How to take webpage screenshots using QWebEngineView without opening window - qt

I'm looking for a way to take website screenshots with QWebEngineView. The main goal is to develop a headless screencapture application that runs in the background.
I've managed to get a minimal working example to work (see this for example). However, these examples require that the QWebEngineView widget is made visible, either with calls to QWebEngineView::show(), QWebEngineView::showMinimized() or even QWebEngineView::setVisible(true), to be able to take a screen capture of a website. As this results in opening a series of windows, this solution is less than perfect.
Does anyone know of a way to use QWebEngineView to take screenshots of websites without having windows popping open?

The solution is rather easy: configure the QWebEngineView widget to not show onscreen by setting the Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen attribute through a call to QWidget::setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen).


Keep QDialog on top of everything, even fullscreen applications?

On a project I work on, using Python3 + PySide, I try to print a popup-message as some sort of notification.
This popup needs to be on top of everything, this includes fullscreen applications like games or browsers. And that's the point that does not work. It works fine for all windows on my Desktop, normal windows, maximized, but as soon as there is a fullscreen application or a borderless window ("pseudo fullscreen") the popup is created, but "behind" the fullscreen app.
I already use self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) but this flag does get ignored by other fullscreen apps.
How do I fix this? Also without giving focus to the popup.
It is just there to present information, and it is not good when your window looses focus while playing a game.
My code can be found here:
additional Info:
- my project aims to be cross-platform, so I need a platform-independend solution
- I am running linux, without having a windows machine atm,
so I can't test stuff there.
If you need any more info, let me know!
It seems that PySide.QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.showMessage does what I want, it works on fullscreen as well as on borderless-windows. So I will try to either find out how those messages are displayed on top, or just use them, not sure for now.

Build photo editor interface using Qt

I would like to create an application using Qt (PyQt5 specifically) that has a photo editor like interface. More specifically, I would like it to have:
No main window
Free-floating toolbar
Free-floating context window
Startup dialog
The idea is to have the toolbar and context window persist for as along as the application is running. The user then opens one or multiple documents (e.g. images in the photo editor example) and uses the options in the toolbar to modify the document(s).
My first question is; does this type of application interface have a specific name, something akin to MDI or SDI? I've been searching for "photo editor interface" and variations on that, but haven't been able to find a search string that seems to hit the mark. For instance, I've tried "build a photo editor type interface with Qt" but it doesn't yield anything useful.
The second question I have is, what is the best way to build a Qt application that doesn't spawn a main window? It seems like I could kludge an assortment of dialogs together to make this happen, but I would really like to use a lot of the functionality of QMainWindow (toolbars, menus, top-level management of the application). Is there a way to launch QMainWindow, display the menu and toolbar, but suppress the main window?
I plan to primarily use this application on OSX, but would also like it to perform well on Windows and Linux.
QMenuBar has explicit support for OSX to have the menu bar behave as expected:
I think it'll also work on Ubuntu's Unity, which tries to have similar style, but there may be some details you need to take care of. Other desktops should work as expected.
As to how to have individual windows: any Qt widget will be a top level window if it has no parent, so that is an easy way to create windows. If you want to have parent windows (for example to control window stacking order automatically), there's a window flag for that. So you don't need to use QDialog (not sure if you were implying that in your question).
You want to read QWidget documentation carefully to get an idea how all this works.

Open a URL in a certain browser tab/window

From within my Qt application, I would like to open URLs repeatedly in the same browser tab/window. (Kind of "refreshing" this tab programmatically)
opens a new tab/window for every call. Is there a possibility to add a "target=" parameter somewhere?
What you are asking for is impossible to do in the way you imagine it. openUrl() uses the operating system to specify the program to open the argument as mentioned in its documentation.
There might be some workarounds, but none of them will work well, or work on all browsers. It's just that this kind of fine-grained control is likely to be impossible for you.
If you want control of a tab in a browser, you could find the window represented by that tab and close it right before opening the new one. This solution is kind of hacky.
Another hacky solution is to find the HWND of the edit box holding the URL, and to try changing its text using SendMessage(). This won't work on Chrome, however, as it does not use a separate control for the URL window. It might work on Firefox or IE.
The better solution is to make your own web browser you control using the Qt WebKit. It is pretty easy to render a page in it and change the url viewed. The QWebView is an easy to use implementation of the QtWebKit.
Maybe you will found this usefull:
You can open the webpage and the reload the active tab.
If you supply the name of the browser as an argument, it'll find and reload the current page

How do I make a mobile-friendly popup on my website?

Is there a simple way to trigger a mobile OS's native pop-up/alert/etc. from some form of web code? I'm writing an ASP.NET mobile web page and I'd like to, for example, have the iPhone's UIAlertView appear.
EDIT: What I'm looking for is not the method with which to detect which mobile browser is accessing the site (I already know how to do that). If the code to trigger a pop-up that will look nice in an Android browser is different than the code to trigger a pop-up that will look nice in an iPhone browser, I can simply throw in a switch statement that redirects the user to the pop-up that corresponds with their browser. I'm trying to find the html/javascript/ code which will create a mobile-friendly pop-up, either in general or for the various popular mobile web browsers specifically.
Don't know whether there is any pre-built functionality in .NET that can achieve this, but you can surely write one yourself.
You can write a method, that returns the code for your popup, based on the user OS (simple switch statement should do).
EDIT after taking a short nap:
I believe you should reconsider using popups. They are quite annoying even on desktop browsers and many people block them automatically. Probably every blog about accessibility will tell you, that you should keep mobile version of your website as simple as possible because of various compatibility issues that you can run into.
Instead, try to think about some interesting way to incorporate messages for users in a different and appealing way, that won't disturb anybody.
What I do is use a div popup (that floats ontop of the page) and eighter make a big close button or set at timeout to remove it.
jquery mobile is a good place to start.

Using QT For Creating a Screen Dimmer

I'm trying to implement a screen dimmer using QT4 and I wanted some advice before I get cracking instead of going into this blindly.
I want to create a top-level window that has no frame. I was thinking of making the background black and messing with the opacity so that it will dim the screen out after the system is idle for a given period of time.
The problem with this is that if this window is always on top, how can I pass click events to the window underneath it? I'm not the least bit familiar with the windows API (the solution only has to work under windows), but I'm guessing that's a good place to start. Can anyone point me to some useful classes/functions or suggest another way of doing this via QT?
If anyone's interested in the solution I came up with and the windows API functions I used, you can check out my blog posting here:
I will be updating the source and making another related posting on the same blog within the next couple of days.
