I am translating my tool in Arabic language.
For this, All alert box , message box have to be in Arabic language.
The message to be printed is no issue, But the main issue is ,
How to change language of header of Alert box in Java.
Alert in below code spinet is from package "javafx.scene.control"
Alert confirmationDialog = dialog.createAndReturn("restartAppointment",DialogButtons.YES);
final Optional<ButtonType> result = confirmationDialog.showAndWait();
Above code gives me an alert box like this.
Message box having header as "WARNING"
Please tell me , how to change its language into Arabic?
I am using Botium Box crawler on a Watson Assistant skill.
The bot's initial statement includes a greeting and seven buttons.
Botium is generating test cases for each of the buttons, but the button-press does not generate the right response in Watson Assistant.
A generated case is below:
BUTTONS Benefits|Badges, Explanation of Badges or Certificate of Completion|COVID-19|ID Cards - Order, View, Print, Return|Employment/Termination|Password|None of the above, enter search text
BUTTON password|Password
(responds as if Watson Assistant received the word "BUTTON" rather than the "password" value in "Password"-labeled button)
The dialog node has child responses using conditions like:
input.text=="password" or input.text.contains("password")
The expected behavior in Watson Assistant for a button press is that the button text (not label) is passed to the button. In the Watson Assistant Try it Out panel I click "Password" and it sends the text "password".
The only way I can replicate the Botium behavior in Try it Out is to pass the literal text "BUTTON". Even if Botium sent input.text=="BUTTON password|Password" my condition should fire.
Am I using Botium Box crawler wrong, or is there a bug in the crawler?
Update: Other button-driven prompts work, such as "yes/no" button prompts. I wonder if there is a parsing problem because the buttons have very long labels with some special characters and punctuation.
The issue has to be fixed with the next release of the crawler package.
If you need this fix now, then we can update directly your trial instance.
You can get more detailed log by set the DEBUG=botium-* env variable. So in commandline it should look like this:
DEBUG=botium-* botium-cli crawler-run --entryPoints 'hello'
In this case you will get a log and very detailed log. You can reduce its size with using exitCriteria (e.g.: --exitCriteria 'Benefits' 'Badges') to exclude those path which work correctly.
We will investigate the detailed log, just send us please.
I am launching a flex app (swf) from a JSP page. i am sending a value using flashvars like below.
flashvars.message = '';
This message consists a single inverted comma in between...ex:- L'impression des pages
But when i want to show this message using alert box in flex like Alert.show(message);, it just shows
'L'. i mean it is not showing complete message. the text after inverted comma is missing....
it will be great if anyone can help me here...
You can try
to urlEncode your message before passing or simply use %27(urlEncoded value of ') in place of ' to see if it works.
I want to display my custom message (Say for Ex: some message needs to display when Page is save event is triggered) in SDL Tridion CME Message bar. How to do this?
From an event system you can only display ERROR messages.
If your Event code throws an error the "Message" will be displayed in the Message bar.
For other type of messages you need to use Javascript/CM Extensions. You can find an example of an event system that shows a message here.
Nuno covered your options pretty well.
If you want to show a message from your JavaScript code, this is usually my starting point:
$messages.registerNotification("Hello world");
If you put this in your JavaScript code (or just paste it into a JavaScript console), it will show a blue bar with "Hello World" in it.
There are many types of messages, each of which shows up slightly differently. What I usually do if I need more than a notification is:
type $messages. in a JavaScript console in a browser where the web GUI is loaded
go through the list of relevant methods to see what looks most promising (they all start with register)
perform a text search on the source code for the method that I am looking for
This leads me to an example of how that method is used in the GUI already and is a great starting point for my own code.
Alexander Klock recently wrote a thorough explanation of the message types available on his blog.
I'm creating an alert popup within an Adobe Flex 4 project using the following:
Alert.show(resourceManager.getString('myresource', 'ErrorMessage'), resourceManager.getString('myResource', 'ErrorMessageTitle'), Alert.OK|Alert.CANCEL,this,onExitSuccess,null,Alert.CANCEL);
When my language is of Asian origin (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc) the title appears correctly on the Alert, but the message does not. I'm seeing the correct localization values EVERYWHERE ELSE in my application except the Alert popup and in one other instance on a mx:Checkbox control.
I've checked my app and the strings are being returned from the resourceManager correctly but just aren't rendering to the screen. Does anyone have any insight as to what might be causing this behavior?
I suppose you just missed right bracket in the first of getString calls:
Alert.show(resourceManager.getString('myresource', 'ErrorMessage'), resourceManager.getString('myResource', 'ErrorMessageTitle'), Alert.OK|Alert.CANCEL,this,onExitSuccess,null,Alert.CANCEL);
Ok as far as there is no typo in question I suppose the problem is in font embedding. Try to set the same font style for alert body as in alert title and check the result.
Is there any code or custom options available to achieve the following :
1> When an error occurs in a text box, the validation shows the error. Forces the user to remove the error and only then proceed to complete remaining text inputs. KEEPS the mouse focus on the Text Box.
I have used built in mx:Validator tags, but it does not coerce the user to remove the error. Instead, user can easily go ahead without rectifying the error.
2> Can the error message which generally appears as a tooltip when mouse focus moves over the text input with the error, REMAIN until the user removes error and not just be displayed on mouse hover action?
You can customize your ToolTips to show your Error. Check this link to customize your tooltip, to show your error in ToolTips
For #2, check out http://aralbalkan.com/1125.
Unfortunately, it is a lot of hassle if you have multiple/large forms. It is unfortunate flex doesn't provide more styling options for the error tooltip.
#1 seems to be a bad UI design. While you may not allow them to submit a form unless they enter valid information, they should be able to navigate around the form freely and fill in the information as they choose. Just my opinion.
A solution to question 1) is as follows;
Use the Validator.validateAll static method to check that all form items are valid before allowing the form to be submitted. The following snippet is taken from a good flex example which shows this
private function resetForm() :void
btnLogin.enabled = false;
private function validateUs() :void
btnLogin.enabled = (Validator.validateAll([val1,val2]).length == 0);
The complete example is here