Aggregation on FireStore/CloudDatastore. Use Cloud Functions onCreate/Update? - firebase

I want to create an expense tracker and one of the things I want to find out is how much did I spend in each month per category.
How should I do this in FireStore/DataStore?
Pull down required data and do aggregation locally? Seems very slow?
Perform aggregation everytime a transaction is created/updated and save it in a table? But this may result in many invocations of the functions, which may be costly?
Is there a better way? Seems like 2 is currently the best option? But I wonder if theres anyway I can reduce costs?
I note that I may not need the aggregated data to be realtime, so is there a way to debounce the cloud function execution? Since I note that at times, I will batch insert a bunch of transactions. Wonder if theres a way to disable functions for certain queries and manually call them after the batch has finished for example?

The two approaches you describe are indeed the most common.
The best approach mostly depends on the number of transactions you have. If you have few transactions, then it may be totally fine to do the aggregation on each client. But as you get more transactions, the overhead of downloading the data will become prohibitive and you're more likely to want to keep a running total in the database.
I'd normally recommend keeping the total up to date with any transaction. You can even do that with client-side code, by using transactions (to prevent multiple users overwriting each other's updates) and server-side security rules (to prevent malicious actors from writing an aggregate that doesn't match its transaction).
If you want to aggregate in batches, you'll want to run code periodically, either in a server you control, or in Cloud Functions.
There is nothing built into Cloud Functions to debounce document writes. You could probably keep a debounce counter in Firestore, but that would then be reading/writing a document on each transaction.
More reasonable seems to run a function on a timer, as described in this blog post and shown in this video. But you'll need to make sure your data structure in that case allows the code to detect what transactions it needs to aggregate.
One way to do this is to ensure the transactions can be ordered in some way, e.g. by giving them a timestamp, and having your aggregation code keep track (likely in the database) of the last timestamp it has aggregated already. Then whenever the aggregator runs, it:
reads the current aggregated value
queries the database for transactions that have been added since it last ran
loops over those transactions, updating the aggregated value
writes the aggregated value and the last timestamp back to the database in a transaction (to ensure either both are written, or neither is written)


How to handle offline aggregation using Firestore?

I have been scouring the internet for days on a solution to this problem.
That is, how to handle aggregation when there is no network connection? I have a task management app that looks to aggregate meta data about user tasks. For example, the task can contain tags that can be aggregated to be shown in a dashboard to the user on a daily basis. This would be easy if the user is always online, so I could use transaction or cloud function to aggregate, but when the user is offline, the aggregation will appear to be incorrect, until the user restores their network connection.
Aggregation queries are explained here:
Which states a limitation:
Offline support - Client-side transactions will fail when the user's
device is offline, which means you need to handle this case in your
app and retry at the appropriate time.
However, there has yet to be any example or documentation on how to 'handle this case'. How would I go about addressing this problem?
Some thoughts:
I could cache the item if a transaction fails. This item will be aggregated on top of the stored aggregation. However, going down this line would mean that I can't take advantage of the Firestore's "offline mode", because I'm using my own cache on every write while offline anyway.
I could aggregate on demand. That is, never store the aggregation. This is going to be very heavy on read depending on how many tasks a user has. Furthermore, if the aggregation will need to be shared as insights to other users, this option will not work because other users do not have access to the tasks.
I'm at a loss and any help would be appreciated, thanks!
After a lot of research and trial and error I found a solution that can address this problem gracefully.
FieldValue.increment to the rescue.
What FieldValue.increment does is bypass the use of transaction while respecting the default Firestore's offline cache behaviour. It requires the use of set or update on the field directly. The drawback is the inability to use the 'withConverter' on the collection for type safety. I'm willing to live with the drawback considering how useful FieldValue.increment is.
I've done multiple tests and can confirm that the values can be incremented/decremented multiple times locally while offline. This offline value is reflected in a get or snapshot call to the cache. When the network connection is restored, the values are updated on the server.
The value itself is not stored on the cache, it simply stores the "difference" in the FieldValue sentinel for when it is time to update it on the server.
This method only works with incrementing and decrementing values. Storing averages will not be possible using this method. That is because the true total number of items is not known at the time of its calculation when offline.
Instead, the total number of items are stored along side the total value. The average is then calculated when and as needed. In this way the average will always be accurate from a local perspective when offline, and it will also be accurate when online when the total value and count has been synced.

Can I use Google CloudFunctions for reliable application purposes?

I remember to have read an article where it was explained that Cloud Functions are not guaranteed to be executed and especially in the right order. I can't find any sources on this anymore.
Is this still recent information?
I am aware that the start of a function can take a couple seconds, especially when cold starting the function.
Could I reliably increment a number each time a document is created in a specific Firestore collection without getting my numbers mixed up? I know this is done often but I've never seen information on whether or not it is safe to do.
Following up on question one, are there red flags when using Cloud Functions for payment backend services?
Can I be sure that Cloud Functions are executed in the order that they were triggered i.e. are they queued or executed in parallel?
Could I reliably increment a number each time a document is created in a specific Firestore collection without getting my numbers mixed up?
You can certainly write code to do that. You will need to keep track of a running count of documents in another document, and use a transaction to keep it up to date.
I don't recommend doing this. It's kind an anti-pattern in Firestore to impose sequentially increasing numbers for documents in a collection. If you want time-based ordering, you should consider using a timestamp instead.
Can I be sure that Cloud Functions are executed in the order that they were triggered i.e. are they queued or executed in parallel?
Cloud Functions provides absolutely no guarantee that functions invocations will happen in any order. They are asynchronous and can execute in parallel on multiple server instances, depending on the load applied to the function.
I strongly suggest reading through the documentation to understand the execution environment provided by Cloud Functions.

How to avoid Firestore document write limit when implementing an Aggregate Query?

I need to keep track of the number of photos I have in a Photos collection. So I want to implement an Aggregate Query as detailed in the linked article.
My plan is to have a Cloud Function that runs whenever a Photo document is created or deleted, and then increment or decrement the aggregate counter as needed.
This will work, but I worry about running into the 1 write/document/second limit. Say that a user adds 10 images in a single import action. That is 10 executions of the Cloud Function in more-or-less the same time, and thus 10 writes to the Aggregate Query document more-or-less at the same time.
Looking around I have seen several mentions (like here) that the 1 write/doc/sec limit is for sustained periods of constant load, not short bursts. That sounds reassuring, but it isn't really reassuring enough to convince an employer that your choice of DB is a safe and secure option if all you have to go on is that 'some guy said it was OK on Google Groups'. Is there any official sources stating that short write bursts are OK, and if so, what definitions are there for a 'short burst'?
Or are there other ways to maintain an Aggregate Query result document without also subjecting all the aggregated documents to a very restrictive 1 write / second limitation across all the aggregated documents?
If you think that you'll see a sustained write rate of more than once per second, consider dividing the aggregation up in shards. In this scenario you have N aggregation docs, and each client/function picks one at random to write to. Then when a client needs the aggregate, it reads all these subdocuments and adds them up client-side. This approach is quite well explained in the Firebase documentation on distributed counters, and is also the approach used in the distributed counter Firebase Extension.

Firestore, atomic writes/updates on more than 500 documents

One of the main reason for using firestore batche writes is that they are atomic and ensure data consistency. However they have a limit of 500 operations. Considering a large application, one may have denormalized user data in more than 500 documents. So when a user updates any of his/her profile details, I have to update it in all those more than 500 documents while maintaining data consistency (atomic updates) at the same time.
An intuitive solution would be maintaining an array of batches, and keeping track of those which fail, and then retry the failed batches manually.
However I want to ask that:
1) If there are any best practices or some other more easy and reliable methods of achieving this, because considering the limit 500 operations per batch, most of the commercial apps have to face the same issue.
2) Also is there a more smart approach present out there than just denormalizing data, so that through "that smart approach", this whole issue of data consistency (as stated above) can be avoided in the first place.
An intuitive solution would be maintaining an array of batches, and keeping track of those which fail, and then retry the failed batches manually.
That's a viable solution that you can go ahead with.
1) If there are any best practices or some other more easy and reliable methods of achieving this, because considering the limit 500 operations per batch, most of the commercial apps have to face the same issue.
I can tell you what I do. I usually create a counter variable and increment its value every time I add an update operation to the batch. Then create an if statement and every time you increment the counter, check to see if it reached 500. At that time, commit the current batch, reset the counter and start a new batch, picking up where you left off. Do this till you finish all batch writes.
2) Also is there a more smart approach present out there than just denormalizing data, so that through "that smart approach", this whole issue of data consistency (as stated above) can be avoided in the first place.
The problem of the batch writes cannot be solved with the help of denormalization. Duplicating data, isn't a solution.

Riak and time-sorted records

I'd like to sort some records, stored in riak, by a function of the each record's score and "age" (current time - creation date). What is the best way do do a "time-sensitive" query in riak? Thus far, the options I'm aware of are:
Realtime mapreduce - Do the entire calculation in a mapreduce job, at query-time
ETL job - Periodically do the query in a background job, and store the result back into riak
Punt it to the app layer - Don't sort at all using riak, and instead use an application-level layer to sort and cache the records.
Mapreduce seems the best on paper, however, I've read mixed-reports about the real-world latency of riak mapreduce.
MapReduce is a quite expensive operation and not recommended as a real-time querying tool. It works best when run over a limited set of data in batch mode where the number of concurrent mapreduce jobs can be controlled, and I would therefore not recommend the first option.
Having a process periodically process/aggregate data for a specific time slice as described in the second option could work and allow efficient access to the prepared data through direct key access. The aggregation process could, if you are using leveldb, be based around a secondary index holding a timestamp. One downside could however be that newly inserted records may not show up in the results immediately, which may or may not be a problem in your scenario.
If you need the computed records to be accurate and will perform a significant number of these queries, you may be better off updating the computed summary records as part of the writing and updating process.
In general it is a good idea to make sure that you can get the data you need as efficiently as possibly, preferably through direct key access, and then perform filtering of data that is not required as well as sorting and aggregation on the application side.
