Use of Service and DAO Layer in Spring MVC - spring-mvc

I need the exact purpose of Service layer in MVC.
Can we implement without service layer..
What are the major responsibilities of these layers..
Can we implement without anyone of these layers..
Can you please someone help me to know this..

The service layer is there to provide logic to operate on the data sent to and from the DAO and the client. Very often these 2 pieces will be bundled together into the same module, and occasionally into the same code, but you'll still see them as distinct logical entities.
This may helpful to you

DAO is as light and exists solely to provide a connection to the DB, sometimes abstracted so different DB backends can be used.
The service layer is there to provide logic to operate on the data sent to and from the DAO and the client. Very often these 2 pieces will be bundled together into the same module, and occasionally into the same code, but you'll still see them as distinct logical entities.
Yes you can implement without service layer but will lack the security.. and without using service layer the request and response works faster...
Another reason for Service layer is security - If you provide a service layer that has no relation to the DB, then is it more difficult to gain access to the DB from the client except through the service. If the DB cannot be accessed directly from the client (and there is no trivial DAO module acting as the service) then all an attacker who has taken over the client can do is attempt to hack the service layer as well before he gets all but the most sanitised access to your data.
As these answer is already answered on StackExchange.. by gbjbaanb


Microservice to Microservice Architecure using gRPC : .NET Core

So I've this Microservice architecture where there is an ApiGateway, 2 microservices i.e., Configurations. API and API-1. The Configuration. API is mainly responsible to parse the JSON request and
access the DB and update Status tables, also to fetch required data, it even adds up more values to the JSON request and send it to the API-1. API-1 is responsible to just generate report based on the json passed.
Yes I can merge the configurations. API to the API-1 and make it a single service/container but the requirement is not to merge and create two different components i.e., 1 component purely based on
fetching the data, updating the status while the other just to generate the reports.
So here are some questions:
: Should I use gRPC for the configuration.API or is there a better way to achieve this.
Thank you.
RPC is a synchronous communication so you have to come up with strong reason to use it in service to service communication. it brings the fast and performant communication on the table but also coupling to the services. if you insist use rpc it is better to use MASSTRANSIT to implement the rpc in less coupled way. however in most cases the asynchronous event-base communication is recommended to avoid coupling (in that case look at CAP theory, SAGA, circuit breaker ).
since you said
but the requirement is not to merege and create two different
and that is your reason and also base on the fact
also to fetch requried data, it even adds up more values to the JSON
request and send it to the API-1
i think the second one makes scenes more. how ever i cant understand why you change the database position since you said the configuration service is responsible for that.
if your report service needs request huge data to generate report you have to think about the design. there is no more profile on you domain so there cannot be an absolute answer to this. but consider data reduce from insertion or request or some sort of pre-calculation if you could and also caching responses.

Why use facade pattern in EJB?

I've read through this article trying to understand why you want a session bean in between the client and entity bean. Is it because by letting the client access entity bean directly you would let the client know exactly all about the database?
So by having middleman (the session bean) you would only let the client know part of the database by implementing the business logic in some certain way. So only part of the database which is relevant to the client is only visible. Possibly also increase the security.
Is the above statement true?
Avoiding tight coupling between the client & the business objects, increasing manageability.
Reducing fine-grained method invocations, leads to minimize method invocation calls over the network, providing coarse-grained access to clients.
Can have centralized security & transaction constraints.
Greater flexibility & ability to cope with changes.
Exposing only required & providing simpler interface to the clients, hiding the underlying complexity and inner details, interdependencies between business components.
The article you cite is COMPLETELY out of date. Check the date, it's from 2002.
There is no such thing anymore as an entity bean in EJB (they are currently retained for backwards compatibility, but are on the verge of being purged completely). Entity beans where awkward things; a model object (e.g. Person) that lives completely in the container and where access to every property of it (e.g. getName, getAge) required a remote container call.
In this time and age, we have JPA entities that are POJOs and contain only data. Don't confuse a JPA entity with this ancient EJB entity bean. They sound similar but are completely different things. JPA entities can be safely send to a (remote) client. If you are really concerned that the names used in your entity reveal your DB structure, you could use XML mapping files instead of annotations and use completely different names.
That said, session beans can still perfectly be used to implement the Facade pattern if that's needed. This pattern is indeed used to give clients a simplified and often restricted view of your system. It's just that the idea of using session beans as a Facade for entity beans is completely outdated.
It is to simplify the work of the client. The Facade presents a simple interface and hides the complexity of the model from the client. It also makes it possible for the model to change without affecting the client, as long as the facade does not change its interface.
It decouples application logic with the business logic.
So the actual data structures and implementation can change without breaking existing code utilizing the APIs.
Of course it hides the data structure from "unknown" applications if you expose your beans to external networks

The Purpose of a Service Layer and ASP.NET MVC 2

In an effort to understand MVC 2 and attempt to get my company to adopt it as a viable platform for future development, I have been doing a lot of reading lately. Having worked with ASP.NET pretty exclusively for the past few years, I had some catching up to do.
Currently, I understand the repository pattern, models, controllers, data annotations, etc. But there is one thing that is keeping me from completely understanding enough to start work on a reference application.
The first is the Service Layer Pattern. I have read many blog posts and questions here on Stack Overflow, but I still don't completely understand the purpose of this pattern. I watched the entire video series at MVCCentral on the Golf Tracker Application and also looked at the demo code he posted and it looks to me like the service layer is just another wrapper around the repository pattern that doesn't perform any work at all.
I also read this post: and it seemed to somewhat answer my question, however, if you are using data annotations to perform your validation, this seems unnecessary.
I have looked for demonstrations, posts, etc. but I can't seem to find anything that simply explains the pattern and gives me compelling evidence to use it.
Can someone please provide me with a 2nd grade (ok, maybe 5th grade) reason to use this pattern, what I would lose if I don't, and what I gain if I do?
In a MVC pattern you have responsibilities separated between the 3 players: Model, View and Controller.
The Model is responsible for doing the business stuff, the View presents the results of the business (providing also input to the business from the user) while the Controller acts like the glue between the Model and the View, separating the inner workings of each from the other.
The Model is usually backed up by a database so you have some DAOs accessing that. Your business does some...well... business and stores or retrieves data in/from the database.
But who coordinates the DAOs? The Controller? No! The Model should.
Enter the Service layer. The Service layer will provide high service to the controller and will manage other (lower level) players (DAOs, other services etc) behind the scenes. It contains the business logic of your app.
What happens if you don't use it?
You will have to put the business logic somewhere and the victim is usually the controller.
If the controller is web centric it will have to receive its input and provide response as HTTP requests, responses. But what if I want to call my app (and get access to the business it provides) from a Windows application which communicates with RPC or some other thing? What then?
Well, you will have to rewrite the controller and make the logic client agnostic. But with the Service layer you already have that. Yyou don't need to rewrite things.
The service layer provides communication with DTOs which are not tied to a specific controller implementation. If the controller (no matter what type of controller) provides the appropriate data (no mater the source) your service layer will do its thing providing a service to the caller and hiding the caller from all responsibilities of the business logic involved.
I have to say I agree with dpb with the above, the wrapper i.e. Service Layer is reusable, mockable, I am currently in the process of including this layer inside my app... here are some of the issues/ requirements I am pondering over (very quickly :p ) that could be off help to youeself...
1. Multiple portals (e.g. Bloggers portal, client portal, internal portal) which will be needed to be accessed by many different users. They all must be separate ASP.NET MVC Applications (an important requirement)
2. Within the apps themselves some calls to the database will be similar, the methods and the way the data is handled from the Repository layer. Without doubt some controllers from each module/ portal will make exactly or an overloaded version of the same call, hence a possible need for a service layer (code to interfaces) which I will then compile in a separate class project.
3.If I create a separate class project for my service layer I may need to do the same for the Data Layer or combine it with the Service Layer and keep the model away from the Web project itself. At least this way as my project grows I can throw out the data access layer (i.e. LinqToSql -> NHibernate), or a team member can without working on any code in any other project. The downside could be they could blow everything up lol...

Avoiding having to map WCF's generated complex types

I have an ASP.NET MVC web app whose controllers use WCF to call into the domain model on a different server. The domain code needs to talk to a database and access to the database server isn't always possible from web servers (depends on the customer site) hence the use of WCF to get to a place where my code is allowed to connect to the database server.
This is configurable so if the controllers are able to access the database server directly then I use local instances of the domain objects rather than use WCF.
Lets say I have a page asking for person details like age, name etc. This is a complex type that is a parameter on my WCF operation like this :
string SayHello( Person oPerson);
When I generate the client code (eg; by adding a service reference in my client) I get a separate Person class that fulfills the wcf contract. The client, an MVC web app, can use this client Person class as the view model and all is well. I pass that straight into the WCF client methods and it all works brilliantly.
If my mvc client app is configured to NOT use WCF I have a problem. If I am calling my domain objects directly from the controller (assume I have a domain access factory/provider setup) then I need the original Person class and not the wcf generated Person class. This results in my problem which is that I will have to perform mapping from one object to another if I don't use WCF
The main problem with this is that there are many domain objects that will need to be mapped and errors may be introduced such as new properties forgotten about in future changes
I'm learning and experimenting with WCF and MVC can you help me know what my options are in this scenario? I'm sure there will be an easy way out of this given the extensibility of WCF and MVC
It appears that you are not actually trying to use a service-oriented architecture. In this case, you can place the domain objects into a single assembly, and share it between the WCF service and the clients. When creating the clients, use "Add Service Reference", and on the "Advanced" tab, choose "Share Types". Either choose to share all types, or choose the list of assemblies whose types you want to share.
Sound service-oriented-architecture dictates that you use message based communication regardless of whether your service is on another machine, in another process, in another appdomain, or in your appdomain. You can use different endpoints with different bindings to take advantage of the speed of the link (http, tcp, named pipes) based on the location of your service, but the code using that service would remain the same.
This may not be the easiest or least time-consuming answer, but one thing you can do is avoid using the "add service reference" option, and then copy your contract interfaces to your MVC application and initiate the connection to WCF manually without automatically creating a service proxy. This will allow you to use one set of classes for your model objects and you can control explicitly when to use WCF or not.
There's a good series of webcasts on WCF by Michele Leroux Bustamante, and I think in episode 2, she explains how to do exactly this. Check it out here:
Hope this helps!
One sound option is that you always use WCF, even if client and server are in the same process, as Aviad points out.
Another option is to define the service contracts on interfaces, and to put these, together with the data contracts into an assembly that is shared between client and server. In the client, don't use svcutil or a service reference; instead, use ClientFactory<T>.
This way, your client code will use the same interfaces and classes as the server.

DDD and Client/Server apps

I was wondering if any of you had successfully implemented DDD in a Client/Server app and would like to share some experiences.
We are currently working on a smart client in Flex and a backend in Java. On the server we have a service layer exposed to the client that offers CRUD operations amongst some other service methods. I understand that in DDD these services should be repositories and services should be used to handle use cases that do not fit inside a repository. Right now, we mimic these services on the client behind an interface and inject implementations (Webservices, RMI, etc) via an IoC container.
So some questions arise:
should the server expose repositories to the client or do we need to have some sort of a facade (that is able to handle security for instance)
should the client implement repositories (and DDD in general?) knowing that in the client, most of the logic is view related and real business logic lives on the server. All communication with the server happens asynchronously and we have a single threaded programming model on the client.
how about mapping client to server objects and vice versa? We tried DTO's but reverted back to exposing the state of our objects and mapping directly to them. I know this is considered bad practice, but it saves us an incredible amount of time)
In general I think a new generation of applications is coming with the growth of Flex, Silverlight, JavaFX and I'm curious how DDD fits into this.
I would not expose repositories directly to the client. The first big problem as you mention is security: you can't trust the client, so you cannot expose your data access API to potentially hostile clients.
Wrap your repositories with services on the server and create a thin delegate layer in the client that handles the remote communication.
Exposing your Entities is not necessarily a bad practice it's just that it becomes problematic when you start to factor in things like lazy loading, sending data over the wire the client doesn't need, etc. If you write a DTO class which wraps one or more entities and delegates get/set calls you can actually build up a DTO layer pretty quickly, especially using code generation available in most IDEs.
The key to all of this is that a set of patterns should really only apply to a part of your application, not to the whole thing. The fact that you have rich logic in your domain model and use repositories for data access as part of DDD should not influence the client in any way. Conceptually the RIAs that I build have three layers:
Client uses something like MVC, MVP or MVVM to present the UI. The Model layer eventually calls into...
What I might call the "Integration Layer." This is a contract of services and data objects that exist on both the client and server to allow the two to coordinate. Usually the UI design drives this layer so that (A) only the data that the client needs is passed to it and (B) data access can be coarse-grained, i.e. "make one method call for all the state needed for this set of UI.
Server using whatever it wants to handle business logic and data access. This might be DDD or something a little more old school, like a data layer built using stored procs in the DB and a lot of "ResultSet" or "DataTable" objects.
The point really is that the client and server are both very different animals and they need to vary independently. In order to do so, you need a layer inbetween that is a fair compromise between the needs of the UI and the reality of how things might need to be on the server.
The one big advantage that Silverlight/WPF and JavaFX have over Flex + anything is that you can use a lot of logic in the first two because you have the same VM on both sides of the app. Flex is the best UI technology hands down but it lacks a server component where code could be shared and re-used more effectively.
