Nginx https proxy pass - zanata - nginx

i have a central reverse proxy with nginx, and inside of my environment i have a unified development tool like this:
and some applications like jenkins, artifactory.. working very well
but now i tryed to add another application (zanata) working in my docker server listening in following address:
in dev.conf in my nginx server i added the follow configuration for reverse proxy:
location /zanata {
but returns blank page and 404 http code in access log.
if i remove /zanata like this:
working fine and go to the wildfly welcome page.
somebody have a idea for this work this configuration?

I think yo use https on top of your proxy and when zanata redirect it replaces the protocol by http.
curl -vvv to see that.
edit your proxy to redirect http to https and it should work.
something like this :
server {
listen 80;`
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;


Setting up Jenkins with Nginx reverse proxy

I have a Jenkins environment setup, running off a EC2 instance and trying to get port 80 mapped to port 8080.
A suggestion made (and the way most of the configurations I've seen recommended) uses Nginx to do a reverse proxy.
I have installed Nginx on the server, and added to sites-available the following:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
proxy_read_timeout 60s;
# Fix the "It appears that your reverse proxy set up is broken" error.
# Make sure the domain name is correct
proxy_redirect http://localhost:8080;
I hit the IP address of the jenkins environment, it shows me the Ngnix welcome screen and Jenkins still loads against port 8080 not port 80.
Do I need to specific the current URL (I've not pointed the sub-domain yet to the EC2 instance where I have specified localhost? I've tried it but no joy).
Few things to note.
You need to add to your Host entries and point it to the instance where you are running NginX. Then use the FQDN to access Jenkins. Also there is a typo in your proxy_redirect where you have added https URL instead of fix that as well. Other than that your NginX configurations look fine.
If you keep on getting the NginX welcome page even though you are accessing through the FQDN, that means your configurations are not being picked up by NginX. Try creating a new file like jenkins.conf and add it to /etc/nginx/conf.d. Then do a sudo systemctl restart nginx

DDEV: Redirect http to https using nginx-fpm and on various domains

I'm moving some small websites in production to DDEV and, some of them has multiple domains with a 301 redirection to the main HTTPS site.
This config was working well with the "natural" Nginx when I was using a .conf file to manage the domains that should be redirect to the main site on this way:
server {
listen 80;
return 301;
I tried to create a new domains.conf file and add it inside the .ddev/nginx_full directory to be loaded in the restart process but seems the Nginx didn't recognize such file.
In the main "natural" Nginx config file I has this server to redirect all requests coming from HTTP to HTTPS:
server {
listen 80;
access_log off;
error_log off;
return 301 https://www.$host$request_uri;
I tried to add these configs inside the .ddev/nginx_full/nginx-site.conf file but the server start to be crazy, doing sometimes infinite redirections and sometimes, not recognize the domains.
Inside the config.yaml file I have:
use_dns_when_possible: false
I'm sure that's a "right way" to handle this situation but, looking the docs, I didn't find and answer for that. On this way, I ask if someone here have the catch for that.
Thanks a lot
I think this will work for you.
Add the file .ddev/nginx/redirect.conf with these contents:
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http") {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
This uses a DDEV nginx snippet, it could also be done with a full nginx config.
The ddev-router acts as a reverse proxy that terminates SSL/443 and passes along requests on port 80 to the web container.
You see the infinite redirects because it sees the request always on port 80.

Should I use Nginx or Route53 for redirection?

I have problem that I don`t know how to fix. I want when someone go to get redirect to
So far I try to do it using Nginx using this code
server { Server_name return 301; }
But nothing happens I get 'DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN' error on my browser.
Can anyone help me how to solve this problem.
Also I want to mention that I have SSL (let`s encrypt) install on my ec2
can you try following code block for NGINX? Looks like you are missing http/https port number.
Once configured please validate the NGINX syntax and restart NGINX server.
server {
# For HTTP
listen 80;
listen 443;
return 301;

Deployement of Play! web app with Nginx

I'm trying to do some deploy on my webb app project with Play! and Nginx.
I followed the guide on Play! web site but it dosen't work. Sombody get to make it works?
Wich are the differences?
PS: My web app work, if I it localhost:9000 I get the page and if I hit only localhost I get the welcome message from Nginx, but I can't make them work together.
The problem is that you have changed the default port to 9000. Only using localhost/projectname is going through port 80. In order to do it that way you should change your default port to port 80.
I'd say you only need to do a proxy pass in nginx, replace the with your website name.
server {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9000;
if you don't want to create a separate server block, you can use a location block
location /webapp {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9000;
This way it would work by using http://localhost/webapp
Here is my nginx configuration:
upstream play_app {
server {
listen 7000;
location / {
proxy_pass http://play_app;
And then you just need to visit your website via: IP:7000

How to configure Nginx behind a corporate proxy

Is there an equivalent of apache's ProxyRemote directive for NginX?
So the scenario is I am behind a corporate proxy and I want to do proxy passes for various services with NginX. I would do it in Apache with the following:
ProxyPass /localStackOverflow/
ProxyPassReverse /localStackOverflow/
ProxyRemote http://(my corporate proxy IP)
I know I need the proxy_pass directive in NginX but can't find what I would use for the ProxyRemote.
Not sure how #tacos response can work - possibly something I'm missing but the only way I could sort of get this to work was by rewriting the url and passing on to the corporate proxy. This is shown below:
http {
server {
listen 80;
location / {
rewrite ^(.*)$ "$1" break;
This works, but does rewrite the url, not sure if this is important to the original use-case..
The servers you proxy behind an Nginx front-end web server are referred to as upstream servers. You will want to refer to the documentation for the HttpUpstreamModule. It's very similair to what you are familiar with. If you don't need load-balancing, you just setup the one upstream server in the configuration and it will serve your purpose.
