Simulating walk around a square - r

I am trying to simulate a walk around a square such that the probability of walking to a vertex adjacent in the square is p/2 going left and p/2 going right, then $1-p$ going diagonally. I've written some code to simulate this and made a function to calculate the number of occurrences of a subset of vertices. When using the starting vertex as the subset, it's getting close to the value of 0.25 that theory tells me I should expect.
move_func <- function(x, n){
pl <- c(x)
for(i in 1:n){
k <- cbind(replicate(p*1000,c(1,0)),replicate(p*1000, c(0,1)),replicate((1-
p)*2000, c(1,1))) #produces matrix of vectors in proportion to probabilities
x <- (x + k[,sample(ncol(k), 1)])%%2 # samples from matrix to get 2 x 1
#vector representing a movement around the square
pl <- cbind(pl, x) #adds new movement to matrix of verticies visited
return(pl) # returns final matrix will all verticies visited on the walk
test_in_H <- function(x, H){
sum(apply(H,2,identical, x = x)) # tests if vector x is in subset H (a
# matrix)
pl <- move_func(x, n)
print(mean(replicate(100, sum(apply(pl, 2, test_in_H, H = H ))/n))) #repeats
#the simulation 100 times and finds the average
However, it varies a lot around this even when a lot of steps are taken in the walk and it's repeated many times.
Does anyone know if I'm making a mistake in my code, or if it's simply going to vary quite a bit due to it being a simulation.


Implementing KNN with different distance metrics using R

I am working on a dataset in order to compare the effect of different distance metrics. I am using the KNN algorithm.
The KNN algorithm in R uses the Euclidian distance by default. So I wrote my own one. I would like to find the number of correct class label matches between the nearest neighbor and target.
I have prepared the data at first. Then I called the data (wdbc_n), I chose K=1. I have used Euclidian distance as a test.
knn <- function(xmat, k,method){
n <- nrow(xmat)
if (n <= k) stop("k can not be more than n-1")
neigh <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
for(i in 1:n) {
ddist<- distance(xmat, method)
neigh[i, ] <- order(ddist)[2:(k + 1)]
wdbc_nn <-knn(wdbc_n ,1,method="euclidean")
Hoping to get a similar result to the paper ("on the surprising behavior of distance metrics in high dimensional space") (, page 431, table 3).
My question is
Am I right or wrong with the codes?
Any suggestions or reference that will guide me will be highly appreciated.
My data (breast-cancer-wisconsin)(wdbc) dimension is
569 32
After normalizing and removing the id and target column the dimension is
569 30
The train and test split is given by
Am I right or wrong with the codes?
Your code is wrong.
The call to the distance function taked about 3 seconds every time on my rather recent PC so I only did the first 30 rows for k=3 and noticed that every row of the neigh matrix was identical. Why is that? Take a look at this line:
ddist<- distance(xmat, method)
Each loop feeds the whole xmat matrix at the distance function, then uses only the first line from the resulting matrix. This calculates the distance between the training set rows, and does that n times, discarding every row except the first. Which is not what you want to do. The knn algorithm is supposed to calculate, for each row in the test set, the distance with each row in the training set.
Let's take a look at the documentation for the distance function:
distance(x, method = "euclidean", p = NULL, = TRUE, unit =
"log", est.prob = NULL)
x a numeric data.frame or matrix (storing probability vectors) or a
numeric data.frame or matrix storing counts (if est.prob is
in case nrow(x) = 2 : a single distance value. in case nrow(x) > 2 :
a distance matrix storing distance values for all pairwise probability
vector comparisons.
In your specific case (knn classification), you want to use the 2 row version.
One last thing: you used order, which will return the position of the k largest distances in the ddist vector. I think what you want is the distances themselves, so you need to use sort instead of order.
Based on your code and the example in Lantz (2013) that your code seemed to be based on, here is a complete working solution. I took the liberty to add a few lines to make a standalone program.
Standalone working solution(s)
normalize <- function(x) {
return ((x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))
knn <- function(train, test, k, method){
n.test <- nrow(test)
n.train <- nrow(train)
if (n.train + n.test <= k) stop("k can not be more than n-1")
neigh <- matrix(0, nrow = n.test, ncol = k)
ddist <- NULL
for(i in 1:n.test) {
for(j in 1:n.train) {
xmat <- rbind(test[i,], train[j,]) #we make a 2 row matrix combining the current test and train rows
ddist[j] <- distance(, method, k) #then we calculate the distance and append it to the ddist vector.
neigh[i, ] <- sort(ddist)[2:(k + 1)]
wbcd <- read.csv(",%20Second%20Edition_Code/Chapter%2003/wisc_bc_data.csv")
rownames(wbcd) <- wbcd$id
wbcd$id <- NULL
wbcd_n <-[2:31], normalize))
wbcd_nn <-knn(wbcd_train, wbcd_test ,3, method="euclidean")
Do note that this solution might be slow because of the numerous (100 times 469) calls to the distance function. However, since we are only feeding 2 rows at a time into the distance function, it makes the execution time manageable.
Now does that work?
The two first test rows using the custom knn function:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.3887346 0.4051762 0.4397497
[2,] 0.2518766 0.2758161 0.2790369
Let us compare with the equivalent function in the FNN package:
alt.class <- get.knnx(wbcd_train, wbcd_test, k=3, algorithm = "brute")
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.3815984 0.3887346 0.4051762
[2,] 0.2392102 0.2518766 0.2758161
Conclusion: not too shabby.

generating random x and y coordinates with a minimum distance

Is there a way in R to generate random coordinates with a minimum distance between them?
E.g. what I'd like to avoid
x <- c(0,3.9,4.1,8)
y <- c(1,4.1,3.9,7)
This is a classical problem from stochastic geometry. Completely random points in space where the number of points falling in disjoint regions are independent of each other corresponds to a homogeneous Poisson point process (in this case in R^2, but could be in almost any space).
An important feature is that the total number of points has to be random before you can have independence of the counts of points in disjoint regions.
For the Poisson process points can be arbitrarily close together. If you define a process by sampling the Poisson process until you don't have any points that are too close together you have the so-called Gibbs Hardcore process. This has been studied a lot in the literature and there are different ways to simulate it. The R package spatstat has functions to do this. rHardcore is a perfect sampler, but if you want a high intensity of points and a big hard core distance it may not terminate in finite time... The distribution can be obtained as the limit of a Markov chain and rmh.default lets you run a Markov chain with a given Gibbs model as its invariant distribution. This finishes in finite time but only gives a realisation of an approximate distribution.
In rmh.default you can also simulate conditional on a fixed number of points. Note that when you sample in a finite box there is of course an upper limit to how many points you can fit with a given hard core radius, and the closer you are to this limit the more problematic it becomes to sample correctly from the distribution.
beta <- 100; R = 0.1
win <- square(1) # Unit square for simulation
X1 <- rHardcore(beta, R, W = win) # Exact sampling -- beware it may run forever for some par.!
plot(X1, main = paste("Exact sim. of hardcore model; beta =", beta, "and R =", R))
minnndist(X1) # Observed min. nearest neighbour dist.
#> [1] 0.102402
Approximate simulation
model <- rmhmodel(cif="hardcore", par = list(beta=beta, hc=R), w = win)
X2 <- rmh(model)
#> Checking arguments..determining simulation windows...Starting simulation.
#> Initial state...Ready to simulate. Generating proposal points...Running Metropolis-Hastings.
plot(X2, main = paste("Approx. sim. of hardcore model; beta =", beta, "and R =", R))
minnndist(X2) # Observed min. nearest neighbour dist.
#> [1] 0.1005433
Approximate simulation conditional on number of points
X3 <- rmh(model, control = rmhcontrol(p=1), start = list(n.start = 42))
#> Checking arguments..determining simulation windows...Starting simulation.
#> Initial state...Ready to simulate. Generating proposal points...Running Metropolis-Hastings.
plot(X3, main = paste("Approx. sim. given n =", 42))
minnndist(X3) # Observed min. nearest neighbour dist.
#> [1] 0.1018068
OK, how about this? You just generate random number pairs without restriction and then remove the onces which are too close. This could be a great start for that:
minimumDistancePairs <- function(x, y, minDistance){
i <- 1
distance <- sqrt((x-x[i])^2 + (y-y[i])^2) < minDistance # pythagorean theorem
distance[i] <- FALSE # distance to oneself is always zero
if(any(distance)) { # if too close to any other point
x <- x[-i] # remove element from x
y <- y[-i] # and remove element from y
} else { # otherwise...
i = i + 1 # repeat the procedure with the next element
if (i > length(x)) break
, c(1,4.1,3.9,7)
, 1
will lead to
x y
1 0.0 1.0
2 4.1 3.9
3 8.0 7.0
Be aware, though, of the fact that these are not random numbers anymore (however you solve problem).
You can use rejection sapling
The principle is simple: you resample until you data verify the condition.
> set.seed(1)
> x <- rnorm(2)
> y <- rnorm(2)
> (x[1]-x[2])^2+(y[1]-y[2])^2
[1] 6.565578
> while((x[1]-x[2])^2+(y[1]-y[2])^2 > 1) {
+ x <- rnorm(2)
+ y <- rnorm(2)
+ }
> (x[1]-x[2])^2+(y[1]-y[2])^2
[1] 0.9733252
The following is a naive hit-and-miss approach which for some choices of parameters (which were left unspecified in the question) works well. If performance becomes an issue, you could experiment with the package gpuR which has a GPU-accelerated distance matrix calculation.
rand.separated <- function(n,x0,x1,y0,y1,d,trials = 1000){
for(i in 1:trials){
nums <- cbind(runif(n,x0,x1),runif(n,y0,y1))
if(min(dist(nums)) >= d) return(nums)
return(NA) #no luck
This repeatedly draws samples of size n in [x0,x1]x[y0,y1] and then throws the sample away if it doesn't satisfy. As a safety, trials guards against an infinite loop. If solutions are hard to find or n is large you might need to increase or decrease trials.
For example:
> set.seed(2018)
> nums <- rand.separated(25,0,10,0,10,0.2)
> plot(nums)
runs almost instantly and produces:
Im not sure what you are asking.
if you want random coordinates here.

Pointwise multiplication and right matrix division

I'm currently trying to recreate this Matlab function in R:
function X = uniform_sphere_points(n,d)
% X = uniform_sphere_points(n,d)
%function generates n points unformly within the unit sphere in d dimensions
z= randn(n,d);
r1 = sqrt(sum(z.^2,2));
X = X.*repmat(r,1,d);
Regarding the the right matrix division I installed the pracma package. My R code right now is:
uniform_sphere_points <- function(n,d){
# function generates n points uniformly within the unit sphere in d dimensions
z = rnorm(n, d)
r1 = sqrt(sum(z^2,2))
X = mrdivide(z, repmat(r1,1,d))
r = rnorm(1)^(1/d)
X = X * matrix(r,1,d)
But it is not really working since I always end with a non-conformable arrays error in R.
This operation for sampling n random points from the d-dimensional unit sphere could be stated in words as:
Construct a n x d matrix with entries drawn from the standard normal distribution
Normalize each row so it has (2-norm) magnitude 1
For each row, compute a random value by taking a draw from the uniform distribution (between 0 and 1) and raise that value to the 1/d power. Multiply all elements in the row by that value.
The following R code does these operations:
unif.samp <- function(n, d) {
z <- matrix(rnorm(n*d), nrow=n, ncol=d)
z * (runif(n)^(1/d) / sqrt(rowSums(z^2)))
Note that in the second line of code I have taken advantage of the fact that multiplying a n x d matrix in R by a vector of length n will multiply each row by the corresponding value in that vector. This saves us the work of using repmat to construct matrices of exactly the same size as our original matrix for these sorts of row-specific operations.

How to compute distances between centroids and data matrix (for kmeans algorithm)

I am a student of clustering and R. In order to obtain a better grip of both I would like to compute the distance between centroids and my xy-matrix for each iteration till it "converges". How can I solve for step 2 and 3 using R?
x <- c(3,6,8,1,2,2,6,6,7,7,8,8)
y <- c(5,2,3,5,4,6,1,8,3,6,1,7)
df <- data.frame(x,y) initial matrix
a <- c(3,6,8)
b <- c(5,2,3)
df1 <- data.frame(a,b) # initial centroids
Here is what I want to do:
I0 <- t(rdist(df, df1)) after zero iteration
Cluster objects based on minimum distance
Determining the centroids based on the cluster average
Repetition with I1
I tried the kmeans function. But for some reasons it produces those centroids which have to come up at the end. That is I defined the start of:
start <- matrix(c(3,5,6,2,8,3), 3, byrow = TRUE)
cluster <- kmeans(df,centers = start, iter.max = 1) # one iteration
kmeans doesn't allow me to track the movement of the centroids. Therefore I would like to do it "manually" by applying step 2 & 3 using R.
Your main question seems to be how to calculate distances between a data matrix and some set of points ("centers").
For this you can write a function that takes as input a data matrix and your set of points and returns distances for each row (point) in the data matrix to all the "centers".
Here is such a function:
myEuclid <- function(points1, points2) {
distanceMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(points1)[1], ncol=dim(points2)[1])
for(i in 1:nrow(points2)) {
distanceMatrix[,i] <- sqrt(rowSums(t(t(points1)-points2[i,])^2))
points1 is the data matrix with points as rows and dimensions as columns. points2 is the matrix of centers (points as rows again). The first line of code just defines the answer matrix (which will have as many rows as there are rows in the data matrix and as many columns as there are centers). So the point i,j in the result matrix will be the distance from the ith point to the jth center.
Then the for loop iterates over all centers. For each center it computes the euclidean distance from each point to the current center and returns the result. This line here: sqrt(rowSums(t(t(points1)-points2[i,])^2)) is euclidean distance. Inspect it closer and look up the formula if you have any troubles with that. (the transposes there are mainly done to make sure subtraction is being done row-wise).
Now you can also implement k-means algorithm:
myKmeans <- function(x, centers, distFun, nItter=10) {
clusterHistory <- vector(nItter, mode="list")
centerHistory <- vector(nItter, mode="list")
for(i in 1:nItter) {
distsToCenters <- distFun(x, centers)
clusters <- apply(distsToCenters, 1, which.min)
centers <- apply(x, 2, tapply, clusters, mean)
# Saving history
clusterHistory[[i]] <- clusters
centerHistory[[i]] <- centers
list(clusters=clusterHistory, centers=centerHistory)
As you can see it's also a very simple function - it takes data matrix, centers, your distance function (the one defined above) and number of wanted iterations.
The clusters are defined by assigning the closest center for each point. And centers are updated as a mean of the points assigned to that center. Which is a basic k-means algorithm).
Let's try it out. Define some random points (in 2d, so number of columns = 2)
mat <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2)
Assign 5 random points from that matrix as initial centers:
centers <- mat[sample(nrow(mat), 5),]
Now run the algorithm:
theResult <- myKmeans(mat, centers, myEuclid, 10)
Here are the centers in the 10th iteration:
[,1] [,2]
1 -0.1343239 1.27925285
2 -0.8004432 -0.77838017
3 0.1956119 -0.19193849
4 0.3886721 -1.80298698
5 1.3640693 -0.04091114
Compare that with implemented kmeans function:
theResult2 <- kmeans(mat, centers, 10, algorithm="Forgy")
[,1] [,2]
1 -0.1343239 1.27925285
2 -0.8004432 -0.77838017
3 0.1956119 -0.19193849
4 0.3886721 -1.80298698
5 1.3640693 -0.04091114
Works fine. Our function however tracks the iterations. We can plot the progress over the first 4 iterations like this:
for(i in 1:4) {
plot(mat, col=theResult$clusters[[i]], main=paste("itteration:", i), xlab="x", ylab="y")
points(theResult$centers[[i]], cex=3, pch=19, col=1:nrow(theResult$centers[[i]]))
However this simple design allows for much more. For example if we want to use another kind of distance (not euclidean) we can just use any function that takes data and centers as inputs. Here is one for correlation distances:
myCor <- function(points1, points2) {
return(1 - ((cor(t(points1), t(points2))+1)/2))
And we then can do Kmeans based on those:
theResult <- myKmeans(mat, centers, myCor, 10)
The resulting picture for 4 iterations then looks like this:
Even thou we specified 5 clusters - there were 2 left at the end. That is because for 2 dimensions the correlation can have to values - either +1 or -1. Then when looking for the clusters each point get's assigned to one center, even if it has the same distance to multiple centers - the first one get's chosen.
Anyway this is now getting out of scope. The bottom line is that there are many possible distance metrics and one simple function allows you to use any distance you want and track the results over iterations.
Modified the distance matrix function above (added another loop for no. of points) as the above function displays only the distance of first point from all clusters and not all points, which is what the question is looking for:
myEuclid <- function(points1, points2) {
distanceMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(points1)[1], ncol=dim(points2)[1])
for(i in 1:nrow(points2)) {
for (j in c(1:dim(t(points1))[2])) {
distanceMatrix[j,i] <- sqrt(rowSums(t(t(points1)[,j]-t(points2[i,]))^2))
Do let me know if this works fine!

Find K nearest neighbors, starting from a distance matrix

I'm looking for a well-optimized function that accepts an n X n distance matrix and returns an n X k matrix with the indices of the k nearest neighbors of the ith datapoint in the ith row.
I find a gazillion different R packages that let you do KNN, but they all seem to include the distance computations along with the sorting algorithm within the same function. In particular, for most routines the main argument is the original data matrix, not a distance matrix. In my case, I'm using a nonstandard distance on mixed variable types, so I need to separate the sorting problem from the distance computations.
This is not exactly a daunting problem -- I obviously could just use the order function inside a loop to get what I want (see my solution below), but this is far from optimal. For example, the sort function with partial = 1:k when k is small (less than 11) goes much faster, but unfortunately returns only sorted values rather than the desired indices.
Try to use FastKNN CRAN package (although it is not well documented). It offers k.nearest.neighbors function where an arbitrary distance matrix can be given. Below you have an example that computes the matrix you need.
# arbitrary data
train <- matrix(sample(c("a","b","c"),12,replace=TRUE), ncol=2) # n x 2
n = dim(train)[1]
distMatrix <- matrix(runif(n^2,0,1),ncol=n) # n x n
# matrix of neighbours
nn = matrix(0,n,k) # n x k
for (i in 1:n)
nn[i,] = k.nearest.neighbors(i, distMatrix, k = k)
Notice: You can always check Cran packages list for Ctrl+F='knn'
related functions:
For the record (I won't mark this as the answer), here is a quick-and-dirty solution. Suppose sd.dist is the special distance matrix. Suppose k.for.nn is the number of nearest neighbors.
n = nrow(sd.dist)
knn.mat = matrix(0, ncol = k.for.nn, nrow = n)
knd.mat = knn.mat
for(i in 1:n){
knn.mat[i,] = order(sd.dist[i,])[1:k.for.nn]
knd.mat[i,] = sd.dist[i,knn.mat[i,]]
Now knn.mat is the matrix with the indices of the k nearest neighbors in each row, and for convenience knd.mat stores the corresponding distances.
