Bing Custom Search Instance showing results outside active domains (EDIT: Now giving no results for any queries) - microsoft-cognitive

Having a problem with Bing Custom Search.
I list only two entries in the Active tab:
Nothing listed under the "blocked" tab.
Run a search for "reports" and I get results from, which is clearly outside the parameters.
I also lost the ability to remove or edit active entries in a previous instance (I had to create a new instance to get them back). These icons ("controls") are no longer displayed in that instance.
Thanks for your assistance.
EDIT: Here's screen cap of a search for "candy" (once I removed the errant Actives):
EDIT 2: I removed all pinned entries and the problem seemed to go away, and I launched. But I went to check this afternoon and I'm now I'm getting no results for any queries. The following was a search for Downtown (which should have numerous results).
This is the return I get regardless of the query. Code has not changed since testing and launch. Placed the JS snippet again and getting the same result.

I can't seem to repro the out of domain result issue. Below is the snapshot. For controls, they shifted to right and they are difficult to see as there is a gap in UX between ranking adjustment and controls. You can scroll towards right and they should be visible. If you can't see the scrollbar, pls change the browser and try. I tried in edge and it works.
Can't repro with "candy" query. It's weird that you are seeing and I can't repro. Just make sure that you don't have anything pinned - pinned results are not shown in "active" tab. Else, you need Cognitive Services support team to look into this matter.


CLS issue only as a part of field data - how to diagnose it?

The website of PageSpeed Insight is the only place, where i get CLS issue in both of field and lab data.
Any other Lighthouse instance (by WPT, as API or by DevTools) displays CLS issue only in field data, not in the lab.
How can i diagnose correctly, which elements are causing CLS? Example.
PS: My question has the following cause: analyzing other websites i usually have under devtools → performance red diamonds layout shift, which, if clicked, display in tab Summary some data about this layout shift. Like on the screenshot:
But on the example site i get CLS diagnosted, but not displayed.
The synthetic (lab) tests only load the page (they do not interact with it), whereas field data is until page unload.
Immediately I can see one Layout shift is when you open either of the drop down menus, your scroll bars disappear (due to adding the class .overlayed) and the whole page shifts around. Synthetic tests do not open the menu so will never capture it, however this shouldn't actually contribute to CLS as it requires interaction to open (just something to fix).
The other thing I noticed is the bottom right corner icons cause a layout shift when you scroll and they collapse / open (the floating icons). This is likely to be the cause of CLS as it isn't via direct interaction. Scrolling does not count as user interaction when it comes to CLS.
My guess is that this is the one that gets found by synthetic tests sometimes and not others.
Finding Layout Shifts
In order to find layout shifts you can open developer tools, go to rendering panel (you may need to open it with "more tools") and click "Layout Shift Regions" so it is selected.
Now use the site and you will get a blue box around anything that shifts.
Or you could use performance traces
The other way is to run a performance trace in the performance tab and then just use the site. Once you are done complete the trace and it will tell you if a layout shift occurred and what item caused it.
Tracking them in the field
In order to capture layout shifts in the field yourself you should use something like Google Web Vitals library along with click / mouse position tracking etc and pipe it to your own backend or Google Analytics for analysis.
This lets you find issues with the page a lot more quickly and easily using Real User Metrics (RUM) data in real-time.

Bug with fIrebase database web viewer [duplicate]

When I try to delete or edit a node in my realtime database, I always get the info that I have to select a key with lesser elements to change something, else it is in read-only modus.
But when I click a low level node, nothing happens. So I actually can change nothing in my DB from console :(
A week ago I didn't see this warning and everything works great!
Any idea how I can get back to working version?
I also think the german translation is not very good, because it tells me that I should activate another mode. In English it says, that the mode got activated.
You're mixing three things here:
Your database console switched to read-only mode, which happens when you have a certain amount of data under it.
The warning is badly translated. Please file a bug report for that.
The database console doesn't handle clicks correctly anymore. I already reported that internally last week, and added your report to it. This bug has been fixed internally and will go into production by May 23.
Update 5/24/17:
Problem resolved. Works now.
It seems the ability to click on a child node and promote it to be the top element of the tree is broken. Doesn't work for me either, even on a small database that is not in Read-only & non-realtime mode. I'm almost sure it was working a day or two ago.
I'm seeing the failure when using Chrome. Just tried Internet Explorer. Its works there.

Firebase Realtime Database in console not working?

When I try to delete or edit a node in my realtime database, I always get the info that I have to select a key with lesser elements to change something, else it is in read-only modus.
But when I click a low level node, nothing happens. So I actually can change nothing in my DB from console :(
A week ago I didn't see this warning and everything works great!
Any idea how I can get back to working version?
I also think the german translation is not very good, because it tells me that I should activate another mode. In English it says, that the mode got activated.
You're mixing three things here:
Your database console switched to read-only mode, which happens when you have a certain amount of data under it.
The warning is badly translated. Please file a bug report for that.
The database console doesn't handle clicks correctly anymore. I already reported that internally last week, and added your report to it. This bug has been fixed internally and will go into production by May 23.
Update 5/24/17:
Problem resolved. Works now.
It seems the ability to click on a child node and promote it to be the top element of the tree is broken. Doesn't work for me either, even on a small database that is not in Read-only & non-realtime mode. I'm almost sure it was working a day or two ago.
I'm seeing the failure when using Chrome. Just tried Internet Explorer. Its works there.

How to fix formatting issue when loading page in different tab?

I'm having an issue with my website (I know the content sounds dumb, but it's my first attempt at a portfolio and it's not finished) where the formatting of the text is very peculiar under a specific set of circumstances.
When loading any post or page in Google Chrome, if I remain in the tab for the duration of the loading it looks like the image below, which is perfect and exactly what I want.
However if I start loading the webpage in a new tab and don't instantly navigate to that new tab, or indeed if I refresh the page and navigate away from the tab, when I come back it looks like the image below.
Interestingly it seems to work absolutely fine in Internet Explorer and Firefox, so initially I thought that it might be an issue with my installation of Google Chrome. However testing it on other computers resulted in the same thing happening, and a variety of different ways of phrasing the issue has turned up very little.
So essentially, how do I fix it for Google Chrome users?
(For those that cannot see the images, the text in the post placed as an example runs outside of the box it should be displayed in and often lines appear over the top of each other around hyper links.)
I've managed to fix the issue for pages by removing the justified alignment of the text. However I have made said change to the posts as well yet the problem persists for them.
So after a little more delving into the issue, I came to the conclusion that not only was the idea of web safe fonts actually a load of miss-represented nonsense, but that Google fonts might be the way to go. After installing a plugin for Google fonts onto WordPress and making all my posts use one by default, my problem has been entirely resolved and I can even have justified text on my posts and pages.

Flex - invisible text until mouse pointer moves outside textInput

We have an application running flex sdk 4.5 and have recently encountered an issue with textInput fields which we have not been able to reproduce on our end for the better part of a month now.
Here are the symptoms:
Users opens an input form which contains several input fields (combo boxes, calendars, text inputs, etc)
User clicks inside a text field
Users types (obviously!)
** Nothing appears in the text input - we have validators on some of these fields and they do kick in properly (ie. user sees red box around textInput disappearing)
User moves cursor outside of text input field and text appears
Give or take, this is the test case we've been provided. We have been unable to reproduce this and I'm reaching out to see if anybody has heard of issues like this in the past.
They are running our flex application in the following environment:
Windows XP SP3
IE 7.0.5730.13 (locale = en-gb)
Flash Player
Upgrading either of these components is not an option. Installing the flash player debugger is not an option either.
Now we've setup a pc exactly the same way as they have on their end and still haven't reproduced. So we're really stuck at this point :)
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. I'll provide any additional info needed.
Feb. 2nd 2012 - Update
As I noted in my comment reply to shaun, it seems our customer was more or less precise in their description of the issue. We ran a webex session with them this morning and actually saw the issues first hand.
Here's what happens:
- User loads our application via its url
- User is able to input data and pretty much do any function for a 'random' time period
- All of a sudden, the issues start (there are more symptoms than just the one I originally mentioned):
1. Users type in text input fields and they won't see the text appear until they move the cursor out of / into any other component (could be entering an hbox, exiting a text input field, etc)
2. Combo boxes behave more or less the same. They can drop them down, but then the mouse wheel no longer refreshes the list. It actually scrolls in the background, but until the user moves the mouse, the list does not refresh
3. We also communicate between the server and client via an amf channel. The events make it to the client, but again, they won't see the screen refresh until they move their cursor.
So basically, the application still seems to work, but the screen is no longer refreshing. Could it be something to do with an invalidate / update of the display list that doesn't kick in? We'd like to get them to install the debugger version of FP, but that doesn't seem to be an option.
Another thing to keep in mind: they have a VERY bad internet connection. They average around 1-1.5mbps (megabits) which is enough for our app, but I just thought I'd let you know.
We learned that they also use a Citrix presentation layer to deploy IE 7 to the end users. We've received confirmation from the end user that even if they launch IE on their workstation (not through citrix), they get the issue also.
Another note is that we've seen no errors in our web server, jboss or application logs...
So that's the update I've got... anyone have more thoughts on this? We've more or less discarded the fonts being an issue at this point since the issue affects more than just 'fonts'. Is everything on the screen not updating anymore.
