How to get lua variables back into nginx variables - nginx

I have a lua script that uses lua-resty to call another service via co-sockets.
Now I would like to use the information from this call to route the request in nginx.
nginx includes the lua script in access_by_lua*
which sets the var like this:
ngx.var.blocked = '1'
and routes in the location like this:
if ( $blocked ) {
proxy_pass http://haproxy-9001;
the problem is now that nginx does not pick up the variable change (in this phase).
if I include the lua script in set_by_lua* phase then the variable passing works but I dont have access to the co-sockets in this phase.
Any idea how to get the variable out of lua land into the nginx variable in the access_by_lua, rewrite_by_lua or content_by_lua phase so that I can use the co-socket api to make a http call?

if nginx directive is implemented by
Obviously it works on rewrite phase, so your changes at access phase doesn't work.
Just don't use if. Below is snippet from one of my nginx config:
proxy_pass $scheme://$upstream$uri$is_args$args;
Just set $upstream variable at access phase and it will work at content phase (proxy_pass).

Maybe you could capture location with that proxy instead of variable, it works in access_by_lua scope


Is it possible to have live reloading of lua scripts using openresty and docker?

I'm newish to LUA and want to practice some LUA scripting using nginx/openrestry.
Is there a workflow where I can use docker that runs openresty, and link my laptops filesystem to my docker container such that when I make a change to my lua script, I can quickly reload openrestry server so I can quickly see my lua changes take effect?
Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
You can disable Lua code cache — — add lua_code_cache off inside the http or server directive block. This is not actually “hot reload”, it's more like php request lifecycle:
every request served by ngx_lua will run in a separate Lua VM instance
You can think of it as if the code is hot–reloaded on each request.
However, pay attention to this:
Please note however, that Lua code written inlined within nginx.conf [...] will not be updated
It means that you should move all your Lua code from the nginx config to Lua modules and only require them:
server {
lua_code_cache off;
location /foo {
content_by_lua_block {
-- OK, the module will be imported (recompiled) on each request
location /bar {
content_by_lua_block {
-- Bad, this inlined code won't be reloaded unless nginx is reloaded.
-- Move this code to a function inside a Lua module
-- (e.g., `mymodule.lua`).
local method = ngx.req.get_method()
if method == 'GET' then
-- handle GET
elseif method == 'POST' then
-- handle POST
return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED)
Then you can mount your Lua code from the host to the container using --mount or --volume:

Use Environment Variable or Parameter in nginx.conf

I try to add a proxy_pass in the nginx.conf like
location /example/ {
But instead of hard coding in the conf file I want to have this value in an environment variable.
How can I use environment variables in nginx.conf? Or is there a better way with nginx no have external configuration?
If you want pure environment variables into nginx config, you will need implements some code in Lua Language:
If you don't have a high load on this NGinx, I recommend implements this above solution.
In my specific case, to reduce CPU load, I prefer to use separated files with variables and a script in rc.local (or dockerfile) to change these files when launch the machine.
include backends/;
location ~ ^/exemple {
proxy_pass $exemple;
set $exemple {BACKEND};
sed -i "s#set \$exemple.*#set \$exemple $HOSTNAME\;#" /etc/nginx/backends/
To the last solution works, I need change the NGinx start order on O.S.
You can use lua.
set_by_lua $curr_domain_name 'return os.getenv("DOMAIN")';
add_header Content-Security-Policy 'script-src ${curr_domain_name}';
This worked for me.

Avoid redirect cycle when combining access_by_lua with ngx.exec to a (named) location

I want to change an existing nginx configuration in a way where I can completely "mask" the configuration and proxy everything to the upstream when a certain cookie is available (to hide a certain server).
This includes not just some location directives but basically every location directive (as opposed to set or map a variable and update n-location's try_files and more).
My basic idea was to use lua and jump into the Rewrite/Access phase like this:
access_by_lua_block {
# proceed as usual if our cookie is not detected
if ngx.var.cookie_demo ~= nil and string.len(ngx.var.cookie_demo) ~= 32 then
# proxy and return w/out further processing
return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK)
# proxy upstream
location #ngxbackend {
include /etc/nginx/proxy_params_demo;
proxy_pass https://demo-upstreams;
But this leads to an ERR with rewrite or internal redirection cycle while redirect to named location "#ngxbackend" as the named location is probably never reached because of the access_by_lua_block after it's internal redirect.
Can I solve this by use of variables and further condition checking?

Proxy a request - get a parameter from URL, add a header and update request URL using Nginx

I am looking for a way to do the following using Nginx:
Intercept a request
Read URL, parse it and read a value from it.
Add that value as a new request header
Update the URL (remove a particular value)
Forward the request to another server
Request URL - http://<<nginx>>/test/001.xml/25
Final URL - http://<<server>>/test/001.xml with header (x-replica: 25)
I have a nginx server setup with a upstream for the actual server. I was wondering how do I setup Nginx to achieve this ?
Since the data exists within the request URI itself (available by the $uri variable in nginx), you can parse that using the nginx lua module. nginx will need to be compiled with lua for this to work, see: openresty's nginx lua module.
From there you can use the set_by_lua_block or set_by_lua_file directive given $uri as a parameter.
In configuration this would look something like:
location / {
set_by_lua_file $var_to_set /path/to/script.lua $uri;
# $var_to_set would contain the result of the script from this point
proxy_set_header X-Replica $var_to_set;
In script.lua we can access the $uri variable from in the ngx.arg list (see these docs):
function parse_uri( uri )
parsed_uri = uri
-- Parse logic here
return parsed_uri
return parse_uri( ngx.arg[1] )
Similarly, you can modify this function or create another to make a variable with the updated $uri.

Nginx how to pass a parameter to proxy server?

I have a very simple problem but I am new to nginx so I may be missing some obvious solution.
So I have a location defined in nginx
I would like to pass $id to parametrized route on my proxy server like so$id
This gives me unknown id variable on nginx reload. So my question is how can I pass a parameter from nginx to my proxy server.
Assuming all the rest are correctly set, you can just create a location with a regex and pass the captured variable to your proxy.
location ~ ^/example/(.+)$ {
If your $id is numeric only, the regex could be more restrictive
location ~ ^/example/(\d+)$ {
Note that you can't just use a variable without declaring it first. Declaring $id is not necessary, it is captured inside the parentheses of the regex and passed to $1
