Printing from an autosys calendar - autosys

I have a standard autosys calendar for last biz of the month. My requirement is that I need to pass the last biz day of the previous month to another script when executing on the last biz day of this month. I was able to export the calendar using autocal_asc command. And iam running this using powershell script. Is there a command in autosys that can give me the last biz day of the previous month from the calendar?

There is nothing native to autosys that can do that.
For the powershell try this:
enter link description here


Schedule Autosys job in UI for 2ndtuesday of every month

I have a job, needs to Run only on 2nd Tuesday of every month.
can someone help, all responses are appreciated
Create an extended calendar, and assign to the respective jobs
extended_calendar: Tue2_Monthly
description: 2nd Tuesday Monthly
workday: mo,tu,we,th,fr
condition: tue#2

How to block dates in full calendar resource view?

I'm using fullcalendar resource schedular plugin trial version. I set a month view. I want to disable click event for days [Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and saturaday] of every month. So end-user can't book resources for those days.
I will suggest to use selectAllow function and inside the function write your logic which time to allow and which time to disallow user select on a slot.

How to label multiple date in Full calendar

I am using Full calendar JavaScript Plugin in my PHP project. Project is a Job Schedule Application where i am assigning a job to a person for 2 days for example 1.12.2019 to 3.12.2019.
i want to show that Job in calendar labeling from 1.12.2019 to 3.12.2019 in a single color.

How to specify two dates in Autosys jil let’s say it has to run on two calendar dates 15th and 30th of each month?

I specified like below
run_calendar : 15CD & 30CD
Getting an error saying invalid keyword?
Tried many combinations “15CD” & “30CD” also 15CD,30CD still sane error.
extended calendar can have such conditions.
Create an extended calendar as
extended_calendar: Cal_name
description: runs on 15th and 30th of every month
workday: mo,tu,we,th,fr
adjust: 0
condition: MNTHD#15| MNTHD#30
Use this calendar for your job.
Specifies that the schedule that is generated by the extended calendar includes the nnth day of the month.
refer this link for more such combination of calendar conditions
Hope this helps.

Autosys monthly Job schedule

I am trying to schedule a Job in Autosys and I would like this job to run once a month. Say, 5th day of every month. Could you please help how we can configure this in Autosys?
I did some research and came to know that we need to create a calendar in Autosys. Could someone please help how we can create and configure such a calendar in autosys?
There are a few ways to create a calendar with tools provided with Autosys. The commands to launch the tools are autocal (which is a graphical editor) and autocal_asc (which is a text-based editor). The executables are available in the Autosys root user directory (e.g. /etc/autosys). I would recommend using the graphical interface, since it gives some options which will make it easier on you.
Once the utility is running, you should be able to create a new calendar (File > New). Give it a name (e.g. 5thOfTheMonth), and choose Edit > Apply Rule. Here you can configure the day(s) of the month you wish to run the job on, and many other options.
Once the calendar is created and saved, you can tie a job to it using the run_calendar JIL command (run_calendar: 5thOfTheMonth) or specifying the calendar in the Job Definition > Date/Time Options graphical interface.
make an extended calendar, like this-
Enter Name: 5th_day_evry_mnth
Enter Workdays [XXXXX..]:
Enter Non-workday Actions [' ',O,N,W,P]:
Enter Holiday Actions [' ',O,S,N,W,P]:
Enter Holiday Calendar [none]:
Enter Cycle Name [none]:
Enter Date Adjustment [0]:
Enter Date Conditions [DAILY]: MNTHD#5
If you have an Autosys web portal that allows you to import a calendar from a file, you can define an extended calendar inside a file. For the condition attribute of the extended calendar, you can specify a day of the month with MNTHD#nn, where nn is the nnth day of the month.
The extended calendar can be defined like
extended_calendar: fifth_of_month
condition: MNTHD#5
and you can include the calendar as the run_calendar attribute of your job like
insert_job: job_name
run_calendar: fifth_of_month
Find more information here on the different conditions for an extended calendar.
