R coefficients of glmnet::cvfit - r

As far as I am concerned, cvfit does a K fold cross validation, which means that in each time, it separates all the data into training & validation set. For every fixed lambda, first it uses training data to get a coefficient vector. Then implements this constructed model to predict on the validation set to get the error.
Hence, for K fold CV, it has k coefficient vectors (each is generated from a training set). So what does
Here is an example:
x <- iris[1:100,1:4]
y <- iris[1:100,5]
y <- factor(y)
fit <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(x), y, family = "binomial", type.measure = "class",alpha=1,nfolds=3,standardize = T)
coef(fit, s=c(fit$lambda.min,fit$lambda.1se))
fit1 <- glmnet(data.matrix(x), y, family = "binomial",
standardize = T,
lambda = c(fit$lambda.1se,fit$lambda.min))
in fit1, I use the whole dataset as the training set, seems that the coefficients of fit1 and fit are just the same. That's why?
Thanks in advance.

Although cv.glmnet checks model performance by cross-validation, the actual model coefficients it returns for each lambda value are based on fitting the model with the full dataset.
The help for cv.glmnet (type ?cv.glmnet) includes a Value section that describes the object returned by cv.glmet. The returned list object (fit in your case) includes an element called glmnet.fit. The help describes it like this:
glmnet.fit a fitted glmnet object for the full data.


predict function with lasso regression

I am trying to implement lasso regression for my sales prediction problem. I am using glmnet package and cv.glmnet function to train the model.
model = cv.glmnet(as.matrix(x = train[, -which(names(train) %in% "Sales")]),
y = train$Sales,
alpha = 1,
lambda = 10^seq(4,-1,-0.1))
best_lambda = model$lambda.min
lasso_predictions_valid <- predict(model,s = best_lambda,type = "coefficients")
After I read few articles about implementing lasso regression I still don't know how to add my test data on which I want to apply the prediction. There is newx argument to be added to predict function that I do not know also. I mean in most regression types we have newdata or data argument that we fill our test data to it.
I think there is an error in your lasso_predictions_valid, you shouldn't put valid$sales as your newx, as I believe this is the actual sales number.
Once you have created the model with the train set, then for newx you need to pass matrix values of x that you want to make predictions on, I guess in this case it will be your validation set.
Looking at your example code above, I think your predict line should be something like:
lasso_predictions_valid <- predict(model, s = best_lambda,
newx = as.matrix(valid[, -which(names(valid) %in% "Sales")]),
type = "coefficients")
Then you should run your RMSE() line:
RMSE(lasso_predictions_valid, valid$Sales)

Get real predicted values from GLM

I am running GLM with linear regression, then i am using predict to fit the response on my test data, but the problem is i am getting the probabilities and i don't know how to convert those probabilities to real values.
log<- glm(formula=stock_out_duration~lag_2_market_unres_dos+lag_2_percentage_bias_forecast_error + forecast,train_data_final,family = inverse.gaussian(link = "log"),maxit=100)
predict <- predict(log, test_data, type = 'response')
table_mat <- table(test_data$stock_out_duration)
As far as I'm aware, there isn't a magic function that does this for you given that you're using glm. As you've noted, what typically gets returned is the probabilities. You can convert the probabilities into predictions for the outcome of the underlying categories by choosing the outcome with the largest probability. I agree a one-line function for this would be nice though.
You can get this functionality if use the glmnet package.
y = ifelse(rnorm(100) > 0, "red", "blue")
y = factor(y)
x = rnorm(100)
fit = glmnet(x, y, family="binomial") # use family="multinomial" if there are more than 2 categories in your factor
yhat = predict(fit, newx=x, type="class", s=0)
yhat in the above will be a vector containing either "red" or "blue".
Note, the type="class" is the bit that gets you the category outcomes returned in yhat. The s=0 means to use a lambda penalty of zero for the coefficients you use to get predictions. You indicated in the question that you were just doing ordinary regression without any ridge or lasso style penalty factors, so s=0 ensures you get that in your predictions.

cv.glmnet and Leave-one out CV

I'm trying to use the function cv.glmnet to find the best lambda (using the RIDGE regression) in order to predict the class of belonging of some objects.
So the code that I have used is:
CVGLM<-cv.glmnet(x,y,nfolds=34,type.measure = "class",alpha=0,grouped = FALSE)
actually I'm not using a K-fold cross validation because my size dataset is too small, in fact I have only 34 rows. So, I'm using in nfolds the number of my rows, to compute a Leave-one out CV.
Now, I have some questions:
1) First of all: Does cv.glmnet function tune the Hyperpameter lambda or also test the "final model"?
2)One time got the best lambda, what have I to do? Have I to use predict function?
If yes, which data I have to use if I use all data to find lambda since I have used LOO CV?
3)How can I calculate R^2 from cv.glmnet function?
Here is an attempt to answer your questions:
1) cv.glmnet tests the performance of each lambda by using the cross validation of your specification. Here is an example:
find best lambda for iris prediction:
CVGLM <- cv.glmnet(as.matrix(iris[,-5]),
nfolds = nrow(iris),
type.measure = "class",
alpha = 0,
grouped = FALSE,
family = "multinomial")
the miss classification error of best lambda is in
If you test this independently using LOOCV and best lambda:
z <- lapply(1:nrow(iris), function(x){
fit <- glmnet(as.matrix(iris[-x,-5]),
alpha = 0,
lambda = CVGLM$lambda.min,
pred <- predict(fit, as.matrix(iris[x,-5]), type = "class")
return(data.frame(pred, true = iris[x,5]))
z <- do.call(rbind, z)
and check the error rate it is:
sum(z$pred != z$true)/150
so it looks like there is no need to test the performance using the same method as in cv.glmnet since it will be the same.
2) when you have the optimal lambda you should fit a model on the whole data set using glmnet function. What you do after with the model is entirely up to you. Most people train a model to predict something.
3) what is R^2 for a classification problem? If you could explain that then you could calculate it.
R^2 = Explained variation / Total variation
what is this in terms of classes?
Anyhow R^2 is not used for classification but rather AUC, deviance, accuracy, balanced accuracy, kappa, joudens J and so on - most of these are used for binary classification but some are available for multinomial.
I suggest this as further reading

GBM cross validation

I'm trying to use R's gbm regression model.
I want to compute the coefficient of determination (R squared) between the cross validation predicted response values and the true response values. However, the cv.fitted values of the gbm.object only provides the predicted response values for 1-train.fraction. So in order to get what I want I need to find which of the observations correspond to the cv.fitted values.
Any idea how to get that information?
You can use the predict function to easily get at model predictions, if I'm understanding your question correctly.
dat <- data.frame(y = runif(1000), x=rnorm(1000))
gbmMod <- gbm::gbm(y~x, data=dat, n.trees=5000, cv.folds=0)
summary(lm(predict(gbmMod, n.trees=5000) ~ dat$y))$adj.r.squared
But shouldn't we hold data to the side and assess model accuracy on test data? This would correspond to the following, where I partition the data into a training set (70%) and testing set (30%):
inds <- sample(1:nrow(dat), 0.7*nrow(dat))
train <- dat[inds, ]
test <- dat[-inds, ]
gbmMod2 <- gbm::gbm(y~x, data=train, n.trees=5000)
preds <- predict(gbmMod2, newdata = test, n.trees=5000)
summary(lm(preds ~ test[,1]))$adj.r.squared
It's also worth noting that the number of trees in the gbm can be tuned using the gbm.perf function and the cv.folds argument to the gbm function. This helps avoids overfitting.

Choose model by BIC in a stepwise algorithm after choosing model from glmnet

I have data where number of observation n is smaller than number of variables p. The answer variable is binary. For example:
n <- 10
p <- 100
x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol = p)
y <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
I would like to fit logistic model for this data. So I used the code:
model <- glmnet(x, y, family = "binomial", intercept = FALSE)
The function returns 100 models for different $\lambda$ values (penalization parameter in LASSO regression). I would like to choose the biggest model which also has n - 1 parameters or less (so less than number of observations). Let's say the chosen model is for lambda_opt.
model_one <- glmnet(x, y, family = "binomial", intercept = FALSE, lambda = lambda_opt)
Now I would like to do the second step - use step function to my model to choose the submodel which will be the best in term of BIC - Bayesian Information Criterion. Unfortunately the step function doesn't work for objects of the glmnet class.
step(model_one, direction = "backward", k = log(n))
How can I perform such procedure? Is there any other function for this specific class (glmnet) to do what I want?
BIC is a fine way to select a penalty parameter from the sequence returned by glmnet, it's faster the cross validation and works quite well at least in the settings where I've tried it.
Compute the residuals sum of square for each value of the penalty parameter in the sequence (use predict(model,x) to get the fit)
model$df gives you the degrees of freedom.
Combine those to get a BIC and pick the value of lambda corresponding to the lowers BIC.
