I am intending to implement a OpenCL kernel function and depending on the computations (Operations-to-Data Transfer ratio) to accomplish within this function, I'd like to determine it's worth to proceed so. Therefore, on my estimation, I found that the Operations-to-Data Transfer ratio is about 12-15 which will be constant whatever the dimension of the data input/output to transfer between the Host and the Device.
For this case, do you think that it's better to do the computation from the Host or the Device?
Without more details, one can only wildly guess... Depends on what do you mean by "operations" (OpenCL level ? GPU instruction level ?), "data transfers" (bytes/WItem please), whether you can use local memory, what hardware exactly is the Host and what hardware is the Device...
I am generating a certain signal (digital pulse) in one of my verilog module running on programmable logic in Xilinx Zynq chip. Signal is pretty fast, with clock of about 200MHz.
I also have a simple linux and framebuffer Qt interface running for later controlling my application.
How can I sample my signal in order to make oscilloscope like interface inside my Qt app? I want to be able to provide visual of the pulse I am generating.
What do I need to use to be able to sample enough data at such clock frequency? And how do I pass it with kernel module or mmap to Qt?
You would do best to do what most oscilloscopes do: sample the data to RAM, and only then transfer it to the processor for display/analaysis, at a more "relaxed" pace.
On the FPGA side you will need a state machine that detects some sort of start or trigger condition, probably after a bit in a mode register is set from the software side to arm it.
The state machine will then fill samples into a buffer made of one or more block rams. If you want to placing the trigger somewhere in the middle of the samples captured, you should it as a circular buffer, and have it record continuously, stopping configurable number of samples after the trigger, so that some desired number from before the trigger condition remain un-overwritten by newer ones following it.
Since FPGA block rams are typically dual port, you can simply hook the other port up to your CPU bus for readout. You will probably want a register to read the state of the sampling state machine, and if you go with the circular buffer approach, the address where it stopped, so that you can unwrap the data to a linear record of time.
Trying to do streaming realtime sampling might be possible, but would be a lot harder and it is not clear that you could do anything meaningful with the data so produced in real time. Still, if you want to try you would probably need to put a FIFO buffer in between the sampling and the processor bus, as you will probably only be able to consume data in chunks, while having to service other operations in between, so something is needed to absorb the constant-rate inflow of samples. Another approach could be to try to build a DMA engine which would write samples directly to external system ram, but that will likely be even harder.
You could also see if there are any high speed interfaces available in the CPU which you could leverage - they might be things originally intended for video, for example.
It also appears that you are measuring only a digital signal, ie, probalby one bit. If you want to handle a higher input sample rate than the FPGA fabric can support, that could mean you could potentially use something like a deserializer block at the edge of the FPGA to turn the 1-bit input stream into a slower stream of wider samples to store.
In terms of output, once you have a vector of samples in a buffer it's pretty simple to turn that into a scope/logic analyzer type plot, with as much zooming, cursor annotation, automatic measurement or whatever you like.
Also don't forget that if the intent is only to use this during development, FPGAs and their tools often have the ability to build a logic analyzer right into the design, with the data claimed over the programming interface for plotting on a PC.
In OpenCL, transfer from CPU client side to GPU server side is accomplished through clEnqueueReadBuffer(...)/clEnqueueWriteBuffer(...). However, the documentation does not specify whether any endian-related conversions take place in the underlying driver.
I'm developing on x86-64, and a NVIDIA card--both little endian, so the potential problem doesn't arise for me.
Does conversion happen, or do I need to do it myself?
The transfer do not do any conversions. The runtime does not know the type of your data.
You can probably expect conversions only on kernel arguments.
You can query the device endianness (using clGetDeviceInfo and check CL_DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE ), but I am not aware of a way that allows transparent conversions.
This is the point, where INMHO the specification is not satisfactory.
At first it is clear about pointers, that is, data that a pointer is referencing can be in host or device byte order, and one can declare this by a pointer attribute, and the default byte order is that of the device.
So according to this, developers have to take care of the endianness that they feed as input to a kernel.
But than in "Appendix B - Portability" it's said that implementations may or may not automatically convert endianness of kernel arguments and that developers should consult the documentation of the vendors in case host and device byte order is different.
Sorry for me being that direct but what shit is that. I mean the intention of the OpenXX specifications is that they should make it possible to write cross platform code. But when there are that significant asspects that can vary from implementation to implementation, this is quite not possible.
The next point is, what does this all mean for OpenCL/OpenGL interoperation.
In OpenGL data for buffer objects like VBO's have to be in host byte order. So what in case such a buffer is shared between OpenCL and OpenGL. Must the data of it be transformed before and after they are processed by an OpenCL kernel or not?
From what I understand, the preferred work group size is roughly dependent on the SIMD width of a compute device (for NVidia, this is the Warp size, on AMD the term is Wavefront).
Logically that would lead one to assume that the preferred work group size is device dependent, not kernel dependent. However, to query this property must be done relative to a particular kernel using CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE. Choosing a value which isn't a multiple of the underlying hardware device SIMD width would not completely load the hardware resulting in reduced performance, and should be regardless of what kernel is being executed.
My question is why is this not the case? Surely this design decision wasn't completely arbitrary. Is there some underlying implementation limitations, or are there cases where this property really should be a kernel property?
The preferred work-group size multiple (PWGSM) is a kernel, rather than device, property, to account for vectorization.
Let's say that the hardware has 16-wide SIMD units. Then a fully scalar kernel could have a PWGSM of 16, assuming the compiler manages to do a full automatic vectorization; similarly, for a kernel that uses float4s all around the compiler could still be able to find way to coalesce work-items in groups of 4, and recommend a PWGSM of 4.
In practice the only compilers that do automatic vectorization (that I know of) are Intel's proprietary ICD, and the open source pocl. Everything else always just returns 1 (if on CPU) or the wavefront/warp width (on GPU).
Logically what you are telling is right,
here you are only considering the data parallelism achieved by SIMD,
the value of SIMD changes for different data types as well, one for char and another one for double
And also you are forgetting the fact that the all the work-items share the memory resources in the work group through local memory. The local memory is not necessarily a multiple of SIMD capability of the underlying hardware and the underlying hardware has multiple local memories.
After reading through section 6.7.2 of the OpenCL 1.2 specifications, I found that a kernel is allowed to provide compiler attributes which specify either required or recommended worksize hints using the __attribute__ keyword. This property can only be passed to the host if the preferred work group size multiple is a kernel property vs. a device property.
The theoretical best work-group size choice may be a device-specific property, but it won't necessarily work best for a specific kernel, or at all. For example, what works best may be a multiple of 2*CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE or something all-together.
The GPU does have many processors which do have a queue of task/jobs that should be calculated.
We call the tasks that wait for execution because they are blocked by an RAM access or which are not jet executed 'in flight'.
To answer your question, the numer of task in flight must be high enougth to compensate the waiting delay introduced by the accesses to the RAM of the Graphics card.
References: Thread 1
Suppose that I've two big functions. Is it better to write them in a separate kernels and call them sequentially, or is better to write only one kernel? (I don't want to read the data back and force form between host and device in between). What about the speed up if I want to call the kernel many times?
One thing to consider is the effect of register pressure on hardware utilization and performance.
As a general rule, big kernels have big register footprints. Typical OpenCL devices (ie. GPUs) have very finite register file sizes and large kernels can result in lower concurrency (fewer concurrent warps/wavefronts), less opportunities for latency hiding, and poorer overall performance. On the other hand, kernel launch overheads are pretty low on most platforms, so if your algorithm doesn't have an enormous amount of state to save between "phases" of execution, the penalty of using multiple kernels can be rather low.
Using multiple kernels also has another side benefit -- you get implicit synchronization between all work units for free. Often that can eliminate the need for atomic memory operations and synchronization primitives which can have a negative impact on code performance.
The ultimate guide should be measured performance. There is no universal rule-of-thumb for this sort of things. Benchmarking is the only way to know for sure.
In general this is a question of (maybe) slightly better performance vs. readibility of your code. Copying buffers is no issue as long as you keep them within the same context. E.g. you could set one output buffer of a kernel to be an input buffer of the next kernel, which would not involve any copying.
The proper way to code in OpenCL is to separate your code into parallel tasks, and each of them is a kernel. This is, each "for loop" should be a kernel. Some times one single CPU code function could result in a 4 kernel implementation in OCL.
If you need to store data between kernel executions just use OpenCL buffers and do not copy to host (this solves the DEVICE<->HOST bottleneck).
If both functions act to different data you could propably write a single kernel, but that depends on the complexity of the operation being run.
Each GPU device (AMD, NVidea, or any other) is split into several Compute Units (MultiProcessors), each of which has a fixed number of cores (VertexShaders/StreamProcessors). So, one has (Compute Units) x (VertexShaders/compute unit) simultaneous processors to compute with, but there is only a small fixed amount of __local memory (usually 16KB or 32KB) available per MultiProcessor. Hence, the exact number of these multiprocessors matters.
Now my questions:
(a) How can I know the number of multiprocessors on a device? Is this the same as CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS? Can I deduce it from specification sheets such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units?
(b) How can I know how much __local memory per MP there is available on a GPU before buying it? Of course I can request CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE on a computer that runs it, but I don't see how I can deduce it from even an individual detailed specifications sheet such as http://www.amd.com/us/products/desktop/graphics/7000/7970/Pages/radeon-7970.aspx#3?
(c) What is the card with currently the largest CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE? Price doesn't really matter, but 64KB (or larger) would give a clear benefit for the application I'm writing, since my algorithm is completely parallelizable, but also highly memory-intensive with random access pattern within each MP (iterating over edges of graphs).
CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS should give you the number of ComputeUnits, otherwise you can glance it from appropriate manuals (the AMD opencl programming guide and the Nvidia OpenCL programming guide)
The linked guide for AMD contains information about the availible local memory per compute unit (generally 32kB / CU). For NVIDIA a quick google search revealed this document, which gives the local memory size as 16kB/CU for G80 and G200 based GPUs. For fermi based cards (GF100) there are 64kB of onchip memory availible, which can be configured as either 48kB local memory and 16kB L1 cache or 16kB local memory and 48kB L1 cache. Furthermore fermi based cards have an L2 cache of upto 768kB (768kB for GF100 and GF110, 512kB for GF104 and GF114 and 384kB for GF106 and GF116, none for GF108 and GF118 according to wikipedia).
From the informations above it would seem that current nvidia cards have the most local memory per compute unit. Furthermore it is the only one with a general L2 Cache from my understanding.
For your usage of local memory you should however remember that local memory is allocated per workgroup (and only accessible for a workgroup), while a Compute Unit can typically sustain more then one workgroup. So if your algorithm allocated the whole local memory to one workgroup you will not be able to use achieve the maximum amount of parallelity. Also note that since local memory is banked random access will lead to alot of bank conflicts and warp serializations. So your algorithm might not parallize quite as good as you think it will (or maybe it will, just mentioning the possibility).
With a Fermi based card your best bet might be to count on the caches instead of explicit local memory, if all your workgroups operate on the same data (I don't know how to switch the L1/local Memory configuration though).