118 SQL Statements were executed for one transaction - corda

recently we are trouble shooting one performance problem for our application, the code initially was build based on M13 version of Corda tutorial code and we followed Corda’s releases and now it is updated as V2.0. The business is simple, Party A upload a contract document with some meta data in a form, then send this transaction to Party B, we defined some simple conditions in verify function, so normally the transaction will be completed without any manual action. But this process if we did that in our local environment, it took around 3 secondes(with one 2.9M attachment), but when we deploy it to our dev environment which H2 is hosted in a seperate server from the CorDapp, it always take 15-20 seconds to complete, with one notary node.
We tried to enable the H2 track log feature, and from the log, we found that 165 SQL statements were executed, includes 114 selects, 31 inserts, 16 deletes, 2 updates and 2 alters. Our flow is mostly similar as the tutorial’s code, except the acceptor flow we have the similar verify function as the initiator flow and we have attachment but the tutorial doesn’t.
Use the same approach, I executed one create IOU transaction on the Corda Example code which is based on V1.0(as there is no V2.0 example code, so I only can do it on V1.0), for that transaction, 118 SQL Statements were executed, includes 74 selects, 28 insert, 14 deletes and 2 updates.
There are also lots of “SET LOCK_MODE” and COMMITs, and checkpoints were delete and inserted frequently. So we would like to get your comments for below questions, kindly help on this. Thanks.
Whether these so much SQL execution are reasonable for a transaction, and these must needed to happen to complete one transaction?
As we may not be able to understand what is the purpose for each SQL execution, so do you have any suggestion about what we should do for next step to get the root cause for it? Is 15-20 seconds for a transaction is normal as we host H2 database and notary separately in different servers? Our CorDapp(Party A, Party B and notary), H2 database are hosted on Azure VM separately.

Work on Corda has focussed thus far more on functionality than on performance. There are many performance improvements - in the database and elsewhere - that will be implemented in future releases.
However, there is no reason for a transaction to take 15-20 seconds.
How many times are you running the transaction? I ask because every time a node sees a new attachment as part of a transaction, it caches it and stores it for later reference. This means that the large attachment only needs to be sent across the wire for the first transaction. If you send 10 transactions referencing the same attachment, it will only be downloaded the first time, and the other 9 times will be much faster. Do you observe these improvements?


DDD: persisting domain objects into two databases. How many repositories should I use?

I need to persist my domain objects into two different databases. This use case is purely write-only. I don't need to read back from the databases.
Following Domain Driven Design, I typically create a repository for each aggregate root.
I see two alternatives. I can create one single repository for my AG, and implement it so that it persists the domain object into the two databases.
The second alternative is to create two repositories, one each for each database.
From a domain driven design perspective, which alternative is correct?
My requirement is that it must persist the AR in both databases - all or nothing. So if the first one goes through and the second fails, I would need to remove the AG from the first one.
If you had a transaction manager that were to span across those two databases, you would use that manager to automatically roll back all of the transactions if one of them fails. A transaction manager like that would necessarily add overhead to your writes, as it would have to ensure that all transactions succeeded, and while doing so, maintain a lock on the tables being written to.
If you consider what the transaction manager is doing, it is effectively writing to one database and ensuring that write is successful, writing to the next, and then committing those transactions. You could implement the same type of process using a two-phase commit process. Unfortunately, this can be complicated because the process of keeping two databases in sync is inherently complex.
You would use a process manager or saga to manage the process of ensuring that the databases are consistent:
Write to the first database and leave the record in a PENDING status (not visible to user reads).
Make a request to second database to write the record in a PENDING status.
Make a request to the first database to leave the record in a VALID status (visible to user reads).
Make a request to the second database to leave the record in a VALID status.
The issue with this approach is that the process can fail at any point. In this case, you would need to account for those failures. For example,
You can have a process that comes through and finds records in PENDING status that are older than X minutes and continues pushing them through the workflow.
You can can have a process that cleans up any PENDING records after X minutes and purges them from the database.
Ideally, you are using something like a queue based workflow that allows you to fire and forget these commands and a saga or process manager to identify and react to failures.
The second alternative is to create two repositories, one each for each database.
Based on the above, hopefully you can understand why this is the correct option.
If you don't need to write why don't build some sort of commands log?
The log acts as a queue, you write the operation in it, and two processes pulls new command from it and each one update a database, if you can accept that in worst case scenario the two dbs can have different version of the data, with the guarantees that eventually they will be consistent it seems to me much easier than does transactions spanning two different dbs.
I'm not sure how much DDD is your use case, as if you don't need to read back you don't have any state to manage, so no need for entities/aggregates

Timer function for chat application

I am actually building a chat application which has to show current users, I have a column 'IsOnline' in db whose value toggles between 1 and 0 as user logs in or out. I need a function which hits api every 15 seconds to get latest users who are currently online.
Since I am using entity framework which does not support signalr and sql dependency I have decided to go this way.
How can I have a method which runs every 15 seconds in a separate thread so as not to interfere my other crud operations as long I have user in session.
Polling after 15 second is not a good solution especially if your call is on DB. Think about the latency in this approach. I think you need to look for different approach rather than calling db after 15 second.
If you want to check online/offline maintain the status in memory rather than Persist in Db (persist after 1 hour or 2 hour if you want to keep in DB).
Store status in memory, for instance in memcached or redis. Have the client issue a request every 15 seconds. The online status is transient, it does not need to be stored in DB.
It's hard to advise in depth because you did not describe the architecture of your app.
In general, efficient implmentation of presence notifications is tricky. It may be easier to take something off the shelf instead of developing your own.

If two Flyway's are ran at the same time, does it automatically handle this scenario safely?

We have multiple products using the same database, each product has its own deployment system which will ultimately trigger off Flyway as part of the procedure to bring the Database up to date.
What if two projects deploy at the same time and run Flyway at exactly the same time? Will Flyway attempt to apply version 1,2,3 twice or will it automatically handle this situation.
This could cause headaches in some scenarios (eg, add 3 rows to a table twice).
Given, this could be rare, but it could happen and I'd like to know if Flyway considers this out of the box?
A solution we discussed in the office would be to acquire a lock on the versioning table. The second instance would have to wait for the lock to be freed before it applied its version(s), forcing it to wait for the previous instance to finish and therefore not applying versions twice.
The answer is in Flyway's videos...
See the talk by Axel Fontaine at about 30 minutes.
Essentially, Flyway acquires a lock on its versioning table so all other instances have to wait.

Queuing using the Database or MSMQ?

A part of the application I'm working on is an swf that shows a test with some 80 questions. Each question is saved in SQL Server through WebORB and ASP.NET.
If a candidate finishes the test, the session needs to be validated. The problem is that sometimes 350 candidates finish their test at the same moment, and the CPU on the web server and SQL Server explodes (350 validations concurrently).
Now, how should I implement queuing here? In the database, there's a table that has a record for each session. One column holds the status. 1 is finished, 2 is validated.
I could implement queuing in two ways (as I see it, maybe you have other propositions):
A process that checks the table for records with status 1. If it finds one, it validates the session. So, sessions are validated one after one.
If a candidate finishes its session, a message is sent to a MSMQ queue. Another process listens to the queue and validates sessions one after one.
What would be the best approach?
Where do you start the process that will validate sessions? In your global.asax (application_start)? As a windows service? As an exe on the root of the website that is started in application_start?
To me, using the table and looking for records with status 1 seems the easiest way.
The MSMQ approach decouples your web-facing application from the validation logic service and the database.
This brings many advantages, a few of which:
It would be easier to handle situations where the validation logic can handle 5 sessions per second, and it receives 300 all at once. Otherwise you would have to handle copmlicated timeouts, re-attempts, etc.
It would be easier to do maintanance on the validation service, without having to interrupt the rest of the application. When the validation service is brought down, messages would queue up in MSMQ, and would get processed again as soon as it is brought up.
The same as above applies for database maintanance.
If you don't have experience using MSMQ and no infrastructrure set up, I would advice against it. Sure, it might be the "proper" way of doing queueing on the Microsoft platform, but it is not very straight-forward and has quite a learning curve.
The same goes for creating a Windows Service; don't do it unless you are familiar with it. For simple cases such as this I would argue that the pain is greater than the rewards.
The simplest solution would probably be to use the table and run the process on a background thread that you start up in global.asax. You probably also want to create an admin page that can report some status information about the process (number of pending jobs etc) and maybe a button to restart the process if it for some reason fails.
What is validating? Before working on your queuing strategy, I would try to make validating as fast as possible, including making it set based if it isn't already so.
I have recently been investigating this myself so wanted to mention my findings. The location of the Database in comparison to your application is a big factor on deciding which option is faster.
I tested inserting the time it took to insert 100 database entries versus logging the exact same data into a local MSMQ message. I then took the average of the results of performing this test several times.
What I found was that when the database is on the local network, inserting a row was up to 4 times faster than logging to an MSMQ.
When the database was being accessed over a decent internet connection, inserting a row into the database was up to 6 times slower than logging to an MSMQ.
Local database - DB is faster, otherwise MSMQ is.

Long-running ASP.NET tasks

I know there's a bunch of APIs out there that do this, but I also know that the hosting environment (being ASP.NET) puts restrictions on what you can reliably do in a separate thread.
I could be completely wrong, so please correct me if I am, this is however what I think I know.
A request typically timeouts after 120 seconds (this is configurable) but eventually the ASP.NET runtime will kill a request that's taking too long to complete.
The hosting environment, typically IIS, employs process recycling and can at any point decide to recycle your app. When this happens all threads are aborted and the app restarts. I'm however not sure how aggressive it is, it would be kind of stupid to assume that it would abort a normal ongoing HTTP request but I would expect it to abort a thread because it doesn't know anything about the unit of work of a thread.
If you had to create a programming model that easily and reliably and theoretically put a long running task, that would have to run for days, how would you accomplish this from within an ASP.NET application?
The following are my thoughts on the issue:
I've been thinking a long the line of hosting a WCF service in a win32 service. And talk to the service through WCF. This is however not very practical, because the only reason I would choose to do so, is to send tasks (units of work) from several different web apps. I'd then eventually ask the service for status updates and act accordingly. My biggest concern with this is that it would NOT be a particular great experience if I had to deploy every task to the service for it to be able to execute some instructions. There's also this issue of input, how would I feed this service with data if I had a large data set and needed to chew through it?
What I typically do right now is this
WHERE WorkCompleted IS NULL
It allows me to use a SQL Server database as a work queue and periodically poll the database with this query for work. If the work item completed with success, I mark it as done and proceed until there's nothing more to do. What I don't like is that I could theoretically be interrupted at any point and if I'm in-between success and marking it as done, I could end up processing the same work item twice. I might be a bit paranoid and this might be all fine but as I understand it there's no guarantee that that won't happen...
I know there's been similar questions on SO before but non really answers with a definitive answer. This is a really common thing, yet the ASP.NET hosting environment is ill equipped to handle long-running work.
Please share your thoughts.
Have a look at NServiceBus
NServiceBus is an open source
communications framework for .NET with
build in support for publish/subscribe
and long-running processes.
It is a technology build upon MSMQ, which means that your messages don't get lost since they are persisted to disk. Nevertheless the Framework has an impressive performance and an intuitive API.
I agree that ASP.NET is not suitable for Async tasks as you have described them, nor should it be. It is designed as a web hosting platform, not a back of house processor.
We have had similar situations in the past and we have used a solution similar to what you have described. In summary, keep your WCF service under ASP.NET, use a "Queue" table with a Windows Service as the "QueueProcessor". The client should poll to see if work is done (or use messaging to notify the client).
We used a table that contained the process and it's information (eg InvoicingRun). On that table was a status (Pending, Running, Completed, Failed). The client would submit a new InvoicingRun with a status of Pending. A Windows service (the processor) would poll the database to get any runs that in the pending stage (you could also use SQL Notification so you don't need to poll. If a pending run was found, it would move it to running, do the processing and then move it to completed/failed.
In the case where the process failed fatally (eg DB down, process killed), the run would be left in a running state, and human intervention was required. If the process failed in an non-fatal state (exception, error), the process would be moved to failed, and you can choose to retry or have human intervantion.
If there were multiple processors, the first one to move it to a running state got that job. You can use this method to prevent the job being run twice. Alternate is to do the select then update to running under a transaction. Make sure either of these outside a transaction larger transaction. Sample (rough) SQL:
UPDATE InvoicingRun
SET Status = 2 -- Running
AND Status = 1 -- Pending
IF ##RowCount = 0
SELECT Cast(0 as bit)
SELECT Cast(1 as bit)
Use a simple background tasks / jobs framework like Hangfire and apply these best practice principals to the design of the rest of your solution:
Keep all actions as small as possible; to achieve this, you should-
Divide long running jobs into batches and queue them (in a Hangfire queue or on a bus of another sort)
Make sure your small jobs (batched parts of long jobs) are idempotent (have all the context they need to run in any order). This way you don't have to use a quete which maintains a sequence; because then you can
Parallelise the execution of jobs in your queue depending on how many nodes you have in your web server farm. You can even control how much load this subjects your farm to (as a trade off to servicing web requests). This ensures that you complete the whole job (all batches) as fast and as efficiently as possible, while not compromising your cluster from servicing web clients.
Have thought about the use the Workflow Foundation instead of your custom implementation? It also allows you to persist states. Tasks could be defined as workflows in this case.
Just some thoughts...

