I don't have a much experience in functional programming, but I have read a certain amount of theory papers and I want to build a new type system anyway, because I want implement some improvements. I'm wondering if certain properties I want to achieve already exist in Haskell and company.
One of them would be the following: I want to mix in Boolean operators and/or/not with type checker. That way, when type-checking each iteration in curried function, I want to check it against a Boolean expressions like:
((is of type x) OR (is of type y)) AND NOT (is of type z)
It would be something like set algebra, dealing with unions, intersections and complements, but implemented using basic Boolean operations that operate on expressions being constrained to types.
I'm aware of sum and product types (sum rings some bells as or), but I still can't wrap my head around above expression without implementing and and not at low level, directly into the type system.
For example, if we introduce imaginary * as and, + as or, - as not, how could we form the semantically same type as:
foo: ((x + y) * -z) -> w
I'm defining x, y, z and w previously, as some existing types. In this example, function foo has a single parameter that accepts an element of the set ((x union y) intersect (not z)).
Would this kind of Boolean type checking be something new, or it is something that is already achievable in existing functional languages, including Haskell? If it is possible, how would the above and, or and not be implemented in Haskell, or possibly other functional languages?
I was wondering if there is a commonly used term for a function that turns a value into a tuple-2 in ML-family languages, or functional programming languages more generally?
let toTuple2 x = (x, x)
In stack-based programming languages such as Forth, dup is a core operator that does duplicate the top stack element (not exactly a tuple though).
In Haskell, various packages provide this function under names like dup, dupe or double. Notice that two-tuples are also a core element of arrows, and dup = id &&& id.
I have not found anything specific to ML.
I don't know about the name of that specific function.
However, that function can be seen as a special case of a more general one:
let applyCtorToXX c x = c x x
Indeed, you can verify that toTuple2 is equivalent to applyCtorToXX (,).
In combinatory logic, or at least in how it is presented in To Mock a Mockingbird, such a function is named a "Warbler", and the symbol W is used for it (i.e. Wxy = xyy is the definition used in the book).
Looking at it from this perspective, your toTuple2 is W (,), which is the application of a warbler to the 2-tuple constructor.
I was thinking about pure Object Oriented Languages like Ruby, where everything, including numbers, int, floats, and strings are themselves objects. Is this the same thing with pure functional languages? For example, in Haskell, are Numbers and Strings also functions?
I know Haskell is based on lambda calculus which represents everything, including data and operations, as functions. It would seem logical to me that a "purely functional language" would model everything as a function, as well as keep with the definition that a function most always returns the same output with the same inputs and has no state.
It's okay to think about that theoretically, but...
Just like in Ruby not everything is an object (argument lists, for instance, are not objects), not everything in Haskell is a function.
For more reference, check out this neat post: http://conal.net/blog/posts/everything-is-a-function-in-haskell
#wrhall gives a good answer. However you are somewhat correct that in the pure lambda calculus it is consistent for everything to be a function, and the language is Turing-complete (capable of expressing any pure computation that Haskell, etc. is).
That gives you some very strange things, since the only thing you can do to anything is to apply it to something else. When do you ever get to observe something? You have some value f and want to know something about it, your only choice is to apply it some value x to get f x, which is another function and the only choice is to apply it to another value y, to get f x y and so on.
Often I interpret the pure lambda calculus as talking about transformations on things that are not functions, but only capable of expressing functions itself. That is, I can make a function (with a bit of Haskelly syntax sugar for recursion & let):
purePlus = \zero succ natCase ->
let plus = \m n -> natCase m n (\m' -> plus m' n)
in plus (succ (succ zero)) (succ (succ zero))
Here I have expressed the computation 2+2 without needing to know that there are such things as non-functions. I simply took what I needed as arguments to the function I was defining, and the values of those arguments could be church encodings or they could be "real" numbers (whatever that means) -- my definition does not care.
And you could think the same thing of Haskell. There is no particular reason to think that there are things which are not functions, nor is there a particular reason to think that everything is a function. But Haskell's type system at least prevents you from applying an argument to a number (anybody thinking about fromInteger right now needs to hold their tongue! :-). In the above interpretation, it is because numbers are not necessarily modeled as functions, so you can't necessarily apply arguments to them.
In case it isn't clear by now, this whole answer has been somewhat of a technical/philosophical digression, and the easy answer to your question is "no, not everything is a function in functional languages". Functions are the things you can apply arguments to, that's all.
The "pure" in "pure functional" refers to the "freedom from side effects" kind of purity. It has little relation to the meaning of "pure" being used when people talk about a "pure object-oriented language", which simply means that the language manipulates purely (only) in objects.
The reason is that pure-as-in-only is a reasonable distinction to use to classify object-oriented languages, because there are languages like Java and C++, which clearly have values that don't have all that much in common with objects, and there are also languages like Python and Ruby, for which it can be argued that every value is an object1
Whereas for functional languages, there are no practical languages which are "pure functional" in the sense that every value the language can manipulate is a function. It's certainly possible to program in such a language. The most basic versions of the lambda calculus don't have any notion of things that are not functions, but you can still do arbitrary computation with them by coming up with ways of representing the things you want to compute on as functions.2
But while the simplicity and minimalism of the lambda calculus tends to be great for proving things about programming, actually writing substantial programs in such a "raw" programming language is awkward. The function representation of basic things like numbers also tends to be very inefficient to implement on actual physical machines.
But there is a very important distinction between languages that encourage a functional style but allow untracked side effects anywhere, and ones that actually enforce that your functions are "pure" functions (similar to mathematical functions). Object-oriented programming is very strongly wed to the use of impure computations3, so there are no practical object-oriented programming languages that are pure in this sense.
So the "pure" in "pure functional language" means something very different from the "pure" in "pure object-oriented language".4 In each case the "pure vs not pure" distinction is one that is completely uninteresting applied to the other kind of language, so there's no very strong motive to standardise the use of the term.
1 There are corner cases to pick at in all "pure object-oriented" languages that I know of, but that's not really very interesting. It's clear that the object metaphor goes much further in languages in which 1 is an instance of some class, and that class can be sub-classed, than it does in languages in which 1 is something else than an object.
2 All computation is about representation anyway. Computers don't know anything about numbers or anything else. They just have bit-patterns that we use to represent numbers, and operations on bit-patterns that happen to correspond to operations on numbers (because we designed them so that they would).
3 This isn't fundamental either. You could design a "pure" object-oriented language that was pure in this sense. I tend to write most of my OO code to be pure anyway.
4 If this seems obtuse, you might reflect that the terms "functional", "object", and "language" have vastly different meanings in other contexts also.
A very different angle on this question: all sorts of data in Haskell can be represented as functions, using a technique called Church encodings. This is a form of inversion of control: instead of passing data to functions that consume it, you hide the data inside a set of closures, and to consume it you pass in callbacks describing what to do with this data.
Any program that uses lists, for example, can be translated into a program that uses functions instead of lists:
-- | A list corresponds to a function of this type:
type ChurchList a r = (a -> r -> r) --^ how to handle a cons cell
-> r --^ how to handle the empty list
-> r --^ result of processing the list
listToCPS :: [a] -> ChurchList a r
listToCPS xs = \f z -> foldr f z xs
That function is taking a concrete list as its starting point, but that's not necessary. You can build up ChurchList functions out of just pure functions:
-- | The empty 'ChurchList'.
nil :: ChurchList a r
nil = \f z -> z
-- | Add an element at the front of a 'ChurchList'.
cons :: a -> ChurchList a r -> ChurchList a r
cons x xs = \f z -> f z (xs f z)
foldChurchList :: (a -> r -> r) -> r -> ChurchList a r -> r
foldChurchList f z xs = xs f z
mapChurchList :: (a -> b) -> ChurchList a r -> ChurchList b r
mapChurchList f = foldChurchList step nil
where step x = cons (f x)
filterChurchList :: (a -> Bool) -> ChurchList a r -> ChurchList a r
filterChurchList pred = foldChurchList step nil
where step x xs = if pred x then cons x xs else xs
That last function uses Bool, but of course we can replace Bool with functions as well:
-- | A Bool can be represented as a function that chooses between two
-- given alternatives.
type ChurchBool r = r -> r -> r
true, false :: ChurchBool r
true a _ = a
false _ b = b
filterChurchList' :: (a -> ChurchBool r) -> ChurchList a r -> ChurchList a r
filterChurchList' pred = foldChurchList step nil
where step x xs = pred x (cons x xs) xs
This sort of transformation can be done for basically any type, so in theory, you could get rid of all "value" types in Haskell, and keep only the () type, the (->) and IO type constructors, return and >>= for IO, and a suitable set of IO primitives. This would obviously be hella impractical—and it would perform worse (try writing tailChurchList :: ChurchList a r -> ChurchList a r for a taste).
Is getChar :: IO Char a function or not? Haskell Report doesn't provide us with a definition. But it states that getChar is a function (see here). (Well, at least we can say that it is a function.)
So I think the answer is YES.
I don't think there can be correct definition of "function" except "everything is a function". (What is "correct definition"? Good question...) Consider the next example:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Control.Applicative
f :: Applicative f => f Int
f = pure 1
g1 :: Maybe Int
g1 = f
g2 :: Int -> Int
g2 = f
Is f a function or datatype? It depends.
Pure functional programming languages do not allow mutable data, but some computations are more naturally/intuitively expressed in an imperative way -- or an imperative version of an algorithm may be more efficient. I am aware that most functional languages are not pure, and let you assign/reassign variables and do imperative things but generally discourage it.
My question is, why not allow local state to be manipulated in local variables, but require that functions can only access their own locals and global constants (or just constants defined in an outer scope)? That way, all functions maintain referential transparency (they always give the same return value given the same arguments), but within a function, a computation can be expressed in imperative terms (like, say, a while loop).
IO and such could still be accomplished in the normal functional ways - through monads or passing around a "world" or "universe" token.
My question is, why not allow local state to be manipulated in local variables, but require that functions can only access their own locals and global constants (or just constants defined in an outer scope)?
Good question. I think the answer is that mutable locals are of limited practical value but mutable heap-allocated data structures (primarily arrays) are enormously valuable and form the backbone of many important collections including efficient stacks, queues, sets and dictionaries. So restricting mutation to locals only would not give an otherwise purely functional language any of the important benefits of mutation.
On a related note, communicating sequential processes exchanging purely functional data structures offer many of the benefits of both worlds because the sequential processes can use mutation internally, e.g. mutable message queues are ~10x faster than any purely functional queues. For example, this is idiomatic in F# where the code in a MailboxProcessor uses mutable data structures but the messages communicated between them are immutable.
Sorting is a good case study in this context. Sedgewick's quicksort in C is short and simple and hundreds of times faster than the fastest purely functional sort in any language. The reason is that quicksort mutates the array in-place. Mutable locals would not help. Same story for most graph algorithms.
The short answer is: there are systems to allow what you want. For example, you can do it using the ST monad in Haskell (as referenced in the comments).
The ST monad approach is from Haskell's Control.Monad.ST. Code written in the ST monad can use references (STRef) where convenient. The nice part is that you can even use the results of the ST monad in pure code, as it is essentially self-contained (this is basically what you were wanting in the question).
The proof of this self-contained property is done through the type-system. The ST monad carries a state-thread parameter, usually denoted with a type-variable s. When you have such a computation you'll have monadic result, with a type like:
foo :: ST s Int
To actually turn this into a pure result, you have to use
runST :: (forall s . ST s a) -> a
You can read this type like: give me a computation where the s type parameter doesn't matter, and I can give you back the result of the computation, without the ST baggage. This basically keeps the mutable ST variables from escaping, as they would carry the s with them, which would be caught by the type system.
This can be used to good effect on pure structures that are implemented with underlying mutable structures (like the vector package). One can cast off the immutability for a limited time to do something that mutates the underlying array in place. For example, one could combine the immutable Vector with an impure algorithms package to keep the most of the performance characteristics of the in place sorting algorithms and still get purity.
In this case it would look something like:
pureSort :: Ord a => Vector a -> Vector a
pureSort vector = runST $ do
mutableVector <- thaw vector
sort mutableVector
freeze mutableVector
The thaw and freeze functions are linear-time copying, but this won't disrupt the overall O(n lg n) running time. You can even use unsafeFreeze to avoid another linear traversal, as the mutable vector isn't used again.
"Pure functional programming languages do not allow mutable data" ... actually it does, you just simply have to recognize where it lies hidden and see it for what it is.
Mutability is where two things have the same name and mutually exclusive times of existence so that they may be treated as "the same thing at different times". But as every Zen philosopher knows, there is no such thing as "same thing at different times". Everything ceases to exist in an instant and is inherited by its successor in possibly changed form, in a (possibly) uncountably-infinite succession of instants.
In the lambda calculus, mutability thus takes the form illustrated by the following example: (λx (λx f(x)) (x+1)) (x+1), which may also be rendered as "let x = x + 1 in let x = x + 1 in f(x)" or just "x = x + 1, x = x + 1, f(x)" in a more C-like notation.
In other words, "name clash" of the "lambda calculus" is actually "update" of imperative programming, in disguise. They are one and the same - in the eyes of the Zen (who is always right).
So, let's refer to each instant and state of the variable as the Zen Scope of an object. One ordinary scope with a mutable object equals many Zen Scopes with constant, unmutable objects that either get initialized if they are the first, or inherit from their predecessor if they are not.
When people say "mutability" they're misidentifying and confusing the issue. Mutability (as we've just seen here) is a complete red herring. What they actually mean (even unbeknonwst to themselves) is infinite mutability; i.e. the kind which occurs in cyclic control flow structures. In other words, what they're actually referring to - as being specifically "imperative" and not "functional" - is not mutability at all, but cyclic control flow structures along with the infinite nesting of Zen Scopes that this entails.
The key feature that lies absent in the lambda calculus is, thus, seen not as something that may be remedied by the inclusion of an overwrought and overthought "solution" like monads (though that doesn't exclude the possibility of it getting the job done) but as infinitary terms.
A control flow structure is the wrapping of an unwrapped (possibility infinite) decision tree structure. Branches may re-converge. In the corresponding unwrapped structure, they appear as replicated, but separate, branches or subtrees. Goto's are direct links to subtrees. A goto or branch that back-branches to an earlier part of a control flow structure (the very genesis of the "cycling" of a cyclic control flow structure) is a link to an identically-shaped copy of the entire structure being linked to. Corresponding to each structure is its Universally Unrolled decision tree.
More precisely, we may think of a control-flow structure as a statement that precedes an actual expression that conditions the value of that expression. The archetypical case in point is Landin's original case, itself (in his 1960's paper, where he tried to lambda-ize imperative languages): let x = 1 in f(x). The "x = 1" part is the statement, the "f(x)" is the value being conditioned by the statement. In C-like form, we could write this as x = 1, f(x).
More generally, corresponding to each statement S and expression Q is an expression S[Q] which represents the result Q after S is applied. Thus, (x = 1)[f(x)] is just λx f(x) (x + 1). The S wraps around the Q. If S contains cyclic control flow structures, the wrapping will be infinitary.
When Landin tried to work out this strategy, he hit a hard wall when he got to the while loop and went "Oops. Never mind." and fell back into what become an overwrought and overthought solution, while this simple (and in retrospect, obvious) answer eluded his notice.
A while loop "while (x < n) x = x + 1;" - which has the "infinite mutability" mentioned above, may itself be treated as an infinitary wrapper, "if (x < n) { x = x + 1; if (x < 1) { x = x + 1; if (x < 1) { x = x + 1; ... } } }". So, when it wraps around an expression Q, the result is (in C-like notation) "x < n? (x = x + 1, x < n? (x = x + 1, x < n? (x = x + 1, ...): Q): Q): Q", which may be directly rendered in lambda form as "x < n? (λx x < n (λx x < n? (λx·...) (x + 1): Q) (x + 1): Q) (x + 1): Q". This shows directly the connection between cyclicity and infinitariness.
This is an infinitary expression that, despite being infinite, has only a finite number of distinct subexpressions. Just as we can think of there being a Universally Unrolled form to this expression - which is similar to what's shown above (an infinite decision tree) - we can also think of there being a Maximally Rolled form, which could be obtained by labelling each of the distinct subexpressions and referring to the labels, instead. The key subexpressions would then be:
A: x < n? goto B: Q
B: x = x + 1, goto A
The subexpression labels, here, are "A:" and "B:", while the references to the subexpressions so labelled as "goto A" and "goto B", respectively. So, by magic, the very essence of Imperativitity emerges directly out of the infinitary lambda calculus, without any need to posit it separately or anew.
This way of viewing things applies even down to the level of binary files. Every interpretation of every byte (whether it be a part of an opcode of an instruction that starts 0, 1, 2 or more bytes back, or as part of a data structure) can be treated as being there in tandem, so that the binary file is a rolling up of a much larger universally unrolled structure whose physical byte code representation overlaps extensively with itself.
Thus, emerges the imperative programming language paradigm automatically out of the pure lambda calculus, itself, when the calculus is extended to include infinitary terms. The control flow structure is directly embodied in the very structure of the infinitary expression, itself; and thus requires no additional hacks (like Landin's or later descendants, like monads) - as it's already there.
This synthesis of the imperative and functional paradigms arose in the late 1980's via the USENET, but has not (yet) been published. Part of it was already implicit in the treatment (dating from around the same time) given to languages, like Prolog-II, and the much earlier treatment of cyclic recursive structures by infinitary expressions by Irene Guessarian LNCS 99 "Algebraic Semantics".
Now, earlier I said that the magma-based formulation might get you to the same place, or to an approximation thereof. I believe there is a kind of universal representation theorem of some sort, which asserts that the infinitary based formulation provides a purely syntactic representation, and that the semantics that arise from the monad-based representation factors through this as "monad-based semantics" = "infinitary lambda calculus" + "semantics of infinitary languages".
Likewise, we may think of the "Q" expressions above as being continuations; so there may also be a universal representation theorem for continuation semantics, which similarly rolls this formulation back into the infinitary lambda calculus.
At this point, I've said nothing about non-rational infinitary terms (i.e. infinitary terms which possess an infinite number of distinct subterms and no finite Minimal Rolling) - particularly in relation to interprocedural control flow semantics. Rational terms suffice to account for loops and branches, and so provide a platform for intraprocedural control flow semantics; but not as much so for the call-return semantics that are the essential core element of interprocedural control flow semantics, if you consider subprograms to be directly represented as embellished, glorified macros.
There may be something similar to the Chomsky hierarchy for infinitary term languages; so that type 3 corresponds to rational terms, type 2 to "algebraic terms" (those that can be rolled up into a finite set of "goto" references and "macro" definitions), and type 0 for "transcendental terms". That is, for me, an unresolved loose end, as well.
In functional programming, what terminology is used to distinguish between avoiding modifying what a variable refers to, and avoiding modifying an object itself?
For example, in Ruby,
name += title
avoids modifying the object previously referred to by name, instead creating a new object, but regrettably makes name refer to the new object, whereas
full_title = name + title
not only avoids modifying objects, it avoids modifying what name refers to.
What terminology would you use for code that avoids the former?
Using a name to refer to something other than what it did in an enclosing/previous scope is known as "shadowing" that name. It is indeed distinct from mutation. In Haskell, for example I can write
return 1 >>= \x -> return (x + 1) >>= \x -> print x.
The x that is printed is the one introduced by the second lambda, i.e., 2.
In do notation this looks a bit more familiar:
foo = do
x <- return 1
x <- return (x + 1)
print x
As I understand it, Erlang forbids aliasing altogether.
However, I suspect that mathepic is right in terms of Ruby -- its not just shadowing the name but mutating some underlying obect. On the other hand, I don't know Ruby that well...
I think functional programming languages simply do not have any operators that destructively updates one of the source operands (is destructive update, perhaps, the term you're looking for?). A similar philosophy is seen in instruction set design: the RISC philosophy (increasingly used in even the x86 architecture, in the newer extensions) is to have three-operand instructions for binary operators, where you have to explicitly specify that the target operand is the same as one of the sources if you want destructive update.
For the latter, some hybrid languages (like Scala; the same terminologies are used in X10) distinguish between values (val) and variables (var). The former cannot be reassigned, the latter can. If they point to a mutable object, then of course that object itself can still be modified.
I'm interested in building a derivative calculator. I've racked my brains over solving the problem, but I haven't found a right solution at all. May you have a hint how to start? Thanks
I'm sorry! I clearly want to make symbolic differentiation.
Let's say you have the function f(x) = x^3 + 2x^2 + x
I want to display the derivative, in this case f'(x) = 3x^2 + 4x + 1
I'd like to implement it in objective-c for the iPhone.
I assume that you're trying to find the exact derivative of a function. (Symbolic differentiation)
You need to parse the mathematical expression and store the individual operations in the function in a tree structure.
For example, x + sin²(x) would be stored as a + operation, applied to the expression x and a ^ (exponentiation) operation of sin(x) and 2.
You can then recursively differentiate the tree by applying the rules of differentiation to each node. For example, a + node would become the u' + v', and a * node would become uv' + vu'.
you need to remember your calculus. basically you need two things: table of derivatives of basic functions and rules of how to derivate compound expressions (like d(f + g)/dx = df/dx + dg/dx). Then take expressions parser and recursively go other the tree. (http://www.sosmath.com/tables/derivative/derivative.html)
Parse your string into an S-expression (even though this is usually taken in Lisp context, you can do an equivalent thing in pretty much any language), easiest with lex/yacc or equivalent, then write a recursive "derive" function. In OCaml-ish dialect, something like this:
let rec derive var = function
| Const(_) -> Const(0)
| Var(x) -> if x = var then Const(1) else Deriv(Var(x), Var(var))
| Add(x, y) -> Add(derive var x, derive var y)
| Mul(a, b) -> Add(Mul(a, derive var b), Mul(derive var a, b))
(If you don't know OCaml syntax - derive is two-parameter recursive function, with first parameter the variable name, and the second being mathched in successive lines; for example, if this parameter is a structure of form Add(x, y), return the structure Add built from two fields, with values of derived x and derived y; and similarly for other cases of what derive might receive as a parameter; _ in the first pattern means "match anything")
After this you might have some clean-up function to tidy up the resultant expression (reducing fractions etc.) but this gets complicated, and is not necessary for derivation itself (i.e. what you get without it is still a correct answer).
When your transformation of the s-exp is done, reconvert the resultant s-exp into string form, again with a recursive function
SLaks already described the procedure for symbolic differentiation. I'd just like to add a few things:
Symbolic math is mostly parsing and tree transformations. ANTLR is a great tool for both. I'd suggest starting with this great book Language implementation patterns
There are open-source programs that do what you want (e.g. Maxima). Dissecting such a program might be interesting, too (but it's probably easier to understand what's going on if you tried to write it yourself, first)
Probably, you also want some kind of simplification for the output. For example, just applying the basic derivative rules to the expression 2 * x would yield 2 + 0*x. This can also be done by tree processing (e.g. by transforming 0 * [...] to 0 and [...] + 0 to [...] and so on)
For what kinds of operations are you wanting to compute a derivative? If you allow trigonometric functions like sine, cosine and tangent, these are probably best stored in a table while others like polynomials may be much easier to do. Are you allowing for functions to have multiple inputs,e.g. f(x,y) rather than just f(x)?
Polynomials in a single variable would be my suggestion and then consider adding in trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential and other advanced functions to compute derivatives which may be harder to do.
Symbolic differentiation over common functions (+, -, *, /, ^, sin, cos, etc.) ignoring regions where the function or its derivative is undefined is easy. What's difficult, perhaps counterintuitively, is simplifying the result afterward.
To do the differentiation, store the operations in a tree (or even just in Polish notation) and make a table of the derivative of each of the elementary operations. Then repeatedly apply the chain rule and the elementary derivatives, together with setting the derivative of a constant to 0. This is fast and easy to implement.