installing font awesome and sass - css

Im trying to install font awesome to my simple sass project i have.
1 simple html page linking to 1 css file that is spit out via my sass.
Is there anyway of installing it locally to that project folder?
I couldnt see anything on the website
You have to link it through ruby rails.
Ive managed to import font awesome but the icon just shows up as a box so i think its looking for the missing svg.

Try to this:
Go to this site:
and Click no Download Folder.
Add font-awesome.css stylesheet in your head tag &
Add font folder also, Please give font path proper in the font-awesome.css stylesheet.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[][1]"/>


Issue with font-face css custom font

I have issue to get a #font-face css custom URL working for my wordpress theme. This is my setting:
Did I do correct if yes why the font doesn't work?
If your site runs on HTTPS you must make sure the font does too. Otherwise it will be considered a security risk and then blocked (see the developer console (press F12) in your browser for such a message).
Add to the head section of web page
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
or, Using #import CSS directive, put the following line in add to your css file
#import url(;
and write this font wherever you need it.
font-family: "Graphik Web Extralight";

Using google fonts with rails

I'm using ruby on rails version 5.0.0, and I'm using I'm not that sure how to use Google fonts and where I would put the embed font code:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
I know that I have to put font-family: 'Delius', cursive; in the css file, but if I do that without doing the previous, the only font it uses is Comic Sans.
I learned the answer but I'd still like to know which folder would you put it in?
You can import it wih CSS - Place this at the top of your css file:
#import url('');
I figured it out. You put <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> in the application.html.erb file.

What is alternate of #import url("http://abc") in style sheet

Actually we have one global.css style sheet in which we are using #import url("") for fonts.
But it's creating issues in Bundling & minification so I got following solutions:
and I replace #import with element
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''>
even after this I'm getting CSS errors as I checked in CSS Lint( and not getting real UI effect as with #import.
Do we have any other solutions for this?
Environment: VS2015 , MVC 5.2 , sitecore 8.1
Hope you found the solution since you posted this question
What you can do, to avoid the #import url('yourCssUrlHere') is simply copy/paste the URL on your browser and then copy/past the CSS that is displayed.
And then simply replace the #import by the CSS you just copied.
Most of the time if the import is a font, there will be other references to .woff or .woff2 files.
Just download them and store those files somewhere on your project folder and just add their absolute link on all the url() fields.
That way, you use external fonts or stylesheets, but internally, without request them outside of your website.

How to use font awesome with css

How can I use font-awesome in css? I searched and see that I just need to download and copy font-awesome directory into my porject then display the icon by using content in css. But instead of displaying awesome icons, it displayed weird and undefinable characters. Does anyone know how to use/fix it properly?
add this in the head of your html page: <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

setting up maxmert kit, including the css files

has anyone used Maxmertkit ? They say in documentation that you have to include some css files, but I cant find them in the package i've downloaded. Any idea ?
Sass: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets, are included.
Download it from github
Sass Installation
Sass Basics
Or if you don't want to do all these, you can convert your sass to css from codepen, just copy your sass in css column and click the eye (shown in image) to compile it in css.
There is new version 1.0.5:
You can use CDN to include css (don't forget to change {{version}}):
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//{{version}}/css/maxmertkit.css">
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src="//{{version}}/js/maxmertkit.js"></script>
