How to output results of 'msa' package in R to fasta - r

I am using the R package msa, a core Bioconductor package, for multiple sequence alignment. Within msa, I am using the MUSCLE alignment algorithm to align protein sequences.
myalign <- msa("test.fa", method=c("Muscle"), type="protein",verbose=FALSE)
The test.fa file is a standard fasta as follows (truncated, for brevity):
When I run the code on the file, I get:
MUSCLE 3.8.31
msa("test.fa", method = c("Muscle"), type = "protein", verbose = FALSE)
MsaAAMultipleAlignment with 2 rows and 480 columns
As you can see, a very reasonable alignment.
I want to write the gapped alignment, preferably without the consensus sequence (e.g., Con row), to a fasta file. So, I want:
I checked the msa help, and the package does not seem to have a built in method for writing out to any file type, fasta or otherwise.
The seqinr package looks somewhat promising, because maybe it could read this output as an msf format, albeit a weird one. However, seqinr seems to need a file read in as a starting point. I can't even save this using write(myalign, ...).

I wrote a function:
alignment2Fasta <- function(alignment, filename) {
n <- length(rownames(alignment))
for(i in seq(1, n)) {
cat(paste0('>', rownames(alignment)[i]))
the.sequence <- toString(unmasked(alignment)[[i]])
mySeqs <- readAAStringSet('test.fa')
myAlignment <- msa(mySeqs)
alignment2Fasta(myAlignment, 'out.fasta')

I think you ought to follow the examples in the help pages that show input with a specific read function first, then work with the alignment:
mySeqs <- readAAStringSet("test.fa")
myAlignment <- msa(mySeqs)
Then the rownames function will deliver the sequence names:
[1] "sp|P31749|AKT1_HUMAN_RAC" "sp|P31799|AKT1_HUMAN_RAC"
(Not what you asked for but possibly useful in the future.) Then if you execute:
detail(myAlignment) #function actually in Biostrings
.... you get a text file in interactive mode that you can save
2 29
If you wnat to try hacking a function for which you can get a file written in code, then look at the Biostrings detail function code that is being used
> showMethods( f= 'detail')
Function: detail (package Biostrings)
(inherited from: x="MultipleAlignment")
showMethods( f= 'detail', classes='MultipleAlignment', includeDefs=TRUE)
Function: detail (package Biostrings)
function (x, ...)
.local <- function (x, invertColMask = FALSE, hideMaskedCols = TRUE)
FH <- tempfile(pattern = "tmpFile", tmpdir = tempdir())
.write.MultAlign(x, FH, invertColMask = invertColMask,
showRowNames = TRUE, hideMaskedCols = hideMaskedCols)
.local(x, ...)

You may use export.fasta function from bio2mds library.
# reading of the multiple sequence alignment of human GPCRS in FASTA format:
aln <- import.fasta(system.file("msa/human_gpcr.fa", package = "bios2mds"))

You can convert your msa alignment first ("AAStringSet") into an "align" object first, and then export as fasta as follows:
mysequences <-readAAStringSet("test.fa")
alignCW <- msa(mysequences)
alignCW_as_align <- msaConvert(alignCW, "bios2mds::align")
export.fasta(alignCW_as_align, outfile = "test_alignment.fa", ncol = 60, open = "w")


How to apply rma() normalization to a unique CEL file?

I have implemented a R script that performs batch correction on a gene expression dataset. To do the batch correction, I first need to normalize the data in each CEL file through the Affy rma() function of Bioconductor.
If I run it on the GSE59867 dataset obtained from GEO, everything works.
I define a batch as the data collection date: I put all the CEL files having the same date into a specific folder, and then consider that date/folder as a specific batch.
On the GSE59867 dataset, a batch/folder contains only 1 CEL file. Nonetheless, the rma() function works on it perfectly.
But, instead, if I try to run my script on another dataset (GSE36809), I have some troubles: if I try to apply the rma() function to a batch/folder containing only 1 file, I get the following error:
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "GSM901376_c23583161.CEL.gz") :
attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions
Here's my specific R code, to let you understand.
You first have to download the file GSM901376_c23583161.CEL.gz:
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
fileURL <- ""
fileDownloadCommand <- paste("wget ", fileURL, " ", sep="")
Library installation:
list.of.packages <- c("easypackages")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
listOfBiocPackages <- c("oligo", "affyio","BiocParallel")
bioCpackagesNotInstalled <- which( !listOfBiocPackages %in% rownames(installed.packages()) )
cat("package missing listOfBiocPackages[", bioCpackagesNotInstalled, "]: ", listOfBiocPackages[bioCpackagesNotInstalled], "\n", sep="")
if( length(bioCpackagesNotInstalled) ) {
Application of rma()
thisFileDate <- "GSM901376_c23583161.CEL.gz"
thisDateRawData <- read.celfiles(thisDateCelFiles)
thisDateNormData <- rma(thisDateRawData)
After the call to rma(), I get the error.
How can I solve this problem?
I also tried to skip this normalization, by saving the thisDateRawData object directly. But then I have the problem that I cannot combine together this thisDateRawData (that is a ExpressionFeatureSet) with the outputs of rma() (that are ExpressionSet objects).
(EDIT: I extensively edited the question, and added a piece of R code you should be able to run on your pc.)
Hmm. This is a puzzling problem. the oligo::rma() function might be buggy for class GeneFeatureSet with single samples. I got it to work with a single sample by using lower-level functions, but it means I also had to create the expression set from scratch by specifying the slots:
# source("")
# biocLite("GEOquery")
# biocLite("")
# biocLite("")
# # Instead of using .gz files, I extracted the actual CELs.
# # This is just to illustrate how I read in the files; your usage will differ.
# projectDir <- "" # Path to .tar files here
# setwd(projectDir)
# untar("GSE36809_RAW.tar", exdir = "GSE36809")
# untar("GSE59867_RAW.tar", exdir = "GSE59867")
# setwd("GSE36809"); gse3_cels <- dir()
# sapply(paste(gse3_cels, sep = "/"), gunzip); setwd(projectDir)
# setwd("GSE59867"); gse5_cels <- dir()
# sapply(paste(gse5_cels, sep = "/"), gunzip); setwd(projectDir)
# Read in CEL
# setwd("GSE36809"); gse3_cels <- dir()
# gse3_efs <- read.celfiles(gse3_cels[1])
# # Assuming you've read in the CEL files as a GeneFeatureSet or
# # ExpressionFeatureSet object (i.e. gse3_efs in this example),
# # you can now fit the RMA and create an ExpressionSet object with it:
exprsData <- basicRMA(exprs(gse3_efs), pnVec = featureNames(gse3_efs))
gse3_expset <- new("ExpressionSet")
slot(gse3_expset, "assayData") <- assayDataNew(exprs = exprsData)
slot(gse3_expset, "phenoData") <- phenoData(gse3_efs)
slot(gse3_expset, "featureData") <- annotatedDataFrameFrom(attr(gse3_expset,
'assayData'), byrow = TRUE)
slot(gse3_expset, "protocolData") <- protocolData(gse3_efs)
slot(gse3_expset, "annotation") <- slot(gse3_efs, "annotation")
Hopefully the above approach will work in your code.

Calling CustomCSVIter function using mxnet pacakge in R

I'm trying to train a list of text datasets at the character level (for example, a cat => "a", " ", "c", "a", "t") so that I can classify them with great accuracy. I'm using mxnet package (CNN Network) in R and using crepe model. So to prepare for training, I need to do iterations for both training and test datasets. So the code is as follow:
train.iter <- CustomCSVIter$new(iter=NULL, data.csv=train.file.output,
batch.size=args$batch_size, alphabet=alphabet,
test.iter <- CustomCSVIter$new(iter=NULL, data.csv=test.file.output,
batch.size=args$batch_size, alphabet=alphabet,
data.csv where I have these datasets, batch.size is just an integer, feature.len is also just an integer, and alphabet is a vector of alphanumeric quotations (abcd...?!""). When I run the above code, I get a message saying I have a fatal error and Rstudio crashes and reloads. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. To run the above code, you need the following function:
CustomCSVIter <- setRefClass("CustomCSVIter",
fields=c("iter", "data.csv", "batch.size",
contains = "Rcpp_MXArrayDataIter",
initialize=function(iter, data.csv, batch.size,
alphabet, feature.len){
csv_iter <-,
data.shape=feature.len+1, #=features + label
.self$iter <- csv_iter
.self$data.csv <- data.csv
.self$batch.size <- batch.size
.self$alphabet <- alphabet
.self$feature.len <- feature.len
val <- as.array(.self$iter$value()$data)
val.y <- val[1,]
val.x <- val[-1,]
val.x <- dict.decoder(data=val.x,
val.x <- mx.nd.array(val.x)
val.y <- mx.nd.array(val.y)
list(data=val.x, label=val.y)
Usually a problem like this arises when there is a mismatch between shapes of the input file and the data.shape parameter of the iterator.
You can easily check if this is the problem by running your code outside from RStudio. Run R from terminal/command line and paste your code there. When an exception happens, it will terminate the R session, and you will be able to read the exception message. In my case it was:
Check failed: row.length == shape.Size() (2 vs. 1) The data size in CSV do not match size of shape: specified shape=(1,), the csv row-length=2
In your case it is probably something similar.
Btw, there is an implementation of a custom iterator for MNIST dataset, which you may find useful:

efficiently read in fasta file and calculate nucleotide frequencies in R

How can I read in a fasta file (~4 Gb) and calculate nucleotide frequencies in a window of 4 bps in length?
it takes too long to read in the fasta file using
I have tried to index it using (and there are many of them)
fa = FaFile('myfile.fa')
however I do not know how to access the file in this format
I would guess that 'slow' to read in a file that size would be a minute; longer than that and something other than software is the problem. Maybe it's appropriate to ask where your file comes from, your operating system, and whether you have manipulated the files (e.g., trying to open them in a text editor) before processing.
If 'too slow' is because you are running out of memory, then reading in chunks might help. With Rsamtools
fa = "my.fasta"
## indexFa(fa) if the index does not already exist
idx = scanFaIndex(fa)
create chunks of index, e.g., into n=10 chunks
chunks = snow::splitIndices(length(idx), 10)
and then process the file
res = lapply(chunks, function(chunk, fa, idx) {
dna = scanFa(fa, idx[chunk])
## ...
}, fa, idx)
Use, res) or similar to concatenate the final result, or perhaps use a for loop if you're accumulating a single value. Indexing the fasta file is via a call to the samtools library; using samtools on the command line is also an option, on non-Windows.
An alternative is to use Biostrings::fasta.index() to index the file, then chunk through with that
idx = fasta.index(fa, seqtype="DNA")
chunks = snow::splitIndices(nrow(fai), 10)
res = lapply(chunks, function(chunk) {
dna = readDNAStringSet(idx[chunk, ])
## ...
}, idx)
If each record consists of a single line of DNA sequence, then reading the records in to R, in (even-numbered) chunks via readLines() and processing from there is relatively easy
con = file(fa)
chunkSize = 10000000
while (TRUE) {
lines = readLines(fa, chunkSize)
if (length(lines) == 0)
dna = DNAStringSet(lines[c(FALSE, TRUE)])
## ...
Load the Biostrings Package and then use the readDNAStringSet() method
From example("readDNAStringSet"), slightly modified:
# example("readDNAStringSet") #optional
filepath1 <- system.file("extdata", "someORF.fa", package="Biostrings")
head(fasta.seqlengths(filepath1, seqtype="DNA")) #
x1 <- readDNAStringSet(filepath1)

Get the most expressed genes from one .CEL file in R

In R the Limma package can give you a list of differentially expressed genes.
How can I simply get all the probesets with highest signal intensity in the respect of a threshold?
Can I get only the most expressed genes in an healty experiment, for example from one .CEL file? Or the most expressed genes from a set of .CEL files of the same group (all of the control group, or all of the sample group).
If you run the following script, it's all ok. You have many .CEL files and all work.
gse_number <- "GSE13887"
getGEOSuppFiles( gse_number )
untar( paste( gse_number , paste( gse_number , "RAW.tar" , sep="_") , sep="/" ), exdir=COMPRESSED_CELS_DIRECTORY)
cels <- list.files( COMPRESSED_CELS_DIRECTORY , pattern = "[gz]")
sapply( paste( COMPRESSED_CELS_DIRECTORY , cels, sep="/") , gunzip )
celData <- ReadAffy( celfile.path = gse_number )
gcrma.ExpressionSet <- gcrma(celData)
But if you delete all .CEL files manually but you leave only one, execute the script from scratch, in order to have 1 sample in the celData object:
> celData
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=1164x1164 features (17 kb)
cdf=HG-U133_Plus_2 (54675 affyids)
number of samples=1
number of genes=54675
Then you'll get the error:
Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ x, drop.unused.levels = TRUE) :
variable lengths differ (found for 'x')
How can I get the most expressed genes from 1 .CEL sample file?
I've found a library that could be useful for my purpose: the panp package.
But, if you run the following script:
if(!require(panp)) { biocLite("panp") }
myGDS <- getGEO("GDS2697")
eset <- GDS2eSet(myGDS,do.log2=TRUE)
my_pa <- pa.calls(eset)
you'll get an error:
> my_pa <- pa.calls(eset)
Error in if (chip == "hgu133b") { : the argument has length zero
even if the platform of the GDS is that expected by the library.
If you run with the with gcrma.ExpressionSet as parameter then all work:
my_pa <- pa.calls(gcrma.ExpressionSet)
Processing 28 chips: ############################
Processing complete.
In summary, If you run the script you'll get an error while executing:
my_pa <- pa.calls(eset)
and not while executing
my_pa <- pa.calls(gcrma.ExpressionSet)
Why if they are both ExpressionSet?
> is(gcrma.ExpressionSet)
[1] "ExpressionSet" "eSet" "VersionedBiobase" "Versioned"
> is(eset)
[1] "ExpressionSet" "eSet" "VersionedBiobase" "Versioned"
Your gcrma.ExpressionSet is an object of class "ExpressionSet"; working with ExpressionSet objects is described in the Biobase vignette
also available on the Biobase landing page. In particular the matrix of summarized expression values can be extracted with exprs(gcrma.ExpressionSet). So
> eset = gcrma.ExpressionSet ## easier to display
> which(exprs(eset) == max(exprs(eset)), arr.ind=TRUE)
row col
213477_x_at 22779 24
> sampleNames(eset)[24]
[1] "GSM349767.CEL"
Use justGCRMA() rather than ReadAffy as a faster and more memory efficient way to get to an ExpressionSet.
Consider asking questions about Biocondcutor packages on the Bioconductor support site where you'll get fast responses from knowledgeable members.

Get function's title from documentation

I would like to get the title of a base function (e.g.: rnorm) in one of my scripts. That is included in the documentation, but I have no idea how to "grab" it.
I mean the line given in the RD files as \title{} or the top line in documentation.
Is there any simple way to do this without calling Rd_db function from tools and parse all RD files -- as having a very big overhead for this simple stuff? Other thing: I tried with parse_Rd too, but:
I do not know which Rd file holds my function,
I have no Rd files on my system (just rdb, rdx and rds).
So a function to parse the (offline) documentation would be the best :)
POC demo:
> get.title("rnorm")
[1] "The Normal Distribution"
If you look at the code for help, you see that the function seems to be what is pulling in the location of the help files, and that the default for the associated find.packages() function is NULL. Turns out tha tthere is neither a help fo that function nor is exposed, so I tested the usual suspects for which package it was in (base, tools, utils), and ended up with "utils:"+", find.package())
#[1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/base/help/Arithmetic"
ghelp <-"+", find.package())
gsub("^.+/", "", ghelp)
#[1] "Arithmetic"
ghelp <-"rnorm", find.package())
gsub("^.+/", "", ghelp)
#[1] "Normal"
What you are asking for is \title{Title}, but here I have shown you how to find the specific Rd file to parse and is sounds as though you already know how to do that.
EDIT: #Hadley has provided a method for getting all of the help text, once you know the package name, so applying that to the value above:
target <- gsub("^.+/library/(.+)/help.+$", "\\1","rnorm",
doc.txt <- pkg_topic(target, "rnorm") # assuming both of Hadley's functions are here
#[1] "The Normal Distribution"
It's not completely obvious what you want, but the code below will get the Rd data structure corresponding to the the topic you're interested in - you can then manipulate that to extract whatever you want.
There may be simpler ways, but unfortunately very little of the needed coded is exported and documented. I really wish there was a base help package.
pkg_topic <- function(package, topic, file = NULL) {
# Find "file" name given topic name/alias
if (is.null(file)) {
topics <- pkg_topics_index(package)
topic_page <- subset(topics, alias == topic, select = file)$file
if(length(topic_page) < 1)
topic_page <- subset(topics, file == topic, select = file)$file
stopifnot(length(topic_page) >= 1)
file <- topic_page[1]
rdb_path <- file.path(system.file("help", package = package), package)
tools:::fetchRdDB(rdb_path, file)
pkg_topics_index <- function(package) {
help_path <- system.file("help", package = package)
file_path <- file.path(help_path, "AnIndex")
if (length(readLines(file_path, n = 1)) < 1) {
topics <- read.table(file_path, sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, comment.char = "", quote = "", header = FALSE)
names(topics) <- c("alias", "file")
topics[complete.cases(topics), ]
