Symfony How to Determine whether user was authenticated using rememberme token - symfony

I have implemented remember me functionality in Symfony 3. Basically "Remember Me" should be enabled only for specific user roles.
Now an User with Role called "Admin" has selected "Remember Me" and logged into the application, an record is created in "rememberme_token" table. The same user has bookmarked the landing URL and closed the browser.
When the same user reloads the bookmarked URL, the application is allowing the user with "Admin" role to access the application but I want to restrict this. Users with "User" role should only be allowed to access the application when they are coming back to site using the bookmarked URL.
Basically I want to intercept the request and determine whether the user is authenticated using "Remember Me" cookie or not?

Related identity 2 require particular claim to log in

In MVC5 - Is there a way to allow user login only if the user has a particular claim in the user database? I'd like to assign a "CanLogin" claim to users in my user database that are allowed to log in at any given time. By removing the "CanLogin" claim, I could effectively lock the users out of the system until further notice.
This would have to work for a first time login as well as cookie login at a later stage if the user has checked "remember my login".
Using authentication filter, you can check the property to validate whatever claims are present in the context.
The claims must be added during the login process
Then you can check whether a particular user is enabled or not.
However, if the user database is self maintained, you can just set a disabled flag and then reject the login request, instead of returning such a claim.
The claims are used for Authorization to a particular functionality rather than Authentication to an app. A valid user will have certain claims which can tell what all the user is permitted to do.

ASP.NET MVC 5: How to (re)sign/update the identity/cookie of users after updating their claims?

I've implemented ASP.NET Claims-based security. Any administrator can edit the claims of all users. What I'm trying to achieve is that whenever a user is edited the claims of this user should immediately be updated - without forcing that user to logout and login again (so his cookie gets updated).
ApplicationSignInManager.SignIn seems to be the right choice to (re)sign the identity of a user and this already works as long as I edit the claims of the current user (edit "myself"). But how to (re)sign/update the identity/cookie of other users?

Password Change from one location and Security

I am creating an web application with "Remember Me" option during Login and it has an Edit Profile module where users can change their passwords. Here is the scenario.
I logged into the website from Machine A clicking "Remember Me". So I am logged in and since a persistent cookie is created I dont need to login the next time
until my forms authentication times out.
I logged into the website from Machine B using the same account details I used above and from this machine, I changed my password. In this case How can I make the user in Machine A to login again? (Since my credentials have changed). The same scenario can happen if someone gets any user's credential and uses the application.
You have to save the last credentials modification date in your database.
When a user try to consult a page of your website, you have to check the date specified in the cookie.
You can also make an AJAX system that verify each minute if any changes are done and, in that case, verify the validity of the credentials.
If the latest date is the "last credentials modification", then delete the cookie and ask the user to log by himself.

Preventing user from login after registration in register control

I am using ASP.Net's Create User Wizard Control.
I want that once the user is created, that user should not be logged in. Users cannot register themselves, only a host user can add them.
What happens is, once the user is registered, the host account is logged out and the user whose account is created, is being logged in.
So I want the new user to not be logged in once they are created.
I tried the properties below of the Create User Wizard Control
Added DisableCreatedUser="True" Property so that the user is disabled after registration
This works, user is not directly logged in after registration, but if page is refreshed, the user gets logged in and host is logged out.
Keep your current code and try removing this. It should stop the user from logging in when you refresh the page.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(createUserWizard1.UserName, False);

How do I detect a federated identity from federatedpassivesignin control if the user is logged in at the STS

Hi I'm using the FederatedPassiveSignInControl on my site (called ChildSite) to get an user identity from a STS which is set up on another site (called ParentSite). The authentication of my site (ChildSite) is set to FormsAuthentication, so the FederatedPassiveSignInControl is located on ChildSite's forms authentication login page.
I have 2 scenarios. In the first the user logs in to ParentSite and continues to ChildSite via a link in ParentSite. In the second the user goes directly to ChildSite and logs in to ChildSite:
Scenario 1:
User opens ParentSite in browser
User logs in to ParentSite
ParentSite displays a link to ChildSite in browser
User clicks link to ChildSite
User goes to child site
Here the user comes to login page.
Wanted behavior is that the user is seamlessly redirected to the requested URL at ChildSite as he has already signed in at ParentSite.
Instead the login page is showed and the user has to click on the FedratedPassiveSigninControl button to retrieve his identity and then be redirected.
I cannot set the FedratedPassiveSigninControl property autosignin="true". It would always redirect the user to ParentSite when not logged in and that would break scenario 2.
I wonder how I detect, or how I get FederatedPassiveSignin Control (or other WIF components) to detect that the user is already logged in, not show FedratedPassiveSigninControl and just forward the user to his requested page.
Scenario 2:
User opens ChildSite in browser
User enters credentials in text inputs at ChildSite and clicks log in.
The requested page at ChildSite is displayed.
Am I missing something here?
The simplest approach would be to add an additional querystring parameter to your 4th step in Scenario 1 so that when you finally get to your login page, you have an "if" : "if the querystring parameter is present then AutoSignIn = true".
This is known as "home realm discovery" although your scenario is not typical as hrd usually involves two or more stses and here you have to differentiate between the sts and forms authentication.
This looks like a classic SSO scenario. ParentSite and ChildSite should probably be 2 different relying parties. If user goes to ParentSite, then whenever they hit a protected resource (anything that requires user to be authenticated), then they will be redirected to the STS for authentication. A session is established between the STS and the user browser and then and then the user returns to the ParentSite with a valid token (assuming a "happy path").
When they hit a protected resource on the ChildSite (e.g. through a link on ParentSite) they will be redirected again to the STS (e.g. they will be requesting a token specifically for ChildSite, a second Relying Party). This time, because there's already a session with the STS, the authentication step is completed already and a 2nd token is issued. All this works seamlessly for the user.
This chapter of the "Claims Guide" covers this scenario:
An additional note: credentials should not be entered in any of the sites, but in the STS.
