Infinite loop with counter in elixir - functional-programming

I'm studying functional programming and I want to implement something like this.
while(true) do
if(somethingHappensHere) {
return counter
How can I do this in functional way using elixir?
Thanks for this.

While in most functional programming languages one would use a recursion for this task, Elixir particularly provides the way to do this without using an explicit recursion call: Enum.reduce_while/3:
Enum.reduce_while(1..100, 0, fn i, acc ->
if condition, do: {:halt, acc}, else: {:cont, acc + i}
For lazy evaluation one would use Stream.reduce_while/3.
To make it infinite, one might use one of infinite generators, provided by Stream module, like Stream.iterate/2:
Stream.iterate(0, &(&1+1)) |> Enum.reduce_while(0, fn i, acc ->
if i > 6, do: {:halt, acc}, else: {:cont, acc + 1}
#⇒ 7
For the sake of recursion, this is how the recursive solution might be implemented in Elixir:
defmodule M do
def checker, do: & &1 <= 0
def factorial(v, acc \\ 1) do
if checker().(v), do: acc, else: factorial(v - 1, v * acc)
M.factorial 6
#⇒ 720

Not sure about elixir specifically, but you can achieve this using recursion:
function myFunction(int counter)
if (condition) {
return counter
return myFunction(counter + 1)
This essentially sets up a function that can infinitely recurse (call itself), each time passing in the next counter value.
By having the recursive call as the last thing the function does, this is known as tail-call recursion which elixir supports (as per: Does Elixir infinite recursion ever overflow the stack?)
This can then be used as such:
int counterValue = myFunction(0)
With the function only returning once the condition is true.
You could also make this more generic by having the function take another function that returns true or false (i.e. performs the conditional check).
As I said, unfortunately I'm not aware of the syntax of elixir, but I'm sure you'll be able to bridge that gap.

An example of something in Elixir syntax:
defmodule SOQuestion do
def test(counter) do
if (something_happens_here?()), do: counter, else: test(counter+1)
def something_happens_here?() do
And it would be invoked like this:
A couple of notes on this:
1.) It's a code fragment. Obviously it's tough to be very complete given the broad nature of your question.
2.) something_happens_here? being a predicate it would normally be named ending with a question mark.
3.) If something_happens_here? were defined in a different module, then the call would be if (Module.something_happens_here?())
4.) I've obviously coded something_happens_here? to simply return true unconditionally. In real code, of course, you'd want to pass some argument to something_happens_here? and act on that to determine which boolean to return.
Given all that I totally agree with #mudasowba--this sort of thing is usually better handled with one of the higher order functions built into the language. It's less error prone and often much easier for others to read too.

As mentioned, you could use a number of built-in functions like Enum.reduce_while/3. However, sometimes it is just as easy (or fun) to use simple recursion.
Using recursion:
I will make some generic examples and use bar(foo) as an example of your somethingHappensHere condition.
1) If bar(foo) is something allowed in a guard clause:
defmodule Counter do
def count do
count(foo, 0)
defp count(foo, count) when bar(foo), do: count
defp count(foo, count), do: count(foo, count + 1)
2) If bar(foo) is a function that returns a boolean:
defmodule Counter do
def count(foo) do
count(foo, 0)
defp count(foo, count) do
if bar(foo) do
count(foo, count + 1)
3) If bar(foo) returns something other than a boolean, that you can pattern-match on, like:
defmodule Counter do
def count(foo) do
count(foo, 0)
defp count(foo, count) do
case bar(foo) do
{:ok, baz} -> count
{:error, _} -> count(foo, count + 1)
Call the module and function:


How can I return the first truthy value in Elixir?

I'm working through the textbook Learn functional programming with Elixir and I am unsatisfied with some of the given answers to the example problems. The problem as stated centres around checking the winner of a game of tic-tac-toe, but I'll try to boil it down to its essence. Suppose we want to check the validity of some tuple of values and return something back, for example
iex(1)> some_function({:some, :list, :of, :values})
iex(2)> some_function({:some, :other, :list, :of, :values})
the textbook solution was to match on exactly the allowed values:
def some_function({_, _, :of, _}), do: {:ok}
def some_function(_everything_else), do: {:error}
however, I didn't like this solution because with a large number of cases it becomes very repetitive. I attempted to encode the logic more directly, but I couldn't figure out an idiomatic way to do it. I tried:
def some_function(input) do
test1(input) or
test2(input) or
def test1({:some, :case}), do: false
def test1({:some, :other, :case}), do: {:ok}
def test2({:some, :case}), do: false
def test2({:some, :other, :case}), do: {:ok}
this works when all of the tests fail, but when any of them pass you get an error that you can't compare {:ok} as a boolean. What I ended up doing, though I realize it's hideous, is
def some_function(input) do
cond do
test1(input) -> test1(input)
test2(input) -> test2(input)
fail(input) -> {:error}
def test1({:some, :case}), do: false
def test1({:some, :other, :case}), do: {:ok}
def test2({:some, :case}), do: false
def test2({:some, :other, :case}), do: {:ok}
def fail(_input), do: true
This actually behaves perfectly from a black box perspective, however the code is laced with repetition (especially each test must be evaluated twice in order to ascertain truthiness and capture the value). Is there an idiomatic way return the first truthy value given a series of test cases to be evaluated? I'm well-versed in python and C but I'm trying to avoid the use of if and do this in a "functional" style.
or/2, unlike ||/2, expects boolean arguments, while the latter would accept any value, treating nil and false as falsey and everything else as truthy value.
Single element tuple makes a little sense in a vast majority of cases, use an atom itself ({:ok} → :ok.)
There is Enum.find/3 that expects an enumerable which tuple is not, but we have Tuple.to_list/1 and one might convert an input to list and call Enum.find/3.
As Adam said in comments, the pattern matching solution is concise and workes pretty well in this case.
Pattern matching is idiomatic, however, as you noted, it can be bulky when applied against a large number of cases and it may not work if you don't know the things you need to match until runtime. The given solution required that the tuple had a specific member at a specific index, whereas it seems like you are going more for an open-ended solution.
As a variant to what others have suggested, you could try something that uses Enum.member?/2, e.g. something that tests whether or not the tuple contains the thing you're looking for:
iex> {:some, :list, :of, :values}
|> Tuple.to_list()
|> Enum.member?(:of)
Or, if you want to check whether or not the tuple contains any of a list of acceptable values, you could make use of Enum.any?/2, e.g. by defining the list of acceptable values in a guard clause
iex> {:some, :list, :of, :values}
|> Tuple.to_list()
|> Enum.any?(fn
x when x in [:of] -> true
_ -> false
Just out of curiosity, here is a performant solution with a bit of metaprogramming that generates all the clauses for all the tuples possible (max tuple size is given as an argument)
defmodule Checker do
defmacro __using__(opts) do
total = Keyword.get(opts, :count, 8)
for count <-, place <- 1..count do
pre = for _ <- - 1//1, do: Macro.var(:_, nil)
post = for _ <- place + 1..count//1, do: Macro.var(:_, nil)
quote do
def member?(what,
{unquote_splicing(pre), what, unquote_splicing(post)}
), do: true
end ++ [quote do: (def member?(_, _), do: false)]
defmodule Test do
use Checker, count: 4
Test it as:
Test.member? :ok, {:ok}
#⇒ true
Test.member? :ok, {42, true, :ok, :foo}
#⇒ true
Test.member? :ok, {42, true, :foo}
#⇒ false

tail rec kotlin list

I'm trying to do some operations that would cause a StackOverflow in Kotlin just now.
Knowing that, I remembered that Kotlin has support for tailrec functions, so I tried to do:
private tailrec fun Turn.debuffPhase(): List<Turn> {
val turns = listOf(this)
if (facts.debuff == 0 || knight.damage == 0) {
return turns
// Recursively find all possible thresholds of debuffing
return turns + debuff(debuffsForNextThreshold()).debuffPhase()
Upon my surprise that IDEA didn't recognize it as a tailrec, I tried to unmake it a extension function and make it a normal function:
private tailrec fun debuffPhase(turn: Turn): List<Turn> {
val turns = listOf(turn)
if (turn.facts.debuff == 0 || turn.knight.damage == 0) {
return turns
// Recursively find all possible thresholds of debuffing
val newTurn = turn.debuff(turn.debuffsForNextThreshold())
return turns + debuffPhase(newTurn)
Even so it isn't accepted. The important isn't that the last function call is to the same function? I know that the + is a sign to the List plus function, but should it make a difference? All the examples I see on the internet for tail call for another languages allow those kind of actions.
I tried to do that with Int too, that seemed to be something more commonly used than addition to lists, but had the same result:
private tailrec fun discoverBuffsNeeded(dragon: RPGChar): Int {
val buffedDragon = dragon.buff(buff)
if (dragon.turnsToKill(initKnight) < 1 + buffedDragon.turnsToKill(initKnight)) {
return 0
return 1 + discoverBuffsNeeded(buffedDragon)
Shouldn't all those implementations allow for tail call? I thought of some other ways to solve that(Like passing the list as a MutableList on the parameters too), but when possible I try to avoid sending collections to be changed inside the function and this seems a case that this should be possible.
PS: About the question program, I'm implementing a solution to this problem.
None of your examples are tail-recursive.
A tail call is the last call in a subroutine. A recursive call is a call of a subroutine to itself. A tail-recursive call is a tail call of a subroutine to itself.
In all of your examples, the tail call is to +, not to the subroutine. So, all of those are recursive (because they call themselves), and all of those have tail calls (because every subroutine always has a "last call"), but none of them is tail-recursive (because the recursive call isn't the last call).
Infix notation can sometimes obscure what the tail call is, it is easier to see when you write every operation in prefix form or as a method call:
return plus(turns, debuff(debuffsForNextThreshold()).debuffPhase())
// or
Now it becomes much easier to see that the call to debuffPhase is not in tail position, but rather it is the call to plus (i.e. +) which is in tail position. If Kotlin had general tail calls, then that call to plus would indeed be eliminated, but AFAIK, Kotlin only has tail-recursion (like Scala), so it won't.
Without giving away an answer to your puzzle, here's a non-tail-recursive function.
fun fac(n: Int): Int =
if (n <= 1) 1 else n * fac(n - 1)
It is not tail recursive because the recursive call is not in a tail position, as noted by Jörg's answer.
It can be transformed into a tail-recursive function using CPS,
tailrec fun fac2(n: Int, k: Int = 1): Int =
if (n <= 1) k else fac2(n - 1, n * k)
although a better interface would likely hide the continuation in a private helper function.
fun fac3(n: Int): Int {
tailrec fun fac_continue(n: Int, k: Int): Int =
if (n <= 1) k else fac_continue(n - 1, n * k)
return fac_continue(n, 1)

Writing the function "once" in Elixir

I'm coming to Elixir from primarily a Javascript background. in JS, it's possible to write a higher order function "once" which returns a function that will invoke the passed in function only once, and returns the previous result on subsequent calls- the trick is manipulating variables that were captured via closure:
var once = (func) => {
var wasCalled = false, prevResult;
return (...args) => {
if (wasCalled) return prevResult;
wasCalled = true;
return prevResult = func(...args);
It seems to me that it's not possible to create this function in Elixir, due to its different variable rebinding behavior. Is there some other clever way to do it via pattern matching or recursion, or is it just not possible? Without macros that is, I'd imagine those might enable it. Thanks
Using the current process dictionary:
defmodule A do
def once(f) do
key = make_ref()
fn ->
case Process.get(key) do
{^key, val} -> val
nil ->
val = f.()
Process.put(key, {key, val})
Or if the function will be passed across processes, an ets table can be used:
# ... during application initialization, [:set, :public, :named_table])
defmodule A do
def once(f) do
key = make_ref()
fn ->
case :ets.lookup(:cache, key) do
[{^key, val}] -> val
[] ->
val = f.()
:ets.insert(:cache, {key, val})
Application.put_env / Application.get_env can also be used to hold global state, though usually is used for configuration settings.
It's not considered idiomatic in most cases, but you can do this with Agent:
defmodule A do
def once(fun) do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> nil end)
fn args ->
case Agent.get(agent, & &1) do
nil ->
result = apply(fun, args)
:ok = Agent.update(agent, fn _ -> {:ok, result} end)
{:ok, result} ->
Now if you run this:
once = A.once(fn sleep ->
1 + 1
IO.inspect once.([1000])
IO.inspect once.([1000])
IO.inspect once.([1000])
IO.inspect once.([1000])
You'll see that the first line is printed after 1 second, but the next 3 are printed instantly, because the result is fetched from the agent.
While both already given answers are perfectly valid, the most precise translation from your javascript is shown below:
defmodule M do
use GenServer
def start_link(_opts \\ []) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, name: __MODULE__)
def init(_args) do
{:ok, 42}
def value() do
start_link(), :value)
def handle_call(:value, _from, state) do
{:reply, state, state}
(1..5) |> Enum.each(&IO.inspect(M.value(), label: to_string(&1)))
Use the same metric as in #Dogbert’s answer: the first value is printed with a delay, all subsequent are printed immediately.
This is an exact analog of your memoized function using GenServer stage. GenServer.start_link/3 returns one of the following:
{:ok, #PID<0.80.0>}
{:error, {:already_started, #PID<0.80.0>}}
That said, it is not restarted if it’s already started. I do not bother to check the returned value since we are all set in any case: if it’s the initial start, we call the heavy function, if we were already started, the vaklue is already at fingers in the state.

How to simulate Ruby's until loop in Elixir?

I'm converting a Ruby project to Elixir. How does Ruby's until loop translate to Elixir?
until scanner.eos? do
tokens << scan(line + 1)
Here's the full Ruby method:
def tokenize
#tokens = []
#lines.each_with_index do |text, line|
#scanner =
until #scanner.eos? do
#tokens << scan(line + 1)
#lines is just a text file split by new lines. #lines = text.split("\n")
In Elixir, I've already converted the string scanner which looks like this: StringScanner.eos?(scanner):
#spec eos?(pid) :: boolean
def eos?(pid) when is_pid(pid) do
Also, in Elixir, tokens are tuples: #type token :: {:atom, any, {integer, integer}}. Where the {integer, integer} tuple is the line and position of the token.
This is the Elixir psuedo-code which doesn't quite work.
#spec scan(String.t, integer) :: token
def scan(text, line) when is_binary(text) and is_integer(line) do
string_scanner =
until StringScanner.eos?(string_scanner) do
result = Enum.find_value(#scanner_tokenizers, fn {scanner, tokenizer} ->
match = scanner.(string_scanner)
if match do
tokenizer.(string_scanner, match, line)
IO.inspect result
Someone on the slack channel suggested using recursion, however they didn't elaborate with an example. I've seen recursion examples for summing / reducing which use accumulators etc. However, I don't see how that applies when evaluating a boolean.
Can anyone provide a working example which uses StringScanner.eos?(scanner)? Thanks.
It may be something like
def tokens(scanner) do
tokens(scanner, [])
defp tokens(scanner, acc) do
if StringScanner.eos?(scanner) do
tokens(scanner, add_to_acc(scan_stuff(), acc))
At least this can be the general idea. As you'll see I kept a couple of functions very generic (scan_stuff/0 and add_to_acc/2) as I don't know how you mean to implement those; the first one is meant to do what scan(line + 1) does in the Ruby code, while the second one is meant to do what << does in the Ruby code (e.g., it could add the scanned stuff to the list of tokens or something similar).

Which languages support *recursive* function literals / anonymous functions?

It seems quite a few mainstream languages support function literals these days. They are also called anonymous functions, but I don't care if they have a name. The important thing is that a function literal is an expression which yields a function which hasn't already been defined elsewhere, so for example in C, &printf doesn't count.
EDIT to add: if you have a genuine function literal expression <exp>, you should be able to pass it to a function f(<exp>) or immediately apply it to an argument, ie. <exp>(5).
I'm curious which languages let you write function literals which are recursive. Wikipedia's "anonymous recursion" article doesn't give any programming examples.
Let's use the recursive factorial function as the example.
Here are the ones I know:
JavaScript / ECMAScript can do it with callee:
function(n){if (n<2) {return 1;} else {return n * arguments.callee(n-1);}}
it's easy in languages with letrec, eg Haskell (which calls it let):
let fac x = if x<2 then 1 else fac (x-1) * x in fac
and there are equivalents in Lisp and Scheme. Note that the binding of fac is local to the expression, so the whole expression is in fact an anonymous function.
Are there any others?
Most languages support it through use of the Y combinator. Here's an example in Python (from the cookbook):
# Define Y combinator...come on Gudio, put it in functools!
Y = lambda g: (lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg))) (lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg)))
# Define anonymous recursive factorial function
fac = Y(lambda f: lambda n: (1 if n<2 else n*f(n-1)))
assert fac(7) == 5040
Reading Wes Dyer's blog, you will see that #Jon Skeet's answer is not totally correct. I am no genius on languages but there is a difference between a recursive anonymous function and the "fib function really just invokes the delegate that the local variable fib references" to quote from the blog.
The actual C# answer would look something like this:
delegate Func<A, R> Recursive<A, R>(Recursive<A, R> r);
static Func<A, R> Y<A, R>(Func<Func<A, R>, Func<A, R>> f)
Recursive<A, R> rec = r => a => f(r(r))(a);
return rec(rec);
static void Main(string[] args)
Func<int,int> fib = Y<int,int>(f => n => n > 1 ? f(n - 1) + f(n - 2) : n);
Func<int, int> fact = Y<int, int>(f => n => n > 1 ? n * f(n - 1) : 1);
Console.WriteLine(fib(6)); // displays 8
You can do it in Perl:
my $factorial = do {
my $fac;
$fac = sub {
my $n = shift;
if ($n < 2) { 1 } else { $n * $fac->($n-1) }
print $factorial->(4);
The do block isn't strictly necessary; I included it to emphasize that the result is a true anonymous function.
Well, apart from Common Lisp (labels) and Scheme (letrec) which you've already mentioned, JavaScript also allows you to name an anonymous function:
var foo = {"bar": function baz() {return baz() + 1;}};
which can be handier than using callee. (This is different from function in top-level; the latter would cause the name to appear in global scope too, whereas in the former case, the name appears only in the scope of the function itself.)
In Perl 6:
my $f = -> $n { if ($n <= 1) {1} else {$n * &?BLOCK($n - 1)} }
$f(42); # ==> 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000
F# has "let rec"
You've mixed up some terminology here, function literals don't have to be anonymous.
In javascript the difference depends on whether the function is written as a statement or an expression. There's some discussion about the distinction in the answers to this question.
Lets say you are passing your example to a function:
foo(function(n){if (n<2) {return 1;} else {return n * arguments.callee(n-1);}});
This could also be written:
foo(function fac(n){if (n<2) {return 1;} else {return n * fac(n-1);}});
In both cases it's a function literal. But note that in the second example the name is not added to the surrounding scope - which can be confusing. But this isn't widely used as some javascript implementations don't support this or have a buggy implementation. I've also read that it's slower.
Anonymous recursion is something different again, it's when a function recurses without having a reference to itself, the Y Combinator has already been mentioned. In most languages, it isn't necessary as better methods are available. Here's a link to a javascript implementation.
In C# you need to declare a variable to hold the delegate, and assign null to it to make sure it's definitely assigned, then you can call it from within a lambda expression which you assign to it:
Func<int, int> fac = null;
fac = n => n < 2 ? 1 : n * fac(n-1);
I think I heard rumours that the C# team was considering changing the rules on definite assignment to make the separate declaration/initialization unnecessary, but I wouldn't swear to it.
One important question for each of these languages / runtime environments is whether they support tail calls. In C#, as far as I'm aware the MS compiler doesn't use the tail. IL opcode, but the JIT may optimise it anyway, in certain circumstances. Obviously this can very easily make the difference between a working program and stack overflow. (It would be nice to have more control over this and/or guarantees about when it will occur. Otherwise a program which works on one machine may fail on another in a hard-to-fathom manner.)
Edit: as FryHard pointed out, this is only pseudo-recursion. Simple enough to get the job done, but the Y-combinator is a purer approach. There's one other caveat with the code I posted above: if you change the value of fac, anything which tries to use the old value will start to fail, because the lambda expression has captured the fac variable itself. (Which it has to in order to work properly at all, of course...)
You can do this in Matlab using an anonymous function which uses the dbstack() introspection to get the function literal of itself and then evaluating it. (I admit this is cheating because dbstack should probably be considered extralinguistic, but it is available in all Matlabs.)
f = #(x) ~x || feval(str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')), x-1)
This is an anonymous function that counts down from x and then returns 1. It's not very useful because Matlab lacks the ?: operator and disallows if-blocks inside anonymous functions, so it's hard to construct the base case/recursive step form.
You can demonstrate that it is recursive by calling f(-1); it will count down to infinity and eventually throw a max recursion error.
>> f(-1)
??? Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached. Use set(0,'RecursionLimit',N)
to change the limit. Be aware that exceeding your available stack space can
crash MATLAB and/or your computer.
And you can invoke the anonymous function directly, without binding it to any variable, by passing it directly to feval.
>> feval(#(x) ~x || feval(str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')), x-1), -1)
??? Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached. Use set(0,'RecursionLimit',N)
to change the limit. Be aware that exceeding your available stack space can
crash MATLAB and/or your computer.
Error in ==> create#(x)~x||feval(str2func(getfield(dbstack,'name')),x-1)
To make something useful out of it, you can create a separate function which implements the recursive step logic, using "if" to protect the recursive case against evaluation.
function out = basecase_or_feval(cond, baseval, fcn, args, accumfcn)
%BASECASE_OR_FEVAL Return base case value, or evaluate next step
if cond
out = baseval;
out = feval(accumfcn, feval(fcn, args{:}));
Given that, here's factorial.
recursive_factorial = #(x) basecase_or_feval(x < 2,...
str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')),...
And you can call it without binding.
>> feval( #(x) basecase_or_feval(x < 2, 1, str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')), {x-1}, #(z)x*z), 5)
ans =
It also seems Mathematica lets you define recursive functions using #0 to denote the function itself, as:
(expression[#0]) &
e.g. a factorial:
fac = Piecewise[{{1, #1 == 0}, {#1 * #0[#1 - 1], True}}] &;
This is in keeping with the notation #i to refer to the ith parameter, and the shell-scripting convention that a script is its own 0th parameter.
I think this may not be exactly what you're looking for, but in Lisp 'labels' can be used to dynamically declare functions that can be called recursively.
(labels ((factorial (x) ;define name and params
; body of function addrec
(if (= x 1)
(return 1)
(+ (factorial (- x 1))))) ;should not close out labels
;call factorial inside labels function
(factorial 5)) ;this would return 15 from labels
Delphi includes the anonymous functions with version 2009.
Example from
// method reference
TProc = reference to procedure(x: Integer);
procedure Call(const proc: TProc);
proc: TProc;
// anonymous method
proc := procedure(a: Integer)
Because I was curious, I actually tried to come up with a way to do this in MATLAB. It can be done, but it looks a little Rube-Goldberg-esque:
>> fact = #(val,branchFcns) val*branchFcns{(val <= 1)+1}(val-1,branchFcns);
>> returnOne = #(val,branchFcns) 1;
>> branchFcns = {fact returnOne};
>> fact(4,branchFcns)
ans =
>> fact(5,branchFcns)
ans =
Anonymous functions exist in C++0x with lambda, and they may be recursive, although I'm not sure about anonymously.
auto kek = [](){kek();}
'Tseems you've got the idea of anonymous functions wrong, it's not just about runtime creation, it's also about scope. Consider this Scheme macro:
(define-syntax lambdarec
(syntax-rules ()
((lambdarec (tag . params) . body)
((lambda ()
(define (tag . params) . body)
Such that:
(lambdarec (f n) (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))
Evaluates to a true anonymous recursive factorial function that can for instance be used like:
(let ;no letrec used
((factorial (lambdarec (f n) (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))))
(factorial 4)) ; ===> 24
However, the true reason that makes it anonymous is that if I do:
((lambdarec (f n) (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1))))) 4)
The function is afterwards cleared from memory and has no scope, thus after this:
(f 4)
Will either signal an error, or will be bound to whatever f was bound to before.
In Haskell, an ad hoc way to achieve same would be:
\n -> let fac x = if x<2 then 1 else fac (x-1) * x
in fac n
The difference again being that this function has no scope, if I don't use it, with Haskell being Lazy the effect is the same as an empty line of code, it is truly literal as it has the same effect as the C code:
A literal number. And even if I use it immediately afterwards it will go away. This is what literal functions are about, not creation at runtime per se.
Clojure can do it, as fn takes an optional name specifically for this purpose (the name doesn't escape the definition scope):
> (def fac (fn self [n] (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (self (dec n))))))
> (fac 5)
> self
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: self in this context
If it happens to be tail recursion, then recur is a much more efficient method:
> (def fac (fn [n] (loop [count n result 1]
(if (zero? count)
(recur (dec count) (* result count))))))
