Error in colnames - r
Could anyone help me with some little problem?
When I plot the frontier I get the following message: "Error in colnames<-(tmp, value = c("targetRisk", "targetReturn")) :
attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions"(see below for detail). How could I solve this. Thanks a lot.
Portfolio construction & Optimisation
Getting monthly returns of the assets
LUTAX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("LUTAX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(LUTAX) <- c("LUTAX")
PFODX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("PFODX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(PFODX) <- c("PFODX")
BRGAX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("BRGAX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(BRGAX) <- c("BRGAX")
GFAFX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("GFAFX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(GFAFX) <- c("GFAFX")
NMSAX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("NMSAX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(NMSAX) <- c("NMSAX")
EGINX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("EGINX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(EGINX) <- c("EGINX")
IPOYX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("IPOYX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(IPOYX) <- c("IPOYX")
SCWFX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("SCWFX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(SCWFX) <- c("SCWFX")
FGLDX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("FGLDX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(FGLDX) <- c("FGLDX")
PAGEX <- monthlyReturn((getSymbols("PAGEX",auto.assign=FALSE)[,4]),type = "arithmetic")
colnames(PAGEX) <- c("PAGEX")
Merging returns of the assets (excluding NA's)
data <- as.timeSeries(portfolio_returns)
Optimisation portfolio
spec <- portfolioSpec()
setNFrontierPoints <- 25
setSolver(spec) <- "solveRquadprog"
constraints <- c("minW[1:1]=0.12","maxW[1:1]=0.18","minW[2:2]=0.12","maxW[2:2]=0.18",
frontier<- portfolioFrontier(data,spec,constraints)
After running the last command above I get the following message: "Error in colnames<-(tmp, value = c("targetRisk", "targetReturn")) :
attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions"
How do I resolve an integration error in Seurat?
I am new to Seurat, and am trying to run an integrated analysis of two different single-nuclei RNAseq datasets. I have been following the Seurat tutorial on integrated analysis ( to guide me, but when I ran the last line of code, I got an error. # Loading required libraries library(Seurat) library(cowplot) library(patchwork) # Set up the Seurat Object <- Read10X(data.dir = "~/Desktop/VGAT Viral Data 1/") <- Read10X(data.dir = "~/Desktop/VGLUT3 Viral/") # Initialize the Seurat object with the raw (non-normalized data) vgat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts =, project = "VGAT/VGLUT Integration", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200) vglut <- CreateSeuratObject(counts =, project = "VGAT/VGLUT Integration", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200) # Merging the datasets vgat <- AddMetaData(vgat, metadata = "VGAT", = "Cell") vglut <- AddMetaData(vglut, metadata = "VGLUT", = "Cell") merged <- merge(vgat, y = vglut, add.cell.ids = c("VGAT", "VGLUT"), project = "VGAT/VGLUT Integration") # Split the dataset into a list of two seurat objects (vgat and vglut) merged.list <- SplitObject(merged, = "Cell") # Normalize and Identify variable features for each dataset independently merged.list <lapply(X = merged.list, FUN = function(x) { x <- NormalizeData(x) x <- FindVariableFeatures(x, selection.method = "vst", nFeatures = 2000) }) After running the last line of code, I get the following error: Error in merged.list < lapply(X = merged.list, FUN = function(x) { : comparison of these types is not implemented I was wondering if anyone is familiar with Seurat and knows how I can troubleshoot this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
KNN: "no missing values are allow" -> I do not have missing values
I am in a group project for a class and one of the people in my group ran the normalization, as well as creating the test/train sets so that we all have the same sets to work from (we're all utilizing different algorithms). I am assigned with running the KNN algorithm. We had multiple columns with NA's so those columns were omitted (<-NULL). When attempting to run the KNN I keep getting the error of Error in knn(train = trainsetne, test = testsetne, cl = ne_train_target, : no missing values are allowed I ran which($col)) and found: which($median_days_on_market)) # [1] 8038 8097 8098 8100 8293 8304 When I look through the dataset those cells do not have missing data. I am wondering if I may get some help with how to either find and fix the "No missing values" or to find a work around (if any). I am sorry if I am missing something simple. Any help is appreciated. I have listed the code that we have below: ne$pending_ratio_yy <- ne$total_listing_count_yy <- ne$average_listing_price_yy <- ne$median_square_feet_yy <- ne$median_listing_price_per_square_feet_yy <- ne$pending_listing_count_yy <- ne$price_reduced_count_yy <- ne$median_days_on_market_yy <- ne$new_listing_count_yy <- ne$price_increased_count_yy <- ne$active_listing_count_yy <- ne$median_listing_price_yy <- ne$flag <- NULL ne$pending_ratio_mm <- ne$total_listing_count_mm <- ne$average_listing_price_mm <- ne$median_square_feet_mm <- ne$median_listing_price_per_square_feet_mm <- ne$pending_listing_count_mm <- ne$price_reduced_count_mm <- ne$price_increased_count_mm <- ne$new_listing_count_mm <- ne$median_days_on_market_mm <- ne$active_listing_count_mm <- ne$median_listing_price_mm <- NULL ne$factor_month_date <- as.factor(ne$month_date_yyyymm) ne$factor_median_days_on_market <- as.factor(ne$median_days_on_market) train20ne= sample(1:20893, 4179) trainsetne=ne[train20ne,1:10] testsetne=ne[-train20ne,1:10] #This is where I start to come in ne_train_target <- ne[train20ne, 3] ne_test_target <- ne[-train20ne, 3] predict_1 <- knn(train = trainsetne, test = testsetne, cl=ne_train_target, k=145) # Error in knn(train = trainsetne, test = testsetne, cl = ne_train_target, : # no missing values are allowed
movielense popularity recommender code with R
I'm now studying R, and now doing project about movie recommend algorithm. I used movielense 100k data with recommenderlab library, and use these tutorials. I've now calculated sparsity, and splited data into train and test data. And I want to make popularity recommendation code. My code is here: install.packages("SnowballC") install.packages("class") install.packages("dbscan") install.packages("proxy") install.packages("recommenderlab") install.packages("dplyr") install.packages("tm") install.packages("reshape2") library(recommenderlab) library(dplyr) library(tm) library(SnowballC) library(class) library(dbscan) library(proxy) library(reshape2) #read data data<- read.table('C:/Users/ginny/OneDrive/Documents/2018_1/dataanalytics/실습3/ml-100k/') #####raw data to matrix##### data.frame2matrix = function(data, rowtitle, coltitle, datatitle, rowdecreasing = FALSE, coldecreasing = FALSE, default_value = NA) { # check, whether titles exist as columns names in the data.frame data if ( (!(rowtitle%in%names(data))) || (!(coltitle%in%names(data))) || (!(datatitle%in%names(data))) ) { stop('data.frame2matrix: bad row-, col-, or datatitle.') } # get number of rows in data ndata = dim(data)[1] # extract rownames and colnames for the matrix from the data.frame rownames = sort(unique(data[[rowtitle]]), decreasing = rowdecreasing) nrows = length(rownames) colnames = sort(unique(data[[coltitle]]), decreasing = coldecreasing) ncols = length(colnames) # initialize the matrix out_matrix = matrix(NA, nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols, dimnames=list(rownames, colnames)) # iterate rows of data for (i1 in 1:ndata) { # get matrix-row and matrix-column indices for the current data-row iR = which(rownames==data[[rowtitle]][i1]) iC = which(colnames==data[[coltitle]][i1]) # throw an error if the matrix entry (iR,iC) is already filled. if (![iR, iC])) stop('data.frame2matrix: double entry in data.frame') out_matrix[iR, iC] = data[[datatitle]][i1] } # set empty matrix entries to the default value out_matrix[] = default_value # return matrix return(out_matrix) } #data 열 별로 이름 지정('' 안은 필요에 따라 변경 가능) colnames(data)<-c('user_id','item_id','rating','timestamp') #raw 데이터를 matrix로 변환 pre_data = data.frame2matrix(data, 'user_id', 'item_id', 'rating') #matrix를 realratingmatrix로 변환 target_data<- as(as(pre_data, "matrix"), "realRatingMatrix") data=data[,-which(names(data) %in% c("timestamp"))] data str(data) summary(data) hist(data$rating) write.csv(data,"C:/Users/ginny/OneDrive/Documents/2018_1/dataanalytics/실습 3/u.csv") Number_Ratings=nrow(data) Number_Ratings Number_Movies=length(unique(data$item_id)) Number_Movies Number_Users=length(unique(data$user_id)) Number_Users data1=data[data$user_id %in% names(table(data$user_id)) [table(data$user_id)>50],] Number_Ratings1=nrow(data1) Number_Movies1=length(unique(data1$item_id)) Number_Users1=length(unique(data1$user_id)) sparsity=((Number_Ratings1)*3*5*100)/((Number_Movies1)*(Number_Users1)) sparsity install.packages("caTools") library(caTools) set.seed(10) sample=sample.split(data1$rating, SplitRatio=0.75) train=subset(data1, sample==TRUE) test=subset(data1, sample==FALSE) data2< data2 #matrix to realratingmatrix target_data2<- as(as(pre_data2, "matrix"), "realRatingMatrix") recommender_models<-recommenderRegistry$get_entry(dataType = "realRatingMatrix") recomm_model <- Recommender(data2$rating, method = "POPULAR") I used data2 realRatingMatrix, but when I run last line, error like this happen: Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘Recommender’ for signature ‘"integer"’ Can anybody help me what's wrong with it?
R -> Error in `row.names<`
Following this other question (Get p-value about contrast hypothesis for rectangular matrix) I am trying to run the following code in R, but the line: colnames(posmat) <- "pos_c1" causes an error when calling the function summary(). Error in `row.names<`(`*tmp*`, value = value) : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed In addition: Warning message: non-unique value when setting 'row.names': ‘Pos’ Does anybody knows why this error comes up? Here the MWE: library(lme4) library(lmerTest) library(corpcor) database <- data.frame( Clos=factor(c(4,4,1,4,4,3,2,1,2,1,2,2,4,3,1,2,1,4,1,3,2,2,4,4,4,4,2,1,4,2,2,1,4,2,4,2,1,4,4,3)), Pos=factor(c(2,4,1,2,5,6,7,2,2,2,5,6,3,3,3,8,5,3,4,2,1,4,3,3,2,6,1,8,3,7,5,7,8,3,6,6,1,6,3,7)), RF=c(8,6,2,9,7,1,7,6,3,4,6,4,5,2,5,5,3,4,1,3,1,2,3,1,2,2,3,1,8,5,2,2,7,1,9,4,5,6,4,2), Score=c(4,3,3,5,4,3,2,4,5,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,3,2,3,3,5,4,3,4,4,2,3,4,3,4,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,3,1,2) ) clos_c1 = c(0,0,-1,1) clos_c2 = c(0,-1,0,1) clos_c3 = c(-1,0,0,1) closmat.temp = rbind(constant = 1/4,clos_c1,clos_c2,clos_c3) closmat = solve(closmat.temp) closmat = closmat[, -1] closmat pos_c1 = c(1/2,1/2,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6) posmat.temp = rbind(pos_c1) posmat = pseudoinverse(posmat.temp) colnames(posmat) <- "pos_c1" contrasts(database$Clos) = closmat contrasts(database$Pos) = posmat model = lmer(Score~Clos+Pos+(1|RF), data = database, REML = TRUE) summary(model)
The problem is that when you run the model, you have the contrasts(database$Pos) without colnames but just one. You can see that by running your model variable and you will see 6 variables with the name "Pos". This causes trouble in reading the summary() command. Just by adding the line colnames(contrasts(database$Pos))<-c("pos1","pos2","pos3","pos4","pos5","pos6","pos7") after the creation of your contrasts(database$Pos) <- posmat your code will work. Feel free to put the colnames you require. The whole code is as follows then: library(lme4) library(lmerTest) library(corpcor) database <- data.frame( Clos=factor(c(4,4,1,4,4,3,2,1,2,1,2,2,4,3,1,2,1,4,1,3,2,2,4,4,4,4,2,1,4,2,2,1,4,2,4,2,1,4,4,3)), Pos=factor(c(2,4,1,2,5,6,7,2,2,2,5,6,3,3,3,8,5,3,4,2,1,4,3,3,2,6,1,8,3,7,5,7,8,3,6,6,1,6,3,7)), RF=c(8,6,2,9,7,1,7,6,3,4,6,4,5,2,5,5,3,4,1,3,1,2,3,1,2,2,3,1,8,5,2,2,7,1,9,4,5,6,4,2), Score=c(4,3,3,5,4,3,2,4,5,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,3,2,3,3,5,4,3,4,4,2,3,4,3,4,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,3,1,2) ) clos_c1 = c(0,0,-1,1) clos_c2 = c(0,-1,0,1) clos_c3 = c(-1,0,0,1) closmat.temp = rbind(constant = 1/4,clos_c1,clos_c2,clos_c3) closmat = solve(closmat.temp) closmat = closmat[, -1] closmat pos_c1 = c(1/2,1/2,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6,-1/6) posmat.temp = rbind(pos_c1) posmat <- pseudoinverse(posmat.temp) colnames(posmat) <- "pos_c1" contrasts(database$Clos) <- closmat contrasts(database$Pos) <- posmat ##NEW LINE colnames(contrasts(database$Pos))<-c("pos1","pos2","pos3","pos4","pos5","pos6","pos7") model <- lmer(Score~Clos+Pos+(1|RF), data = database, REML = TRUE) summary(model) I hope it helps. Cheers!
Getting error while creating R markdown PDF report
I am getting an error while creating a PDF report out of R markdown file. Below is the snippet of the error: Error in --dayBikeData <- read.csv("D:\\Madhav\\Study\\MSIS\\PredictiveLearning\\Week-1\\Homework\\Bike-Sharing-Dataset\\day.csv") : object 'dayBikeData' not found Calls: <Anonymous> ... handle -> withCallingHandlers -> withVisible -> eval -> eval Execution halted I have this object -dayBikeData in the session but still it is giving the error don't know how to proceed on this. Code for fetching the data from the csv file: ```{r} dayBikeData <- read.csv("D:\\Madhav\\Study\\MSIS\\PredictiveLearning \\Week-1\\Homework\\Bike-Sharing-Dataset\\day.csv") # Performs each of the operation asked in the question basicOperations <- function(inputData){ lenData <- length(inputData) avg <- round(mean(inputData, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 2) # mean calculation standardDeviation <- round(sd(inputData), digits = 2) # Standard deviation sem <- round(standardDeviation/sqrt(lenData), digits = 2) # Formula for CI is mean - error where error is error = round(qnorm(0.975)*standardDeviation/sqrt(lenData), digits = 2) lower_ci <- avg - error upper_ci <- avg + error # resultList <- list(obs = lenData, mean = avg, standarDeviation = sd, # standardMeanError= sem, lowerCI = lower_ci, upperCI = upper_ci resultList <- c(lenData, avg, standardDeviation, sem,lower_ci,upper_ci) print(resultList) } #Calculations for the Year Wise Data # dData2011 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$yr==0,] # dData2012 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$yr==1,] dData2011ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$yr==0,]$cnt) dData2012ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$yr==1,]$cnt) #Calculations for the Holiday Wise Data # dDataHoliady_0 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$holiday ==0,] # dDataHoliady_1 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$holiday ==1,] dDataHoliady0ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$holiday ==0,]$cnt) dDataHoliady1ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$holiday ==1,]$cnt) #Calculations for the WorkingDay Wise Data # dDataWorkingDay_0 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$workingday ==0,] # dDataWorkingDay_1 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$workingday ==1,] dDataWorkingDay0ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$workingday ==0,]$cnt) dDataWorkingDay1ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$workingday ==1,]$cnt) #Calculations for the Temperature wise data avgTemp <- mean(dayBikeData$temp, na.rm = TRUE) dDataTempGreaterEq <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$temp >= avgTemp,] dDataTempLess <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$temp < avgTemp,] dDataTempGreaterEqResultSet <- basicOperations(dDataTempGreaterEq$cnt) dDataTempLessResultSet <- basicOperations(dDataTempLess$cnt) #Calculations for the Weather wise data # dDataWeather_1 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$weathersit ==1,] # dDataWeather_2 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$weathersit ==2,] # dDataWeather_3 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$weathersit ==3,] dDataWeather1ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$weathersit ==1,]$cnt) dDataWeather2ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$weathersit ==2,]$cnt) dDataWeather3ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$weathersit ==3,]$cnt) #Calculations for the Season wise data # dDataSeason_1 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==1,] # dDataSeason_2 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==2,] # dDataSeason_3 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==3,] # dDataSeason_4 <- dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==4,] dDataSeason1ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==1,]$cnt) dDataSeason2ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==2,]$cnt) dDataSeason3ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==3,]$cnt) dDataSeason4ResultSet <- basicOperations(dayBikeData[dayBikeData$season ==4,]$cnt) #Constrcut a row wise data resultData <- rbind(dData2011ResultSet, dData2012ResultSet, dDataHoliady0ResultSet, dDataHoliady1ResultSet,dDataWorkingDay0ResultSet, dDataWorkingDay1ResultSet,dDataTempGreaterEqResultSet, dDataTempLessResultSet, dDataWeather1ResultSet, dDataWeather2ResultSet, dDataWeather3ResultSet,dDataSeason1ResultSet, dDataSeason2ResultSet, dDataSeason3ResultSet,dDataSeason4ResultSet) colnames(resultData) <- c("N","Mean","SD" , "SEM","Lower_CI", "UPPER_CI") rownames(resultData) <- c("Year-0", "Year-1", "Holiday-0", "Holiday-1", "WorkingDay-0", "WorkingDay-1","Temperature >=","Temperature <", "Weather-1", "Weather-2","Weather-3","Season-1","Season-2", "Season-3", "Season-4") df.resultData <- df.resultData["Value"] <- NA df.resultData$Value <- c(2011, 2012, 0,1, 0,1,1, 0, 1,2,3,1,2,3,4) df.resultData = df.resultData[,c(7,1,2,3,4,5,6)] library(knitr) # print(xtable(df.resultData), type = "latex") kable(df.resultData, format = "markdown") write.csv(df.resultData, file = "D:\\X\\Study\\MSIS\\PredictiveLearning\\OutputResult.csv")
Your file path is wrong... There is a new line and lots of spaces in the middle of it. > "D:\\Madhav\\Study\\MSIS\\PredictiveLearning + \\Week-1\\Homework\\Bike-Sharing-Dataset\\day.csv" [1] "D:\\Madhav\\Study\\MSIS\\PredictiveLearning\n \\Week-1\\Homework\\Bike-Sharing-Dataset\\day.csv" So the file is not getting read properly and hence the object is not available in the knitr session.
I downloaded your dataset from UCI Machine Learning Repository, saved your markdown in a new folder, adjusted the filenames by deleting the paths, ran it, and it worked fine. So I maybe your session is corrupt, or the paths are wrong, or something. Try what I did and it should work. Proof: