How to run a plugin in artifactory - artifactory

I have copied a sample Artifactory plugin which is a groovy file from git.
but i want to know how to run it. does it show in the GUI? or do i have to run it using some tool to check if its working. How to run groovy plugins in Artifactory.

The example plugin that you attached as a link is basically an example to all of the closers you have in Artifactory for triggering user plugins.
You should decide first what is the action that you need to do if it's execution or an event-based trigger.(For example, afterDownload).
You should really read the wiki page by JFrog on the User Plugins:


Configure Fluent-bit file output plugin set file rollover

I've a Fluent-bit running as docker instance which uses tail input plugin to read docker log files and currently I've configured output plugin to use Elasticsearch.
However in prod since Elasticsearch resides on another zone, don't want to consume bandwidth I don't want to use Elasticsearch, instead want to use file output plugin. But in file plugin there is no documentation explaining the file rollover configuration.
At the moment there is no such feature in Fluent Bit File output plugin. Please log the enhancement request on GitHub:
Since this feature makes a lot of sense it can be implemented shortly,
Fluent Bit Maintainer

Writing an appspec.yml File for Deployment from S3 (and/or Bit Bucket) to AWS CodeDeploy

I'd like to make it so that a commit to our BitBucket repo (or S3 Bucket) automatically deploys code (using CodeDeploy) to our EC2 instances. I'm not clear what to use for the 'source' and 'destination' entry under the 'files' section in the appspec.yml file and also I am not cleared what to mention in BeforeInstall and AfterInstall under 'Hooks' section. I've found some examples on Google and AWs documentation but I am confused what to mention in above fields. The more I am exploring more I am getting confused.
Consider I am new to AWS Code Deploy.
Also it will be very helpful if someone can provide me step y step link how to configure and how to automate the CodeDeploy.
I was wondering if someone could help me out?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Thanks for using CodeDeploy. For new users, I'd like to recommend the following things to do:
Try to run First Run Wizard on console, it will should you the general process how the deployment goes. It also provide a default deployment bundle, also an appspec file included.
Once you want to try a deployment yourself, the Get Started doc is a great place to help you with some pre-requiste settings like IAM role
Then probably try some tutorials for a sample app too, which gives you some idea about deployment groups, deployment configuration, revision and so on.
The next step should be create a bundle for your own use cases, Appspec file doc would be a great place to refer. And for your concerns about BeforeInstall and AfterInstall, if your application doesn't need to do anything, the lifecycle events can be left as empty. BeforeInstall can be used to for for preinstall tasks, such as decrypting files and creating a backup of the current version, while AfterInstall can be used for tasks such as configuring your application or changing file permissions.
Now it comes to the fun part! This blog talks about details about how to integrate with Github(similar for Bitbucket). It's a little long, but really useful, and it also includes how to do automatically deployment once there is a new pushed commit. Currently Jenkins and CodePipline are really popular for auto-triggered deplyoments, but there are always a lot of other ways can achieve the same purpose like Lamda and so on

Adding text to the page of a build triggered by the Jenkins remote API

I have a Jenkins build system up and running for a project. The build is triggered via the remote API functionality of Jenkins. When a commit is made to the project we send an HTTP request build trigger to the Jenkins process running on our local server; with a parameter that specifies the revision of the trunk project folder in the SVN repository that we want to checkout and build.
We also send the SVN username and commit message for the revision as an additional http parameter. So the URL looks like:
http://server:8080/job/ProjectName/buildWithParameters?description=[commit message]&REVISION=[revision number]
I would like to display this description parameter somewhere on the build page but I've found no obvious method of doing this via build triggering from the remote API.
Do I need to name the parameter something specific or is a plugin required for this functionality?
One way to add a description is to add a Build Description. Jenkins displays a short text description under each build in the list of builds on the left of a project page.
You could use the Description Setter plugin to set the build description from within your build.
Or you can set the Build Description with a POST to http://server:8080/job/ProjectName/latestBuild/submitDescription with the POST data: description="YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE". The latestBuild token can be replaced with a specific build number if you have it.
There is this plugin to show build parameters

How to update (some files) a Symfony2 project to remote

I've been developing with Symfony1.4 'till now and had no problem to deploy a project or update it into a remote hosting. I just used sfFtpPlugin and everything was perfect:
But now I'm starting with Symfony2 (2.2.0) and the first of all I had this question: how to update it when I make changes?
For the first time deploy I know there are some options: upload full project by FTP or use Maestro (e.g. offered in the hostings) With those tools I can upload everything, but in the case where I need to update... ¿50? files, I cannot manually do by FTP, of course.
Thanks everyone for helping!
P.S: Aditional info: I have some SVN knowledge and started learning GIT a few days ago.
The documentation on this is fantastic. The Cookbook provides workflows for both Git and SVN.
If you have no shell available, you can use composer on your local machine to update your project and then FTP the entire project over.
This covers how to store settings for different environments:
Personally I use a private Satis repo for deploying all my code.
That way I never have to use FTP, just composer create-project/install/update.

How do I download the javascript library for mapstraction v2?

I am setting up a map on a drupal website using the mapstraction module. I am planning to use the 6.x-2.x-dev development branch of mapstraction because I need some of its additional functionality.
In the instructions for installing the module, it says to download the mapstraction v2 library from Navigating through their site, I found this page: which tells you:
Command-line access
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
'# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout mapstraction-read-only
I don't understand what command-line access is? I've tried pasting into my browser, and I get a whole directory listing. Do I download each of these files? How do I know what is actually the mapstraction v2 library? Am I going about accessing the javascript library in the wrong way?
They moved to git hub.
You can now just download the zip file from here without a client installed
What you need is a Subversion Client. The Apache project maintains a list where you should be able to find a client for your operating system. Once you have a client, you will have to perform the "Checkout" function on the url provided by Google Code. Once you have the directory downloaded by the SVN client, you can look at the examples for proper usage and file inclusion.
