh. So I don't need to mess with the flick stuff.
import QtQuick.Controls 6.0
import QtQuick 6.0
ListView {
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
id: scrollbar
property bool negativescroll: scrollbar.position < 0
onNegativescrollChanged: {
if (spinner.visible) {
spinner.visible = !spinner.visible
BusyIndicator {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
visible: false
running: visible
id: spinner
width: 180; height: 200
model: model
delegate: Text {
text: name + ": " + number
ListModel {
id: model
ListElement {
name: "Bill Smith"
number: "555 3264"
ListElement {
name: "John Brown"
number: "555 8426"
ListElement {
name: "Sam Wise"
number: "555 0473"

I came to a simpler solution based on dtech's experience involving multiple Flickable elements, which basically consists on filling the Flickable with a MouseArea, setting its boundsBehavior property to Flickable.StopAtBounds, and from there, if it's at the top, do things based on mouseY values.
The better approximation i could get is in the following code. A possible drawback is that diagonal swiping also counts as a refresh intention. It could be improved with GestureArea, but i'm too lazy to get my hands on this at the moment.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ApplicationWindow {
property real mm: Screen.pixelDensity
property real margins: 2 * mm
id: mainWindow
visible: true
width: 60 * mm
height: 120 * mm
title: qsTr("Hello World")
ListModel {
id: myModel
Component.onCompleted: {
for(var i = 0; i <= 100; ++i) {
myModel.append({num: i})
ListView {
id: view
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
interactive: true
anchors.fill: parent
model: myModel
spacing: 4
delegate: Rectangle {
width: parent.width
height: 25 * mm
border.color: 'red'
Text {
id: name
text: num
anchors.centerIn: parent
Rectangle {
signal follow
id: swatch
width: 15 * mm
height: width
radius: width / 2
color: 'lightgray'
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
y: - height
MouseArea {
property int mouseYSart
property int biggerMouseY
anchors.fill: view
onPressed: {
mouseYSart = mouseY
biggerMouseY = 0
onMouseYChanged: {
if(view.contentY == 0) {
var currentMouseY = mouseY
if(currentMouseY > biggerMouseY) {
biggerMouseY = currentMouseY
swatch.y += 1
if(currentMouseY < biggerMouseY) {
biggerMouseY = currentMouseY
swatch.y -= 1
onReleased: swatch.y = - swatch.height


QML SplitView auto collapse on handlebar mouse release

I have a QML Controls 2 SplitView and a redefined handle, which works well, but I want detect mouse release event on the handler, so I could collapse the SplitView under a certain threshold of width. Adding a MouseArea on top of the existing handle will absorb drag events, so I'm unable to move the handlebar. Any idea how could I gather the mouse release event, or any other solution which solves this problem?
Alright, I have created an example application. As you can see in this example, my MouseArea is marked with yellow and collapses the right view programmatically when double clicked, which is nice, but I also want to drag the handlebar and upon mouse release under a certain width threshold I want to collapse the view as well. The black part of the handlebar where my MouseArea is not covering the handlebar, responds to drag, but since there is no signal I can gather from it, the width threshold already set shouldCollapse boolean property, so the view won't update. Probably I could solve this issue with a timer, but I need a more sophisticated solution.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
Window {
width: 800
height: 400
visible: true
SplitView {
id: splitView
anchors.fill: parent
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
function toggleCollapse() { collapsibleRect.shouldCollapse = !collapsibleRect.shouldCollapse }
handle: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 20
implicitHeight: 20
color: "black"
MouseArea {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width
height: parent.height / 2
onDoubleClicked: splitView.toggleCollapse()
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "yellow"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Double click to collapse"
rotation: 90
Rectangle {
id: mainRect
color: "green"
SplitView.fillWidth: true
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 24
text: "Main scene"
Rectangle {
id: collapsibleRect
property bool shouldCollapse: false
SplitView.preferredWidth: shouldCollapse ? 0 : 300
color: "purple"
clip: true
onWidthChanged: {
if(width < 200) shouldCollapse = true
else shouldCollapse = false
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
rotation: parent.shouldCollapse ? 90 : 0
font.pixelSize: 24
text: parent.shouldCollapse ? "SHOULD BE COLLAPSED" : "NOT COLLAPSED"
Behavior on rotation { NumberAnimation { duration: 100 } }
I had a similar problem and was able to solve it thanks to the hint of #Ponzifex that the SplitView's resizing property will be set to true as soon as the handle is clicked. Using a Timer I managed to detect whether the handle was quickly pressed twice in a row.
SplitView {
id: view
handle: Rectangle {
// double click behavior
Timer {
id: doubleClickTimer
interval: 300 // number of ms between clicks that should be considered a double click
property bool doubleClicked: false
// `resizing` will be set to true even if the handle is just pressed
onResizingChanged: {
if (view.resizing) {
if (!doubleClickTimer.running) {
view.doubleClicked = true;
} else {
if (view.doubleClicked) {
// do any manual resizing in here
view.doubleClicked = false;
It is important to note, however, that it is only possible to resize the contents of a SplitView when resizing is false. That's why I need to have the doubleClicked helper property.
Add this to MouseArea:
onPressed: {
mouse.accepted = (mouse.flags & Qt.MouseEventCreatedDoubleClick);
propagateComposedEvents: true
cursorShape: Qt.SplitHCursor

QML prevent ListView delegate to update all the time

I'm relatively new to QML/QtQuick and still learning. I have a little performane issue with a very small private project. I just tryed to implement a filter function to my ListView, because >15.000 objects are a lot to search manually. I just want to update the ListView when I finished the editing of my search field or pressing "return". But instead it's refreshing every time I insert or delete a character from this textfield which needs sometimes a few seconds.
Anyone have an idea how to prevent the list to be refreshed permanently or reducing theese performance issues?
Thanks a lot
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.12
import Anime_initialiser 1.0
import "."
Page {
id: searchField
width: parent.width
z: 1
/*onEditingFinished: {
ListView {
z: 0
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { active: true }
id: listView
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
model: XL.animeListModel
y: searchField.height
Anime_initialiser {
id: initialiser
onShowAnimeDetails: {
xmlDataString = xmlString
swipeView.currentIndex = swipeView.currentIndex+1
delegate: ItemDelegate {
visible: {
if (searchField.length > 0)
return (main_title.toLowerCase().match(searchField.text.toLowerCase()) || de_title.toLowerCase().match(searchField.text.toLowerCase())) ? true : false
return true
height: visible ? Button.height : 0
width: parent ? parent.width : 0
Button {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
anime_id = aid
Text {
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
font.pointSize: 100
minimumPointSize: 12
fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
text: aid + ": " + main_title + (de_title ? "\nDE: " + de_title : "")
Rather than toggling the visible flag of all of your delegates, you should use a QSortFilterProxyModel. The idea is that the proxy model would use your XL.animeListModel as a source model, and then you can give the proxy a regular expression telling it which ones to filter out. Depending on how you want it to filter, you could just call setFilterRole() to tell it which property to compare against your regex, or you could do a custom filter by overriding the filterAcceptsRow() function.
If you don't want to use a proxy, you can still prevent the constant updates by not binding on the visible property directly to the search field. You were on the right track with your onEditingFinished code. You could create a separate text string that just holds the completed search text.
property string searchText: ""
Then update that string when you are done typing your search text.
onEditingFinished: {
searchText = searchField.text.toLowerCase();
And finally, bind your visible property to this new string.
visible: {
if (searchText.length > 0)
return (main_title.toLowerCase().match(searchText) || de_title.toLowerCase().match(searchText)) ? true : false
return true

Page Navigation in QML

I'm trying to implement the following GUI in QML and having trouble understanding how to properly navigate through different pages of the application.
There are 3 buttons in the main menu. When the user clicks on the 'actor' button the UI switches to 'actor view' where the user can toggle between Thumbnail view and List View. When the user clicks on one of the actors the UI switches to Actor Detail view: A view that has a movie view 'nested in it' which lists all the actors movies.
I'm trying to implement this using StackView.
So my StackView lives in the main menu screen (main.qml) when the user clicks one of the buttons the onClicked event pushes the correct view on to the stack.
ActorsView.qml consists of an internal StackView (Most likely a bad idea) and 2 buttons that switch between Thumb and Detail view. This is done by pushing either Thumb or Detail view onto the local stack.
DetailView.qml and ThumbView.qml function exactly the same though look different. Here is where I ran into trouble. I want the main view to be notified when a click event occurs in either Detail or Thumb view. So that it could (based on the event passed information) know what view push onto the main stack. For example when the user clicks on Actor1, the main menu could push 'actor detail view for actor 1' onto the stack.
Sadly I don't know how to 'catch' events that are firing in nested components in the parent element.
I've started playing around with QML and QT just a few weeks ago, and would be happy to hear that my approach is all wrong and that there is a much better way to achieve what I want. Sadly this is the only viable option I found this far.
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: 1280
height: 720
visible: true
id: mainWindow
id: homeScreen
height: 500
width: 500
anchors.centerIn: mainWindow
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: qsTr("Home")
font.pixelSize: 40
id: actorsView
view: stack
id: moviesView
view: stack
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Back"
onClicked: stack.pop()
text: "actor view"
onClicked: stack.push(actorView)
text: "movie view"
onClicked: stack.push(moviesView)
StackView {
id: stack
initialItem: homeScreen
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Item {
property StackView view
Component {
id: actorDetailView
DetailView {
name: "actorDetailView"
text: "Actor"
Component {
id: actorThumbView
ThumbView {
name: "actorThumbView"
text: "Actor"
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
Text {
text: "Actor view"
Layout.fillWidth: true
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
Button {
text: "Detail"
onClicked: internalStack.push(actorDetailView)
Button {
text: "Thumb"
onClicked: internalStack.push(actorThumbView)
Button {
text: "back"
onClicked: internalStack.pop()
Button {
text: "depth: " + internalStack.depth
StackView {
id: internalStack
initialItem: {
internalStack.initialItem = actorThumbView
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Item {
property string name: "thumbView"
property string text
property int counter: 0
signal thumbPressed (string pressedName)
GridLayout {
columnSpacing: 10
rowSpacing: 10
width: parent.width
Repeater {
model: 16
Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 300
color: "grey"
Text {
id: lable
text: text
anchors.centerIn: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
var tag = lable.text
console.log("You have clicked " + tag)
Component.onCompleted: {
counter = counter + 1
lable.text = text + " " + counter
That's actually a common approach to structure a QML application, so no it's not all bad ! Nested StackViews are a powerful way to manage sub-content of a page, but surely add a level in your app structure. It's made easier by creating your own Page item, redefining the navigation and interaction as you wish.
There's different ways to handle signal in nested components. The easiest: call an identified item up in hierarchy. Local and parent elements in QML are accessible from their id directly, even if those are not in the same QML file. Which allowThis of course has the drawback of inducing coupling between your pages or components and the rest of your application.
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainWindow
function pushPage(page) {
function showActor(id) {
// ...
In your page simply...
MouseArea {
onClicked: {
To achieve something more modular, you can rely StackView currentItem, signals, Connections and Binding elements to name a few, or implement an interface in QML and/or C++ to manage your navigation.
There's definitely a lot of possibilities depending on your goal architecture, trying & learning makes it perfect !

How to limit the size of drop-down of a ComboBox in QML

I am using a ComboBox in QML and when populated with a lot of data it exceeds my main windows bottom boarder. From googling I have learned that the drop-down list of a ComboBox is put on top of the current application window and therefore it does not respect its boundaries.
Ideally I would want the ComboBox to never exceed the main applications boundary, but I can not find any property in the documentation.
A different approach would be to limit the number of visible items of the drop-down list so that it do not exceed the window limits for a given window geometry. I was not able to find this in the documentation either and I have run out of ideas.
Take a look to the ComboBox source code, the popup is of a Menu type and it doesn't have any property to limit its size. Moreover, the z property of the Menu is infinite, i.e. it's always on top.
If you Find no way but to use the ComboBox of Qt you can create two models one for visual purpose, I will call it visual model, you will show it in your ComboBox and the complete one , it will be the reference model. Items count in your VisualModel wil be equal to some int property maximumComboBoxItemsCount that you declare . you'll need o find a way that onHovered find the index under the mouse in the visualmodel if it's === to maximumComboBoxIemsCount you do visualModel.remove(0) et visualModel.add(referenceModel.get(maximum.. + 1) and you'll need another property minimumComboBoxIemsCount, same logic but for Scroll Up , I dont know if it will work. but it's an idea
I think there is no solution using the built-in component and you should create your own comboBox. You can start from the following code.
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: comboBox
property string initialText
property int maxHeight
property int selectedItem:0
property variant listModel
signal expanded
signal closed
// signal sgnSelectedChoice(var choice)
width: 100
height: 40
ComboBoxButton {
id: comboBoxButton
width: comboBox.width
height: 40
borderColor: "#fff"
radius: 10
margin: 5
borderWidth: 2
text: initialText
textSize: 12
onClicked: {
if (listView.height == 0)
listView.height = Math.min(maxHeight, listModel.count*comboBoxButton.height)
source = "qrc:/Images/iconUp.png"
listView.height = 0
source = "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
Component {
id: comboBoxDelegate
Rectangle {
id: delegateRectangle
width: comboBoxButton.width
height: comboBoxButton.height
color: "#00000000"
radius: comboBoxButton.radius
border.width: comboBoxButton.borderWidth
border.color: comboBoxButton.borderColor
Text {
color: index == listView.currentIndex ? "#ffff00" : "#ffffff"
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.margins: 3
font.pixelSize: 12
text: value
font.bold: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
listView.height = 0
listView.currentIndex = index
comboBox.selectedItem = index
comboBoxButton.text = value
ListView {
id: listView comboBoxButton.bottom
anchors.left: comboBoxButton.left
width: parent.width
height: 0
clip: true
model: listModel
delegate: comboBoxDelegate
currentIndex: selectedItem
onClosed: comboBoxButton.source = "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
Component.onCompleted: {
var cacheChoice = tools.getPersistence(5);
listView.currentIndex = tools.toInt(cacheChoice)
selectedItem = listView.currentIndex
comboBoxButton.text = cacheModel.get(selectedItem).value
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: container
signal clicked
property string text
property alias source : iconDownUp.source
property string color: "#ffffff"
property int textSize: 12
property string borderColor: "#00000000"
property int borderWidth: 0
property int radius: 0
property int margin: 0
Rectangle {
id: buttonRectangle
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#00000000"
radius: container.radius
border.width: container.borderWidth
border.color: container.borderColor
Image {
id: image
anchors.fill: parent
source: "qrc:/Images/buttonBackground.png"
Image {
id: iconDownUp
source: "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
sourceSize.width: 20
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Text {
color: container.color
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 10
text: container.text
font.bold: true
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea;
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
buttonRectangle.state = "pressed"
interval: 200
running: false;
repeat: false
onTriggered: buttonRectangle.state = ""
states: State {
name: "pressed"
when: mouseArea.pressed
PropertyChanges { target: image; scale: 0.7 }
PropertyChanges { target: label; scale: 0.7 }
transitions: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "scale"; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
I've used it in some software of mine, hence it is possible that It could not work "out of the box". I use it like this:
initialText: "None"
anchors.topMargin: 2
anchors.right: baseContainer.right
maxHeight: 500
listModel: cacheModel
onExpanded: {
cacheChoice.height = 500
onClosed: {
cacheChoice.height = 20
In case you are working with ComboBox from Qt Quick Controls 2, here's the source code for it:
Based on that, this override of the behavior works to limit the height to something reasonable:
myComboBox.popup.contentItem.implicitHeight = Qt.binding(function () {
return Math.min(250, myComboBox.popup.contentItem.contentHeight);
It is possible to access the hidden MenuStyle within the ComboBoxStyle component. There you can use all the things and hidden things you have within a MenuStyle, including its maximum height.
The thing looks roughly like this.
Not pretty but it works well enough.
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ComboBox {
id: comboBox
style: ComboBoxStyle {
// drop-down customization here
property Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle {
__maxPopupHeight: 400
__menuItemType: "comboboxitem" //not 100% sure if this is needed
As it came up resonantly in our team, here is a updated version of the idea shown above. The new version restricts the size automatically to the size of your application.
ComboBox {
id: root
style: ComboBoxStyle {
id: comboBoxStyle
// drop-down customization here
property Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle {
__maxPopupHeight: Math.max(55, //min value to keep it to a functional size even if it would not look nice
//limit the max size so the menu is inside the application bounds
- mapFromItem(comboBoxStyle.control, 0,0).y
- comboBoxStyle.control.height))
__menuItemType: "comboboxitem" //not 100% sure if this is needed
} //Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle
} //style: ComboBoxStyle
} //ComboBox

changing property of element from other qml file

I know that there is tons of topic similar like this, I try to implement answer from them and I still have no results.
I take some sample project from qt creator to play with this. I play with changing visibility of qml files ( treat every file as other screen). After lunching 3rd screen I want to make the second one invisible.
Here Is the code where I want change property in it:
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
clip: true
property url itemUrl
visible = (itemUrl== '' ? false : true);
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.bottomMargin: 40
anchors.fill: parent
color: "white"
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: ei.visible
//takes mouse events
source: ei.itemUrl
anchors.fill: parent
and here is the code where I want to make a action
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
width: 100
height: 62
text: "second screen"
x: 50
y: 30
width: 120
height: 60
color: "red"
anchors.fill: parent
id: mouseAreaWhichHides
luncherList.ei.itemUrl = '';
and I got the error: qrc:///View2.qml:29: TypeError: Type error
which point on this line luncherList.ei.itemUrl = '';
Type error says that I make some mismatch with Type, but I’m not even sure, if I do this access process in properly way, so I’m asking how to change property of
in working way.
The ei element won't be available directly in other QML file.
You can use an alias to do it.
property alias callUrl: ei.itemUrl
and call it from other QML file
