Write to the end of each line -autoit - autoit

Instead of the MsgBox i want the script to read a .txt file and write to the end of each line the result of a variable, in my case is $FileSize
Here is the code for autoit script
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
Func Test()
For $i = 1 to _FileCountLines(#TempDir & "\myfiles.txt")
$mread = FileReadLine(#TempDir & "\myfiles.txt", $i)
Local $FileSize = FileGetSize($mread)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", ByteSuffix($FileSize)) ;this is just a test
EndFunc ;==>Example
Func ByteSuffix($Bytes)
Local $Index = 0, $aArray = [' bytes', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB']
While $Bytes > 1023
$Index += 1
$Bytes /= 1024
Return Round($Bytes) & $aArray[$Index]
Here is the content of .txt file
I want the following result
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\setup.exe [SIZE FOR THIS]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\config.ini [SIZE FOR THIS]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\image001.jpg [SIZE FOR THIS]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\image002.jpg [SIZE FOR THIS]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\image003.jpg [SIZE FOR THIS]

There is a size limit for both string variables and arrays, so you have to process one line at a time when working with big files. This uses a temporary file for output instead of keeping all the information in memory. You can rename (overwriting the original file) the temporary file to the original file name at the end.
Func Test()
Local $InFile = FileOpen(#TempDir & "\myfiles.txt", $FO_READ)
Local $OutFile = FileOpen(#TempDir & "\myfiles.tmp", $FO_OVERWRITE)
While True
$File = FileReadLine($InFile)
If #error = -1 Then Return ; no more lines to process
FileWrite($OutFile, $File & " [" & ByteSuffix(FileGetSize($File)) & "]" & #CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>Test

$sResult = Test()
ConsoleWrite('SIZE LIST' & #CRLF & $sResult)
Func Test()
Local $FileSize, $sReturn = ''
For $i = 1 to _FileCountLines(#TempDir & "\myfiles.txt")
$mread = FileReadLine(#TempDir & "\myfiles.txt", $i)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($mread)
; MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", ByteSuffix($FileSize)) ;this is just a test
$sReturn &= $mread & " [" & ByteSuffix($FileSize) & "]" & #CRLF
Return $sReturn
EndFunc ;==>Test
But a better way instead of reading the text file line by line is the using of _FileReadToArray. Than you can iterate through the array with text lines.

Using line number parameter for FileReadLine in a loop resets
the file pointer to the start and scans up to the line number which slows
down the loop as line count increases. Omit that parameter.
Use a file handle so you do not keep on opening and closing
the file with each line read in the loop.
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
$sResult = Test()
MsgBox(0, #ScriptName, $sResult)
Func Test()
Local $iFileSize, $hFile, $sFilePath, $sResult
; Open a file handle to read.
$hFile = FileOpen(#TempDir & "\myfiles.txt")
If $hFile = -1 Then
MsgBox(0x30, #ScriptName, 'Unable to open file to read.')
Exit 1
While 1
; Read and let AutoIt handle line count.
$sFilePath = FileReadLine($hFile)
If #error Then ExitLoop
$iFileSize = FileGetSize($sFilePath)
If #error Then ContinueLoop
$sResult &= StringFormat('%s %s\r\n', $sFilePath, ByteSuffix($iFileSize))
Return $sResult
Func ByteSuffix($Bytes)
Local $Index = 0
Local $aArray = [' bytes', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB']
While $Bytes > 1023
$Index += 1
$Bytes /= 1024
Return Round($Bytes) & $aArray[$Index]


Autoit - Get the file size of all files in path

Im using a script to get all files and dirs in a specific and generates a .txt file of the result but i need to add the size of each file using the FileGetSize + ByteSuffix functions
#include <File.au3>
#include <WinAPIFiles.au3>
Func G3tAllF1lesAndDirs($cpath, $txtname)
Local $sFileList = ''
GetFiles($sFileList, $cpath) ; This uses no global variable
$sFileList = StringReplace($sFileList, '|', #CRLF) ; Replace the pipe char for #CRLF
Local $handlepath = FileOpen(#DesktopDir & "\" & $txtname & ".txt",1)
; Write array to a file by passing the file name.
FileWrite($handlepath, $sFileList & #CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>Example
; By guinness on 2015/03/15. Idea by Belini and every AutoIt user who has done file searching.
Func GetFiles(ByRef $sFileList, $sFilePath)
Local Static $iCounter = 0
$sFilePath = _WinAPI_PathAddBackslash($sFilePath) ; Add backslash
If _WinAPI_PathIsDirectory($sFilePath) <> $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then
Return SetError($GETFILES_NOT_DIRECTORY, 0, '')
Local $hFileFind = FileFindFirstFile($sFilePath & '*')
If $hFileFind = -1 Then ; File not found
Return SetError($GETFILES_NOT_EXISTS, 0, '')
Local $sFileName = ''
While True
$sFileName = FileFindNextFile($hFileFind)
If #error Then
If #extended Then ; Is directory.
$iCounter += 1 ; Used for recursion level
GetFiles($sFileList, $sFilePath & $sFileName)
$iCounter -= 1 ; Used for recursion level
$sFileList &= $sFilePath & $sFileName & '|'
If $iCounter = 0 Then ; First recursion level, therefore strip pipe char
$sFileList = StringTrimRight($sFileList, StringLen('|'))
EndFunc ;==>GetFiles
Func ByteSuffix($Bytes)
Local $Index = 0, $aArray = [' bytes', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB']
While $Bytes > 1023
$Index += 1
$Bytes /= 1024
Return Round($Bytes) & $aArray[$Index]
G3tAllF1lesAndDirs(#ScriptDir, "files&folders")
Here is what i want in the .txt file by just modifying the script and using FileGetSize + ByteSuffix functions
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\setup.exe [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\config.ini [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\image001.jpg [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\image002.jpg [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\image003.jpg [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\Videos\vid001.avi [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\Videos\vid002.avi [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\Videos\vid003.avi [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\Videos\vid004.avi [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\Videos\Comedy\vid001.avi [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\Videos\Comedy\vid002.avi [size of this]
C:\Users\G-PC\Documents\Videos\Comedy\vid003.avi [size of this]
The list is very long, i tried using using another script to overwrite the .txt file after it generates but it doesnt work/crash
What about this approach?
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Local $aArray = _FileListToArrayRec(#ScriptDir, "*", $FLTAR_FILES, $FLTAR_RECUR, $FLTAR_FASTSORT, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
;~ _ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Sorted tree")
Local $size_A[UBound($aArray)][2]
For $i = 1 To UBound($aArray) -1
$size_A[$i][0] = $aArray[$i]
$size_A[$i][1] = '[' & ByteSuffix(FileGetSize($aArray[$i])) & ']'
;~ _ArrayDisplay($size_A)
_FileWriteFromArray(#ScriptDir & '\size.txt', $size_A, 1, Default, ' ')
ShellExecute(#ScriptDir & '\size.txt')
Func ByteSuffix($Bytes)
Local $Index = 0, $aArray = [' bytes', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB']
While $Bytes > 1023
$Index += 1
$Bytes /= 1024
Return Round($Bytes, 2) & $aArray[$Index]
EndFunc ;==>ByteSuffix
Here is another solution which should be easy to use and gives you the opportunity to append to existing files and to call the function multiple times.
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
If _outputFilesWithSize(#ScriptDir, #ScriptDir & '\size.txt') <> 1 Then MsgBox(16, 'Error', 'Error') ;
If _outputFilesWithSize('c:\Users\xf01145\Documents\Books\', #ScriptDir & '\size.txt', 1) <> 1 Then MsgBox(16, 'Error', 'Error') ; 3rd Parameter 1 appends info to file
If _outputFilesWithSize('c:\Temp\', #ScriptDir & '\AnotherFile.txt') <> 1 Then MsgBox(16, 'Error', 'Error')
;~ ShellExecute(#ScriptDir & '\size.txt')
; Function Name: _outputFilesWithSize
; Description: Writes the full path and size of all files recursivly to a file
; Parameter(s): 1. startPath = starting directory
; 2. outputFile = path to the outputfile
; 3. Mode = Default = overwrite, 1 = append infos to file (e.g. multiple function calls)
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): Error <> 1 = error writing the file
; Author(s): Xenobiologist
; Modified:
; Remarks:
Func _outputFilesWithSize($startPath, $outputFile = #ScriptDir & '\size.txt', $mode = Default)
Local $aArray = _FileListToArrayRec($startPath, "*", $FLTAR_FILES, $FLTAR_RECUR, $FLTAR_FASTSORT, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
Local $size_A[UBound($aArray)][2]
For $i = 1 To UBound($aArray) - 1
$size_A[$i][0] = $aArray[$i]
$size_A[$i][1] = '[' & ByteSuffix(FileGetSize($aArray[$i])) & ']'
If $mode = 1 Then $outputFile = FileOpen($outputFile, $FO_APPEND)
If _FileWriteFromArray($outputFile, $size_A, 1, Default, ' ') = 0 Then Return SetError(#error, 0, -1)
Return 1
EndFunc ;==>_outputFilesWithSize
Func ByteSuffix($Bytes)
Local $Index = 0, $aArray = [' bytes', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB']
While $Bytes > 1023
$Index += 1
$Bytes /= 1024
Return Round($Bytes, 2) & $aArray[$Index]
EndFunc ;==>ByteSuffix

autoit - randomize text replacement with stringreplace function

So I am in need of replacing string text with autoit using stringreplace but I need to randomize the output.
An example of what I need is
Stringreplace($string, "and", {also|as well})
My ultimate goal is to randomly replace the text with the following options based on the word "and" with also or as well
I wrote this a long time ago.
It will convert this
My name is {John|Peter|Mark}! {Regards|Cheers|Get lost}!
to something like this
My name is John! Cheers!
It works with line breaks also.
Func SpintaxToTXT($TextWithSpintax)
Dim $lines
$lines = StringSplit($TextWithSpintax, #LF)
For $z = 1 To $lines[0]
If $z > 1 Then $MSGMSG &= #LF
$d = StringSplit($lines[$z], "{}")
For $i = 1 To $d[0]
$MSGSplit = StringSplit($d[$i], "|")
If #error Then
$MSGMSG &= $MSGSplit[1]
$MSGMSG &= $MSGSplit[Random(1, $MSGSplit[0], 1)]
Return $MSGMSG
EndFunc ;==>SpintaxToTXT
Try this:
Global $options_A = StringSplit('also,as well,bla,blubb,that,this', ',', 2)
For $i = 0 To 20
ConsoleWrite($options_A[Random(0, UBound($options_A) - 1, 1)] & #CRLF)
Here's one I made earlier. Works exactly the same as StringReplace except instead of taking a replacement string, it takes a function that returns the replacement string. The using Xenobiologist's array method, you get the desired result.
Local $sTest = "The cat and the dog and the rat."
ConsoleWrite(_StringReplaceCallback($sTest, "and", _MyCallback) & #LF)
Func _MyCallback($s)
Local Static $aOptions = StringSplit("also|as well", "|")
Return $aOptions[Random(1, $aOptions[0], 1)]
EndFunc ;==>_MyCallback
Func _StringReplaceCallback($sString, $sFind, $funcReplace, $iOccurence = 0, $iCaseSense = 0)
Local $sRet = ""
Local $iDir = 1
Local $iPos = 1
If $iOccurence < 0 Then
$iDir = -1
$iPos = StringLen($sString)
If $iOccurence = 0 Then $iOccurence = $iDir * StringLen($sString)
While 1
$i = StringInStr($sString, $sFind, $iCaseSense, $iDir, $iPos)
If $iDir > 0 Then
If Not $i Or Not $iOccurence Then
$sRet &= StringMid($sString, $iPos)
$sRet &= StringMid($sString, $iPos, $i - $iPos) & $funcReplace($sFind)
$iPos = $i + StringLen($sFind)
If Not $i Or Not $iOccurence Then
$sRet = StringMid($sString, 1, $iPos) & $sRet
$sRet = $funcReplace($sFind) & StringMid($sString, $i + StringLen($sFind), $iPos - $i - StringLen($sFind) + 1) & $sRet
$iPos = $i - 1
If $iOccurence <> 0 Then $iOccurence -= $iDir
Return $sRet
EndFunc ;==>_StringReplaceCallback
It's probably worth noting that there is actually a simpler solution for this, provided the replacement strings don't ever include "and" (or else you'll have an infinite loop), that just replaces one instance at a time:
Local $sString = "The cat and the dog and the rat."
Local $aOptions = StringSplit("also|as well", "|")
$sString = StringReplace($sString, "and", $aOptions[Random(1, $aOptions[0], 1)], 1)
Until Not #extended
ConsoleWrite($sString & #LF)

My script is returning 0 even though the CSV source is not empty

I'm in the process of making a small program to tell me on the fly how many employees are currently punched in via AvayaCMS Reporting.
Right now, the way that it is setup is that I have an Avaya script to take a quick report and export it in a CSV that is used by my Autoit script.
In terms of debugging it, I feel like I missing something and need another set of eyes.
launching the Staffing.au3 triggers the CSV script I'm using against the report. Even having the exact same data my message box still reports "0"
#include <Array.au3>
#include <CSV.au3>
$i_AgentCount = AvayaData(#ScriptDir & '\Report.csv', #ScriptDir & '\Name List.csv')
MsgBox(0x40, "", $i_AgentCount)
Func AvayaData($s_ReportSource, $s_NameList)
$av_LiveData = _ParseCSV($s_ReportSource)
If #error Then Return -1
$av_NameList = _ParseCSV($s_NameList)
If #error Then Return -1
Local $i_AgentCount = 0
For $i_RowCnt = 1 To (UBound($av_LiveData, 1) - 1) Step +1
For $i_AgtLst = 1 To (UBound($av_NameList) - 1) Step +1
If StringStripWS($av_LiveData[$i_RowCnt][1], 3) = StringStripWS($av_NameList[$i_AgtLst][0], 3) Then
$i_AgentCount += 1
;Return the Agent Count
Return $i_AgentCount
Name List.csv
Agent Name
"Doe, Jane"
"Doe, John"
,Agent Name,Login ID,Extn,AUX Reason,State,Split/Skill,Time,VDN Name
5,"Doe, John",5930001,1000001,7,AUXOUT,999,51:32:00,
2,"Doe, Jane",5930002,1000002,7,AUXOUT,999,52:32:00,
Tested! It works well with the files supplied (copied them and names them as in your script)
please note the followings
_ParseCsv() has been rewritten add parameters like $Dchar as delimeter etc. (see script)
Note how I locate the names in the file (you can easily add feature to extend search but it won't be becessary)
msgboxes are for explanatory purposes; comment them out if not need them anymore
array.au3 is not needed
and the code:
$i_AgentCount = AvayaData(#ScriptDir & '\Report.csv', #ScriptDir & '\Name List.csv')
MsgBox(0x40, "", $i_AgentCount)
Func AvayaData($s_ReportSource, $s_NameList)
$av_LiveData = _ParseCSV($s_ReportSource,",","oops...",True)
If #error Then Return -1
$av_NameList = _ParseCSV($s_NameList,",","oops: 2",True)
If #error Then Return -1
MsgBox(0,default,"$av_NameList (Number of lines) -> " & $av_NameList[0][0])
MsgBox(0,default,"$av_NameList (Number of data in each line) -> " & $av_NameList[0][1])
MsgBox(0,default,"$av_LiveData (Number of lines) -> " & $av_LiveData[0][0])
MsgBox(0,default,"$av_LiveData (Number of data in each line) -> " & $av_LiveData[0][1])
Local $i_AgentCount = 0
for $i = 1 to $av_NameList[0][0] Step 1
For $j= 1 To $av_LiveData[0][0] Step 1
;we can have names from $av_NameList as well from $av_LiveData but in Live Data 2nd abd 3rd values are the names
MsgBox(0,default,$av_NameList[$i][1] & $av_NameList[$i][2] & " <------------> " & $av_LiveData[$j][2] & $av_LiveData[$j][3])
;~ let's compare them if matched with any of the liveData lines
If StringCompare($av_NameList[$i][1] & $av_NameList[$i][2],$av_LiveData[$j][2] & $av_LiveData[$j][3]) == 0 Then
$i_AgentCount += 1
MsgBox(0,default,"Match found: counter: " & $i_AgentCount)
;Return the Agent Count
Return $i_AgentCount
Func _ParseCSV($f,$Dchar,$error,$skip)
Local $array[500][500]
Local $line = ""
$i = 0
$file = FileOpen($f,0)
If $file = -1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", $error)
Return False
;skip 1st line (since it is the header)
If $skip Then $line = FileReadLine($file)
While 1
$i = $i + 1
Local $line = FileReadLine($file)
If #error = -1 Then ExitLoop
;skip 1st line
$row_array = StringSplit($line,$Dchar)
If $i == 1 Then $row_size = UBound($row_array)
If $row_size <> UBound($row_array) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Row: " & $i & " has different size ")
$row_size = UBound($row_array)
$array = _arrayAdd_2d($array,$i,$row_array,$row_size)
$array[0][0] = $i-1 ;stores number of lines
$array[0][1] = $row_size -1 ; stores number of data in a row (data corresponding to index 0 is the number of data in a row actually that's way the -1)
Return $array
Func _arrayAdd_2d($array,$inwhich,$row_array,$row_size)
For $i=1 To $row_size -1 Step 1
$array[$inwhich][$i] = $row_array[$i]
Return $array
#region ;************ Includes ************
#include "csv.au3"
#include <Array.au3>
#endregion ;************ Includes ************
$i_AgentCount = AvayaData(#ScriptDir & '\Report.csv', #ScriptDir & '\Name List.csv')
MsgBox(0x40, "", $i_AgentCount)
Func AvayaData($s_ReportSource, $s_NameList)
Local $i_AgentCount = 0
Local $s = FileRead($s_NameList)
Local $loggedInNames = FileRead($s_ReportSource)
$av_NameList = _ParseCSV($s_NameList)
If #error Then Return -1
;~ _ArrayDisplay($av_NameList)
ConsoleWrite($s & #CRLF)
For $i = 1 To UBound($av_NameList) - 1
ConsoleWrite($i & " " & $av_NameList[$i][0] & #CRLF)
If StringInStr($s, $av_NameList[$i][0]) <> 0 Then
$i_AgentCount += 1
Return $i_AgentCount
EndFunc ;==>AvayaData

Search string in file and print next 5th line in file using autoit

I have a text file contains nearly 20 lines wanted to search a string in file and print next 5th line in file using autoit, any one can help me to solve this
#include <File.au3>
#include <array.au3>
$file = #ScriptDir & "\file.txt"
$search = "str"
If FileExists($file) Then
$contents = FileRead($file)
If #error Then
MsgBox(0, 'File Error', $file & ' could not be read.')
For $i = 1 To $count
If StringInStr($contents, $search) Then
MsgBox(0, 'Positive', $file & ' does contain the text "' & $search & '"')
MsgBox(0, 'Negative', $file & ' does NOT contain the text "' & $search & '"')
This reads the text file until the search string is found and then writes the next 5 lines to STDOUT:
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Global $file = #ScriptDir & "\file.txt", $search = "str"
Global $iLine = 0, $sLine = ''
Global $hFile = FileOpen($file)
If $hFile = -1 Then
MsgBox(0,'ERROR','Unable to open file for reading.')
Exit 1
; find the line that has the search string
While 1
$iLine += 1
$sLine = FileReadLine($hFile)
If #error = -1 Then ExitLoop
; $search found in the line, now write the next 5 lines to STDOUT
If StringInStr($sLine, $search)And Not $iValid Then
For $i = $iLine+1 To $iLine+5
ConsoleWrite($i & ':' & FileReadLine($hFile, $i) & #CRLF)
Due to Matt's argument here's a 2nd version of the loop that doesn't use the "line" parameter for FileReadLine.
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Global $file = #ScriptDir & "\file.txt", $search = "str"
Global $iLine = 0, $sLine = '', $iValid = 0
Global $hFile = FileOpen($file)
If $hFile = -1 Then
MsgBox(0,'ERROR','Unable to open file for reading.')
Exit 1
; find the line that has the search string
While 1
$iLine += 1
$sLine = FileReadLine($hFile)
If #error = -1 Then ExitLoop
; test the line for the $search string until the flag $iValid is set
If StringInStr($sLine, $search) And Not $iValid Then
$iValid = 1
If $iValid Then
$iValid += 1
ConsoleWrite($iLine & ':' & $sLine & #CRLF)
If $iValid > 5 Then ExitLoop
You won't note much difference between those two versions of the script, unless you are reading a file with 10k+ lines and the lines you are looking for are in the last quarter of that file but it surely is a good idea to prevent possible performance issues.

How to read Test.csv file format in autoit

I have test.csv file need to read all the data using autoit
As TeamKiller said your question is quite vague but here is a sample code that should give you an idea of how to read a CSV file.
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <String.au3>
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Global Const $CSVFILE = "C:\Temp\test.csv"
Global Const $DELIM = ";" ;the delimiter in the CSV file
Global $i, $arrContent, $arrLine, $res = 0
$res = _FileReadToArray($CSVFILE, $arrContent)
If $res = 1 Then
For $i = 1 To $arrContent[0]
$arrLine = StringSplit($arrContent[$i], $DELIM)
If IsArray($arrLine) And $arrLine[0]<>0 Then
; do something with the elements of the line
MsgBox(48, "", "Error splitting line!")
MsgBox(48, "", "Error opening file!")
return value of _ParseCSV() is 2D array like
$array[1][1] first line first data
$array[1][2] first line second data
$array[3][5] 3rd line 5th data
$array[0][0] gives number of lines
$array[0][1] gives number of data in each line
no need for includes
message display if cannot open file
logical true/false to skip the first line of the file
;_ParseCSV("filename",",","message if error happens",true)
Func _ParseCSV($f,$Dchar,$error,$skip)
Local $array[500][500]
Local $line = ""
$i = 0
$file = FileOpen($f,0)
If $file = -1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", $error)
Return False
;skip 1st line
If $skip Then $line = FileReadLine($file)
While 1
$i = $i + 1
Local $line = FileReadLine($file)
If #error = -1 Then ExitLoop
$row_array = StringSplit($line,$Dchar)
If $i == 1 Then $row_size = UBound($row_array)
If $row_size <> UBound($row_array) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Row: " & $i & " has different size ")
$row_size = UBound($row_array)
$array = _arrayAdd_2d($array,$i,$row_array,$row_size)
$array[0][0] = $i-1 ;stores number of lines
$array[0][1] = $row_size -1 ; stores number of data in a row (data corresponding to index 0 is the number of data in a row actually that's way the -1)
Return $array
Func _arrayAdd_2d($array,$inwhich,$row_array,$row_size)
For $i=1 To $row_size -1 Step 1
$array[$inwhich][$i] = $row_array[$i]
Return $array
As for parsing a CSV file, you are likely better off using a library (called user-defined functions in AutoIt), especially if you e.g. have complex CSVs with quoted strings (commas inside of the "cell"/string) or line breaks, which are hard to handle.
The best I can recommend is CSVSplit.
Basically you have a function _CSVSplit that takes a whole CSV file (content, i.e. string!) and returns you a two-dimensional array:
Local $sCSV = FileRead($sFilePath)
If #error Then ; ....
$aSplitArray = _CSVSplit($sCSV, ",")
You can then do everything you want with this array. Obviously, CSVSplit also provides the "reverse" function for turning an array into a CSV string again, _ArrayToCSV.
Originally posted as an answer here, which I consider a duplicate of this question.
