Firebase revoke token on download url - firebase

When I simple "took" a images on firebase console it create me automatically a download url like
I wanna have my file super-secured, how I can remove this download url or revoke this token?

The Firebase console provides a "revoke" option next to the download URL which can be used for this (look under the "File Location" tab). You should use Firebase rules to properly secure your assets, if object-level security is important to you:

There's no way you can restrict that url (not even through security rules). It is always public but note that it is unguessable. There is also a revoke option through Firebase console just in case the URL leaks.

As pointed by others you don't need to be concerned about this URL as in practice is very hard to guess. However you should not share it or use it as entry point to the application. Instead you should use the Signed URLs support provided by Google Cloud.


Firebase Storage URL format instead of using References

I wanted to know how long lived the firebase storage URL's are.
I'm using firebase storage to host some static images. Currently using the file references to get the url's in app.
But would like to skip this step and just use the URL's instead. Does anyone know what if anything will cause first part of the URL to change?
Total URL{Project_ID}{FILE_PATH}?alt=media&token={TOKEN}
The first part of the URL ( will only change if the Firebase Storage API ever changes. Since this hasn't happened since its release in May 2016, and isn't planned to happen at any point at the moment, we can be certain it is a really infrequent occurrence.
The {Project_ID} will only change if you have a different project. For an existing project this will never change.
The {FILE_PATH} is the path to your file, so will only be different when referring to a different file.
And token={TOKEN} will only stop working if you revoke the token, as answer here: Firebase Storage getDownloadUrl's token validity
A download URL will last forever, or until its specific token is rejected from the Firebase console.

Accessing Firebase Storage images without .getDownloadUrl

I really need to be able to access images in my firebase storage dynamically by creating a URL. Something that would look like this:<bucket><userUID>2%2F<imageUID>?alt=media
I know it it would be possible since I managed to load the image in my browser. However, my concern is security.
I would need to set the rule allow read: if true; for this to work
If someone with bad intentions wanted to see users' images, would they be able to see all the images in my bucket or would they need to guess the userUID and the imageUID?
What you're asking isn't possible without custom code. Direct download URLs are not affected by Firebase security rules at all.
If you want to limit access to direct download URLs of any kind, you will need some sort of custom backend service that checks the end user's permission before delivering the content. This means you will have to create your own endpoint that serves the content of the file in Storage.
The rules don't work on the URLs. BUT the download URL has a token in it which can be generated by you or is generated by the bucket by default a UUID which is always unique.[bucket][userUID]2%2F[imageUID]?alt=media&token=[accessToken]

How to hide the Firebase Storage download URL from the network tab of browsers?

I'm leveraging Firebase Authentication for downloading images from firebase storage. I'm also leveraging google API HTTP referrers for blockage by domain so that my image from firebase storage is only accessed from my website. But when I go to the network tab of my browser I can see the download URL of the image. By this, anyone can download my image and use it. What should I do so that my images are secured?
P.S: I'm using the firebase storage SDK and by following the documentation when I execute this code below
storageRef.child('images/stars.jpg').getDownloadURL().then(function(url) {
// `url` is the download URL for 'images/stars.jpg'
var img = document.getElementById('myimg');
img.src = url;
}).catch(function(error) {
// Handle any errors
I can see the download URL in the network tab of my browser.
You can't. When you give up access to a Cloud Storage download URL to any one, in any way, you are implicitly trusting that user to its access. They are free to share it with anyone they want. If you don't trust that user, then don't give them the URL.
If you don't like the way this works, then don't use download URLs, and allow only secure downloads via the Firebase SDK. At that point, you are trusting the user they will not take the content and upload it elsewhere and generate a URL to it.
You seem to have two options as far as I can tell. Unfortunately, they are basically one in the same effectively as you will probably have to implement both.
The first option is to revoke the access token on individual files you don't want to be allowed to download. Unfortunately, this also means that you can't display them anywhere you currently do via the URL as it breaks that link. See this answer for why that is a pain to do.
The second option is to use storage references to download them client side, but this only works if you are using Firebase SDK's in a web app and not a simple static website. I think this shouldn't expose the URL on the network tab of the browser if the app is set up correctly.
You can implement the second option without the first and the URL shouldn't be exposed, but you can't use the url anymore and have to use both options if you implement the first one... :/ meh... firebase is great, but nothing is perfect
This seems to work, I'll update if it doesn't
Edit: "However, the CORS configuration applies only to XML API requests," which one can just go to the file still..
GCP console >_
pencil icon > create cors.json [{"origin":[""],"method":["GET"],"maxAgeSeconds":3600}]
go back to shell and enter gsutil cors set cors.json gs://
I will make all rules,, etc. I need to match the request.auth.uid (or control calls in client code to non-anonymous uid's), and sign-in every user anonymously, at first. Then, uid will not be null when using a firebase initialized from our domain

Embedding a Firebase Storage Video to Wordpress but Hiding the URL

I need Hide the URL of an embedded video to prevent anyone from accessing the video outside of my domain.
What I want to use Firebase Storage for, is to store and stream the videos which ONLY paid users logged into my site can access.
Is there any way I can hide the URL so that people can only access the videos from within my web page in wordpress?
As Doug said in his comment, it is impossible to completely hide a download URL. There are complicated ways to obscure it, but I would recommend you avoid going down that rabbit hole - none are foolproof.
Instead, you should implement your security using Firebase Storage's built-in security rules - the situation you are describing is EXACTLY what this feature is designed to accomplish. You can put a rule in place that only users who have purchased the course (meaning, they have that video's identifier under their account in the database) are granted access... and you can even limit access to your project (see steps in answer #1) to specific domains.
There are a ton of great resources out there for you to reference while learning how the security rules work. First would be the docs I linked earlier, but they also have some pretty good official Firebase Youtube videos on the subject of rules.
If you are talking about having the videos stored in Firebase, hopefully you are planning to use the rest of Firebase's back-end features... because the ONE BIG ISSUE with this suggestion is that it relies on you using Firebase's built-in authentication. If your users are already logging into your site via an established non-Firebase system you've added to your Wordpress site, then I'm afraid this solution won't be so simple. Not impossible, but not as simple. If that's the case, you will need to pass the customer information to Firebase to login to a duplicated customer account, even if the end user doesn't realize they are being logged in to Firebase, and THEN they will have that special auth token that Firebase security uses to identify & grant access with the security rules.

download from Firebase storage using qr codes

Haven't started development yet, but I just want to ask if there would be some security issues if I created a qr code that will directly download something from the firebase storage, will there be some authorization stuff needed? still choosing wether to store it from google drive or firebase storage(payment capacity reasons)
If you encode the download URL from Firebase Storage into the QR code, then anyone with the QR code can read the file. That is because the download URLs from Firebase Storage are publicly readable, but unguessable.
If you instead encode the path to the file into the QR code, then that file can only be access by a user that is signed in to Firebase and for whom the security rules you have configured allow read access to the file.
From what you described you're looking to use the first option with download URLs. It's hard to say what security issue you're asking about, but just be aware that in that case anyone with the QR code will know the download URL, and can thus read the file (or share that URL with others, so that they too can read the file). If that is not what you want, you'll need a more advanced scheme, which typically starts with being able to identify your users.
