i make an desktop application using javafx, i make an .exe file using native bundle in netbeans 8.1 , this .exe file work proper in 64 bit computer , but in 32 bit computer makes an error like " MSVCR100.dll is either designed to run on windows or it contains an error "
You must create it on a 32 bit computer as specified here
I use netbeans version 8.1, jdk 8, I used innoSetUp for producing EXE installer on windows , and make exe file using native bundle from netbeans , i make exe file for 32 bit in 32 bit OS also enter image description herebut make error MSVCR100.dll enter image description here
I've been trying to automate some basic stuff with Robotframework. Here is my configuration.
Python - 2.7.10
MAC High Sierra 10.13.2
Eclipse Oxygen with RED Editor
I've downloaded Geckodriver executable and put in under several places including usr/local/bin, folder on desktop
Here is what i've tried
Setup FFDriver Set Environment Variable webdriver.gecko.driver Users/[my username]/Desktop/geckodriver
Setup FFDriver Set Environment Variable webdriver.gecko.driver usr/local/bin/geckodriver
and my test
open browser http://www.google.com firefox
I've added usr/local/bin in PATH as well and still getting "geckodriver executable needs to be in PATH" error. The same happens with Chromedriver too. I am sure I must be missing something trivial here, can someone help me out please?
Launching the eclipse from command prompt, has fixed this issue. Yes, the PATH is not being inherited when launched from desktop icon.
when you use Python. the best shortcut you can do is, put you 'geckodriver.exe' file in pythons script folder. and set the Script folder path in you system path. this will resolve your problem.
I am executing batch file from 32bit Java application.
This batch/cmd tries to install some drivers using pnputil.exe on windows 7 64 bit and fails giving - 'pnputil.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command.
Tried with changing dir to %WINDIR%/System32/ within batch file and calling pnputil.exe without any success.
However similar batch executes fine when run from 64-bit jvm.
What alternatives do I have to install INF files from 32-bit jvm executing batch file on 64-bit Windows 7 ?
I can execute pnpUtil via path %WINDIR%\sysnative\pnputil.exe for 32bit JVM.
Though sysnative is not visible via win explorer but it solved my problem.
When running a R script in a windows console using a custom DLL
, I get the error "can't load shared object path\dllname".
But the DLL is exactly in this location.
Further, using the R gui, I can execute the script.
Where is R looking for DLLs ?
My call is:
dyn.load(paste("myrdll", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=""))
The DLL is located in the same folder as the script and in addition in
the appropriate system folder.
What is R expecting in addition?
Thank you
R cannot load arbitrary DLLs. It can only load those created by compiling and linking the source files using R CMD SHLIB. See the ?utils::SHLIB help page.
I am sorry to confuse the forum: I was trying to load a 32 bit R Wrapper DLL in a 64 bit console. I was thinking the default CMD window on Win 10 64 bit is still 32 bit. So the problem is caused by architecture mismatch.
I recently upgraded to Architect version 0.9.7 on my Win 7 machine. However, after starting Architect, the RJ console wouldn't launch and I got the error message:
‘Launching the R Console was cancelled, because It seems starting the R engine failed.”
Please make sure that R package 'rj' (2.0 or compatible) is installed and
that the R library paths are set correctly for the R environment
configuration 'Embedded R Server'.
I installed the packages ‘rj’ and ‘rj.gd’ through the RTerm run console (which does happen to work) within Architect using the command suggested on www.walware.de:
install.packages(c("rj", "rj.gd"), repos="http://download.walware.de/rj-2.0")
Then, I restarted windows, and restarted Architect. Same error message. I zoomed in on the details of the error message and noticed the following line:
SEVERE: Path to rj package not found. Use R_LIBS or java property
'de.walware.rj.rpkg.path' to specify the location.
So I opened an RTerm run console to check whether any of my .libPaths() locations contains the directories ‘rj’ or ‘rj.gd’. Oddly enough, they do. My first .libPaths path contains both packages. So that doesn’t seem to be the reason.
How could this be fixed?
I received prompt and helpful feedback from Open Analytics (thanks!), who informed me that the problem is due to changes in Java 8. With Java 7, Architect works fine. The next release of Architect will incorporate the changes in Java 8.
In order to get it work with Java 7, enforce the use of a specific Java Runtime, by using the -vm argument in the architect.ini file as follows:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
(mind the line break, which is required)
This is particularly useful if you have several Java versions on your system where the default Java is not suitable for use with Architect. The architect.ini file is found directly at the top level of the installation folder of Architect. You can find out where this is by looking at the Properties of the Architect shortcut on your desktop.
N.B. the -vm argument should be put before the -vmargs argument otherwise it is simply ignored!
N.B. examples of -vm specification on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X:
I am trying to set up an OpenGL development environment on a Linux machine (Mint 17). I have just installed GLEW from the source on the GLEW source forge page (Downloaded source; extracted; make install).
I want to check that everything is set up correctly and am trying to run a test program. My program compiles and links but when I try to run it I get the error "error while loading shared libraries: libGLEW.so.1.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
libGLEW.so.1.12 exists; from what I read I think I have a 32bit executable and the SO is 64bit. However I can't find a solution to this problem; I know I need to create a 32bit library but I can't find any instructions for doing this.
Can someone please provide instructions to either (or preferably both):
Install 32bit libraries for GLEW
Link with GLEW statically
Preferably I'd like to link statically for now (I find it far more convenient for testing) but the instructions on the GLEW website only say how to do this for windows. Eventually I do plan to link everything dynamically.