How to make B.C. Date format in R - r

I have string like 1/1/-2150. How to make Date format from that in R
lubridate back:
[1] "2150-01-01"
[1] NA
Now 1/1/-2150 have class character. I need same value but with class Date
Something like that, but using lubridate if it possible
Date[1:1], format: "-2150-01-01"

We need to specify the - in the format
#[1] "2150-01-01"

Unfortunately there aren't any really large R packages tackling this issue (maybe no one has asked). The gregorian package should however, be able to tackle your BCE needs.
[1] "Tuesday January 1, 2151 BCE"


Numeric Character to date conversion

How to convert a character column to date in R
My column is in the format "20110314" (exclude ") where first 4 characters refer to year, next two to month and the last two to date.
You can use lubridate:
Date-time data can be frustrating to work with in R. R commands for date-times are generally unintuitive and change depending on the type of date-time object being used. Moreover, the methods we use with date-times must be robust to time zones, leap days, daylight savings times, and other time related quirks, and R lacks these capabilities in some situations. Lubridate makes it easier to do the things R does with date-times and possible to do the things R does not.
# The easiest way to get lubridate is to install the whole tidyverse:
# Alternatively, install just lubridate:
# Or the the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
#> [1] "2011-03-14"
[1] "2011-03-14 PDT"

How to convert a column in data.frame from characters to POSIXct?

I am trying to convert a column of date to POSIXct form. However, all the data here are not able to use as.POSIXct to convert since the day of the date are included. I tried using gsub(".* Friday, .*","",data) to remove all "Friday" but it is not working. What can I do here? Thank you. I tried to search this kind of problem but I didn't get a satisfied answer.
Directly with lubridate:
mdy("Friday, December 7, 1787")
[1] "1787-12-07"
But, POSIXct requires time and you don't have it. Therefore your class will be "Date".
If you really want a POSIXct then:
mdy_hms(paste("Friday, December 7, 1787", "00:00:00" ))
"1787-12-07 UTC"

Formatting Unconventional Date

I'm having trouble formatting a list of dates in R. The conventional methods of formatting in R such as as.Date or as.POSIXct don't seem to be working.
I have dates in the format: 1012015
as.POSIXct(as.character(data$Start_Date), format = "%m%d%Y")
does not give me an error, but my date returns
"0015-10-12" because the month is not a two digit number.
Is there a way to change this into the correct date format?F
The lubridate package can help with this:
[1] "2015-01-01"
The format looks ambiguous but the OP gave two hints:
He is using format = "%m%d%Y" in his own attempt, and
he argues the issue is because the month is not a two digit number
This uses only base R. The %08d specifies a number to be formatted into 8 characters with 0 fill giving in this case "01012015".
as.POSIXct(sprintf("%08d", 1012015), format = "%m%d%Y")
## [1] "2015-01-01 EST"
Note that if you don't have any hours/minutes/seconds it would be less error prone to use "Date" class since then the possibility of subtle time zone errors is eliminated.
as.Date(sprintf("%08d", 1012015), format = "%m%d%Y")
## [1] "2015-01-01"

Converting my dates into a POSIXct class

I'm currently working my way through the adehabitatLT package.
I've put my date_time column into characters and named it da:
[1] "7/08/2015 0:22" "7/08/2015 0:52" "7/08/2015 1:22" "7/08/2015 1:52" "7/08/2015 2:56" "7/08/2015 3:26"
As you can see my date_time input is a bit non traditional and i think this is where the error occurs, because when i create the class POSIXct:
da<-as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character(dat$date_time),"%d/%m/%y% H:%M:%S"))
It creates the class but i get NA for all my values:
My end objective here is to create an object of the class ltraj (but not only containing the date but the time as well).
Any ideas anyone?
Kind regards,
The format should be modified to
as.POSIXct(strptime(da, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
Or if month is first followed by day, then change it to "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
While parsing tricky date/time formats, it might be useful to use lubridate package by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham.
In your case, simply do
a <- dmy_hm(da)
The separator and the number of digits for day or month or hours etc are automatically parsed.
Find more info here

as.Date / strptime format

What could be the problem? I don't seem to get why this had to be NA.
as.Date("jan2012", format="%b%Y")
[1] NA
I have also used strptime function and it is the same thing. I have been using this functions but I don't know they are not working this morning. Any insight as to why this is will be useful.
The Date include day also. So, we need to paste with a day i.e. 01
as.Date(paste("jan2012", "01"), format="%b%Y%d")
#[1] "2012-01-01"
"jan2012" isn't a date, it's a month. You need to prefix the day you want, e.g.
as.Date(paste0("01", "jan2012"), format = "%d%b%Y")
