How To Create an ASP.NET Application from Multiple Projects -

i have just went through this article to create a web application with multiple web application.
my requirement exactly match this.i have a large web application which i have to deliver in multiple phases and when deploying the changes of any child project,it should not affect the existing running child project or main project.i should be able to use the use control or dll between the child projects.
i need a sample of this approach. i have tried to create the same but the sharing of user control etc. between the child projects is not working.i think ,i am doing something wrong. if anyone have a sample or example of this approach then please share.
i am working on web form application not MVC.

Presuming you are using source control effectively, this should not present any problems. You can add a child project at any time and keep it checked out to yourself. When you are satisfied with unit testing you can perform integration testing before putting it live.
The only issue I see with your description of the problem lies with attempting to share User Controls between projects. People have been experiencing problems with this approach for a long time, especially with the Web Site Template. It apparently is possible for Web Forms projects:
How do I share user controls between web applications in ASP.NET?
Creating and Using User Control Libraries
Personally, I think it depends on what you are trying to to with the User Controls. For example, are they just displaying something that is repeated on different pages? In that scenario, make more judicious use of Master Pages. If they are being used for functionality, then consider the creation of a library of Custom Server Controls and reference these in your projects?


Should i create an Empty Web Application or Web API Web Application template? -

I wanted to build a web application using MS Visual Studio 2015. Someone suggested me to create a Web API instead of MVC project if i'm also planning to create a mobile app later on. I may use angularjs in my project so controllers will surely be used, so what should i choose when creating the project in the first place?
Because when i created a web project: File=>New Project=> Web Application=>Empty..there are no folders for Controllers, Model, etc. Do i have to create a Controller folder on my own?
Or should i do this: File=>New Project=> Web Application=>Web API..? sorry if its a silly question. its just that i'm afraid that if i chose the wrong project now, it'll affect the development later on.
Answer to your question mainly depends on your choice and needs,
for example
In Case of an empty project as name defines you will have nothing else web.config.
Benefits of it:
here you can define, design your own structure. you can either make
it simple 3 tier or you can make it WEBAPI application. it's all up
to you.
however in the case of choosing Webapi template you will have a prebuilt structure which can help you out for initial understanding
benefits of it
You will get predefine template and structure.
you can utilize of webapi's which further isolate you backend logic from the frontend.
as you are also planning to create the mobile app. and using front end as angular, so in that case, webapi may come handy.
as the whole world is moving towards webapi, so i will recommend you to use it. please refer
so down the line it all depend on you if you want to build you application for the stretch and take full control of it regarding structuring backend etc.. then go with empty else go with Microsoft pre-define template
Ajay Kotnala

Implement a multiple web project structure in webforms

I'm working in a web application that has several areas of bussiness work. With time it's size has became a problem to develop on and to maintain.
I would like to break the web project into several sub-projects or libraries depending on a main root web project that has the common files to share (Masterpages, Resources, Css, etc...)
Ideally I would like to have some kind of injection that allows me to optionally publish that "components" or simply publish a customized variation, although it's configuration depended on after deploy DB setup.
I searched all over the web, reading all the pages related to multiple projects, dependency injection and composite apps that I could find, 'till I soften my head, but couldn't find anything really useful.
Major part of the writings where a theoretical approaches or unit testing applications (well, you can't make your desired app, but you still can unit test something else)
Other approaches simply don't work in VS2010 .Net 4.0
Can someone address me on a COMPLETE solution or an example? Or simply lets discuss.
We say that the solution has the following structure, with module contents already separated into directories:
L_ Datalayer library project
L_ Bussiness logic /common utils library project
L_ Web project
L_ Controls
L_ Images
L_ Css....
L_ Warehouse
L_ Sales
Warehouse and Sales contains pages related to the "module"
I post my progress in the subject.
As per suggestion of Steven I experimented further more using MEF. Due to the lack of documentation, specially for webforms, that was a pain in*. So far I managed to implement MEF in my solution and sucessfully inserted a plugin project visible for the main app.
Then loads the available plugins, through an interface that has the plugin name, the default page url and its order, picks all this data and render a menu tab. That part it's easy.
Clicking on a menu element must redirect to the main page of the plugin, which will render several menus for its pages contained (from another export interface)
I finally got an aspx page embedded as a resource in the plugin project. Where I'm currently stuck.
¿Is there any way to render a page embedded as a resorce on a libray using MEF or I'm forced to also use a VirtualPathProvider? ¿Hows specifically the statement to redirect to that page? I've tried several ways but no-one works (MEF and VirtualPathProvider)
I looked at zillion of articles that talk about it but all them end doing control rendering, not page. So frustrating.
Though it is not an answer to your question, I am adding it as answer due to length of my suggestion.
I suggest you look into the approach NopCommerce is following where they have extended over .net with their own framework, which supports Plugins and extensions to existing solutions. Though I definitely know that nopcommerce is an ecommerce solution but if you study it, you can modify it according to your business needs or at least it can give you a heads on for what you should adopt while designing your solution. Hope it helps.

.NET ASP webpage inheritance

I am new to .NET and ideally want to make several layers of abstraction for making a fairly complex website. Being the first layer handling login, authentication, etc, with another layer handling the built in apps (how they look, predefined functions, database connections), and the lower level will be specific app implementation details.
This favors uniformity as all apps will inherit from one place allowing for easier maintenance and rapid development of all the smaller apps once the overhead abstraction layers handle their responsibilities.
The only problem is I am not 100% sure where to start with .NET ASP webpage inheritance. I tried Google and searching but I may not be looking for the right thing. I am hoping with someone with experience on the matter may direct me towards resources to make this kind of webpage inheritance/abstraction easier!
I am using Visual Studio 2010.
I also want to add the purpose to my question: Another individual is creating the base of the website which will handle authentication, portal, UI look, etc
I want to make an app base that uses their website framework and adds onto it standards that every app must meet, function library, any addition UI overrides not applicable from portal, etc.
From there a third layer that will directly inherit from the above app base framework (abstraction) and further specify based on the guide lines made.
I appreciate the feedback so far!
In ASP.NET you have 4 common ways to reuse code/abstractions to serve you application-wide
The first way is just using a base page, which will inherit the standard Page and share the common logic for all of your pages, as explained here
The second way is using a master page: a master page defines a common design (html / css - wise) for all the pages that use it throughout the application. It can also be accessed programmatically by pages that use it, and therefore share a common logic
The third way is using an http module: An http module is basically a class, which is responsible for handling an HTTP request before its handled by the expected pages code on the server, and it allows you to add any common logic you want your application to use (such as authentication / authorization handling, getting relevant user information from the DB, etc)
Global.asax: contains application/session wide event handlers, which allow you to handle those events in once place (everything from application starting to a user session ending)
Using modules and base page is the preferred way, if you want to build few applications, sharing common behaviour. A master page can be used as well, of course, if you want them to share the same design as well.
That's quite a broad question. Welcome to ASP.NET!
I would suggest researching these topics:
Web page inheritance -> Master Pages,
Skinning -> App_Themes,
separation of responsibilities -> MVP design
pattern for the Web Forms platform, or MVC if you have a choice.
Login, roles -> Membership

Use masterpages and user controls amoung multiple .net web projects

I know this kind of question has been asked multiple times here but I am really looking for a solid approach to sharing masterpages and user controls across multiple web projects. The reason for this is that our current web application is just one webform project but has grown out of control. We really need to split this single web project into multiple web projects for a variety of reasons. However, when we try the various approaches mentioned on this site (ex. embedded resources, precompiliation, etc...) we always encounter warnings within visual studio and loose intellisense. We also looked into using source control as a means to share reusable controls but we would really like to avoid this sort of anti-pattern.
Overall, how can a large development team effectively split a single .net web project (webform or mvc) into multiple web projects and share reusable controls (masterpages, user controls, images, css, js, etc...) with full intellisense within Visual Studio? Any insight on this is appreciated. Thanks!
I agree with jfar that your question is very broad and doesn't do a good job of explaining whey you think you answer will be different, but I'll attempt an answer anyway.
User Controls are not designed to be shared among projects or disparate applications. They allow you to group common functionality for your specific application where the case for reuse outside of the project is small (for instance, a project drop down box allowing managers to choose different properties on a variety of pages).
If you need reusable controls that can span multiple projects easily you should be using Server Controls. This will allow you to create, and compile, controls as .dll's that are designed to be reusable between projects.
If you really need to reuse the same controls in multiple places you should explore the pre-compiled and packed into a .dll solution offered by Server Controls. This allow the maintenance task to so solidified around the single .dll which can be version stamped and easier to track over time.
When it comes to Master Pages. You can embed the Master Page file into a .dll that can be shared among multiple projects. Since ASP.NET supports nested Master Pages you should be able to embed the core Master Page while leaving it open for changes in different projects.
If this answer isn't helpful you'll have to be more explicit in what about them isn't working or makes them not worth pursuing. The clearer the question the better the answers.

Sharing Data Between Two Web Applications in ASP.NET

I have a web application (MainApplication) where many of the pages contain a custom Web Control that looks for some content in a cache. If it can't find any data within the cache, then it goes out to a database for the content. After retrieving the content, the Control displays the content on the page.
There is a web application (CMS) in a subdirectory within the aforementioned web application. Users use this CMS to update the content pulled in by the MainApplication.
When a user updates some content using the CMS, I need the CMS to clear the relevant portion of the cache used by the MainApplication. The problem is that, as two different web applications, they can't simply interact with the same static cache object.
The ideal solution would be to somehow share an instance of a cache object between both web applications.
Failing that, what would be the best (performance-wise) way of communicating between the two web applications? Obviously, writing/reading to a database would defeat the purpose. I was thinking about a flat file?
Thank you all for your help. Your wonderful answers actually gave me the right search terms to discover that this was a duplicate question (sorry!): Cache invalidation between two web applications
We had the exact same setup in a previous project i worked on, where we had one ASP.NET Web Application (with MCMS Backing), and another ASP.NET Web Application to display data.
Completely different servers (same domain though).
However, when a "editor" updated content in the CMS application, the UI was automatically refreshed.
How? Glad you asked.
We stored the content in SQL Server, and used Replication. :)
The "frontend" Web Application would read the data from the database (which was replicated by the CMS system).
Now - we don't cache this data, because in the database, we actually stored the markup (the HTML) for the control. Therefore we dynamically re-rendered the HTML.
Why is that "defeating the purpose"?
You can't get one application to "invalidate" the cache on another application.
If you're going down this path, you need to consider a distributed caching engine (e.g Velocity).
One option that comes to my mind in such scenario is using Velocity distributed cache mechanism. Do read about it and give it a try if possible
In ASP.NET there is the notion of Cache Dependency. You can have a look here: or
There is also the Enterprise Library Caching Block available here that adds some feature to the standard stuff:
Now, if you're running on .NET 4, there is a new System.Runtime.Caching namespace that you should definitely use:
This article here "Caching in ASP.NET with the SqlCacheDependency Class" is quite interesting:
