botkit middleware - How to use sendToWatson to update context? - watson-conversation

I use as my reference.
The context in my conversation does not update.
Here is my bot-facebook.js.
function checkBalance(context, callback) {
var contextDelta = {
user_name: 'Henrietta',
fname: 'Pewdiepie'
callback(null, context);
var checkBalanceAsync = Promise.promisify(checkBalance);
var processWatsonResponse = function (bot, message) {
if (message.watsonError) {
return bot.reply(message, "I'm sorry, but for technical reasons I can't respond to your message");
if (typeof message.watsonData.output !== 'undefined') {
//send "Please wait" to users
bot.reply(message, message.watsonData.output.text.join('\n'));
if (message.watsonData.output.action === 'check_balance') {
var newMessage = clone(message);
newMessage.text = 'check new name';
checkBalanceAsync(message.watsonData.context).then(function (contextDelta) {
console.log("contextDelta: " + JSON.stringify(contextDelta));
return watsonMiddleware.sendToWatsonAsync(bot, newMessage, contextDelta);
}).catch(function (error) {
newMessage.watsonError = error;
}).then(function () {
return processWatsonResponse(bot, newMessage);
controller.on('message_received', processWatsonResponse);
The JSON editor of welcome node in my watson conversation.
"context": {
"fname": "",
"user_name": ""
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Good day :) My name is Doug and I am a chatbot."
"selection_policy": "random"
"action": "check_balance"
I have tried multiple ways I could imagine.
Do I need to do something like fname: <?contextDelta.fname?> in the json editor?

You aren't checking context in your dialog.
Context object in JSON editor is used to store captured data in context,
so your node actually empties context variable.
Probably you need to remove that context initialization from your dialog,
To see value of context variable, you have to use it in the output
"Good day, $fname :) My name is Doug and I am a chatbot."


Mongoose Schema Custom Async Validator throwing TypeError - callback is not a function error

Trying to make a custom async schema validator in mongoose, to check that "tags" for a course being created contains at least one item. (Using SetTimeout() to simulate async). The part of the Schema for tags is :
tags: {
type: Array,
validate: {
isAsync: true,
validator: function (v, cb) {
setTimeout(() => {
//do some async work
const result = v && v.length > 0;
}, 3000);
message: "A course should have at least one tag!",
The code for creating a course is:
async function createCourse() {
const course = new Course({
name: "Node.js Course",
author: "Anon",
category: "web",
tags: [],
isPublished: true,
price: 13,
try {
const result = await;
cl("createCourse result", result);
} catch (ex) {
cl("createCourse validate error", ex.message);
I have an empty array for tags and expected the caught error "A course should have at least one tag". Instead I am getting TypeError: cb is not a function for cb(result), the callback result? Even if I have an item in the tags array it still gives the callback error and in fact it displays the createCourse result BEFORE the schema async completes and then throws the error when it does complete! (If I dont use the async validator but just a plain validator then it works fine).
tags: {
type: Array,
validate: {
validator: function(v) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(v && v.length > 0);
}, 3000);
message: 'A course should have at least one tag.'
After trial and error, I came up with the solution below. No changes needed to createCourse(), just to the Schema tags section and added a delay function.
tags: {
type: Array,
validate: {
//isAsync: true,
validator: async function (v) {
await delay(3);
const result = v && v.length > 0;
return result;
message: "A Document should have at least one tag!",
And this calls a delay function, used to simulate a "real" async situation where this data may be being saved to a remote server.
const delay = (n) => {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, n * 1000);

How do I access data in GraphQL if not by the id?

I'm using GraphQL with Meteor and Pup v2, and I have a problem accessing the users data via a special ID provided to every user on signup, this ID will be used in a link ( so other users can view the searched users account. Problem is, I can't get the data with the special ID, I can't get any data back if I don't pass in the users _id provided by MongoDB. Below I have a bunch of the code used:
Attempt 1
I tried to use a custom on-the-go way just to be able to at least access the data to see if it works (and then implement it correctly later)
const GET_USER_DETAILS = gql`
query user($userId: String) {
user(userId: $userId) {
Here I export so I can get the data:
export default compose(
options: ({ match }) => ({
fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
variables: {
// existing specialId for testing purposes, to be replaced with match.params.userId
userId: "J4xZzvvhBDSEufnBn",
This returns a 400 error Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 400 error and after multiple attempts, I could not fix it, so I tried a different approach...
Attempt 2
I tried to go deep into the files and change the GraphQL. Created a new query:
query userById($userId: String) {
userById(userId: $userId) {
(Mentioned fragment)
fragment UserAttributes on User {
name {
roles {
settings {
Tried to add new item in API:
type Query {
userById(userId: String): User
resolvers: {
Query: {
userById: (parent, args) => {
// Assuming args equals an object like { _id: '123' };
return UserQueries.userById(args);
query.js, attempt 1:
userById: (parent) => queryUsers.find({ userId: parent.userId }, { sort: { createdAt: 1 } }).fetch()
Attempt 2:
userById: (parent, args, context) => {
return queryUsers({
userId: parent.userId,
And finally
Attempt 3
I tried to modify the get query
const getQueryModified = (options) => {
// console.log(options.userId)
try {
return options.userId
? { 'userId': options.userId }
: { userId: options.userId };
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(`[queryUsers.getQuery] ${exception.message}`);
Here is the original query I tried to modify:
const getQuery = (options) => {
try {
? {
_id: { $ne: options.currentUser._id },
$or: [
{ '': },
{ '': },
{ 'emails.address': },
// { 'userId': },
{ 'services.facebook.first_name': },
{ 'services.facebook.last_name': },
{ '': },
: { _id: options.currentUser._id };
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(`[queryUsers.getQuery] ${exception.message}`);
Unfortunately this was also unsuccessful, the best I get from these when executing the below query is null...
userById(userId: "J4xZzvvhBDSEufnBn"){
All I want is to get the user data from their userId and not their _id, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it

How do i convert a single json record retrieved from firebase into an array

I am trying to take a single record from firebase to use in vuejs but I cant find out how to convert it to an array, if thats even what i should be doing.
my mutation
GET_CASE(state, caseId) {
state.caseId = caseId;
My action
getCase ({ commit, context }, data) {
return axios.get('http' + data + '.json')
.then(res => {
const convertcase = []
convertcase.push({ data: })
//result below of what is returned from the
// commit('GET_CASE', convertcase)
.catch(e => context.error(e));
I now get the following returned to {{ myCase }}
[ { "data": { case_name: "Broken laptop", case_status: "live", case_summary: "This is some summary content", contact: "", createdBy: "Paul", createdDate: "2018-06-21T15:20:22.932Z", assessor: "Gould", updates: "" } } ]
when all i want to display is Broken Laptop
Example let obj = {a: 1, b: 'a'); let arr = Object.values(obj) // arr = [1, 'a']
async getCase ({ commit, context }, url) {
try {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http${url}.json`)
commit('myMutation', Object.values(data))
} catch (error) {
But as I'm reading your post again, I think you don't want array from object. You want array with one object. So, maybe this is what you want:
async getCase ({ commit, context }, url) {
try {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http${url}.json`)
commit('myMutation', [data])
} catch (error) {
Put this inside / after your .then
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k, i) {
console.log(k, i);
With a response from Axios, you can get your data as:
Just build JavaScript object holding these properties and pass this object to your mutation. I think it is better than using an array.
const obj = {};
commit('GET_CASE', obj)
And in your mutation you do as follows:
mutations: {
GET_CASE (state, payload) {
for (var k in payload) {
if (payload.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
state[k] = payload[k]
Alternatively you can code your store as follows:
state: {
case: {},
getters: {
getCase: state => {
mutations: {
GET_CASE (state, payload) { = payload
and you call the value of a case field form a component as follows:
const case = this.$store.getters.getCase
..... = case.case_name

Alexa skill, custom slot - date and time

I've created a skill and i want to be able to call upon a machine state at a certain date and time from my dynamo db table.
my first column is date and my sort key is time.
Would i need to create a custom slot for date with all 365 daysof the year or is there a quicker way to do this? Also would i need to create a custom slot for every minute of the day.
var AWSregion = 'us-east-1'; // us-east-1
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var dbClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
region: "'us-east-1'"
let GetMachineStateIntent = (context, callback) => {
var params = {
TableName: "updatedincident",
Key: {
date: "2018-03-28",
time: "04:23",
dbClient.get(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
// failed to read from table for some reason..
console.log('failed to load data item:\n' + JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
// let skill tell the user that it couldn't find the data
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: "the data could not be loaded from your database",
endSession: false
} else {
console.log('loaded data item:\n' + JSON.stringify(data.Item, null, 2));
// assuming the item has an attribute called "incident"..
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: data.Item.incident,
endSession: false
function sendResponse(context, callback, responseOptions) {
if(typeof callback === 'undefined') {
} else {
callback(null, buildResponse(responseOptions));
function buildResponse(options) {
var alexaResponse = {
version: "1.0",
response: {
outputSpeech: {
"type": "SSML",
"ssml": `<speak><prosody rate="slow">${options.output}</prosody></speak>`
shouldEndSession: options.endSession
if (options.repromptText) {
alexaResponse.response.reprompt = {
outputSpeech: {
"type": "SSML",
"ssml": `<speak><prosody rate="slow">${options.reprompt}</prosody></speak>`
return alexaResponse;
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
try {
var request = event.request;
if (request.type === "LaunchRequest") {
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: "welcome to my skill. what data are you looking for?",
endSession: false
else if (request.type === "IntentRequest") {
let options = {};
if ( === "GetMachineStateIntent") {
GetMachineStateIntent(context, callback);
} else if ( === "AMAZON.StopIntent" || === "AMAZON.CancelIntent") {
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: "ok. good bye!",
endSession: true
else if ( === "AMAZON.HelpIntent") {
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: "you can ask me about incidents that have happened",
reprompt: "what can I help you with?",
endSession: false
else {
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: "I don't know that one! please try again!",
endSession: false
else if (request.type === "SessionEndedRequest") {
sendResponse(context, callback, ""); // no response needed
else {
// an unexpected request type received.. just say I don't know..
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: "I don't know that one! please try again!",
endSession: false
} catch (e) {
// handle the error by logging it and sending back an failure
console.log('Unexpected error occurred in the skill handler!', e);
if(typeof callback === 'undefined') {"Unexpected error");
} else {
callback("Unexpected error");
The short answer is no
In your interaction model you can supply the following built in slot types for your date and time slots:
built-in Date slot:
built-in Time slot:
The docs explain what type of utterances map to each.
For instance, you could create an interaction model where you set up an intent, let's call it GetMachineStateIntent and then map the following utterances to this model:
what was the machine state at {Time} on {Date}
what was the state of the machine at {Time} on {Date}
what was the machine state at {Time} {Date}
what was the state of the machine at {Time} {Date}
what was the machine state on {Date} at {Time}
what was the state of the machine on {Date} {Time}
what was the machine state {Date} at {Time}
what was the state of the machine {Date} {Time}
In your skill, you would handle the GetMachineStateIntent and in the request you will receive the filled in values for each of the two slots.
As a first step, while building the interaction model, it would be good to have Alexa simply respond back with speech confirming that it received the date and time slot values from your request.
For example, you might include something like:
if (request.type === "IntentRequest" && == "GetMachineStateIntent") {
var dateSlot = request.intent.slots.Date != null ?
request.intent.slots.Date.value : "unknown date";
var timeSlot = request.intent.slots.Time != null ?
request.intent.slots.Time.value : "unknown time";
// respond with speech saying back what the skill thinks the user requested
sendResponse(context, callback, {
output: "You wanted the machine state at "
+ timeSlot + " on " + dateSlot,
endSession: true

How do I access the error contents when using futures in Meteor?

I am using futures to make an async call to balanced payments. I want to catch errors and feed them back to the user so I can tell them why their payment failed.
Here is what I get on the server console. How can I parse out the errors[0].status, or errors[0].category_code from this error? I've tried to simply console.log(error[0].status);, but this does nothing.
I20140616-14:38:59.169(0)? "errors": [
I20140616-14:38:59.169(0)? {
I20140616-14:38:59.170(0)? "status": "Conflict",
I20140616-14:38:59.170(0)? "category_code": "card-not-validated",
I20140616-14:38:59.170(0)? "additional": null,
I20140616-14:38:59.170(0)? "status_code": 409,
I20140616-14:38:59.171(0)? "category_type": "logical",
I20140616-14:38:59.171(0)? "extras": {},
I20140616-14:38:59.171(0)? "request_id": "OHMf39d5030f56311e39cde02a
I20140616-14:38:59.171(0)? "description": "Card cannot be validated.
Your request id is OHMf39d5030f56311e39cde02a1fe53e539."
I20140616-14:38:59.172(0)? }
I20140616-14:38:59.172(0)? ]
Here is the future function I'm using.
var Future = Npm.require("fibers/future");
function extractFromPromise(promise) {
var fut = new Future();
promise.then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {
return fut.wait();
I call this function from my code using something like this.
var customerData = extractFromPromise(balanced.marketplace.customers.create({
'name': customerInfo.fname + " " + customerInfo.lname,
"address": {
"state": customerInfo.region,
"line1": customerInfo.address_line1,
"line2": customerInfo.address_line2,
"postal_code": customerInfo.postal_code,
'email': customerInfo.email_address,
'phone': customerInfo.phone_number
I had some help and got the answer. Hope this helps others. Here is the rewrite of the code I initially wrote.
The future code was both returning and throwing the error, so that was removed, the code was cleaned up a bit as well.
var Future = Npm.require("fibers/future");
function extractFromPromise(promise) {
var fut = new Future();
promise.then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {
return fut.wait();
And then the whole thing is wrapped in a try catch. I console log out the different parts of the message. Turned out that the JSON was stringified, so that had to be parsed first, then I could access the error like normal JSON data. And I've just learned that no errors will get back to the client unless you use the Meteor.error syntax first.
var customerData;
try {
customerData = extractFromPromise(balanced.marketplace.customers.create({
'name': customerInfo.fname + " " + customerInfo.lname,
"address": {
"state": customerInfo.region,
"line1": customerInfo.address_line1,
"line2": customerInfo.address_line2,
"postal_code": customerInfo.postal_code,
'email': customerInfo.email_address,
'phone': customerInfo.phone_number
} catch (e) {
var error = JSON.parse(e.message).errors[0];
throw new Meteor.Error(error.category_code, error.status_code, error.description, error.extras);
