Autoit launches batchfile passing variable - autoit

I'm currently trying to create an installation tool. I have a a batch file calling some sqlcmd commands and I'd like to trigger it from Autoit. It works.
Now, I'd like to set a variable in Autoit (by getting it from a GUI) and pass it to the batch file when calling it. It should be something like this :
RunWait('path_of_file\mybat.bat' & %myVar%)
I read a lot from the Autoit community without finding the answer. I got things like :
RunWait('path_of_file\mybat.bat' & " " & $myVar) <- This solution didn't work for me
RunWait(#ComSpec & " /k "...) <- This one didn't suit what I'd like to do, as I'm
launching a batchfile and not a cmd command.
If anyone has an idea !
Thanks in advance :)

This should work:
Autoit works
Local $myVar = "ipconfig"
RunWait('mybat.bat ' & $myVar)
Autoit works too
ShellExecute("mybat.bat", $myVar)
#echo off
echo %1
ping -n 6 > nul


How to launch .exe file with run

I tried to launch a program with Run & Runwait but the program don't appear
Run & Runwait command
Run('R:\Windows\Bureau\Hoop Bot\lib\scrcpy-win64\scrcpy-noconsole.exe')
same with runwait
No error messages
Try setting the working dir for the program.
Run('R:\Windows\Bureau\Hoop Bot\lib\scrcpy-win64\scrcpy-noconsole.exe', 'R:\Windows\Bureau\Hoop Bot\lib\scrcpy-win64\')
And if you are using #ScriptDir it should go like this:
Run(#Scriptdir & '\lib\scrcpy-win64\scrcpy-noconsole.exe', 'R:\Windows\Bureau\Hoop Bot\lib\scrcpy-win64\')

How to wait for user input in R-script ran from Windows CMD

I'm new to R and I'm stuck in a very simple task.
I want to run an R script from console, but I want the script to be able to read user inputs.
This is how I'm reading from the script:
library = readLines(n = 1L)
if(library == "1")
library = "GUDHI"
And this is how I'm running my script from R-Portable with a .bat:
#echo on
PATH C:\Users\MyUser\Desktop\App\RFolder\R-Portable\App\R-Portable\bin;%path%
cd C:\Users\MyUser\Desktop\App\RFolder
Rscript Phom.R 1
When I run this .bat it throws an error (Argument is of length zero):
As if the console didn't wait for user input.
The problem is not the .bat code. If I remove the readLines functions from my script and hardcode the input, it works perfectly. I also tried the readline function with no success.
Solution for Interactive R script from Windows CMD:
cat("Prompt Message: ")
library = readLines(con = "stdin", 1)
I'm not sure if the prompt MUST end with ": ", but I had trouble when I removed that piece of string.
This worked for me, I hope this helps somebody.

Error while running a .sh script via QProcess

I have written a QT GUI program where pressing a button will execute a .sh script. The contents of the script is-
echo -e 'attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ","\n.import ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported' | sqlite3 testdatabase.db
basically the script will import a .csv to an sqlite database. And when the script file ( is run manually from linux terminal ($./ it successfully imports the .csv file into the database table.
But, when I call the script from my QT program
void MainWindow::on_importButton_clicked()
QProcess process;
it compiles successfully but gives an error message in console when the button is pressed at runtime.
Error: near line 1: near "-": syntax error
Error: cannot open "ora_exported.csv"
what could be causing this ???
I have changed my .sh script now to--
echo -e 'attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ","\n.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported' | sqlite3 testdatabase.db
Thus providing the path to my ora_exported.csv. As a result the runtime error [Error: cannot open "ora_exported.csv"] has gone but the other message [Error: near line 1: near "-": syntax error] is still coming.
Same as was observed in previous case, using ./ is successfully importing data to sqlite3 db table file but QProcess is unable to.
echo is a built in command of a shell that may behave differently.
E.g. take this test script:
echo -e "123"
Now we can compare different results:
$ bash
$ zsh
$ dash
-e 123
You are probably on some Ubuntu-like OS, where /bin/sh redirects to dash. That would explain the error around "-". So if you are using echo, set you shell specificially or ensure that your script works on all common shells.
Additionally, you are messing up your quotations
echo -e 'attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ","\n.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported'
results in (no quotations in the first line)
attach database testdatabase.db as aj;
.separator ","
.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported
but you pobably want
echo -e "attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ','\n.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported"
It looks strange that you are using external script to update database!
why you don't pass "ora_exported.csv" file name as a script argument? This would help solve the problem.
I was talking (typing) about this solution:
void MainWindow::on_importButton_clicked()
"<location of: 'ora_exported.csv' file>");

Custom PS1 not showing the current working directory

I have customized the primary prompt for bash shell but unfortunately it is not showing the current working directory as can be seen below.
[cifsamidala]w# pwd
Here is what I have customized my PS1:
HOST=`tput bold``hostname``tput sgr0`
PS1="[${HOST}]\w # "
Here is the Shell info for your reference.
[cifsamidala]w# echo $SHELL
[cifsamidala]w# echo $0
I also tried with 'pwd' as below but of no use.
PS1="[${HOST}]`pwd` # "
Kindly let me know if I am missing something here.
Thanks in avance.
Vinod Yadav
Your shell is not the bash shell and this is probably the reason why it won't work. Ask your sysadmin to give you an unrestricted shell.

Why does SendKeys produce an error in Windows 7?

I am trying to run this code:
SendKeys "copy /b /y " & outputfile & " " & printerid & "{Enter}", 1.
It runs fine in Windows XP but in Windows 7 it gives an error.
I am trying to copy a string into cmd and execute it.
The "{Enter}" part is giving error.
Please help.
A quick test on Windows 7 gives me:
'sendkeys' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
If that's the same error that you're getting, it means you don't have the program. Try copying it over from XP and see if that works.
If you've already copied it, it might not be in your PATH. Try this:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Path\to\SendKeys\
where C:\Path\to\SendKeys is the folder that contains SendKeys.exe.
