R: gls error "false convergence (8)" and glsControl function - r

I've seen that a common error when running a generalized least squares (gls) from nlme package in R is the "false convergence (8)". I am trying to run gls models to account for the spatial dependence of my residuals, but I got stucked with the same problem. For example:
Error in gls(resp ~ exp1 + exp2, correlation = corGaus(form = ~lat, nugget = TRUE)) :
false convergence (8)
(the above data simulation was copied from here because it yields the same problem I am facing).
Then, I read that the function glsControl has some parameters (maxIter, msMaxIter, returnObject) that can be setted prior running the analysis, which can solve this error. As an attempt to understand what was going on, I adjusted the three parameters above to 500, 2000 and TRUE, and ran the same code above, but the error still shows up. I think that the glsControl didn't work at all, because none result was shown even I've asked for it.
glsControl(maxIter = 500, msMaxIter=2000, returnObject = TRUE)
For comparison, if I run different models with the same variables, it works fine and no error is shown.
For example, models containing only one explanatory variable.
I really digged into several sites, foruns and books in a desperate search trying to solve it, and then I come to know that the 'false convergence' is a recurrent error that many users have faced. However, none of the previous posts seems to solve it for me. i really thought the glsControl could provide an alternative, but it didn't. Do you guys have a clue on how can I solve that?
I really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

The problem is that the nugget effect is very small. Provide better starting values:
mod.cor <- gls(resp ~ exp1 + exp2,
correlation = corGaus(c(200, 0.1), form = ~lat, nugget = TRUE))
#Correlation Structure: Gaussian spatial correlation
# Formula: ~lat
# Parameter estimate(s):
# range nugget
#2.947163e+02 5.209379e-06
Note that this model may be sensitive to starting values even if there is no error or warning.
I would like to add a quote from library(lme4); help("convergence"):
The lme4 package uses general-purpose nonlinear optimizers (e.g.
Nelder-Mead or Powell's BOBYQA method) to estimate the
variance-covariance matrices of the random effects. Assessing reliably
whether such algorithms have converged is difficult.
I believe something similar applies here. This model is clearly problematic and you should be grateful for getting this error. You should at least check how the fit changes with different starting values and try increasing the number of iterations or decreasing the tolerance. In the end, I would suggest looking for a model that better fits the data (we know that this would be an OLS model including lat as a linear predictor here).
PS: A good coding style uses blanks where appropriate.


binomial()$linkinv(fixef()) and binomial_pred_ci() functions: what exactly does these function are for when applied to mixed generalized analysis?

I was workinf on a dataset, trying re-perfomrming an already run statysical analysis and I met the following function:
after running the following model
summary((m = glmer(T1.ACC ~ COND + (COND | ID), d9only, family = binomial)))
My first question is what exactly does this functions is made for? Beacuse throgh other command lines the reciprocal code as well as a slightly modified code based always on it are also reported:
1) 1- binomial()$linkinv(fixef())
2) d9only$fit = binomial()$linkinv(model.matrix(m) %*% fixef(m)) #also the sense of the operator %*% is quite misterious too.
Moreover, another function present is the following one:
To be honest, I've to search through the overall script and no customized function there was or the package where that has been called from either? Anyone knows where does it may come from? Maybe the package 'runjags'? Just in case, any on how to download it?
Thanks for your answers
I agree with most of #Oliver's answer. I will add a few comments (since I had an answer partly composed already).
I would be very wary of the script you are following: some parts look wrong (I could obviously be mistaken since these bits are taken completely out of context ...)
binomial()$linkinv refers to the inverse link function for the model used. By default (which applies in this case since no optional link= argument has been specified), this is the inverse-logit or logistic function A nearly equivalent function is available via plogis(), but using $linkinv could be better in some cases since it would generalize to binomial analyses done with other link functions [e.g. probit or cloglog].
as #Oliver mentions, applying the inverse link function to the coefficients is at least weird, I would even say wrong. Researchers often exponentiate coefficients estimated on the logit/log-odds scale to obtain odds ratios, but applying the inverse link (usually logistic function) is rarely correct.
binomial()$linkinv(model.matrix(m) %*% fixef(m)) is indeed computing the predicted estimates on the link scale and converting them back to the data (= probability) scale. You can get the same results more reliably (handling missing values, etc.) by using predict(m, type = "response", re.form = ~0) (this extends #Oliver's answer to a case that also applies the inverse-link function for you).
I don't know what binomial_pred_ci is either, but I would suggest you look at predictInterval() from the merTools package ...
PS these answers all have not much to do with runjags, which uses an entirely different model structure. Presumably glmer models are being fitted for comparison ...
help(binomial) describes the link function and inverse link function and their uses. binomial()$linkinv is the binomial inverse-link function (sigmoid function) prob(y|eta) = 1 / (1 + exp(-eta)) where eta is the linear predictor. Using this with the coefficients (or fixed effects) is a bit odd, but is not unusual to get an idea of how large the effect of each coefficient is. I would not encourage it however.
%*% is the matrix multiplier, while model.matrix(m) (for lme4) extracts the fixed effect model matrix. So model.matrix(m) %*% fixef(m) is the linear predictor using only fixed effects. It would be the same as predict(m, re.form = ~ 0). This is often used in case you want to use the fixed effect model either because you want to correct for between-group-variation or because you are predicting new data.
binomial_pred_ci no idea. Guessing it's a function for predicting confidence levels.

Understanding and fixing false convergence errors in glmmTMB + lme4

I am trying to use glmmTMB to run a number of iterations of my model, but keep getting the same continual error. I have tried to explain my experiment below and inserted the full model I am trying to run.
Background to the experiment
The dependent variable I am trying to model is bacterial 16S gene copy number, used as a proxy for bacterial biomass in this case.
The experimental design is that I have stream sediment from 8 streams that fall along a pollution gradient (impacted to pristine). (Factor 1 = Stream, with 8 levels).
For each of the 8 streams, the following was performed,
Sediment was added to 6 trays. 3 of these trays were placed into an artificial stream channel warmed to 13°C, whilst the other 3 were heated to 17°C (Factor 2 = Warming treatment, with 2 levels). There are 16 channels in total and Warming treatment was randomly assigned to a channel.
I then repeatedly measured the 3 trays in each stream channel over four time points (Factor 3 = Day, with 4 levels).
At this moment in time I am treating tray as a true biological replicate and not a pseudorep as the trays are considerably far away from one another in the channels, but this is to be explored.
So just to summarise: the model terms are (all are specified as factors):
Warming treatment (13 vs 17oC)
StreamID (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Day (T1, T4, T7, T14)
The full model I was proposing was,
X4_tmb.nb2<-glmmTMB(CopyNo~Treatment*Stream*Time, family=nbinom2, data=qPCR)
Even though this version of the model does not include a random effect, I wanted to use the glmmTMB package and not run this using lme4, because I wanted to explore the idea of adding a model component to account for dispersion, and also explore the option of adding tray as a random effect (not sure if this is correct). By running all versions of the model in glmmTMB, I am able to confidently compare their AIC scores. I wouldn't be able to do this if I ran the full model without the dispersion component in lme4 and the others using glmmTMB.
Unfortunately, for most iterations of the full model when using glmmTMB (by this I mean dropping model terms sequentially), I get the same constant warning:
Warning message: In fitTMB(TMBStruc) :
Model convergence problem; false convergence (8). See vignette('troubleshooting')
I have tried to understand the error but I am struggling to understand because, the confusing thing is when I run the full model using lme4, it runs with no error.
This is the version of the full model that runs in lme4,
X4 = glm.nb(CopyNo~Treatment*Stream*Time, data = qPCR
As far as I understand from reading https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/132753v1.full.pdf
# line 225, it is possible to use this package to cross compare between GLMs and GLMMs. Do you know if I have understood this correctly?
I also used the DHARMa package to help validate the models and the version that failed to converge using glmmTMB, pass the KStest, the dispersion test, the outlier test and combined adjusted quantile test, but ideally I do not want the convergence error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There's a bunch here.
warning message
It is unfortunately hard to do very much about this: it is a notoriously obscure error message. As suggested on twitter, you can try a different optimizer, e.g. include
control = glmmTMBControl(optimizer = optim, optArgs = list(method="BFGS"))
in your call. Hopefully this will give a very similar answer (in which case you conclude that the convergence warning was probably a false positive, as different optimizers are unlikely to fail in the same way) without the warning. (You could try method="CG" above as a third alternative.) (Note that there's a minor bug with printing and summarizing output when using alternate optimizers that was fixed recently; you might want to install the development version if you are working on this before the fix propagates to CRAN.)
"lme4" model
The glm.nb() function is not from the lme4 package, it's from the MASS package. If you had random effects in the model you would use glmer.nb(), which is in the lme4 package ... as with the optimizer-switching tests above, if you get similar answers with glmmTMB and glm.nb you can conclude that the warning from glmmTMB (actually, it's from the nlminb() optimizer that glmmTMB calls internally) is probably a false positive.
The simplest way to check that likelihoods/AICs from different packages are commensurate is to fit the same model in both packages, if possible, e.g.
quine.nb1 <- glm.nb(Days ~ Sex/(Age + Eth*Lrn), data = quine)
quine.nb2 <- glmmTMB(Days ~ Sex/(Age + Eth*Lrn), data = quine,
all.equal(AIC(quine.nb1),AIC(quine.nb2)) ## TRUE
other details
One of the possible problems with your model is that by fitting the full three-way interaction of three categorical variables you're trying to estimate (2*4*8=) 64 parameters, to 64*3=192 observations (if I understand your experimental design correctly). This is both more likely to run into numerical problems (as above) and may give imprecise results. Although some recommend it, I do not personally recommend a model selection approach (all-subsets or sequential, AIC-based or p-value-based); I'd suggest making Stream into a random effect, i.e.
CopyNo ~ Treatment + (Treatment|StreamID) + (1|Time/StreamID)
This fits (1) an overall treatment effect; (2) variation across streams, variation in treatment effect across streams; (3) variation across time and across streams within time points. This only uses 2 (fixed: intercept + treatment) + 3 (intercept variance, treatment variance, and their covariance across streams) + 2 (variance in time and among streams within time). This is not quite the "maximal" model; since both treatments are measured at each time in each stream, the last term could be (Treatment|Time/StreamID), but this would add a lot of model complexity. Since 4 groups is not much for a random effect, you might find that you want to make the last term into Time + (1|Time:StreamID), which will fit Time as fixed and (streams within time) as random ...

Avoiding singularity matrix in regression

I want to run quantile regression on the following high dimensional code(n=123, p =945) .. but I get an error saying the design matrix is singular and cannot compute. Below is how i extracted the data using the PRIMsrc package.
rq1 = rq(y ~X,tau=1)
This seems to be an issue with the data itself so i tried to add some noise to the response using jitter() with the base package, but this didn't solve the issue. Any idea?
You have too many variables to fit with too little observations. It's not quite possible to get an estimate for all of them. In your case, I suggest you try a lasso:
rq1 = rq.fit.lasso(y=y,x=X,tau=0.5)
The coefficients can be found under:
For predictions etc, this should work ok. For inferences based on the coefficients etc, you might need to give it more thought

Error when estimating CI for GLMM using confint()

I have a set of GLMMs fitted with a binary response variable and a set of continuous variables, and I would like to get confidence intervals for each model. I've been using confint() function, at 95% and with the profile method, and it works without any problems if it is applied to a model with no interactions.
However, when I apply confint() to a model with interactions (continuous*continuous), I've been getting this error:
m1CI <- confint(m1, level=0.95, method="profile")
Error in zeta(shiftpar, start = opt[seqpar1][-w]) :
profiling detected new, lower deviance
The model runs without any problem (although I applied an optimizer because some of the models were having problems with convergence), and here is the final form of one of them:
m1 <- glmer(Use~RSr2*W+RSr3*W+RShw*W+RScon*W+
data = data0516RS, family=binomial(link="logit"))
Does anyone know why this is happening, and how can I solve it?
I am using R version 3.4.3 and lme4 1.1-17
The problem was solved by following these instructions:
The error message indicates that during profiling, the optimizer found
a fitted value that was significantly better (as characterized by the
'devtol' parameter) than the supposed minimum-deviance solution returned
in the first place. You can boost the 'devtol' parameter (which is
currently set at a conservative 1e-9 ...) if you want to ignore this --
however, the non-monotonic profiles are also warning you that something
may be wonky with the profile.
From https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2014q3/022394.html
I used the confint.merModfrom the lme4 package, and boosted the 'devtol' parameter, first to 1e-8, which didn't work for my models, and then to 1e-7. With this value, it worked

obscure warning lme4 using lmer in optwrap

Using lmer I get the following warning:
Warning messages:
1: In optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x#theta, lower = x#lower) :
convergence code 3 from bobyqa: bobyqa -- a trust region step failed to reduce q
This error ois generated after using anova(model1, model2) . I tried to make this reproducible but if I dput the data and try again I the error does not reproduce on the dput data, despite the original and new datarames have the exact same str.
If have tried again in a clean session, and the error reproduces, and again is lost with a dput
I know I am not giving people much to work with here, like i said I would love to reproduce the problem. Cayone shed light on this warning?
(I'm not sure whether this is a comment or an answer, but it's a bit long and might be an answer.)
The proximal cause of your difficulty with reproducing the result is that lme4 uses both environments and reference classes: these are tricky to "serialize", i.e. to translate to a linear stream that can be saved via dput() or save(). (Can you please try save() and see if it works better than dput()?
In addition, both environments and reference classes use "pass-by-reference" semantics, so operating on the saved model can change it. anova() automatically refits the model, which makes some tiny but non-zero changes in the internal structure of the saved model object (we are still trying to track this down).
#alexkeil's comment is wrong: the nonlinear optimizers used within lme4 do not use any calls to the pseudo-random number generator. They are deterministic (but the two points above explain why things might look a bit weird).
To allay your concerns with the fit, I would check the fit by computing the gradient and Hessian at the final fit, e.g.
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
dd <- update(fm1,devFunOnly=TRUE)
params <- getME(fm1,"theta") ## also need beta for glmer fits
## all values 'small', say < 1e-3
## [1] 0.0002462423 0.0003276917 0.0003415010
## all values positive and of similar magnitude
## [1] 0.029051631 0.002757233 0.001182232
We are in the process of implementing similar checks to run automatically within lme4.
That said, I would still love to see your example, if there's a way to reproduce it relatively easily.
PS: in order to be using bobyqa, you must either be using glmer or have used lmerControl to modify the default optimizer choice ... ??
